Steve Jobs, CEO da Apple, foi um dos empreendedores mais visionários de sua geração. A Apple, sob sua direção, mudou o modo como interagimos e o que pensamos sobre tecnologia. Conhecido tanto quanto por seu temperamento e sua privacidade fazem com que a sabedoria e os conselhos que ele compartilhou com o mundo a melhor maneira de obter um insight exclusivo da mente do homem mais importante do último século.
Data de lançamento: 2011-11-23 R$ 27,90
Grandes Citações que Inspiram, Motivam e Te Colocam Pra Cima! As citações deste livro irão ajudá-lo a melhorar sua vida focando os 7 Pensamentos Principais - elaborados no livro 7 Pensamentos Para Viver Sua Vida: Um Guia para uma Vida Feliz, Tranquila e Significativa. Esses 7 Pensamentos o incentivam a focar o que você pode controlar, o positivo, o que pode fazer, o que tem, o momento presente, o que precisa, e o que pode oferecer. Essa é a chave para encont...
Data de lançamento: 2020-04-06 R$ 7,90
William Shakespeare (1564 — 1616) foi um poeta e dramaturgo inglês, tido como o maior escritor do idioma inglês e o mais influente dramaturgo do mundo. Suas peças foram traduzidas para os principais idiomas do globo, e são encenadas mais do que as de qualquer outro dramaturgo. Entre suas obras mais conhecidas estão Romeu e Julieta, que se tornou a história de amor por excelência, e Hamlet, que possui uma das frases mais conhecidas da língua inglesa: To be or not to be: that's the quest...
Data de lançamento: 2016-02-15 R$ 5,90
Ter por perto um breviário de citações é uma oportunidade de usar ideias de grandes autores em epígrafes de trabalhos, cartas, e-mails ou qualquer outro texto, além de uma oportunidade de descobrir novas perspectivas e ideias. Segundo Carlos Araujo, organizador desta coletânea, "Ao contrário do que acontece em diversos sites pela internet, com autorias equivocadas ou traduções ruins, foi feito um esforço de pesquisa substancial para que o leitor tenha em mãos o melhor resul...
Data de lançamento: 2020-04-18 R$ 2,90
Humorista de estilo ímpar e inigualável, Millôr Fernandes marcou época no Brasil, principalmente durante a ditadura militar. Com suas colunas humorísticas e usando da ironia e da sátira, Millôr enfrentava (e tirava do sério) os milicos e sua censura. Neste livro você irá encontrar uma compilação de pensamentos de Millôr sobre diversos temas da vida cotidiana e do mundo.
Data de lançamento: 2016-02-11 R$ 5,90
This book is about some very nice quotes from Albert Einstein. The German born physicist who developed the general theory of relativity and was the winner of the Nobel prize in 1921. The quotes in the book are illustrated with some fine pictures.
Data de lançamento: 2015-04-25 R$ 0,90
200 citações, 40 textos, 100 poemas, 50 quadras de amor. Um autêntico manual do sentimento em geral e do amor em particular, este concentrado de frases inspiradoras tira teias de aranha que facilmente se instalam no coração de cada um.
Data de lançamento: 2012-10-17 R$ 32,90
A Sabedoria dos Estoicos é mais que uma simples compilação de textos, é uma curadoria de escritos dos principais autores estoicos da era clássica, feita por dois notáveis estudiosos da filosofia estoica. O estoicismo, nascido para ser um guia de vida, desde o início não se preocupou muito em ser altamente literário, era antes aquilo que se convencionou chamar de "filosofia prática". Assim sendo, muitos textos clássicos do estoicismo padecem de uma clareza editorial, muitas vez...
Data de lançamento: 2022-01-03 R$ 29,90
A captivating look inside the heart and mind of Harry Selfridge! Founder of one of the greatest department stores in the world, Harry Gordon Selfridge reopens his doors--and extravagant life--in this updated edition of his classic work. From his striking window displays during the holidays to his glittering love affairs with the most beautiful women in Europe, this book reveals the secrets behind his success as a tycoon. Filled with revolutionary thoughts about business, leadership, and society,...
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-18 R$ 47,90
Desde do início dos tempos, o homem se intriga com o mistério da "morte". O que sabemos é que a morte é dura para os familiares e amigos, é um momento de dor e de tristeza. Para entender melhor a morte, reunimos 100 frases de grandes personalidades.
