¡Está escrito en castellano! Seguramente habrás curioseado en las librerías y te habrás enfrentado al fastidioso inconveniente de que todos los libros para aprender catalán están escritos ¡en catalán! Además, se mete de lleno en el cuerpo del idioma e incluye pinceladas de cultura y frases populares que reflejan las costumbres y la historia de los Países Catalanes. Por si fuera poco, pone al día la gramática y explica el catalán actual en términos tan sencillos que hace que su apr...
Data de lançamento: 2012-11-30 R$ 32,90
The best way to become a confident, effective public speaker, according to the authors of this landmark book, is simply to do it. Practice, practice, practice. And while you're at it, assume the positive. Have something to say. Forget the self. Cast out fear. Be absorbed by your subject. And most importantly, expect success. "If you believe you will fail," they write, "there is hope for you. You will." Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), a pioneer in public speaking and personality development, gained fa...
Data de lançamento: 2018-02-24 R$ 2,90
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER “It’s undeniably thrilling to find words for our strangest feelings…Koenig casts light into lonely corners of human experience…An enchanting book. “ —The Washington Post A truly original book in every sense of the word, The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows poetically defines emotions that we all feel but don’t have the words to express—until now. Have you ever wondered about the lives of each person you pass on the street, realizing that everyone is the mai...
Data de lançamento: 2021-11-16 R$ 52,90
La Nueva gramática de la lengua española, primera gramática académica desde 1931, es el resultado de once años de intenso trabajo de las veintidós Academias de la Lengua Española. Más de 4.000 páginas recogen el consenso de las 22 Academias de España, América y Filipinas para trazar un mapa de la unidad y variedad de nuestro idioma. Una obra que se compone de alrededor de 3.700 referencias bibliográficas, que comprenden casi 2.000 autores y 300 medios de comunicación, procedentes de...
Data de lançamento: 2016-04-18 R$ 109,90
O essencial para desvendar imagens e sinais na arte, em um livro pequeno no formato e amplo no conteúdo: A linguagem do simbolismo: as pistas e mensagens que artistas e anônimos, desde os tempos remotos, codificaram em seu trabalho. Os tipos de símbolos: os sagrados, os pertencentes a um sistema específico, os indicadores de uma identidade e os alegóricos. As diferenças e as semelhanças: comparações reveladoras entre símbolos de culturas e povos de todas as partes do mundo....
Data de lançamento: 2012-06-11 R$ 62,90
"Hablar en público está lejos de ser una tarea desagradable. Todo lo contrario, permite lograr una victoria tras otra con sólo pararse y hablar, eso genera sensaciones inigualables. Se aprende a tomar la palabra del mismo modo que se aprende a conducir. Al comienzo la inseguridad es normal, pero, una vez que comprendes para qué sirve cada herramienta y adquieres algunas destrezas elementales todo se vuelve agradable y divertido. Con el libro Cómo hablar en público tendrás en tus manos inf...
Data de lançamento: 2017-06-01 R$ 22,90
Dazzle with your command of belle-lettres! Like a true sophisticate, you'd like to toss out casual bon mots to enliven your conversation. You'd like to float through cocktail parties offering your guests crudités and hors d'oeuvres , toasting to the prevailing Weltgeist and speculating on who's having an affaire de coeur . But first you need to know what those words mean. Here's a guide to declaiming like an intellectual in a foreign language. More than 500 of the most commonly used foreign wor...
Data de lançamento: 2012-05-18 R$ 52,90
Learn how to read the right way. Unlock the secrets of your mind that will allow you to get and process information faster and better than most people. Speed reading is a skill that allows you to enjoy the following perks: 1. Cover more written material by doubling or tripling the number of words that you can read in a minute 2. Become more attentive to information that is important 3. Minimize or eliminate distraction 4. Become more focused on any material for better com...
Data de lançamento: 2016-04-25 R$ 3,90
The English language is a versatile and agile thing, and as our world changes, so too does the way we use it. Sometimes we coin new words for new creations, but very often we adopt and adapt existing words to suit new purposes, or simply put two together to form a third. New Words for Old looks at the story behind some of the words we use every day and how their meanings have changed over time. From technology and fashion to politics and music, our language displays centuries of imagination and ...
Data de lançamento: 2015-11-05 R$ 9,90
Haben Sie sich auch schon gefragt, warum man Eulen nach Athen trägt? Wie es bei Hempels unterm Sofa aussieht? Oder was passiert, wenn man auf zwei oder gar mehreren Hochzeiten tanzt? Erklärungen hierzu finden Sie in dieser Sammlung mit über 700 Sprichwörtern - und damit sind Sie nie auf dem Holzweg!
Data de lançamento: 2014-05-27 R$ 39,90
Eugen Wüster (1898-1977) fue, en los años treinta, pionero en la enseñanza de la terminología en su centro privado de investigación, donde hizo cursos para expertos y desde donde impulsó la implantación de la terminología como materia universitaria. Un discípulo y colaborador suyo, H. Felber, publicó sus conferencias con el título Introduction to the General Theory of Terminology and Terminological Lexicography. Esta obra es la traducción al castellano de la versión inglesa de este ...
Data de lançamento: 2010-12-30 R$ 17,90
From Geronimo! to gesundheit to haminahamina to holy mackerel , and from abracadabra to zoinks , Mark Dunn and Sergio Aragonés show you interjections like you've never seen them before. Often thought of as unnecessary verbal fringe or simply linguistic decoration, interjections ( ahem , howdy , mamma mia , pshaw , tally-ho , whoop-de-do ) may well be the most overlooked part of speech in the English language. ZOUNDS! A Browser's Dictionary of Interjections focuses the spotlight on this most des...
Data de lançamento: 2013-10-22 R$ 67,90
Ready to learn Italian ?.. Whether this is your first time learning Italian , or if you already know some basic Italian and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT Italian course will make speaking and understanding Italian much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That...
Data de lançamento: 2013-10-30 R$ 19,90
Ready to learn German ?.. Whether this is your first time learning German , or if you already know some basic German and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT German course will make speaking and understanding German much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's so...
Data de lançamento: 2013-10-30 R$ 19,90
A Writer’s Quick Reference Guide to Words is a book on transition words and phrases for writers. The lists are arranged as a handy, quick reference tool for writers of all levels, from homeschoolers to professionals looking for word alternatives. The words and phrases are compiled into categories for easy use, providing the writer with a variety of choices. "Whether you're writing an e-mail or the next NY Times bestseller, you'll find something here to meet your needs." What others have alread...
Data de lançamento: 2011-05-26 R$ 9,90