Was macht die Faszination der Jagd nach dem Puck aus? Wovon träumt ein junger Eishockeycrack? Warum sind Eishockeyspieler abergläubisch wie Betschwestern, hören besser auf ihre Frauen und können mit dem Teufel im Bunde sein? Warum werfen Fans Gummihühner, Tintenfische oder Plastikratten aufs Eis? Was hat es mit dem Salary Cap auf sich? Wie vertreibt sich der Fan die lange Sommerpause? Warum tragen manche Spieler nur bestimmte Rückennummern, goldene Helme oder werden mit einer Vielzahl kuri...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-04-01 5,99 €
With every passing season, statistical analysis is playing an ever-increasing role in how hockey is played and covered. Knowledge of the underlying numbers can help fans stretch their enjoyment of the game. Acting as an invaluable supplement to traditional analysis, Stat Shot: A Fan’s Guide to Hockey Analytics can be used to test the validity of conventional wisdom and to gain insight into what teams are doing behind the scenes — or maybe what they should be doing! Inspired by Bill James’s...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-09-18 10,99 €
Siebenmaliger deutscher Meister, Platz eins in der ewigen Tabelle der DEL, durchschnittlich etwa 11.000 Besucher pro Spiel – die Adler Mannheim schreiben eine beeindruckende Erfolgsgeschichte. Das war aber nicht immer so. Der Verein, der früher Mannheimer ERC hieß, hat schon turbulente Zeiten hinter sich, aber auf eines konnte er immer zählen: den Rückhalt seiner Fans. In diesem Buch geht es daher nicht nur um die Vereinshistorie, gefeierte Trainer, unvergessene Spieler und Spiele, son...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-09-07 7,99 €
In the summer of 2010, Weiss Tech Hockey developed a revolutionary way of teaching hockey systems that combined online video work with classroom instruction. In that same summer, we released our playbook, which was designed to be the textbook used in the classroom instruction. Since that time, thousands of coaches have put our playbook to work with their teams, with many championships to show for it! In 2012, we released our drill book. It was designed to be used hand-in-hand with the play...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-12-01 19,99 €
Rastlos, dynamisch, körperbetont: So ist der schnellste Mannschaftssport der Welt, so ist wirklich nur Eishockey Eishockey hat zahlreiche Facetten: Es ist ein dynamischer Sport, zu dessen Grundelementen die Härte gehört und der diese mit atemberaubender Technik sowie nie nachlassendem Tempo vereint. Dieses Buch erzählt viele Geschichten über den schnellsten Mannschaftssport der Welt. Es berichtet von Helden, besonderen Momenten, historischen Wettkämpfen, herausragenden ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-07-19 7,99 €
You’ve probably heard coaches talk about a player’s “hockey sense,” or how an athlete has a “knack” for being in the right place at the right time. I’ve noticed that these qualities are often spoken of as if they’re innate, natural abilities that players are just born with. While this may be true in some cases, it’s important to remember that “hockey sense” can and should be developed, no matter how experienced or inexperienced a player may be. The Weiss Tech Ho...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-08-18 19,99 €
Die Eisbären Berlin sind Kult: Sie sind der Rekordmeister der Deutschen Eishockey Liga, eine Instanz im deutschen Sport. Kein anderer ostdeutscher Traditionsverein aus einer publikumswirksamen Sportart schaffte es bisher, sich so konstant unter all den Westclubs an der Spitze zu behaupten. Davon erzählt 111 GRÜNDE, DIE EISBÄREN BERLIN ZU LIEBEN in vielen verschiedenen Geschichten. Es geht unter anderem um große und seltsame Trainer, einzigartige Spieler, einen Bürgermeister d...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-10-17 7,99 €
In Playing With Fire, Theo Fleury takes us behind the bench during his glorious days as an NHL player, and talks about growing up devastatingly poor and in chaos at home. Dark personal issues began to surface, and drinking, drugs, gambling, and girls ultimately derailed a career that had him destined for the Hall of Fame. Fleury shares all in this raw, captivating, and honest look at the previously untold story of one the game's greatest heroes.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2009-10-01 10,99 €
Most New York Rangers fans have taken in a game or two at MadisonSquareGarden, have seen highlights of a young Mike Richter, and know how the Broadway Blueshirts got their nickname. But only real fans know about the Curse of 1940, can name the players in "The Bread Line," or remember "The Save." 100 Things New York Rangers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die is the ultimate resource guide for true fans of New York Rangers hockey. Whether you're a die-hard booster from t...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-11-01 10,99 €