Data de lançamento: 2020-01-06 R$ 5,90
Epicurus founded one of the major philosophies of ancient Greece, helping to lay the intellectual foundations for modern science and for secular individualism. His world-view was much an inspiring and optimistic one which stresses that philosophy can liberate one from fears of death and the supernatural, and can teach us how to find happiness in almost any situation. His practical perspective of human psychology and also the science friendly approach towards the life, gave Epicureanism great con...
Data de lançamento: 2018-09-18 R$ 9,90
646 Frases Inspiradas para Elevar, Motivar e Empoderar Você Coletânea de citações motivacionais de diversas personalidades do mundo. Uma ferramenta imperdível para escritores, palestrantes, treinadores, líderes empresariais ou qualquer pessoa que queira melhorar sua comunicação.
Data de lançamento: 2017-11-14 R$ 32,90
Esta compilación reúne más de 13,000 frases y abarca cientos de temas, que en su conjunto representan una forma eficaz y contundente de transmitir el conocimiento de todos los tiempos. Esta compilación de Arturo Ortega Blake reúne más de 13,000 frases seleccionadas en más de 600 temas, que en su conjunto representan una forma eficaz y contundente de transmitir el conocimiento de todos los tiempos. He aquí incontables "cápsulas de sabiduría" pronunciadas por las mentes más privilegiada...
Data de lançamento: 2013-03-07 R$ 24,90
Do you sometimes get stuck for the right expression? The situation is not only embarrassing but also undermines one`s confidence! This book is designed to enhance written and spoken English of readers. Besides, the book will be of immense help to almost everyone engaged in the pursuit of knowledge-- schoolchildren, college students, parents, teachers and professionals. The 2,000 phrases and sentences in this book highlight the rich tapestry of expressions in the English language. Many word...
Data de lançamento: 2003-11-25 R$ 17,90
Sir Winston Churchill remains a British hero, lauded for his oratorical skill. He wrote histories, biographies, memoirs, and even a novel, while his journalism, speeches and broadcasts run to millions of words. From 1940 he inspired and united the British people and guided their war effort. Behind the public figure, however, was a man of vast humanity and enormous wit. His most famous speeches and sayings have passed into history but many of his aphorisms, puns and jokes are less well-known. Thi...
Data de lançamento: 2011-06-09 R$ 22,90
Embrace your spiritual side with this little book of tips and quotes that will help you on your journey to a more positive and peaceful life. For many, spirituality is a difficult concept to grasp. But the good news is anyone can understand and cultivate it. Whether you are new to spirituality or need some extra inspiration, you’ll find everything you need to get started in this book. Within these pages you will discover what spirituality is and how it can enhance your life, including: • Med...
Data de lançamento: 2022-10-13 R$ 5,90
Timeless in their wisdom, thought-provoking in their message, surprising in their truth and memorable in their originality, the right words can give direction, inspiration, and sometimes a tangible boost onto the right path. For example, Steve Jobs once read “Stay hungry Stay foolish” on the back cover of The Whole Earth Catalog , and those four words came to guide his life. Created by Kathryn and Ross Petras, connoisseurs of quotes, whose books and calendars have over 56 million copies in p...
Data de lançamento: 2021-09-21 R$ 10,90
Este meu comentário da I Carta do apóstolo Paulo aos Coríntios esta analisada versículo por versículo com o texto em grego e em português. Em seguida vou tecendo comentários da interpretação que eu faço da carta de Paulo, sempre primando por uma interpretação literal, evitando alegorias, como muitos fazendo tentando somente contextualizar como se fosse mandamentos para aquela época. Praticamente todos os estudiosos do Novo Testamento aceitam a autoria paulina de I Coríntios. A atri...
Data de lançamento: 2022-02-21 R$ 27,90
We live in a world of unlimited possibilities, but too often we get caught up in the day-to-day realities of life and the hustle and bustle of the world and lose sight of all that is possible. We don't see most of the possibilities that cross our paths. We are too focused on a handful of possibilities that we think are the only ones available to us. So we limit our hearts, we limit our minds, and we limit our souls; and as a result, we limit our lives. For 25 years, Matthew Kelly has been inspir...
