Vi Spelar Rollspel är en pod där vi spelar rollspel. Först ut är Svavelvinter till Drakar och Demoners femte utgåva.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
1. Kanonpod! - Suttit och lyssnat på vartenda avsnitt medan jag suttit i ateljén och målat. Alla i spelgruppen är så goa så man är tacksam att man får vara med i spelgruppen på ett hörn :) Favoriten är Konfluxsviten då jag spelledde den samtidigt som jag lyssnade. Hälsningar från en underhållen konstnär! /Mark Frygell
2. Degen - Vi kommer ifrån Degerfors, det står vi faktiskt för Rött e rött o vitt e vitt
Vi kämpar tills vi dör Grabbarna i D-I-F de e ju bäst på plan
För där mullrar en vulkan Heja röda vita laget
Ni får inte tappa taget Nu så ska vi vinna slaget Stora Vallas gäng tar alltid full poäng HEJ! HEJ! HEJ!
3. Finfin rollspelspodd - Eftersom ni läser upp alla femstjärniga betyg: Kan man få bakgrundsmusik på den här uppläsningen? Höstregnet och vindbyarna piskar,
i ditt öra är det någon som viskar.
Viskar om en annan podd,
och genast är sådden sådd. Det är Gestalt som är på besök,
allt vemod går upp i rök.
Kom, kom och lyssna på oss,
med glögg och tända tomtebloss. Vi tar dig med bland nordiska väsen,
mutanter, kulter och för allehanda oväsen.
Vi spelar det mesta,
om du känner dig kräsen. Vi spelar rollspel är en bra källa, till inspiration och som tidsfälla.
Vi gillar er tusenfalt,
hälsar era poddvänner i Gestalt.
4. Väldigt bra podd - Jag snubblade på denna podd eftersom jag själv fått ett sug på rollspel nu när barnen blivit äldre. Jag letar febrilt spelare för att själv sätta igång. Jag har lyssnat på första säsongen och är imponerad över spelarna och spelledaren. Ni gör det med bravur. Jag har ”några” avsnitt att ta igen så min vår är räddad. Fortsätt gärna med podden för nu har ni fått en trogen lyssnare.
5. När domen kommer - Mitt liv är spel, och det är allt som spelar roll, rollspel helt enkelt. Aldrig har jag känt mig så prickad, en tavla på tjurens öga. Frågorna har varit många, svaret är singular, står liksom ensamt. En strimma ljus som letat sig in. Svaret är "vi som spelar rollspel" bestämd form, bestämd ton. Outbart, vackert och tidlöst! Tack för allt! Mvh
[NÖRD:IGT] är en podcast om spel, comics, film och TV-serier med Jonas Berglöf, Tove Bengtsson, Peter Kjellin, Vanne Dupo, Niklas Berglöf, Mats Nylund, Malin Castergren och Victor Boman.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-19
1. Riktigt bra! - Har följt med sedan starten och tycker nivån har varit hög genom alla år. Senaste året känns det som att fokus skiftats från spel till tv-serier vilket är lite synd, diskussionerna är dock fortfarande intressanta. Drog av en stjärna för att det ofta blir väldigt vagt på grund av spoilerfobi, ”Jag har sett en skräckfilm och mer än så tänker jag nog inte säga..” säljer inte in filmerna/serierna så väl. Men annars är podden lysande.
2. Hello there Hello there Hello there - Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello thereHello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there Hello there
3. Jättebra och skoj - Överlag mycket bra och underhållande pod. En sak som kan förbättras är att när väl programledarna ska analysera/dissikera avsnitt/filmer så glömmer man/säger fel/stundtals upplevs ointresserade över ämnet. (ex Westworld/GoT) Men kanske hör det till charmen som gör poden mer mänsklig och inte bara rabblar fakta och grottar ner sig inför mycket detaljer.
4. Varför inte nyttja svenska språket mer? - Denna podd skulle kunna vara så bra. Den är lagom flamsig och fylld av vettiga kommentarer och reflektioner. Men varför, varför, varför måste vart femte ord vara på engelska? Engelska ord har ibland ett värde men det är ofta man faller in helt omotiverade engelska glosor. Hör jag "legit", "obviously" eller "plot point" igen så stänger jag av.