Kann es wirklich 111 Liebeserklärungen an einen Eishockeyverein geben, bei dem ein späterer Bundestrainer und deutscher NHL-Rekordspieler öffentlich zur Rasenpflege verdonnert wurde? Na klar – die Autoren wissen neben Marco Sturms Gastspiel beim ERC Ingolstadt noch viel mehr über den Deutschen Meister von 2014 zu erzählen. Nicht erst seit eine große Elektronikmarktkette und ein bekannter Autobauer den Eissport an ihrem Konzernsitz unterstützen, wird in der boomenden Großst...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-12-07 7,99 €
Nicht nur die Russen singen heute: "Kein Feigling spielt Eishockey." Einst in Montreal vollendet, schlugen die Pucks wie Kometen in Amerika, Europa und dem Rest der Welt ein. Und das hochdramatische Fieberspiel gewinnt weiterhin an Popularität und ist selbst in solchen Ländern auf dem Vormarsch, die von König Cricket, Prinz Rugby oder Kaiser Fußball regiert werden. Knapp zwei Millionen Menschen jagen rund um den Globus der schwarzen Scheibe hinterher. Viele können den oft scheinbar ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-10-15 8,99 €
Hockey Umpiring offers the reader a wide range of tips, guidance and expertise that collectively aim to improve performance and understanding. It should be noted that some of the references to the Rules of Hockey are now out of date, however they represent only a small part of a very comprehensive guide. Written by Jane Nockolds (International Umpire Coach and Manager, retired, with more than 20 years of international experience), the aim of Hockey Umpiring is to provide umpires with advice, gui...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-04-12 Genre:Sport und Freizeit 2,49 €
Blood, guts, and glory-veteran players reveal the NFL you never see on TV Behind every glittering NFL game on television is a world of happy pain for a hundred men. NFL Unplugged lets you see that world through the eyes of the pros who live and sweat in it. Here are the places the cameras don't go: the locker room where coaches' speeches can deflate or motivate, the huddle where fart jokes vie with playcalling, the training camp where locusts and heat conspire to break the strongest bodies and s...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2010-08-20 16,99 €
Learn more about the high powered, fast paced game of professional hockey. The rules are often misunderstood and confused. Ice Hockey Guide – Basic Rules breaks down rules and rink configurations and explains penalties and other causes for the officials to stop play. This easy-to-read guide contains everything for the fan and non-fan alike to understand and enjoy the sport of ice hockey. Each section stands alone, so it can be used as a handy reference guide. The National Hockey League expansi...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-02-26 2,99 €
"In the tradition of A Season on the Brink and Peter Gzowksi's The Game of Our Lives, Shawna Richer has had the exclusive assignment of chronicling Sidney Crosby's incredible rookie season. Beginning with the NHL entry draft that almost never was, Richer follows Crosby to Pittsburgh, where he is greeted as the team's savior and moves in with living legend Mario Lemieux. From there it's onto the ice, where the team's youngest player proves to be its best player day in and day out, staying on pace...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2007-09-01 10,99 €
In Ultimate Hockey Training, hockey development expert Kevin Neeld details exactly how you should design and progress your off-ice training to continually improve on-ice performance. Neeld’s system includes assessments, exercise progressions, and year-round training guidelines to help you realize your full potential. Specific injury prevention strategies are identified to not only make you a faster, stronger, and better conditioned player, but also more durable one.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012-03-05 4,99 €
"I was 14 when I lost my front teeth. The main thing was, we won the game. You hate to lose your teeth and the game too." Bill Barber Hockey Talk - Quotations About the Great Sport of Hockey, From The Players and Coaches Who Made It Great is a unique and inspired collection that includes over 350 quotations about every aspect of the great game of hockey-toughness, teamwork, scoring, goaltenders, the Stanley Cup and much, much more. And it includes quotations fr...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011-10-28 2,99 €
Hockeyträningar för de yngre är en bok med färdiga hockeyträningar för spelare upp till ca. 13 år. Alla hockeyövningar och träningar har genomförts praktiskt på isen i det format de är inritade i boken. Totalt 63 hockeyträningar, som är redo att användas direkt. Det här ger en arbetsro för dig som hockeytränare, även om du inte skulle använda träningarna från boken varje gång. Du vet dock att du alltid har en färdig hockeyträning, som är testad och genomtänkt till hand...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-11-23 14,99 €
In der berühmten "Hockey Hall of Fame" in Toronto werden die besten Eishockeyspieler der Welt für ihre Erfolge und ihr Lebenswerk geehrt. Frank Brökers "Hockey Hell of Fame" erinnert jedoch vielmehr an die Unsung Heros, an diejenigen, denen Pech und Unglück widerfuhr, die ihre Schlittschuhe unerwartet an den Nagel hängen mussten, ihren Reichtum verloren, die Gesundheit ruinierten oder gar viel zu früh starben. Kurz: An jene, die durch die Hölle gingen. Anhand einfühlsam g...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020-09-01 5,99 €
