Now that the Department of Defense acknowledges that the UFO phenomenon is real, what does that really tell us? Award-winning documentary filmmakers Blake and Brent Cousins who brought you "Countdown To Disclosure" and "Above Top Secret" now bring you the latest shocking film, "UFO Endgame to Disclosure," and travel across America to speak with the top experts regarding the cosmic cover-up to reveal the secret technology that can change the world. Dr. Steven Greer comes forward with explosive in...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-14 99,00 kr
Johnny Knoxville och gänget är äldre, men inte klokare och tillbaka för den galnaste Jackass-filmen hittills. Vi når nya nivåer av omognad och med lite hjälp av några modiga, nya vänner och gäststjärnor kommer deras galna upptåg och farligt benknäckande stunts få dig att skratta tills det verkligen gör ont. Vissa lär sig aldrig.
Releasedatum: 2022-02-04 Genre:Komedi 49,00 kr
Meet Me in the Bathroom is an immersive journey through the New York music scene of the early 2000s, featuring never-before-seen footage of artists like Yeah Yeah Yeahs, The Strokes, Interpol, and LCD Soundsystem. Set against the backdrop of 9/11, the film tells the story of how a new generation kick-started a musical rebirth for New York City that reverberated around the world. Inspired by the book by Lizzy Goodman.
Releasedatum: 2022-12-22 99,00 kr
From Oscar-nominated filmmaker Brett Morgen, director of Cobain: Montage of Heck, and featuring never-before-seen concert footage, Moonage Daydream is an immersive cinematic experience; an audio-visual space odyssey that not only illuminates the enigmatic legacy of David Bowie but also serves as a guide to living a fulfilling and meaningful life in the 21st Century. Moonage Daydream is not a documentary. It is a genre-defying cinematic experience based on one of the most iconic and global rock s...
Releasedatum: 2022-09-16 149,00 kr
Med uppsåt att röra om i grytan och få folket att dansa tog The KLF den brittiska klubbscenen med storm. Men när publiken slutade dansa, återstod bara kaoset. Mellan 87 och 92 släppte den dynamiska duon en uppsjö album och flera hitsinglar, så varför kollapsade projektet, och vad hände sen? Dokumentären Who Killed the KLF? avhandlar den osannolika berättelsen om en sann milstolpe inom elektronisk dansmusik i sin skildring av två visionsfyllda konstnärers uppgång och fall.
Releasedatum: 2022-08-01 99,00 kr
Moment of Contact is an exploration of extraterrestrial encounters, this one centered on a series of events in 1996 when citizens of Varginha, Brazil, reported seeing one or more strange creatures and a UFO crash. A number of locals, including a group of girls ranging in age from 14-21, had a close encounter with a being described as about 4 feet tall, with brown oily skin, a large head and huge red eyes. The town of Varginha was cordoned off by military and emergency response teams and two cre...
Releasedatum: 2022-10-18 99,00 kr
A famous prison escape sparks the idea for a cult-like race that has seen only 10 finishers in its first 25 years. This award-winning, oddly inspiring, and wildly funny documentary reveals the sports world’s most guarded secret.
Releasedatum: 2015-12-08 99,00 kr
Yves Saint Laurent är en av de största modeskaparna genom tiderna. Hans design förändrade för alltid vårt sätt att se på mode. I filmen om Yves Saint Laurent skildrar livs- och affärspartnern Pierre Bergé kärleken och konsten som förde honom samman med den stora modeskaparen. Dokumentären ger oss ett intimt porträtt av Yves Saint Laurent, med unika foton och filmer från hans privata arkiv och en titt in bakom kulisserna hos ett av de mest inflytelserika modehusen någonsin.
Releasedatum: 2010-10-15 59,00 kr
1. Yves Saint Laurent - Jag tycker detta var en mycket finstämd och vacker biografi som egentligen inte handlade om huvudpersonen utan om hans partner. Den lämnade ett stort tomrum eftersom ett helt liv och en historia gick på auktion. Vi fick aldrig veta vad Pierres personliga upplevelser var och det kanske hade behövts en särskild film om honom. Filmen tvingade mig själv att reflektera kring livet. Vad är det som driver oss till olika saker. Mitt jag - är det det som publiken ser - eller är jag fortfarande bara en vanlig människa med svagheter och styrkor. Se filmen. För oss som såg modejournalerna på TV och bläddrade veckotidningarna hos frisören är detta historia och en bit av vår historia. Jag tror att jag ska köpa filmen för den är värd att se om igen och vissa avsnitt kan ses i en egen repris.
En av Sveriges mest framgångsrika humorgrupper genom tiderna; vi berättar deras historia. Hur allt började med små steg av framgång, radiosketcher, folkparksturnéer, motgångar och så småningom likt en albatross som har svårt att lyfta, så flyger till slut humorgruppen och när den väl lyft flyger den bra och länge. Fortfarande efter 40 år arbetar de ihop. Filmen innehåller aldrig tidigare visat material, och har premiär i samband med gruppens 40-årsdag.