5. Heltäckande men stökigt - Jag gillar Nördigt för att ni täcker många ämnen som jag inte hinner bevaka själv, och jag kan genom era utmärkta omdömen få en snabb uppfattning om en serie eller film är värd att kolla in. Det som skaver är att det oftare än inte är korvfest i vissa avsnitt och att deltagarna ofta avbryter och pratar i mun på varandra – det verkar viktigare att få sitt sagt än att hålla ett samtal. När jag försöker avverka många podd-avsnitt i snabbare hastighet (som jag ibland gör när spellistan i min app blivit för lång) blir Nördigt av denna anledning helt olyssningsbar.
6. Inte professionell - Jag har lyssnat på - avsnitt och det finns en del guldkorn i de diskussioner som förs men överlag dras podcasten ner av alldeles för mycket flams, intetsägande analyser och banala åsikter. Jag stör mig till exempel på Malins nonchalanta attityd. När hon säger något fel, motsägelsefullt eller är oinsatt i detaljerna i en historia eller karaktär så blåser hon bara förbi det och ”rycker på axlarna” som att det inte spelar någon roll. Man kan inte i ena stunden utge sig för att vara en nörd i en nördpodcast och i nästa andetag inta attityden att detaljer inte spelar någon roll i de ämnen man pratar om. Varför ska man i så fall ens uttala sig om man inte är insatt? Det andra jag stör mig på är att dom har med en bebis i vissa avsnitt som låter och gråter i bakgrunden. Jag förstår att det är svårt att fixa barnvakt ibland men att lyssnaren ska utsättas för barnskrik i tid och otid drar ner helhetsintrycket. Överlag en okey podcast sett till grundkonceptet men den kunde vara så mycket bättre.
7. Bästa Podden i sin kategori! - Nördigt är i mina ögon den bästa podden i den "nördiga-kategorin". Jag älskar deras breda perspektiv på nördighet, även om vissa delar inte alltid intresserar mig så lyssnar jag ändå bara för att jag tycker så mycket om alla i gänget. Deras underbara konversationer bara är fantastiska att lyssna på och skratta till!
8. Från intresserad till nörd! - Började lyssna för någon månad sedan för att fördriva tiden på jobbet och efter avsnitt var jag fast. Har börjat lyssna från början med radiogamer och gillar utvecklingen av programmet. Har själv sedan slutet av -talet spelat spel både konsol och PC, men alltid haft svårt och finna spel med spelvärde. Men tack till nördigt som med sina underhållande recentioner fått mig att känna det värt att lägga pengar på många härliga spelupplevelser både inom aaa och indie kategorier. Men även stort tack för all nördighet och stora humorinslag inom så många andra nördiga eller rent av geekiga(?) diskutioner inom allt mellan himmel och jord som får tiden att rulla på numer både på jobb och annan ledig tid man har möjlighet att lyssna på dem!
9. En podd som växt och blivit bättre - Jag vill ge ett stort tack till Peter Kjellin som är alldeles utmärkt! Sedan du tog över rodret har det bara blivit bättre. Älskar att det nu finns lite struktur. Ett önskemål är att ni ger tidshänvisningar i avsnittsinformationen, till när de olika ämnen börjar (Ex. Spel /Comic/Film/Tv-serier). Det gör det lättare för oss lyssnare att orientera i materialet och även att back tracka och lyssna om på speciella segment.