Elite Hockey Development Drills - Interactive Version -Contains over 100 drills and variations in an interactive learning format - using video along with play by play feedback -Display drills using your iPhone, iPad, Computer or connected device rather than diagramming them Book Features: - Five Chapters each targeting a specific area of the ice surface - Two Newly Added Chapters - for Forward and Defense specific skills -Used by coaches at the Professional, Junior and Minor Hockey L...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-11-24 39,99 €
What is required from a successful hockey coach or a hockey team? How can you as the coach bring your team to the next level on ice, but also see and strengthen each individual in the team? How do you create engagement, work with goal setting, teambuilding, strengthen your players hockey capacity, run efficient on ice practices, reduce collaboration losses, get results and work with your communication and feedback, to develop your team and yourself? The team development and leadership areas are ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-05-16 13,99 €
A record-setting Finnish best-seller, now available for the first time in English! Teemu Selanne is unquestionably hockey royalty, having won countless accolades—including a Stanley Cup championship and four Olympic medals—during his storied career. This deep dive into the life of a unique superstar, top athlete, and family man shows that such success and longevity have not come without complex hurdles. How did a youngster from Helsinki mature into a world-class player, one of the best of al...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2019-11-05 12,99 €
Five former Soviet hockey players who wound up in Detroit in the 1990s and helped to catapult a beleaguered hockey franchise to the top of the summit played a pivotal role in that city’s celebrated comeback. They are The Russian Five, and while they changed their sport forever they also helped bridge rival cultures with their unique style of diplomacy. This is their remarkable story of espionage, defection, heartbreak and triumph – and remarkable courage after a fateful limo crash nearly kil...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018-03-20 4,99 €
München und Eishockey, das war lange Zeit keine Erfolgsgeschichte, obwohl die bayerische Landeshauptstadt zu den Orten zählt, die das schnelle Spiel auf dem Eis in Deutschland nachhaltig vorangebracht haben. Erst der 1998 gegründete EHC München sollte sich aufmachen, diesen Sport hierzulande langfristig zu erobern. Aber wohl kein anderer Eishockeyclub Deutschlands polarisiert so sehr wie der EHC – seit der Unterstützung durch Red Bull ist er für viele Fans anderer Vereine zum Feindbi...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-12-06 7,99 €
Die Kölner Haie zählen zu den großen Traditionsclubs im deutschen und europäischen Eishockey. Seit ihrer Gründung 1972 haben sie mit acht glorreichen Meisterschaften, vielen tragischen Niederlagen und auch immer wieder mit Skandalen für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. In Köln werden sie geliebt, außerhalb der Domstadt gelten sie an fast allen Standorten als Dauerrivale, der das Zuschauerinteresse anzieht. Die Geschichte der Haie wird von vielen kantigen Typen geprägt – von mächtigen Män...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-09-07 7,99 €
The Detroit Red Wings are one of the most successful and unparalleled teams in the NHL, with 11 Stanley Cup victories and a perpetual playoff presence. Author Ken Daniels, as the longtime play-by-play voice for the Wings, has gotten to witness more than his fair share of that action up close and personal. Through singular anecdotes only Daniels can tell as well as conversations with current and past players, this book provides fans with a one-of-a-kind, insider's look into the great moments,...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-10-01 9,99 €
To celebrate the National Hockey League’s centennial anniversary, three of the most hilariously irreverent writers in sports media present their own selections for the "100 Greatest NHL Players of All-Time." Read along as Dave Lozo, Sean “Down Goes Brown” McIndoe and Greg Wyshynski of Puck Daddy rank the NHL's best through a unique scoring system that's sure to spark debates – especially when it comes to where modern stars like Sidney Crosby rank. Plus, other lists, insights and ge...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017-01-23 7,49 €
Go on the road with the best hockey players not in the NHL What is life really like in North American hockey’s top minor league? As told by dozens of the players, coaches, broadcasters, personnel, and owners who work a grinding schedule every winter, Chasing the Dream goes behind the scenes with seven AHL teams. Find out how players’ dreams of lacing up their skates in the NHL motivate them through long bus rides and games where they’re constantly gunning for a precious spot in the majors....