Releasedatum: 2022-09-09 139,00 kr
En unik dokumentär som trekkers över hela världen kommer att älska. Till minne av Spock handlar om Spocks liv såväl som skådespelaren som spelade honom i nästan 50 år, Leonard Nimoy. Filmen var ursprungligen tänkt att vara en del av Star Trek: The Original Series 50-årsjubileum, men efter Leonards död i februari 2015 valde hans son, regissören Adam Nimoy, att fokusera på en annan berättelse: hans erfarenheter av att växa upp med Leonard och Spock. Adam talar öppenhjärtigt om Sp...
Releasedatum: 2016-09-09 99,00 kr
"With more military data and whistleblower accounts being released periodically, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to discount the UFO phenomena. So…where do they come from? For many ufologists posing the question of origination, the answer lies outside of the limits of our senses. Deep within the electromagnetic spectrum. Frequencies that exist within our reality that human beings are yet to map, measure or manipulate. The Inter-dimensional hypothesis is a leading explanation for the UFO...
Releasedatum: 2022-06-14 79,00 kr
Based on the Global Bestselling Self-Help Phenomenon, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck is a cinematic documentary designed to help us become less awful people. The author himself, Mark Manson, cuts through the crap to offer his not-giving-a-f*ck philosophy: a dose of raw, refreshing, honesty that shows us how to live more contented, grounded lives. With over 15 Million copies sold, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck struck a chord with readers all over the world and now, its no-BS, life-chan...
Releasedatum: 2022-12-12 99,00 kr
Rapparen Lil Peep blev extremt framgångsrik när han började släppa sin musik på Soundcloud år 2014. Tre år och två miljarder streams senare dog han i en överdos. Lil Peep, som egentligen hette Gustav Elijah Åhr, blev bara 21 år gammal. Everybody's Everything handlar om en self-made stjärnas galna uppgång och brutala fall. Producerad av Oscarsnominerade Terrence Malick.
Releasedatum: 2019-12-23 69,00 kr
Director James Fox’s explosive documentary is being hailed as the most credible and revealing film ever made about the long-standing global cover-up and mystery involving unidentified aerial phenomenon. Including shocking never-before-seen testimony from high-ranking government and military officials, NASA Astronauts, and riveting footage, the timely film includes bombshell reveals about UAP incursions at nuclear weapon facilities, and the monumental events behind the NY Times’ recent disclo...
Releasedatum: 2020-10-06 79,00 kr
RIZE är en närgången och nyskapande skildring av innerstadsungdomar som har skapat konst – och ofta familjer – där inget fanns förut. Omgivna av drogberoende, gäng och fattigdom, har de utvecklat en helt unik dansstil som förvandlas dagligen. Genom sin oerhörda glöd och kreativitet lyckas de höja sig över allt.
Releasedatum: 2005-06-24 99,00 kr
In Missing 411: The UFO Connection, David Paulides continues the story of people who vanish in the wild without a trace. In his third documentary, David reveals the first evidence documenting a link between UFOs and missing people. The audience will ponder difficult questions, such as do the UFO craft come from another dimension or portal? Are their resources for survival limited, turning to the Earth for a food source? The film identifies direct associations between UFOs, abductees, and missing...
Releasedatum: 2022-12-13 119,00 kr
1. Very Good Top quality. - David Paulides delivers a very good high quality documentary with exiting and touching cases of missing people, witch makes you think and questioning our reality and surroundings. If you are into the unknown and the UFO world I highly recommend this documentary, and he’s other films about missing people is a must. Good job David!
When the invasion of Iraq ended no one knew what was to come. In the midst of the celebrations, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, the most vicious of Al Qaeda leaders, laid out his plan for the Islamic State – to transform the invasion into one of the most brutal conflicts our time... and to do it all on camera.
Releasedatum: 2016-02-15 99,00 kr
8 Billion Angels is the controversial new documentary that boldly asks the question, “Are there too many of us for planet Earth?” The film takes the viewer on an immersive and emotional journey into the lives of farmers, fisherman and others as they witness an unfolding global crisis and inspires real solutions toward lasting sustainability and a better quality of life for all Earth's inhabitants.
Releasedatum: 2021-04-23 109,00 kr
1961 omkom FN:s svenska generalsekreterare Dag Hammarskjöld i en mystisk flygkrasch i Ndola i Nordrhodesia (nuvarande Zambia). Omständigheterna kring olyckan är fortfarande oklara. Filmaren Mads Brügger och amatörforskaren Göran Björkdahl ger sig ut för att ta reda på sanningen om vad som orsakade kraschen. Det som börjar som konspirationsteorier leder dem vidare till nya spår av kolonialismens vidriga avtryck, brott som är långt värre än de kunnat ana.