Data de lançamento: 2020-12-16 R$ 9,90
The word Samurai itself is a synonym for Japan, as they are the great ferocious aristocratic warriors in the history of the country. They are the best known for their dignity and elegance during peace and fierce atrocities in war. These highly honoured ardent champions were much ready to sacrifice their own life than bearing any dishonours. The Samurais practice a number of weapons including spears, bows and arrows, nevertheless the main weaponry and symbol of strength is their sword which was c...
Data de lançamento: 2018-10-05 R$ 8,90
This is a curated and special collection of picture quotes from John Paul II. Motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and pure wisdom with an occasional joke or funny quote from John Paul II.
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-13 R$ 5,90
This is a curated and special collection of picture quotes from Craig Ferguson. Motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and pure wisdom with an occasional joke or funny quote from Craig Ferguson.
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-13 R$ 5,90
This is a curated and special collection of picture quotes from Boris Pasternak. Motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and pure wisdom with an occasional joke or funny quote from Boris Pasternak.
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-13 R$ 5,90
This is a curated and special collection of picture quotes from Thomas Pynchon. Motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and pure wisdom with an occasional joke or funny quote from Thomas Pynchon.
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-13 R$ 5,90
This is a curated and special collection of picture quotes from Philip Roth. Motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and pure wisdom with an occasional joke or funny quote from Philip Roth.
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-13 R$ 5,90
This is a curated and special collection of picture quotes from Michel Foucault. Motivational quotes, inspirational quotes, and pure wisdom with an occasional joke or funny quote from Michel Foucault.
Data de lançamento: 2018-01-13 R$ 32,90
Citas Motivacionales (Conjunto) es una herramienta invaluable para escritores, oradores, entrenadores, líderes de negocios o cualquiera que desee mejorar su manera de comunicarse. “Palabras poderosas vienen acompañadas de poderosos intentos. Cuando tienes pasión, fuerza, coraje, y determinación, puedes lograr cualquier cosa.”-K.L. Toth, autor, periodista independiente Esta colección se encuentra convenientemente organizada por materias con más de 125 páginas de citas para cada ocasió...
Data de lançamento: 2018-05-23 R$ 37,90
Jennifer Lopez is one of the greatest entertainers of all time. She is a triple threat – a successful singer, actress, and dancer. As if that isn’t enough, she has conquered television, too. The mother of twins born in 2008, Lopez is just as known for her rollercoaster love life as she is for her phenomenal career. What follows are quotes spoken by Lopez on all aspects of her life. Each quote is attributed to its original source so you can see it wasn’t pulled out of thin air. Hope you enj...
Data de lançamento: 2017-04-10 R$ 3,90
The right quotation can change your life. That condensed idea—expressed in just a few words or a sentence or two—can shift your thinking, trigger an epiphany, and alter your way of seeing the world. The wisest, most experienced, and most thoughtful people in history have left us these little thought-bombs, and this book collects them. Surprising, jolting, discomforting, and comforting insights urge us to live a full, unbridled life, question authority and reality, relate to fellow humans, cr...
Data de lançamento: 2017-04-01 R$ 19,90
Frases de la Historia de España, de Francia, Italia, Gran Bretaña, Estados Unidos, Grecia, Israel, Alemania, Rusia, Japón, China, Persia, México, el Islam, Mesopotamia, Serbia, Argentina, Austria, Canadá, países africanos. Personajes como Adolfo Suárez, Alejandro Dumas, Azaña, Bolívar, Cristóbal Colón, Estrabón, Galileo, Gorbachov, Kennedy, Millán Astray, Musolini, Napoleón, Narváez, Nerón, Roosevelt, Parménides, Churchill y un largo etcétera desfilan por estas páginas. Y, par...
Data de lançamento: 2017-01-20 R$ 27,90
Timeless Wisdom for the Modern Man In the years since its publication in 1902, As a Man Thinketh has set thousands of men on the pathway to personal and financial growth. Now, in this unique rendition of James Allen's masterwork, you, too, can manifest the traits and skills characteristic of those honorable, refined, and successful men. Each of the aphorisms and quotes in this book reveals simple yet revelatory techniques that will empower you to strengthen your character, harness constructive t...
Data de lançamento: 2012-09-18 R$ 47,90
Timeless wisdom for the modern man! In the nineteenth century, William Alcott's The Young Man's Guide paved the way toward personal and financial success for thousands of men. Now, in this unique rendition of his classic work, you, too, can use his wisdom to unlock your greatest potential and live a happy and prosperous life. From refining your appearance and handling social interactions to managing your finances and business matters, each of the aphorisms and quotes in this book reveals simple ...