Erscheinungsdatum: 2016-11-08 9,99 €
An up-close look at the rivalry between the Calgary Flames and the Edmonton Oilers, told from the perspective of those that were there. Sports writer and on-air personality Mark Spector pays tribute to the province's hockey heyday with a unique blend of humour and homage. "I hated every single guy on the Oilers, 'cause they all hated me." --Tim Hunter, the Calgary Flames In the 1980s, the province of Alberta was home to the two best hockey t...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2015-10-20 Genre:Sport und Freizeit 12,99 €
Documenting his notorious career with the Detroit Red Wings and the Chicago Blackhawks, Bob Probert details in this autobiography how he racked up points, penalty minutes, and bar bills, establishing himself as one of the most feared enforcers in the history of the NHL. As Probert played as hard off the ice as on, he went through rehab 10 times, was suspended twice, was jailed for carrying cocaine across the border, and survived a near fatal motorcycle crash all during his professional career, a...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2010-10-01 10,99 €
Looking back on a memorable career, Darren McCarty recounts his time as one of the most visible and beloved members of the Detroit Red Wings as well as his personal struggles with addiction, finances, and women and his daily battles to overcome them. As a member of four Red Wings' Stanley Cup-winning teams, McCarty played the role of enforcer from 1993 to 2004 and returning again in 2008 and 2009. His "Grind Line" with teammates Kris Draper and Kirk Maltby physically overmatched some...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-10-01 10,99 €
Covering the entire 45-year history of the Blues, author Jeremy Rutherford has collected every essential piece of Blues knowledge and trivia, as well as must-do activities, and ranks them from 1 to 100. Most Blues fans have taken in a game or two at the Scottrade Center, have seen highlights of a young Brett Hull, and are aware that the team is named after the famous W. C. Handy song “Saint Louis Blues”. But only real fans know who scored the first goal in franchise history, can name all of ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-10-01 8,99 €
Weight Training for Hockey is the most comprehensive and up-to-date hockey-specific training guide in the world today. Based on hundreds of on-ice tests performed on professional hockey players from North America and Europe, this book contains descriptions and photographs of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by hockey players worldwide. Inside, you fill find year-round hockey-specific programs that will improve your performance and get you results. ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2014-01-01 6,99 €
Featuring exclusive interviews with the greatest players in team history, this is the definitive story of this Original Six franchise, told by the men who built it. Rangers legends—from Frank Boucher and Babe Pratt to Mark Messier, Henrik Lundqvist, and John Tortorella—tell of their experiences with the team to make a comprehensive oral history of the New York Rangers. This collection of first-person accounts is a must-have, perfect for any hockey fan.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-11-01 10,99 €
The incredible true story of the trailblazing men who risked everything to pass through the Iron Curtain and become NHL superstars, Breakaway is a thrilling look at the stories that changed hockey forever. From midnight meetings in secluded forests, to evading capture by military and police forces, this is the story of the brave players whose passion of the game trumped all. Featuring exclusive interviews with the legends of the ice who put everything on the line just for the chance to play on t...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-08-27 7,49 €
This book contains 10 animated hockey drills and their descriptions for use with 8U and 10U youth hockey teams
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013-01-01 1,49 €
In Blood Feud, Colorado Avalanche beat writer Adrian Dater not only submits that the Red Wings-Avalanche rivalry was the most feverish match-up in recent years, but also that there was none better played.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2006-11-25 9,99 €
In this newly revised edition, Brett Hull tells his own story and shares his troubles and triumphs. Through all the pressure and controversy that comes with being an NHL great, he strives to stay on top of his game and to maintain an easygoing attitude.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2003-09-01 10,99 €
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Field Hockey is the most comprehensive and up-to-date field hockey-specific training guide in the world today. It contains descriptions and photographs of nearly 100 of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by athletes worldwide. This book features year-round field hockey-specific weight-training programs guaranteed to improve your performance and get you results. No other field hockey book to date has been so well...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011-06-01 Genre:Sport und Freizeit 6,99 €
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Hockey is the most comprehensive and up-to-date hockey-specific training guide in the world today. It contains descriptions and photographs of nearly 100 of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by athletes worldwide. This book features year-round hockey-specific weight-training programs guaranteed to improve your performance and get you results. No other hockey book to date has been so well designed, so easy to us...
Erscheinungsdatum: 2011-10-05 8,99 €
This 2010 NHL Draft Guide includes player scouting reports, rankings for all 7 rounds of the 2010 NHL Draft.
Erscheinungsdatum: 2010-05-13 4,99 €