Skitjakt är en podcast om jakt, naturupplevelser och ekologiskt kött. Huvudfokus är jakten, men vi pratar också om jaktutrustning och tillagning av det fällda viltet. Programledare är Kristian Bartos, entusiastisk jägare sedan snart 8 år och Erik Olofsson, jägare sedan barnsben och välkänd Sörmlandskrögare med fokus på vilt och närodlat.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
1. Kanonpod! - Riktigt bra pod, intressant och lärorik. Jag har inte missat ett avsnitt och vissa har jag lyssnat på två gånger. Bra jobbat! En sak som jag flertalet gånger tänkt på och efter dovpremiärens avsnitt fick mig att vilja lyfta var utrycket ”eeehhh”, brutalt frustrerande, haha. Lycka till där! //trogen lyssnare
2. Ostrukturerad pod om inget, mest mat - Om du tycker att matprogram på tv där man inte kan smaka eller lukta på maten känns konstigt så har dom tagit det ett steg längre, inte ens se maten. Totalt meningslöst. Sitter å smackar i micken och ja, du gissade rätt, allt är ”supergott”! Sen är det lite sitt å datt, nån berättar att dom skjutit en (alltid) ”jättefin” (insert valfritt vilt) sedan sist. En vill få fler gäster till sin krog, en vill sälja prylar på sin jaktbutik, inget mer av värde tyvärr. Kul namn på podden dock.
3. Intressant podd med utvecklingspotential! - Jag gillar verkligen den här podden, den är lättsam att lyssna på, med bra ämnen och utbildningen inslag. En sak jag däremot måste påpeka är ert användande av uttrycket ”eehhmm” när ni pratar. Det är lite jobbigt att lyssna på när det blir för mycket av det. Tränar ni bort denna ovana så kommer helhetsintrycket förbättras avsevärt.
Någon har sagt att ”Fiske är beviset på att Gud älskar oss och vill att vi ska vara lyckliga” ett påstående som vi skriver under på då fiske för oss handlar om livet, ett liv kantat av vatten. Vi som leder podden är Fredrik Löwgren och Johan Malm.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
1. Informativt och roligt - Har lyssnat igenom alla avsnitt minst gånger, att ha dessa gubbar i öronen är livsglädje. Det enda jag skulle önska är mer avsnitt, men får helt enkelt lyssna igenom allt igen. Gett mig inspiration att åka på min första men inte sista resa med flugfisket i centrum! / rekommenderar till alla jag känner !
2. Nedvarvningspodden nr - Uppdatering ett år senare: jag har nu spön... Skitfiske på er! Hittade denna podcast efter jag fått ett fiskespö i födelsedagspresent av frugan och letade lite inspiration. Fastnade för den pga det sköna tempot och att podden handlar om mer än bara fiske om än jag föredrar avsnitt som är inspelade vid vatten.
Kan avsluta med att jag fångade min första gädda på år i förrgår. Tack fiskekompisen!
3. Fiske är inte allt, eller? - En riktigt rolig, intressant och inspirerande Pod om fiske och livet. Den är lagom proffsigt gjord så känslan finns kvar, mycket handlar om fisket med fakta och tips såväl som känslorna bakom. Men mycket om livet i stort som jag tror dom flesta kan relatera till om man väljer bland avsnitten. Fastnar själv gärna i avsnitten om mat, litteratur eller resor. Fiskar du MÅSTE du ge Fiskekompisen en chans, fiskar du inte så BÖR du göra det. Till er alla, Tight Lines &
4. Fängslande ! - En underbar pod som både fängslar och inspirerar.
Jag älskar ”utereportagen” där man får följa med till spännande fiskevatten och bekanta sig med intressanta människor.
Avsnitten är mycket välgjorda och genomtänkta. Johan och Fredrik är verkligen allas fiskekompisar.
Tack grabbar :)
5. Wow! - Äntligen en podd om fiske! Ungefär som att sitta och hänga med bästa fiskekompisarna framför brasan, vid vattnet eller bakom bindstädet. Fisket i centrum men fokus på känsla och fiskets själ istället för en massa tekniskt mumbojumbo. Det märks att de här grabbarna sitter på såväl stor kunskap som en massa erfarenhet, för att inte tala om humor. Bästa jag hört på länge!