10. Entusiastiska och roliga! - Bra ämnen, pålästa, insatta och roliga framförallt. Podcastmedlemmarna är riktigt bra på det sättet att de är väldigt många, och väldigt olika varandra; vilket gör att man hittar någon som passar Dig som lyssnar. För min del så passar de alla mig, och har fått mig att börja läsa Comics på gamla dar, och även titta på film jag aldrig tänkt ens titta på. Denna podcast är helt enkelt bäst i dagens läge :)
11. Min svenska favoritpodcast - Bred podcast om nördiga ämnen där hela "familjen" är kunniga på sin sak och professionella, självklart kommer de in på sidospår ibland men det är väl inte konstigt när man är passionerad om det man talar om. Från början trodde jag inte comics-delen skulle vara för mig då jag aldrig läst annat än kalle som barn men måste säga att jag nu ser fram emot den varje avsnitt och att jag börjar ha en fin TPB-samling där BKV varit inkörsporten med både Saga och Y:
12. När det funkar, då funkar det - Och det här, ja det funkar verkligen. Har lyssnat på Nördigt sedan dag (och RadioGamer innan det) och har alltid älskat det. Er humor och personkemi är något som jag saknar i många andra podcaster. Kanske Just därför tog jag det ganska "hårt" när jag läste att Christian lämnar Nördigt. Men jag hoppas att ni andra medlemmar fortsätter att skapa podcasten som lyser upp min vecka. /Filip Nilsson
The Magic Story Podcast is a podcast dedicated to the lore of Magic: The Gathering and its Multiverse. Whether you have been playing Magic for years or just discovered it yesterday, the podcast is intended to be a fun, easy-to-grok entry point to dive deeper into the various characters, settings, and stories that make up Magic: The Gathering.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-27
Digital Foundry delivers the most accurate data on game performance and technology on Youtube, and every Monday the team convenes to discuss the latest news in the video game industry.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
A weekly podcast dedicated to improving your play at Magic: The Gathering with an emphasis on Limited play.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-16
1. Marshall is in his element here - Mashall has this unique ability to be the everyman. It is so easy to feel what he feels, experience what he experiences. His quest to become a better limited player (which he has carried out very well) is very captivating. Here he is in his perfect element with the perfect co-host (s). This is the very best MTG podcast out there and has been so for years.
Welcome to Critical Role, home of a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors playing tabletop roleplaying games! Enter a world of glorious imagination and improvisation with a group of the finest collaborative storytellers around. Here you’ll find our TTRPG and adjacent shows, including Critical Role, Exandria Unlimited, 4-Sided Dive, and a growing selection of one-shots.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-23
1. Phenomenal! - Quality quantity? I say, is it too much to ask for both? In some miraculous way, this show manages to give us -hour episodes, weekly, each and every one more entertaining, wholesome, emotional than the last. It has accompanied me through so many hours, and the only thing I regret is that I didn’t discover it sooner.
Blue Peg, Pink Peg is a podcast about enjoying boardgames with the people you love. Equal parts boardgame news and updates and and relationship advice, Blue Peg, Pink Peg is an irreverent discussion about our favorite hobby and people.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
Do you want just the audio from our Tops 10s, special videos, and select reviews? Then you've come to the right place
Releasedatum: 2023-03-27
Professionally produced, UK and Ireland based RPG Podcast, playing Call of Cthulhu 7e, D&d and currently AlienRPG
Releasedatum: 2023-03-07
1. Howwerollpodcast - I would recommend this show to everyone who's interested in either tabletop rpgs (especially Call of Cthulhu) or simply the works of Lovecraft. The quality and care put into the show has skyrocketed in the later episodes and I'd say the show is on par with any radio drama in terms of acting, story, entertainment etc. Not a single one of the episodes is a let-down. The podcast has granted me tons of inspiration for my own roleplaying group and I think it can help others as well. / Strongly recommended.
Most board game shows focus on the latest-and-greatest, or time-tested classics. We have taken it upon ourselves to comb our local charity shops and salvage stores for the other stuff...join us as we review cheesy, weird, and obscure board games for your entertainment.
Releasedatum: 2020-03-09
News, discussion, history, and stories from the Diablo gaming franchise.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-18
Knocked Prone is a clean, chaotic, and deep podcast for Dungeons & Dragons nerds! Follow along with Dungeon Master Kade Backus for this family friendly actual play podcast featuring a crew of talented story-telling voice actors as they explore the fantastical realm of the Badlands, filled with pop culture references, lovable NPCs, and legendary tales. Listen to Campaign 1, where four teenagers unravel a dark mystery involving their city of Great Grumbopolis, or Campaign 2, where four new recru...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-15
Icewind Dale is cold and unforgiving, along with most of the people that live there. What will a group of people do to change the fate of all of the land beyond the Spine of the World? Can they fight against winter itself? Join us at our table for the Dungeons and Dragons 5e module: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Releasedatum: 2022-08-11
Become a Paid Subscriber: On this channel we currently feature 2 games, Transformers TCG and Marvel Snap. All things being discussed will be to the best of our ability analyzed for how we can best utilized cards in their respective games.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-27
DM Greggy Hockstetler discusses how to play Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden as the Dungeon Master and proposes changes that can be made to make it easier to run and more fun for your players.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-19
The world's best board game review show.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-17
Svartviken RP består av ett gäng rollspelare på västkusten som gillar att testa nya spel.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-03
The Dungeons and Dragons Podcast Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20
1. Love You - I love you so much. I love your characters so much. King Tidus Harper was an important thing in my life and I will hate Thrifty forever. Two months later I have listened to all of drunks and dragons, and random encounters, and I must mention sailor moon. Sailor Bear is the best character ever!
