Explore different forms and genres by writing fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. Discover effective writing concepts and build your skills. Create your own writing projects with fresh ideas. You’ll learn a lot by simply reading these exercises, which impart literary and storytelling devices. Each chapter focuses on a different form or writing concept: freewriting, journaling, memoirs, fiction and storytelling, form poetry and free verse, article and blog writing, characters, and dialogu...
Data de lançamento: 2012-02-15 R$ 17,90
O que é literatura erótica? É um gênero que vende bem, se você quer saber. Não acredita? Então confira os eBooks mais vendidos da Amazon. Você vai ver que são romances quentes, cheios de paixão e amor debaixo de lençóis limpos e macios. E a melhor noticia: a maioria desses livros foi escrito por autores independentes. E você pode ser um desses autores independentes. Você pode ter o seu livro entre os mais vendidos e assim fazer uma graninha extra. Este pequeno livro serve como um g...
Data de lançamento: 2018-05-23 R$ 5,90
From the author of 1,000 Creative Writing Prompts, this 300 page, 150,000+ word reference tool can serve writers who need characters and need them now!If character development is your problem, this detailed reference tool for any writer is the solution. Imagine if every time you sat down to brainstorm for your stories, scripts and more, you had a notebook full of character ideas ready to spring to life on the page. This time-saving, idea-generating tome can ensure that from protagonist to checko...
Data de lançamento: 2012-03-17 R$ 9,90
Punctuate with Perfection will bring you from your current level of punctuation ability to perfection. Would you like to write in a clearer, more authoritative fashion? Do you want to know exactly how to use colons, semicolons, dashes, and hyphens? This book can help you answer all these questions and more. This book is a modern guide which doesn’t get overly technical with jargon or complex explanations. Yet it is detailed and thorough, so you can acquire the confidence of using all the punct...
Data de lançamento: 2017-03-06 R$ 3,90
Theme Is What Your Story Is Really About Theme—the mysterious cousin of plot and character. Too often viewed as abstract rather than actionable, theme is frequently misunderstood and left to chance. Some writers even insist theme should not be purposefully implemented. This is unfortunate, because in many ways theme is story. Theme is the heart, the meaning, the point. Nothing that important should be overlooked. Powerful themes are never incidental. They emerge from the conjunction of strong ...
Data de lançamento: 2020-10-20 R$ 4,90
Você já ouviu um apresentador de programa esportivo dizer que um jogo empatou 'em' 0 a 0? Você já viu uma placa com os dizeres 'aluga-se' casas? Alguém já lhe disse que prefere comer frango 'ao invés de' peixe?Se você não notou os erros de português, então é hora de ler este livro que reúne os erros mais comuns da língua portuguesa. São erros simples, mas que podem fazer toda a diferença em uma redação.
Data de lançamento: 2019-05-21 R$ 4,90
This unpretentious little guide through the perils of writing fiction follows the process through four stages: gathering the raw material, planning, rough draft writing, and revision. Novelist Dan Brown shares not only his own experience but also the thoughts of many classic masters of fiction. Teachers call it "common-sensical and wise," raising the right questions and offering suggestions, never rules. Beginning writers call it "reassuring" yet "demanding." Experienced writers say they dip int...
Data de lançamento: 2011-05-23 R$ 32,90
Las pautas que necesitas para aprender a escribir mejor. Saber escribir expone con claridad, amenidad y rigor las pautas necesarias para escribir lo que pensamos y decimos. ¿Sabe escribir un informe, una carta, el acta de una reunión o un proyecto? ¿Sabe cómo tomar apuntes, contestar a una pregunta de examen o preparar su currículum? ¿Sabe redactar una carta de reclamación, presentar una instancia, dirigirse a la Administración o componer una invitación? Saber escribir no es un manual d...
Data de lançamento: 2011-11-16 R$ 37,90
Ever thought about writing an episodic story? If you have, then this book might come in handy. "Episodic Storytelling For Beginners" is a short list of ten things (taken from my blog) to know and/or think about before you begin your first episodic story. "Episodic Storytelling For Beginners" Covers: - Choosing somewhere to publish your story - Finding a good story idea - Chapter structure - Scheduling - Quality - Chapter buffers - Chapter titles - Practice - Avoiding repetitive sentences - Fores...
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-02 R$ 3,90
When you combine the sheer scale and range of digital information now available with a journalist’s "nose for news" and her ability to tell a compelling story, a new world of possibility opens up. With The Data Journalism Handbook, you’ll explore the potential, limits, and applied uses of this new and fascinating field. This valuable handbook has attracted scores of contributors (a who’s who of data journalism) since the European Journalism Centre and the Open Knowledge Foundation launched...
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-19 R$ 17,90
Who sets language policy today? Who made whom the grammar doctor? Lacking the equivalent of l'Académie française, we English speakers must find our own way looking for guidance or vindication in source after source. McGuffey's Readers introduced nineteenth-century students to "correct" English. Strunk and White's Elements of Style and William Safire's column, "On Language," provide help on diction and syntax to contemporary writers and speakers. Sister Miriam Joseph's book, The Trivium: The Li...