Outside’s longstanding literary storytelling tradition comes to life in audio with features that will both entertain and inform listeners. We launched in March 2016 with our first series, Science of Survival, and have since expanded our show and now offer a range of story formats, including reports from our correspondents in the field and interviews with the biggest figures in sports, adventure, and the outdoors.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-22
En podd från, om dykning av dykare
Releasedatum: 2023-03-18
The Backpacking Light Podcast explores the technology, gear, skills, and philosophy of backcountry wilderness travel through stories, interviews, and investigative reports.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
Podcast host Jeff Barber, Editor-in-Chief at, aims to inform and inspire with topics and interviews from the mountain bike world. Since 2015, we have been sharing weekly stories from under the helmets of the most inspiring and influential mountain bikers. Join us as we learn from top athletes, product designers, trail builders, coaches, mechanics, artists, and leaders in the mountain biking community. Support this podcast:
Releasedatum: 2023-03-21
1. Pretty good - Most parts are really entertaining. But in some cases it feels like they run out of suggestions on topics and takes up the really obvious ones like “If you are freezing make sure to get more clothes. And if it’s warm make sure not to have so much clothes”
On the whole a really good pod
This is what adventure sounds like. Climb. Ski. Hike. Bike. Paddle. Run. Travel. Whatever your passion, we are all dirtbags. Outdoor writer Fitz Cahall and the Duct Tape Then Beer team present stories about the dreamers, athletes and wanderers.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-24
Less gear, more beer!
Releasedatum: 2023-02-28
A wilderness skills and outdoor safety podcast about realistic and relevant survival skills in the outdoors, making best use of modern equipment and knowledge. Hosted by Richard Prideaux, an outdoors instructor with over a decade of experience leading groups and individuals in wild and remote places
Releasedatum: 2023-02-22
What's it like to spend six months walking the length of the United States, from Mexico to Canada, following a wilderness trail? Liz and Simon Willis tackled the Pacific Crest Trail in 2002 at a time many people now consider to be a 'classic era' on the PCT. They recorded conversations with hikers, trail angels and townsfolk and, eventually, assembled them into this audio time capsule of a life-changing endurance walk. Things are brought up to date in fresh interviews with people who know the ...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-04
Sveriges enda podcast helt dedikerad åt gäddfiske.
Releasedatum: 2022-07-15
1. gädda - Tja! förstår att ni har eran grej och fiskar på erat sätt, tycker jag är spännande! Men att ni snackar ner folk som gillar att ta efter fiskeprofiler och frontar gäddor tycker jag är lite lustigt, de skadar ingen att man frontar en gädda likväll som de inte är hemskt att ta en bild på en gädda som har svalt ett bete de är ju verkligenheten, bättre att folk visar hur tokigt de kan bli och att folk börjar slipa bort hullingar och ta bort krokar på de beten som har onödigt många. Mindre snack om att folk är ”korkade” och mer snack om fiske.
2. Den här behövdes! - Äntligen en podd om fiske på riktigt! Inget intvingat tjat från sponsorer som ”smygs” in precis överallt!
Gott snack rakt igenom med en kunskapsbank som sällan skådats! Det här är första podden jag lätt skulle betala för att få tillgång till!
Må mången grov gädda passera er väg!
The guys from Fieldcraft Survival host this informative series in survival, tactics, defense, gear, fitness, overlanding, mobility, military, and more. All things preparedness and survival from Fieldcraft Survival.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-28
Listen to in-depth interviews twice a week with adventure sports enthusiasts from around the globe. You'll hear from athletes, adventurers, explorers, guides, authors, business owners, and many more who live their lives pursuing fulfillment through adventure and the outdoors.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-23
Villmarksliv - en podcast om friluftsliv, fiske, jakt og dyreliv i Norge. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-21
The Gravel Ride is a cycling podcast where we discuss the people, places and products that define modern gravel cycling. We will be interviewing athletes, course designers and product designers who are influencing the sport. We will be providing information on where to ride, what to ride and how to stay stoked on gravel riding.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-21
En podcast om jakt, fiske och friluftsliv med ämnen och gäster som följer säsongerna. Här kommer du t.ex få höra varför ull är så bra, hur du övar skytte på långt håll och om den godaste utematen! Tillsammans med jaktkompisar, vänner och familj så får du följa med på jakt, fjäll- och fisketurer genom årstiderna i våra fjäll och skogar.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-02
Ever wondered what life is like as a professional cyclist? Australian ex-professional cyclist Mitch Docker takes you inside the world of Professional Cycling. Bringing you the stories behind the individuals in the sport - from the pros in the peloton to staff behind the teams, to commentators & legends, plus training insights & debriefs on major races throughout the year. It’s all here! Newly retired from the professional peloton, Mitch is exploring his new pelotons - all the pelotons that e...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-15
Filling you ears with adventure stories and insights straight from the wilderness.