Edit: Yes, please keep going! is maybe not the best safe word. Poor Toby.
2. Awsome!! - Came here on recommendation from the Mcelboys and wow am i happy i did, i just can't stop listening, i listen everywhere (and i probably shouldn't) at work, at the store or just when im out doing stuff.
The looks i get when i cackle to myself in the line at the store or when i order coffe at the coffeshop makes me think that someone will probably call the nice people that provides the nice shirts that let you hug yourself wether you want to or not, keep up the good work, stay awsome and Slyyyy flourish.
Listener from Sweden.
3. Børk børk børk from Sweden - I have been trying to catch up from episode one since last summer, and just hit episode . There has been many, many hours and even more laughs.
Thank you for an excellent podcast that gives me inspiration to start playing myself. Now just need the time and find others to play with (rolling with disadvantage on those i think)
Ok,BYE! //Apelsinen - Sweden.
4. Slyyyy dwarfdragonboner - I gotta say u guys are the friggin best thing that ever happened to the internet. Been listening for years now but just never wrote i review cause i was busy listening. but today i felt i had too. Was lurking around youtube and found Tim and Jennifers Wedding video and i cried like a dragonborn who just lost his sladpole. u guys are gr, keep it up
5. Fantastic! - I got nostalgic last month and started to miss the good old D&D days. Since i'm studying in another town at the moment i couldn't just gather up the old gang, so i turned to the first D&D podcast i could find. I couldn't be more happy that that podcast turned out to be Drunks and Dragons. IT has become part of my day and i woe the day i run out of episodes. Gotten to ep. and can't get enough of the perfect comibination of fun, alcohol and D&D. Thanks Micheal, Mike, Jennifer, Tim and Nika! / would sly flourish again!
6. They Aigt - Light hearted fun, while they seem to have greatly toned down the drunk part (sadly) You get to follow a riveting tale as you follow the characters adventure. The DM may at times be a bit too nice when it comes to challanges the players face but the voice acting and all over fun wights that up.
7. Heathen in Sweden - At this point, this podcast is nothing short of a necessity in my life. Each and every one of you is so talented and funny in their own way! Want to get a special mention out there to the time Tim goofed about what Pyre’s voice would sound like, which to me has to be one of the most underrated goofs you’ve ever done! Prove my point by saying if you remember it or not! Either way, please please please keep up the good work - and let me know if you ever stop by Stockholm - the drinks will be on me! /Björn
8. Awsome!! - This podcast is great but nsfw as i almost died twice from not breathing as i was laughing. I had to hide behind my machine at work when you guys did the Okey Bye!! joke so that my boss wouldn t see me dying from laugther. But you guys are great and i love this podcast and have joined patreon to support you!! Bye Seven! Seven!! Seven!!! P.S Mike Bachmann is the greatest!!!
9. Caught up :( - This podcast has gotten me through / of my temporary employment. It's super boring work if it weren't for this podcast. I felt like listening to a gaming podcast and this was on top gaming podcasts in Sweden. Now, that might not be that great of an achievement since there was only swedish podcasts on that list. I felt like a D&D pod because I am new to it, silly as I was I thought I'd learn with you but I guess that was wishful thinking since you seem just as confused as me.
Only thing I have to point out is that the [Bapper] is when you roll a , since the rule "the one that rolls a has to recap" was stated far before the -rule was enforced. Unless you decided to name a previous rule you already had, in hindsight.
