The story of our environment may well be the most important story this century. We focus on issues facing people and the planet. Leading environmentalists, organizations, activists, and conservationists discuss meaningful ways to create a better and more sustainable future. Participants include EARTHDAY.ORG, Greenpeace, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, PETA, European Environment Agency, Peter Singer,, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Citiz...
Date de sortie: 2023-03-22
The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens explores money, energy, economy, and the environment with world experts and leaders to understand how everything fits together, and where we go from here.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-29
Maps Are Everywhere. These are conversations with those building them.
Date de sortie: 2023-04-01
Mouvement social ou politique, discipline scientifique ... l'agroécologie est décidément un terme que tout le monde connait, rejette ou se réclame. Dans cette chronique, Edith Lecadre-Barthélémy décryptera les différents sens de ce mot, et explorerons si l'agroécologie peut être une solution aux enjeux de changement climatique, de sécurité alimentaire et de préservation des ressources naturelles.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-07
This is a show for professional growers and agronomists who want to learn about the science and principles of regenerative agriculture systems to increase quality, yield, and profitability.
Date de sortie: 2023-01-19
L'existence de la tectonique des plaques est acceptée depuis plus de cinquante ans, mais il reste encore beaucoup à découvrir sur le fonctionnement du « moteur » interne qui la nourrit et sur l'évolution de la terre et des planètes rocheuses au cours des temps géologiques. L'intérieur profond de ces planètes n'étant pas directement accessible, ceci nécessite une approche pluridisciplinaire qui combine les informations apportées par différentes spécialités des sciences de la terre...
Date de sortie: 2019-11-26
All the Randall you can handle
Date de sortie: 2023-03-17
À l’occasion de l’exposition tout contre la Terre, le Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Genève inaugure une collection de conversation podcast. Invité·es: celles et ceux, artistes ou chercheur·euses, qui ont façonné ou inspiré cet événement.
Date de sortie: 2022-09-11
Welcome to 20-minutes with Leon and every week our special guest. Brought to you by Bio360 expo, this is the podcast that shines the light on the movers and shakers of the biotransition and their vision to lead us to a sustainable, circular, bioworld. One where life goes on.
Date de sortie: 2023-01-11
Welcome to The Hydrogen Podcast! This show is for energy investors and analysts who want to learn about how hydrogen is driving the evolution of energy. We will drill down into the hydrogen market and discuss where capital is being deployed and where financial opportunities are developing. Learn from Paul Rodden, the hydrogen consulting expert that is on the speed dial of billionaire oil magnates and is dialed in to the advances and financial opportunities that hydrogen presents in the energy m...
Date de sortie: 2023-03-27
From hurricanes and floods, to wildfires and extreme temperatures, climate change is happening all around us. In this podcast series, energy and climate expert Samantha Gross, director of the Energy Security and Climate Initiative at the Brookings Institution, sheds light on the essentials of climate change and how to deal with it. She talks to other experts in various climate-related areas to help you understand the issue. How serious is climate change and what causes it? How does our energy sy...
Date de sortie: 2022-11-30
Do you enjoy learning new things in all fields of geosciences? Do you have a soft spot for shenanigans? Then this podcast is just for you! In this podcast, Dr B. interviews interesting geologists with interesting stories.
Date de sortie: 2022-11-10
A podcast for the mapping community. Interviews with the people that are shaping the future of GIS, geospatial and the mapping world. This is a podcast for the GIS and geospatial community
Date de sortie: 2023-03-15
Date de sortie: 2023-03-11
From pandemics to production supply chains: how do we make sense of the complex world we live in? Every month, we bring together the best thinkers and practitioners within resilience thinking and sustainability science, to discuss how we can achieve a sustainable planet that enables well-being for all. Rethink talks provides you with the latest science on global development. Subscribe to our podcast by searching for “Rethink Talks” on Spotify or any of the major podcast platforms. Read more:...
Date de sortie: 2022-12-08
Uptime is a renewable energy podcast focused on wind energy and energy storage technologies. Experts Allen Hall, Rosemary Barnes, and Joel Saxum break down the latest research, tech, and policy.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-23
C’est l’heure du podcast « Simplement Agri », le podcast qui fait vibrer tes tympans alors branchez vos oreilles, on envoie le son. 😉 💡 Le principe du podcast, 1 fois par mois, je forme un binôme avec un agriculteur 🚜. Cet agriculteur choisit de son côté un sujet qu’il souhaite traiter et nous en débâtons ensemble, je ne suis maitre de rien 😁. Il peut s’agir d’un sujet d’actualité, d’un sujet concernant son quotidien sur la ferme ou encore d’une nouvelle ...