Releasedatum: 2022-09-22
Randulf Valle prater om friluftsliv i ordets videste forstand. Ofte sammen med en gjest eller to. Noen ganger helt alene. Nye episoder kommer normalt på fredager, men kanskje ikke hver eneste fredag... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-17
Deep dives on the art of seam'nship. Technical discussions and lessons learned from all aspects of sailing, from leadership & preparation to sail trim, navigation and more. Hosted by professional skippers Andy Schell, Nikki Henderson & August Sandberg. Produced by 59º North Sailing. A podcast about leadership, sailing & seam'nship.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-17
Dave from the Wet Fly Swing Fly Fishing Blog interviews the biggest names in fly fishing and fly tying today. He digs out all of the best fly fishing tips and tricks to help you understand how to choose the right gear, find fish, present the fly, discover new patterns and much more. Find out about new rods, lines, techniques, knots, tying tools and unheard of tips along with great stories about life and the times of some of the most knowledgeable guides, shop owners, and fisherman from around ...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-28
Ønsker du å bli bedre til å fiske laks, sjøørret og sjørøye? Vil du dominere i elva selv under svært krevende forhold? Det vil vi også, men vi har et stykke å gå. I denne pocasten ser vi på ulike aspekter ved anadromt fiske. Vi tar for oss ei ny elv hver uke, ser på aktuelle fluer, utstyrsnyheter og utrolig nok kommer vi jevnlig innom lakseoppdrett.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-12
Bikes or Death is a podcast centered around the growing sport of bikepacking, adventure cycling, and the outdoors. The show features the amazing people who participate in these activities and contribute so greatly to the cycling community. The Bikes or Death Podcast is dedicated to sharing the stories and experiences of these individuals with the hopes that it inspires others to get outside, get on their bikes, and experience what our natural world has waiting for them. At its heart Bikes or Dea...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-10
Join Ryan “Cal” Callaghan each week for his unique brand of outdoor news designed for folks that need to know what’s going on and those who want to pretend they do. Part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
Skidsnack är podcasten om allt och inget inom längdskidor och skidskytte. Vinner Charlotte Kalla världscupen? Har Petter Northug en rolig mössa? Var det bra steroider i Therese Johaugs läppsalva och hur går det egentligen med podduons satsning eller ickesatsning inför Vasaloppet? Stefan Sköld och Victor Stenquist rapporterar och synar cirkusen kring längdskidor och skidskytte – med ett nytt avsnitt varje vecka.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-24
1. Toppen! - Älskar! Sprider glädje och ger alltid ett leende på läpparna. Sånt driv och intresse för skidsporten, äntligen någon som man kunnat dela detta med sen x antal år tillbaka! Så mysigt att gå runt och lyssna på er och få lite bekräftelse när man själv har stängt av tvn innan målgång efter ett fall eller någon annan klantig händelse..
2. Omfattande skidpodd - Podcasten ”Skidsnack” analyserar varje lopp i världscupen samt världsmästerskapen samt tar med alla omständigheter runt omkring. En välbehövlig podd för att kunna smälta loppen. Både lite mer djupgående analyser om skidåkningen men även om drama mellan skidåkarna och vad som händer mellan loppen, kul att höra om! .
- längdskidor och skidskytte
- analys om loppen - diskussion om skidåkarnas liv i övrigt
3. Allt du inte visste att du ville veta om skideliten - Ingen detalj från skidvärlden är för obetydlig för att stötas och blötas. Vad händer i världscupen? Vem dejtar vem? Vad lägger skidåkarna ut på sociala medier? Hur smakar burgarna som skidåkarna sätter sina namn på? Listan kan göras oändlig.
The Training For Trekking Podcast is created to help hikers, trekkers and mountaineers prepare for their bucket list adventures. Rowan shares with you the simple training strategies to get you fit, strong and resilient to tackle anything the trail will throw at you. He also dives deep into subjects such as how to prevent altitude sickness, nutrition while hiking, injury prevention and much, much more. So you can have the very best chance of a safe, enjoyable and successful adventure!