Data de lançamento: 2012-05-09 R$ 32,90
Are you an academic, author, or blogger or anyone else who wants to make writing a breeze? The Zettelkasten method is the perfect way to harness the power of technology to remember what you read and boost creativity. Invented in the 16th century, and practiced to its fullest extent by a German sociologist who wrote more than seventy books and hundreds of articles, the Zettelkasten method is exploding in popularity. Writers of all types are discovering that digital tools make the method more powe...
Data de lançamento: 2021-05-25 R$ 22,90
Finally finish a novel… or write your best novel yet… while living your busy life. From executive editor and writing coach Bryn Donovan comes the step-by-step guide to plan, write, and edit your novel. Even if you’re a full-time employee, a student, or a parent, you can complete a novel that’s polished and ready to submit to agents and editors or to self-publish. Do one step a week to finish in one year’s time…or go as fast as you like! In this book, you’ll learn how to: •create ...
Data de lançamento: 2020-11-17 R$ 24,90
A practical, no-nonsense guide into the essentials of composing and publishing eBooks. The Kit provides advice and step-by-step instructions on how to set up a file for conversion into the dominant formats of ePub, mobi (Kindle), optimized pdf as well as the new Fixed Layout formats suitable for spread-oriented books. You’ll then see how to package the files for uploading to online distributors such as Amazon, Apple and Google by starting with a master file that is similar to that created for ...
Data de lançamento: 2020-02-15 Gênero:Referência R$ 39,90
Saddle up... it's time to write! They appear in all sorts of genres, from epic fantasy to the zombie post-apocalypse, but horses can be one of the most difficult topics for authors to get right. This illustrated guide gives writers a leg up on their fictional equines. You'll find practical tips for crafting authentic equines in your works, avoiding the most common mistakes, and making your four-legged characters gallop right off the page. Included are essential illustrations, real-world inspirat...
Data de lançamento: 2019-06-20 R$ 17,90
If your novel is a circus, plot structure is what holds the tent up. Keep your tent taut with The Monster Novel Structure Workbook, an illustrated system for structuring your novel's plot. Includes: 21 Story Beats - Forget theories that only provide 3, 4, or 7 beats. Monster Novel Structure takes a granular approach so you're never lost. 9 Examples - Learn from popular books, movies, and even Shakespeare! See structure in action—and how to "break" it successfully. 8+ Downloads - Bundled with y...
Data de lançamento: 2018-09-15 R$ 37,90
Writers know that their characters and stories should be multi-layered and believable. Now here's a simple workbook that uses the same knowledge that gives therapists insight into human behaviour to create fiction that hits the mark. Each chapter outlines an aspect of psychological theory as it can be used for writing and provides two worksheets to translate it into action – one to develop characters, one to develop the story. Darian Smith is an award winning fiction writer with a degree in ps...
Data de lançamento: 2018-06-05 R$ 27,90
Do you struggle with research papers for school? Is business writing one of your weak areas? Are you at a loss for what to include in thank-you notes? The Everything Improve Your Writing Book, 2nd Edition can help! With a few simple rules and a little guidance, you, too, can write clearly and concisely. Publishing professional Pamela Rice Hahn outlines simple steps for you to follow for various types of writing, including: Social writing, such as thank-you and get-well notes, congratulatory mess...
Data de lançamento: 2008-05-01 R$ 57,90
In Telling Your Story, A Guide to Writing Your Memoir Stories, Marva K. Blackmore presents techniques learned from her many years as a professional storyteller to show you how to craft your stories in order to write a successful memoir -- stories your family, friends, and others will be interested to read. Utilizing the time-honored methods and techniques of storytellers from around the world, Marva shows you how to create your own memoir stories. She helps you unleash your stories and capture t...
Data de lançamento: 2016-11-30 R$ 27,90
2 Bestselling Guides Packed With Tips to Help You Brainstorm and Plan Your Best Story From Award-Winning and Internationally Published Writing Mentor K.M. Weiland With almost 500 pages of step-by-step guidance, these two individual books have 340+ five star reviews on Amazon and have helped thousands of authors write better books. Is Structure the Hidden Foundation of All Successful Stories? These bestselling guides will teach you the secret to creating consistently good stories, show you how to...
Data de lançamento: 2016-05-13 R$ 27,90
2 Bestselling Guides Packed With Tips to Help You Brainstorm and Plan Your Best Story From Award-Winning and Internationally Published Writing Mentor K.M. Weiland With over 300 pages of step-by-step guidance, these two individual books have 440+ five star reviews on Amazon and have helped thousands of authors write better books. Can Outlining Help You Write a Better Story? These bestselling guides will help you choose the right type of outline to unleash your creativity, guide you in brainstormi...
Data de lançamento: 2016-02-11 R$ 22,90
Acclaim for Outlining Your Novel: Map Your Way to Success: “Not into outlining? Then someone did not demonstrate it for you the way Weiland has in her book. If you can make a quick trip grocery list, you can outline your next manuscript to benefit your process, using Weiland’s guide.”—Leslie Hultgren “…this is one of the few writing craft books I have read start to finish, was easy to apply to my writing immediately, and helped me follow through on my first draft.”—F. Colley “M...