Entrepenören och träningscoachen Mikael Hollsten och programledaren och nörden Peter Kjellin pratar populärkultur. Powered by
Releasedatum: 2023-03-19
Frilurarnas Rollspelspodcast kombinerar rollspel med improviserad musik. Vi kommer främst spela Call of Cthulhu Sverige men även göra avstickare till andra system och genrer. Alltid med en stor nypa humor och en hel del spänning. Nya avsnitt varannan vecka.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-03
In the spirit of old-school tabletop role-playing games, a collection of five super-nerds engage in an Actual Play podcast of Paizo's Giantslayer Adventure Path. Using the rules of the Pathfinder RPG system, the Glass Cannon interweaves immersive storytelling with irreverent, improvised humor to deliver the experience of what it's really like to sit around a table rolling dice and ball-busting with your best buds. In May of 2022, the original adventure came to an end and a new adventure began wi...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-28
1. Best Actual Play - So, the audio quality is good from the start and becomes great quite quickly. The group has amazing chemistry, there's the right focus on story over game mechanics, even though mechanics are important and present, so you know it is a game.
Also some genuinely laugh out loud moments, and also some dark and sad moments. You'll fall in love with the characters in the story, and the gang who play them.
2. I have a new mission in life! - My list of life goals now read;
- Acheive world dominance
- Go back in time and buy bitcon. Lots of bitcoin.
- Sve humanity by getting them to listen to the Glass Cannon podcast THIS! People. Just - THIS. If you are a gamer at heart or if you grew up with a dice in your left hand and a pen in your right, or if you are just nerd-curious with a not too sofisticated sense of humour - this will make your life better.
3. One of the best D&D/Pathfinder podcasts out there! - I've listened to my share of D&D podcasts out there, and this is amongst the few that has really caught on with me. The sound quality is superb, the voices are clear, and the story is interesting. Did I mention they mix humour and roleplaying really well? Despite being funny, they still manage to immerse in their storytelling. Really, if you have any interest in D&D or Pathfinder podcasts, you owe yourself to listen to this.
Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore the world of Aerois on Europe's biggest RPG stream! Episodes go live Mondays and Thursdays! Watch live every Sunday at 5pm UK Time on or catch up on missed episodes on!
Releasedatum: 2023-03-21
1. Great content, sloppy quality - Great story, unfortunately the person in charge of uploading seems to be on crack. Each session is split in to two episodes and several times they upload the second half as part one, but if your lucky you get the actual part one in the second episode but not always. The audio quality is on point though!
2. Underrated! - The High Rollers Aerois campaign has been going on for a while now and holy cow, what a journey it’s been so far (and still is). This campaign deserves all the fame it gets and more. Wonderful characters, capturing story and world building like no other, Mark has truly outdone himself with the magical planet of Aerois.
Welcome to The Poker Coaching Podcast, hosted by Two-time WPT Champion and Player of the Year, coach, and 14-time best-selling author Jonathan Little. This podcast is a mix of in-depth strategy content and inspirational life advice, including episodes of Weekly Poker Hand, A Little Coffee, and Little Poker Advice. Connect on twitter @JonathanLittle. Get your free trial membership to today!
Releasedatum: 2023-03-23
Triviality is a weekly pub trivia-style game show where a lack of seriousness meets a little bit of knowledge. Join our hosts every Tuesday to play along with our fast-paced game, enjoy monthly bonus episodes and mini-tournaments or simply enjoy the clash of intellect and personalities. This is TRIVIALITY. Hosted by: Ken, Matt, Neal, and Jeff.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-24
This is a show where Michael leads CMRN through all of Homestuck and they talk about it at length.
Releasedatum: 2023-02-03
1. The best way to experience Homestuck (even if you don’t want to read it!) - Michael and Cameron are running two (!) of the best cultural analysis podcasts out right now — one for Homestuck and one for Stephen King — and I don’t know how they do it! They even make bonus episodes for both as well! I boosted my patreon subscription to help get this show off the ground and that is the best money I’ve ever spent on a couple of podcast guys. Homestuck has always been a complete mystery to me, but now I finally know why Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff was created and what the heck a “Vriska” is.
This feed features a wide variety of games utilizing the World of Darkness/Chronicles of Darkness system. Games include Vampire: the Masquerade, Demon: the Descent, Changeling: the Dreaming, and loosely connected original horror setting The Billy-verse. Whatever scares you in the darkness, you can find it here. Part of the Fandible Actual Play Podcast.