Releasedatum: 2023-01-30
A weekly podcast in which I speak with experienced thru hikers about their stories from the trails and strategies for a successful thru hike.
Releasedatum: 2021-05-12
Paul Kirtley is a highly regarded bushcraft instructor, canoe leader and outdoor guide. He owns and runs Frontier Bushcraft, a leading provider of bushcraft training and wilderness adventure travel. Paul writes the top-ranked blog on the net covering bushcraft, survival skills and outdoor life at This podcast is designed to help you get more from your outdoor life, deepen your bushcraft practice and hone your survival knowledge. Paul shares interviews, discussions, advi...
Releasedatum: 2022-12-21
1. Perfect - Great podcast! Super well produced, especially in the later episodes when the jingles and soundtracks have changed for the better! I think Paul Kirtley’s website is one of the best resources on the Internet for professional input and well produced videos. Now combined with a podcast - the perfect format for company on the daily commute. :-)
Join host Jeff Mishler as he speaks with the most notable figures in the fly fishing, hunting and outdoor worlds. With Jeff’s extensive time in the outdoors, along with his ability to engage with his guests, the Fin & Fire Podcast provides an entertaining and informative exploration into what drives their inner fire to burn so bright.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-15
Building on the belief that a deeper understanding of the natural world enriches all of our lives, host Steven Rinella brings an in-depth and relevant look at all outdoor topics including hunting, fishing, nature, conservation, and wild foods. Filled with humor, irreverence, and things that will surprise the hell out of you, each episode welcomes a diverse group of guests who add their own expertise to the vast world of the outdoors. Part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-22
Welcome to the Vortex Nation Podcast. Brought to you by lovers of hunting, shooting, public lands, the Second Amendment and dang good food.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-27
En podcast om jakt och politik med riksdagsledamöterna och jägarna John Widegren (M) jakt- och landsbygdspolitisk talesperson och Erik Ottoson (M) KU-ledamot.
Releasedatum: 2023-02-16
For 44 years, I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. I invite you to join me for a nostalgic and sometimes revealing look back through the trials and tribulations of a freelance outdoor writer.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-22
Nock On Archery podcast are educational archery tips from Pro Archer John Dudley, an accomplished professional, top level coach and technical expert. Get great insights to new products and industry trends.
Releasedatum: 2023-02-27
Swedish Anglers driver podcasten Swedish Anglers RodPod. Vi snackar mete och sportfiske med olika gäster.
Releasedatum: 2023-02-07
The Orvis Fly Fishing Guide Podcast provides weekly tips from acclaimed fly fishing author and lifelong fly fishing enthusiast, Tom Rosenbauer. Get the most from your time on the water!
Releasedatum: 2023-03-17
As a former World Champion and veteran World Cup cross-country ski racer, Kershaw provides an unfiltered look at elite level cross-country ski racing. Tune in after every World Cup weekend.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-27
The Live Ultralight Podcast is all about inspiring you to get outdoors and teaching you how to lighten your pack so you can go on more adventures. We largely focus on backpacking and things that are interesting to backpackers, but occasionally we delve into other adventure and travel topics as well. In addition, we aim to feature interesting and inspiring guests all around the backpacking, travel, and adventure space.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
Vinden podcast från Kåsa i Varberg. Vi snackar om svensk surf och annat skoj.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-16
We’re a collaborative of professional wildlife photographers and filmmakers who are thrilled to share our outdoor adventures and tips of the trade with you! Follow along as we take you into the wild with us! Find out what it takes to walk the tundra with caribou, discover the intricacies of working with bears, enjoy the mesmerizing mountain vistas as we share our career journeys with you. Our podcasts will include cutting-edge gear tips and developments, social media and communication how-to...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-21
Training and performance podcasts by Eric Hörst, the internationally renowned author, researcher, climbing coach, and climber of 40 years. Monthly podcasts detail the latest training techniques to improve strength, power, endurance, as well as mental and technical skills. With his unique combination of veteran experience and knowledge of the cutting-edge research, Eric presents practical, effective guidelines to climb harder, reduce injury risk, and maximize the experience of moving over stone....