Date de sortie: 2023-01-20
Stories where genes and genomes are key to solving energy and environmental challenges. Hear diverse voices in science talk about their JGI-supported research to better understand — and harness — the superpowers encoded in plants, fungi, microalgae, environmental viruses, and bacteria to contribute to a more sustainable world.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-02
We've entered a new epoch: the Anthropocene, and nothing is as it was. Not the trees, not the seas – not the forests, farms, or fields – and not the global economy that depends on all of these. What does this mean for your investments, your family's future, and the future of man? Each week, we dive into these issues to help you Navigate the New Reality.
Date de sortie: 2023-02-12
A Geology and Earth Science Podcast. Join Chris, an award-winning geology teacher, and Jesse, a geoscience professor, in discussing the amazing features of our planet and their impact on your everyday life. No prior knowledge required. New episodes coming at you every week. Listen, subscribe, share with someone you know!
Date de sortie: 2023-03-23
In Polar Podcasts, you'll hear stories from geologists who've spent their careers - their lives - exploring and studying the remarkable and remote geology of Greenland. Why did they become fascinated with Greenland? What were the problems and the discoveries that drove them? And what was it like working in these remote places, where few people venture - even now?
Date de sortie: 2021-01-26
Quel est l’impact des conditions de fusion partielle de la peridotite mantellique sur la surface du globe?
Date de sortie: 2020-07-02
Welcome to the geography of everything, the podcast where we try to figure out the geography of, well, everything. Stephen Hawking spent his life trying to come up with one equation that could describe everything in the universe. But geography, well, doesn’t really work like that. Because, in its simplest form, geography advocates for the connectivity of everything. It believes that there are a million different versions, realities, and perspectives on any phenomenon, depending on how you look...
Date de sortie: 2022-11-24
The Carbon Farming Podcast with Agoro Carbon Alliance brings you the latest news and insights from the world of agricultural carbon. Hear from industry experts, farmers, ranchers and agronomists about the carbon market and farm-based carbon credits in this ad-free podcast. Farmers and ranchers across the United States are increasingly making sustainable practice changes including: transitioning to strip/no-till, adding cover crops, managing nitrogen, and pasture and rangeland management. No...
Date de sortie: 2023-02-07
Tune in for inspiring stories from thought leaders and GIS users across business, government and education in Canada. Get practical tips for applying geospatial thinking to tackle challenges -- from simple ones encountered in everyday life to the most complex issues our world faces today.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-16
How have humans become powerful enough to disrupt the world's climate, trigger the sixth mass extinction, and cause serious harm to the biosphere? And with all the abilities and technologies we've accrued, why do we so often oppress instead of uplift one another? Join us as we explore the hidden driver behind the converging crises of the 21st century. It all comes down to power - our pursuit of it, overuse of it, and abuse of it. Learn how different forms of power arose, what they mean for us to...
Date de sortie: 2023-01-24
Como ocorrem as fases da lua
Date de sortie: 2020-09-16
Lezioni di geografia del prof. Gaudio
Date de sortie: 2022-10-18
The Biochar Podcast presented by ANZBIG features experts speaking about Biochar, how it's made, its uses and applications, and the impacts it has socially, economically and environmentally. ANZBIG is a not-for-profit industry group, and as a global leader in biochar, assists companies, governments, and institutions in the effective production and use of biochar. ANZBIG works to streamline education, research, collaboration, and the commercial uptake of biochar. Our aim is to help create a m...
Date de sortie: 2021-09-29
With equal parts humor and in-depth analysis, Asher, Rob, and Jason safeguard their sanity while probing crazy-making topics like climate change, overshoot, runaway capitalism, and why we’re all deluding ourselves.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-22
We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Host Greg Dalton brings you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-24
This podcast series by Friends of the Earth brings you inspiring stories from the frontlines of the climate movement, frank discussion of the issues and solutions at play and takes a look at how anyone can have an impact.
Date de sortie: 2021-09-28
Bonjour à tous, je m’appelle Boris Rezaire et bienvenue sur le Greenosphere show. Mais du coup c’est quoi le Greenosphere show? L’idée de ce podcast est de promouvoir un nouveau visage de l’écologie et montrer qu’on peut kiffer sa vie à fond tout en ayant un mot de vie qui protège la vie sur terre. On va rencontrer des entrepreneurs, des aventuriers, des activistes, des créatifs qui vont nous partager leur parcours, leurs expériences, leur vision du monde et leurs astuces p...
Date de sortie: 2023-02-28
Sustainababble: a weekly comedy podcast about the environment. Visit us at, on Twitter @thebabblewagon, or search for 'Sustainababble' on Facebook. Contact at
Date de sortie: 2022-12-19
L’environnement est à bout et le climat est déréglé: pourquoi alors n’agissons-nous pas massivement pour sauver le vivant? En raison de nos émotions. Comment la peur, la tristesse, la colère, mais aussi la joie ou l’émerveillement peuvent nous aider à rétablir notre relation à la Terre? Dans cette série podcast en 6 épisodes, on raconte avec des chercheur·euses du Centre Interfacultaire en Sciences Affectives (CISA-UNIGE) comment les émotions jouent un rôle déterminant dans...