Data de lançamento: 2013-06-18 R$ 47,90
¿Alguna vez te has quedado con algo más que decir en una platica? Bien, quizás lo que necesitas es darle un vistazo a este libro de frases. No son un montón de palabrerías sin sentido, son palabras que intentan darnos una idea nueva en la cual pensar cada día. Esta ha sido una compilación de frases celebres de distintas personas en distintos momentos históricos, seguramente estas frases tienen alguna grandiosa palabra para ti. Anda y ve, encuentra tu frase favorita.
Data de lançamento: 2016-10-09 R$ 3,90
Mais do que um mero dicionário de citações, este é um livro de pensamentos inspirados sobre o tema da Criatividade. O autor encadeou cuidadosamente mais de quinhentas ideias sobre o tema, gerando uma obra rica, espirituosa, desafiadora e estimulante, que conduz o leitor à reflexão, ao questionamento e às suas próprias conclusões.
Data de lançamento: 2002-04-17 R$ 32,90
One of the most inspirational voices in science today, Neil deGrasse Tyson is somebody with a contagious passion for his field of work. Although not as well known outside America, he is one of the few members of the scientific community who is truly able to effectively communicate complex concepts to the common man. This book brings together some of his most interesting comments on a number of different subjects.
Data de lançamento: 2014-12-09 R$ 17,90
It is rare that a scientist’s reputation transcends the world of science so much as to become a household name. Stephen Hawking, however, is one such example. Widely regarded as one of the top physicists of modern times, Hawking has made revolutionary discoveries in the field of cosmology and is a prolific author of books and scientific papers, despite having been almost completely paralysed for many years. This book contains some of Hawking’s views on a variety of topics in order to give an...
Data de lançamento: 2014-11-17 R$ 17,90
Although best known as a prolific poet and author, Maya Angelou was a woman of many talents, also including acting, dancing and singing. She was also renowned for her wisdom and her outspokenness on topics of social and racial equality. Angelou’s was one of those rare voices of a generation that managed to elicit tangible and positive change, overcoming the challenges of racism and inequality with her unique talent for writing and expressing her ideas. This book brings together some of Angelou...
Data de lançamento: 2014-11-17 R$ 17,90
Best known, of course, for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter films, Emma Watson has known fame since just nine years old. Yet, in contrast to many childhood stars, she has managed to remain grounded and has never let her fame go to her head. Having won several major awards, Emma has since moved on from the Harry Potter franchise to star in other major films, and has also become somewhat of a sex symbol (though she would probably disapprove of this title!). This book brings together some o...
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-23 R$ 9,90
Winston Churchill is without doubt one of the best known names in British history. Notable for his revered leadership qualities, Churchill was also a much-quoted figure. From his words, it's obvious that Churchill was not just a politician, but also a philosopher. This book brings together some of his finest quotes on a variety of subjects, from his opinions on war to his views on life, as well as some of his more humorous moments.
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-07 R$ 9,90
One of the best known atheists ever to have lived, Christopher Hitchens was also renowned as being one of the most articulate debaters of modern times. Until his death in 2011 he was regularly quoted in the media due to his controversial views on religion and politics. A much revered character, Hitchens was always one to stay true to his beliefs. This book brings together some of his finest quotes on a range of topics.
Data de lançamento: 2014-09-07 R$ 9,90
Besides her famous diaries and erotica, Anaïs Nin (1903-1977) is known for her inspirational and insightful quotations. When one googles “Anaïs Nin quotes,” more than 21,000 websites appear, making her one of the most oft-quoted authors on the web. This alone is reason enough to collect her most popular and meaningful quotations into one book, but there is another as well: the inaccuracies and misinformation which frequently occur in our cut-and-paste internet culture. The Quotable Anaïs ...
Data de lançamento: 2014-06-16 R$ 27,90
This book is an anthology of 145 quotes from Socrates and 51 selected by Blago Kirov facts about Socrates. Plato, Xenophon, and Aristotle are the main sources for the historical Socrates. Socrates' father was Sophroniscus, a sculptor, and his mother Phaenarete, a midwife. His wife, Xanthippe, bore for him three sons, Lamprocles, Sophroniscus and Menexenus. His friend Crito of Alopece criticized him for abandoning his sons when he refused to try to escape before his execution. Some sources say th...