Releasedatum: 2023-02-07
1. Great material, but verbose - If you want to learn about how to train to become a stronger climber I highly recommend having a listen! Eric provides a LOT of really interesting, and useable information about many aspects of climbing. Thanks so much for taking the time to produce all of this content! I especially appreciate the episodes about Energy Systems and those about training protocols, those have taught me many things that I can take concrete actions on. The reasons I gave just stars are (please take this as constructive criticism): The information about nutrition seems somewhat out dated and/or over simplified. I would personally rather get no information about nutrition, than something I don’t trust. The ClimbSci podcast is much better on the topic of nutrition. Sometimes Eric goes on long tangents, e.g., talking about psychological/behavioral aspects of social media. Again, I’d honestly rather not get any content on those subjects, it’s not why I subscribe to this podcast. The content is often repetitive. I understand that this may be valuable for new subscribers, but as someone who listens to every episode I find it mildly annoying.
2. Fantastic source of information for the self coached climber - It’s amazing that Eric shares his knowledge and analysis of climbing research to the climbing community. Thank you so much! If Eric could make his material on energy systems available and explained on his YouTube channel it would be even better since some graphics could make the material more easy to understand.
3. Excellent material! - Eric is an excellent researcher, and you can see how much effort and interest he has in this topic. He goes into a level of details that, probably, not every climber wants to hear, but that I find so interesting, and educative.
His approach to the topic is scientific, and careful, to the point that it sounds so logical that it's difficult not to follow his advices.
I'll recommend his podcast without a doubt to anyone that is thinking to improve his climbing
The Eventing Podcast squad bring you on a weekly, data-fuelled journey through the world of eventing. Previews, reviews and analysis - all supported by EquiRatings' data.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-24
The Blister Podcast from BLISTER is a series of wide-ranging conversations with professional athletes and influential figures about the great outdoors, mountain culture, outdoor-industry news, books, films, and more. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-27
Alex Honnold and co-host Fitz Cahall share stories from the people who define the sport of climbing by pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo of the previous generation. In season three, we dive deep into the art of risk taking. How do we get better at it? Why do we accept risk we don’t have to take? Can you reconcile your dreams with the reality that they could kill you? Each of us must ask when is the right time to walk away.
Releasedatum: 2022-12-16
Bakom Flötet är podcasten om sportfiske och vattenvård i Sjuhärad. Här pratar Janne, Henrik och Näcken om sina bästa fisketips, absurda anekdoter och allt som hör fiske till.
Releasedatum: 2020-02-07
They're known by many names; Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Almas and the list goes on. For centuries, eyewitnesses have reported seeing them in forests all over the world. You might wonder what's it like to have an encounter with a Sasquatch. Well, listen to the show and you'll hear eyewitnesses tell you what it was like for them when they encountered a Sasquatch.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-04
Hosted by Neely Quinn, The TrainingBeta Podcast is a weekly conversation with rock climbing's best and brightest. Pro rock climbers, climbing trainers, and other insightful members of the climbing community offer their experiences with training for climbing, the best diet for climbing, and their personal stories with climbing. Whether you're a beginner climber or a seasoned pro, you'll learn something new from these conversations.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-08
1. Lots of good climbing tips hosted by a woman! - Love this podcast because it’s hosted by a female rock- climber which is very unique. It has a lot of interesting and high- quality interviews with pro- climbers as well as amateur crushers. I’ve been enjoying the climbing specific strength tips lately.
The Big Game Hunting Podcast will teach you to how to prepare for the big game hunting adventures you’ve always dreamed about. Our host, John McAdams, is an experienced sportsman with decades of experience afield who has successfully hunted big game like whitetail deer, mule deer, blacktail deer, pronghorn antelope, black bear, Rocky Mountain elk, feral hogs, javelina, cape buffalo, kudu, wildebeest, and other species of African plains game in over a dozen different states and countries. In ad...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-23
Download the NHS Strength and flexibility podcasts and get your own personal trainer without the expense. Featuring Laura from the NHS Couch to 5k programme, these podcasts talk you through a series of equipment-free exercises to improve your strength and flexibility. Your goal is to work your way up to podcast 5 in five weeks, by doing each podcast three times a week. By week 5, you’ll be doing press-ups, squats and stretches with ease, feeling stronger, more flexible and full of energy. For ...
Releasedatum: 2012-07-31
Chris Kalous (The Enormocast) and Andrew Bisharat (Evening Sends) are talking to the best and most interesting people in climbing. Now clip your last piece and dig in...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-13