Date de sortie: 2022-05-30
Into the Blue, a new podcast produced by the National Oceanography Centre in the UK, will dive deeper into a variety of hot topics relating to oceanography with a diverse selection of scientists who are all helping to enhance our knowledge of the ocean.
Date de sortie: 2023-03-15
Climate change is the dialogue of our future. With the “Cutting Carbon” podcast series, GE Gas Power joins the conversation in a meaningful way. We provide the basics of decarbonization, the technologies behind and how we can implement them into how we generate electricity in the future. Join our host Jeff Goldmeer, GE’s fuel guy, as we bring various guests and exciting perspectives together. Questions or ideas? Email us at
Date de sortie: 2022-12-07
Somos un podcast de entrevistas e historias de América Latina que busca entender conexiones entre ambiente, economía, clima y salud, analizar el panorama mundial y compartir soluciones innovadoras que nos muestren la ruta a otras posibilidades. Somos Brújula sonora Podcast, aguja magnética para tiempos de cambio. Una iniciativa de @TransformaGlob con la posproducción de @AkordePodcast
Date de sortie: 2023-02-09
Jak uniknąć katastrofy klimatycznej? Ocieplenie klimatu cały czas przyspiesza, a my wciąż emitujemy gigantyczne ilości gazów cieplarnianych. Co należy zmienić w światowym systemie społeczno-gospodarczym, w energetyce i w naszych stylach życia, by odmienić aktualne trendy i powstrzymać dramatyczne zmiany klimatu? O tym wszystkim opowiada podcast Zrównoważony Rozwój.
Date de sortie: 2023-02-26
Dans ce podcast, nous mettons en lien des agricultrices et agriculteurs avec des experts Terrena ( de l’agronomie et de la nutrition des Ruminants. Du sol au rumen, nous vous accompagnons pour y voir plus clair dans vos problématiques du quotidien. 🌱
Date de sortie: 2022-12-26
"What About Water" connects water science with the stories that bring about solutions, adaptations & actions for the world's water realities. Hosted by Jay Famiglietti and presented by the Global Institute for Water Security and The Walrus Lab. Formerly known as "Let's Talk About Water".
Date de sortie: 2023-03-22
Présents sur les ceps et entre les rangs de vigne, les insectes ravageurs ou auxiliaires sont des facteurs à prendre en compte dans le rendement et la qualité des vendanges. Pour mieux comprendre leurs fonctionnements et identifier rapidement les leviers d’action et les solutions techniques disponibles, Syngenta vous propose son podcast « Des antennes dans les vignes ». Témoignages, expertises, solutions : trois volets pour faire le lien entre les questions des producteurs et les répo...
Date de sortie: 2022-12-01
Your source for news and views in the world of agronomy
Date de sortie: 2022-05-04
A podcast produced by the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), bringing you geoscience and technology stories from the world of ore deposits. Season 3 sponsored by ALS Goldspot Discoveries.
Date de sortie: 2023-02-27
The Biochar Talk seeks to educate on the subject of biochar - an ancient technology that has found itself at the forefront of recent carbon sequestration conversations. Come join the talk!
Date de sortie: 2021-04-20
Poszerzamy swoją i Waszą wiedzę o tym, co możemy zrobić dla klimatu. Tworzymy przestrzeń wymiany doświadczeń i zapraszamy do niej wszystkich tych, którzy wykorzystują naukę, biznes, lub oddolne akcje, wytyczając nowe ścieżki w zakresie ochrony naszej planety.
Date de sortie: 2022-10-19
The world's oldest and greatest weather podcast. Join weather geeks James Spann, Bill Murray, Kim Klockow-McClain, Dr. Neil Jacobs, Rick Smith, Aubrey Urbanowicz, Jen Narramore, and Troy Kimmel along with some of the most brilliant minds in the weather enterprise every week!
Date de sortie: 2023-03-21
Подробный рассказ о Французской Геодезической Миссии в Перу. Как ученые доказали, что Земля - сплюснутый эллипсоид, а не просто шар. Эпоха Просвещения, экватор. Восемь лет измерений, безденежья и опасностей: лихорадка, индейцы, убийства. Короче говоря, обычная работа астрон...
Date de sortie: 2022-03-10
This is the podcast where we talk about the incredible world of seaweed and how this growing industry is bringing innovation and solutions to address climate change and the environmental crisis.
Date de sortie: 2023-02-06
Exploring the connection between humans, nature, and the powers shaping our new geologic age. Hosted by Michael Osborne and produced by 14th Street Studios.
Date de sortie: 2022-11-03