Releasedatum: 2023-02-03
A podcast dedicated to the collectible card game, Marvel Snap! We explore the cards, the art, the creators, and the meta. The official podcast of Follow us at @cant_stop_snap on Twitter.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-16
I’m a YouTuber!! And I find it hard to find a roblox podcast… and I thought I would bring that to you guys! Sooo please enjoy this podcast! Where you guys pick games and I play them
Releasedatum: 2022-08-07
1. Feedback - Has some interesting topics, but it would improve the podcast if there was a solid script so you don’t get off track talking!
Also, in the Crooked House episode, the host talked for over minutes before actually talking about to Crooked House. Most of that time being her saying “so yeah” and “you should definietly join my group… guys… it’s so easy” repeatedly. I recommend getting an editing software, so you can go in and delete those “umm” and “so yeah”’s because it’s truthfully a little annoying to listen to. It would also shorten the episodes by a lot! Hope you find my feedback helpful.
Welcome to Contact Lost podcast, where we talk about competitive Warhammer 40,000, focusing on the Polish and international tournament scene. The show is brought to you by: Tomek "Tweak" & Michal "Joker" Watch out for new episodes every week! Logo: Blaze Music:
Releasedatum: 2023-03-11
Välkommen hit!Efter snart ett år på Youtube så föll vi till sist, hösten 2022, till föga. Vi begav oss ut i podd-djungeln eftersom vi tyckte att det vi gjorde var så pass roligt att vi ville kunna få lyssna på och ta del av det i efterhand. Men vi hade också fått så enormt mycket fin feedback av rollspelcommunityn att vi tänkte att vad fanken vi kan väl testa detta också.Om ni har några frågor eller synpunkter, gillar det vi gör eller tycker att det är s**t. Sitt inte och try...
Releasedatum: 2023-02-24
Welcome to the competitive 40k podcast brought to you by Vanguard Tactics. This is a Warhammer 40K podcast where we analyse the meta and develop strategies to help you become a competitive 40k player. I am your host Stephen Box and it is my mission to raise the standard of the game both on and off the table-top.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-13
The Good Friends of Jackson Elias is an irregular podcast devoted to the Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game, horror movies and horror gaming in general. It is hosted by Paul Fricker, Matthew Sanderson and Scott Dorward, three freelance writers who have worked on the new edition of Call of Cthulhu and other horror roleplaying games. Episodes are usually built around a particular theme, always centred on our shared love of all things dark and horrifying.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-14
1. High and low, this podcast gives you all - As ghoulish and horrific as its themes might seem, this wonderful podcast is as enjoyable on a sunny morning with a cup of freshly brewed coffee in hand as it is on a gloomy evening strolling through the neighborhood cemetery. Whilst maintaining their calming voices and positive spirits, the friends explore the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft and other horror writers by bringing interesting discussions on numerous stories, deities and characters. Beyond providing immense information on literature and tomes, the podcast really has helped me in the process of writing my own scenario through providing useful insights in the game mechanics. Although I still can’t seem to figure out how to make cuts in the approximately - NPCs I’ve created for the scenario.. Anyhow, I’d like to thank you very much sharing your podcast with the world. I highly recommend this to everyone!
Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast hosted by Bobby Shortle, Jacqui Turner, Brian Verderosa, Justin Reilly, and Bob Reyer. Each episode of Adventure is fully produced with soundscapes, music, and SFX from our resident druid Justin Reilly. Go on thrilling and ridiculous adventures with first time D & D players.
Releasedatum: 2022-11-04
1. Really fun new D&D podcast - A spinoff of the longer running "Talking comics podcast" this new RPG podcast is great fun with the same cast of people. Not knowing so much about RPG:ing it's fun to learn as the adventure goes on with the podcasters who are also just getting into it. With really good Audio and cool sound effects by a guy called Justin Reilly. Also, get in touch on twitter and you can have a character in the game named after you. For example I'm a bad guy apparently
Altors Vidder är en spinoffpodd från Soloäventyret och i denna podd spelar vi rollspelet Drakar och Demoner i världen Altor.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-26
Campaign is long-form actual play podcast. Our current series Campaign: Skyjacks takes place in an original setting inspired by folktales and classic adventure fiction. Join Liz Anderson, John Patrick Coan, Tyler Davis, Johnny O’Mara, and gamemaster James D’Amato as they tell a tale of daring sky pirates. … Also it’s basically an elaborate re-telling of Weekend at Bernie’s.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-15
1. First Campaign: Great Joy. Skyjacks: Surprising depth - I listened to the first Campaign, with Kat Kuhl as game master and it is a memory of Great Joy and much emotion.