Data de lançamento: 2013-02-15 R$ 17,90
Get inspired...stay inspired. Write faster...write more! MASTER LISTS FOR WRITERS makes “show, don’t tell” much easier and helps you figure out your story more quickly. In this book, you’ll find: • lists of phrases for describing facial expressions, body language, gestures, physical appearance, and emotions • 175 master plot ideas, including romance, high-stakes, family, and workplace stories • lists of words for writing action scenes and love scenes...
Data de lançamento: 2015-10-25 R$ 17,90
Improve your writing and enhance your creativity with the power of imagery. Let's face it. Some authors write so beautifully with such vivid description that it makes you question your own abilities. You want to write compelling books, but sometimes it feels like you got the short end of the creativity stick. What if you could tap into an unknown source of writing eloquence that's present in every human mind? What if one book could give you the tools you need to write descriptions that jump righ...
Data de lançamento: 2015-08-25 R$ 17,90
Can I use “I” in my college paper? The short answer: Yes. But keep reading. Even if you don’t like college writing—no, even if you hate college writing—this guide will get you through it. It offers clear and concise answers to your questions about writing college papers. Find out: What makes a good research question? How do I write a strong thesis statement? What if I don’t understand my assignment? How do I write an introduction? How do I answer the “so what” question?
Data de lançamento: 2015-03-17 R$ 9,90
Escrito especialmente para autores independentes em início de carreira, este livro inaugura no Brasil a categoria de Marketing Literário com uma redação fluída, agradável e totalmente acessível onde muito mais do que expor conceitos de forma árida, o autor conversa com o leitor. Muitas vezes o autor iniciante acredita que como seu trabalho é de alta qualidade literária, criativo e diferenciado, isso basta para que sua obra conquiste o coração das pessoas. "Quem não é visto, não é...
Data de lançamento: 2015-03-02 R$ 17,90
The PhraseBook for Writing Papers and Research gives you a bank of over 5000 words and phrases to help you write, present and publish in English. Phrases are divided into around 30 main sections, such as Introducing a Study, Arguing For and Against, Reviewing other Work, Summarizing and Conclusions. Writing Help sections give advice on university and research writing, helping you to avoid many common errors in English. Main chapters include Style, Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Vocabulary, Numb...
Data de lançamento: 2007-01-01 R$ 32,90
Is Structure the Hidden Foundation of All Successful Stories? Why do some stories work and others don’t? The answer is structure. In this IPPY- and NIEA-Award winning guide from the author of the bestselling Outlining Your Novel, you will discover the universal underpinnings that guarantee powerful plot and character arcs. An understanding of proper story and scene structure will help you to not only perfectly time your story’s major events, but will also provide you with an unerring standar...
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-20 R$ 19,90
"As someone who constantly evaluates novels for publication, I was astonished at the breadth and clarity of the wonderful advice contained in this handbook. It addresses concerns as grand as plot development and as simple but essential as formatting your submission. It offers crucial advice on literary topics ranging from character development to the description of action. Virtually every subject that is of great concern to publishers—and therefore to authors—is covered in this brief, clear,...
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-23 R$ 12,90
Got a story you've been itching to put on paper? Reading How to Write a Story, now in its second edition, is a great place to start. In print for 14 years with Franklin Watts/Scholastic, this book by Kathleen C. Phillips remains timeless and valuable. It takes aspiring authors—and writers who might like a refresher course—on a thorough tour of what it takes to conceive, draft, revise, and refine a good story, using clear examples of specific techniques and tips. It sets out “building plans...
Data de lançamento: 2012-03-30 R$ 9,90
For Writing and Grammar Aficionados from All Walks of Life! This deluxe edition contains the complete contents of The Little Red Writing Book and The Little Gold Grammar Book. Whereas writing is based on principles — in which writing is deemed better or worse, more effective or less effective — grammar is based on rules, in which writing is deemed right or wrong, correct or incorrect. With coverage of the most useful writing principles and the most commonly encountered rules of grammar, The ...
Data de lançamento: 2012-02-06 R$ 17,90
Answers to the Top 10 questions students ask about college writing.
Data de lançamento: 2012-02-04 R$ 3,90
Based on Mixon's work as a successful independent fiction editor, Art & Craft of Writing Fiction: First Writer's Manual brings together in one place everything you need to know about writing a novel, an in-depth exploration of the myriad aspects of creating fiction in a warm, entertaining voice that welcomes you into the greater fellowship of all writers. “Victoria Mixon's Art & Craft of Writing Fiction should be on your writer’s shelf between Anne Lamott’s Bird By Bird and John Ga...
Data de lançamento: 2011-09-23 R$ 14,90
A concise introduction to writing as an effective means of communication.
Data de lançamento: 2011-01-26 R$ 0,90
When "Sincerely" just doesn't cover it anymore, here are 1001 ways to end your letters and emails. From the formal, the loving, the absurd, the funny and even the downright mean, this book covers all the bases. Use this book to be original, get noticed, laugh at yourself, make fun of everyone, increase your sales, get more tips.
Data de lançamento: 2010-09-09 R$ 6,90