Data de lançamento: 2014-06-16 Gênero:Referência R$ 6,90
Aforisma è un termine che proveniente direttamente dal greco, ma per trovare aforismi adatti al gusto moderno bisogna arrivare al Millecinquecento. È in quell’epoca e in quell’ambito che gli esseri umani cominciano a non prendersi troppo sul serio e ad apprezzare i lampi dell’intelligenza che illuminano la realtà senza la pretesa di spiegarla. Con questa convinzione, Pier Luigi Leoni ha raccolto 1077 aforismi e ne ha aggiunti 34 di suoi per offrire una raccolta di proporzioni ragionevol...
Data de lançamento: 2014-03-17 R$ 2,90
»Alles Gescheite ist schon gedacht worden; man muss nur versuchen, es noch einmal zu denken«- Goethes Maxime steht am Eingang dieses bewährten Nachschlagewerks für alle literarisch Interessierten, die zur rechten Zeit das richtige Zitat suchen - und finden. Über 5000 Zitate wurden nach signifikanten Ordnungswörtern alphabetisch zusammengestellt, ein ausführliches Autorenregister verweist auf alle im Buch aufgeführten Zitate der einzelnen Autoren.
Data de lançamento: 2014-02-05 R$ 42,90
If you are an INFP, this book is an opportunity for you to learn from some of the most famous and successful people who share your personality type. Indulge yourself in this collection of over 200 fun, inspiring, and thought-provoking quotes from famous INFPs who share the same strengths and weaknesses as you do. Inside you'll find insights into relationships, creativity, work, happiness and money. The quotes are broken into seven categories: -Famous INFPs on Happiness and The Meaning of Life -F...
Data de lançamento: 2014-01-26 R$ 17,90
«L’ha detto un italiano è un portolano, lì ci sono i punti cardinali. Quando tutto è perduto, lì dentro c’è ancora chi può suggerire una risposta, può darti uno schiaffo per svegliarti, prometterti una carezza per asciugarti le lacrime, lanciare un bengala dalla riva dell’oceano». Il Fatto Quotidiano «Libri così si bevono come un whiskey senza ghiaccio. E quando ti accorgi di essere a metà, ti penti ormai di aver quasi finito». Lo Spettacolo *********** “È solo nell’oscur...
Data de lançamento: 2014-01-24 R$ 14,90
“Il cane è un gentiluomo”, scrive Mark Twain. È sincero, non mente, non inganna, non tradisce, è generoso, è altruista, ha fiducia. Ma c’è di più. Il grande scrittore Victor Hugo lo traduce in questo dilemma che è quello di tutti coloro che hanno un cane: “se guardi negli occhi il tuo cane, come puoi ancora dubitare che non abbia un’anima?”. Una domanda da un milione di dollari. In questo ebook, che si può leggere nel tempo del bisognino del cane a passeggio, abbiamo ra...
Data de lançamento: 2013-10-24 R$ 14,90
The wit and wisdom of Robert A. Heinlein's character, Lazarus Long. "Not only America's premier writer of speculative fiction, but the greatest writer of such fiction in the world … [Heinlein] remains today as a sort of trademark for all that is finest in American imaginative fiction." - Stephen King "There is no other writer whose work has exhilarated me as often and to such an extent as Heinlein." - Dean Koontz "One of the most influential writers in American Literature." -...
Data de lançamento: 2013-08-30 R$ 17,90
Durante una conversazione, vi è capitato, talvolta di provare ammirazione o magari un pizzico di invidia verso quegli interlocutori che ad un certo punto danno forza alle loro argomentazioni con una citazione, con un aforisma? Ecco allora il CITAZIONARIO, una serie di eBook supereconomici che vi offre la "materia" per arricchire la vostra memoria e conoscenza di citazioni e di aforismi adatti a tutti gli argomenti. Citazioni citabili firmate da scrittori, filosofi, uomini politici, artisti, att...
Data de lançamento: 2013-03-18 R$ 6,90
Quotes to inspire and motivate you when you are staring at a blank page. Inspirational writing quotes to get your creative juices flowing from some of our famous and brilliant authors such as Charlotte Bronte, Terry Pratchett, Stephen King and Mark Twain.
Data de lançamento: 2013-02-06 R$ 3,90