The current campaign Skyjacks offers surprising depth, and often goes from astoundingly silly to serious at the drop of a hat.
Good quality listening, recommend.
En pandemi hade brutit ut. Människor var villrådiga. Ingen visste vad de skulle göra och alla vände sig till fel personer. Det var inte röda pesten. Röda Pesten var något helt annat. Det är det fortfarande. Kom och drabbas av pesten du också. Kom och lyssna på oss.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-24
Constructed Criticism is a podcast network dedicated to improving at Magic: The Gathering
Releasedatum: 2023-03-15
Mac & Travanalytikern är en podd med och av två av Sveriges mest (och bäst) pålästa spelläggare. Mac kommer från Spelarservice och har en erfarenhet och kunskap som få kan slå. Hans brinnande intresse för trav i alla dess former gör att han är ständigt uppdaterad. Vem som döljer sig bakom Travanalytikern är ett mysterium större än nästa miljonvinst, men säkert är att han briljerar genom matematisk statistik och sannolikhetsteori. Tillsammans fokuserar de på spelvärde, odds ...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-10
Eleven Foot Pole is tale of high adventure. We're playing old school Dungeons and Dragons using Old School Essentials in the Dolmenwood setting.
Releasedatum: 2023-02-27
A mix of table top roleplaying, and escape room puzzles. Each episode, our contestants find themselves locked in a room that exists solely in the mind of our Puzzlemaster. Using their wits, their imagination and with a lot of fun on the way, they will have to find a way out of their dire circumstances if they hope to stay alive.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-22
This is podcast where we talk about FIFA, Content Creating, and many more topics. Enjoy! Support this podcast:
Releasedatum: 2023-03-22
A Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcast. Ancient Brits play D&D 5e as they lurch headlong through the classic Paizo Age of Worms Adventure Path! Join us at our DnD table for a mix of adventure, laughs and hapless incompetence. But mostly hapless incompetence. Find us on... Twitter: @billowinghillto Facebook: Email:
Releasedatum: 2023-03-16
In this Magic: the Gathering podcast Evan, Fran and Gabe discuss all things Modern! Whether it be Meta discussion, spoilers, or whatever decks they happen to be working on, if you like modern this podcast has something for you!
Releasedatum: 2023-02-09
Releasedatum: 2020-04-24
A monthly recorded show in an actual play format where a group of great role-players serve up their character's experiences in new and published scenarios. Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Vampire the Masquerade (V5), and many more! Michael Diamond (@diamond_writing) is the Keeper of Arcane Lore and eagerly prepares each session for your listening enjoyment!
Releasedatum: 2023-03-24
Voice actor Matthew Mercer leads a group of fellow voice actors on epic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. These familiar voices bring the audience into the full experience of D&D, allowing imaginations to soar as the characters embark on adventures. This is Critical Role!
Releasedatum: 2022-01-13
Maxwell Lander is an educator and photographer in eastern Canada. Aaron King is an editor and collage artist in the Midwestern US. They're both game designers, and together, they read RPG books, find the good bits, and discuss them critically. Welcome to RTFM.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-14
10 questions. 10 points. 10 minutes. Hello, I’m Carol Vorderman and welcome to Perfect 10, the daily quiz that’s guaranteed to educate, entertain…and irritate! Each weekday I’ll have ten questions that’ll really get your synapses firing and maybe get you groaning when I reveal the answers. Make sure you subscribe, follow and ‘like’ to get our episodes as soon as they drop, available through Acast on all major Podcast Channels and our Perfect 10 YouTube Channel. So, why not jo...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-26
Vi spelar rollspel som vi alltid gjort- Högt i tak, inga manus, bara rollspel: Drakar och Demoner, Trudvang, Symbaroum, Mutant.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-17
Every week get an in-depth discussion behind the latest news in Magic the Gathering, focusing on finance, competitive deck building and budget brewing.
Releasedatum: 2023-03-20