Releasedatum: 2019-03-15 69,00 kr
Djupt i Piedmont, Italien, jagar en grupp män, 70 eller 80 år gamla, efter den ovanliga och dyra vita tryffeln Alba - som har undvikit modern vetenskaps försök till odling. De guidas av en hemlig kultur och träning som har gått i generationer, samt deras älskade och tränade hundar. De lever ett enklare liv, jämsides deras lojala djur och perfekta land, som taget från en saga. De är fria från mobiltelefoner och internet och föredrar att tillaga sin mat och dryck själva, samtidigt so...
Releasedatum: 2021-11-05 99,00 kr
Marc-André Leclerc climbs alone, far from the limelight. On remote alpine faces, the free-spirited 23-year-old Canadian makes some of the boldest solo ascents in history. Yet, he draws scant attention. With no cameras, no rope, and no margin for error, Leclerc's approach is the essence of solo adventure. Nomadic and publicity shy, he doesn’t own a phone or car, and is reluctant to let a film crew in on his pure vision of climbing. Veteran filmmaker Peter Mortimer (The Dawn Wall) sets out to ...
Releasedatum: 2021-11-02 99,00 kr
Set inside a single room in Folsom Prison, The Work follows three men from outside as they participate in a four-day group therapy retreat with level-four convicts. Over the four days, each man in the room takes his turn at delving deep into his past. The raw and revealing process that the incarcerated men undertake exceeds the expectations of the free men, ripping them out of their comfort zones and forcing them to see themselves and the prisoners in unexpected ways. "The Work" offers a powerfu...
Releasedatum: 2017-09-08 59,00 kr
15 år av Crossfit Games. 15 event utformade för att testa gränserna av människans förmåga. Se storheternas återkomst och nykomlingarnas uppgång – de som kommer att ta stafettpinnen vidare som Jordens mest vältränade till nästa generation.
Releasedatum: 2022-07-05 139,00 kr
"Anthropocene: The Human Epoch" är en filmisk resa genom mänsklighetens massiva påverkan på jorden, som har tagit oss in i en ny geologisk epok. Filmteamet bakom Anthropocene: The Human Epoch har rest till sex kontinenter och 20 länder för att dokumentera och visa hur människan förändrat jorden. En dokumentär som beskrivits som lika vacker som förfärande, med berättarröst av Alicia Vikander.
Releasedatum: 2019-06-03 69,00 kr
This inspiring film follows the journey of two passionate Navy officers, Jay and Meagan, as they chase their childhood dream of becoming naval aviators flying the F-14 Tomcat. Thanks to unprecedented access granted by the Navy, Speed & Angels is not only stunning with epic aerial footage and cockpit photography but also the most intimate portrait ever made about what its like to become a fighter pilot.
Releasedatum: 2008-09-16 45,00 kr
"Vi klär oss alla med Bill i åtanke", sa Vogue-redaktören Anna Wintour om den legendariske New York Times-fotografen, vars arbete utgör en visuell historieskrivning över New York de senaste 50 åren. Bill Cunningham New York är ett varmt och humoristiskt porträtt av den nu 80-årige konstnären. Oscar shortlisted för bästa dokumentär 2012.
Releasedatum: 2012-08-31 59,00 kr
This film tells the story of A.J. McLean, Howie Dorough, Nick Carter, Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell - otherwise known as the Backstreet Boys. The biggest boy band ever, they formed in the mid-1990s and found fame with tracks such as “I Want It That Way”, “Everybody (Backstreet's Back)” and “As Long as You Love Me”. But alongside the highs were real lows, including their lawsuit with former manager Lou Pearlman - now serving a 25 year prison sentence for fraud - and Kevin Richar...
Releasedatum: 2015-10-26 Genre:Musikdokumentärer 119,00 kr
George Michael Freedom Uncut concentrates on the formative period in the late Grammy Award winner's life and career, leading up to and following the making of his acclaimed, best-selling album "Listen Without Prejudice Vol. 1" and his subsequent, infamous High Court battle with his record label that followed, while also becoming poignantly personal about the death of his first love, Anselmo Feleppa. Filmed before Michael's untimely passing, the documentary is narrated by the singer, who was heav...
Releasedatum: 2022-07-26 99,00 kr
Dokumentären Tillbaka i tiden är i grund och botten en inblick i det genomslag filmerna Tillbaka till framtiden haft i vår kultur. Det som en gång bara var en liten idé födde en kompakt dokumentär och har växt till något fantastiskt under två års filmande. Tillbaka i tiden är ett filmiskt monument över den enorma fandom kopplad till triologin. Förutom alla klipp och alla intervjuer som handlar om tidsmaskinen själv, så upptäckte filmteamet dessutom att en episk resa bredde ut si...
Releasedatum: 2015-10-21 69,00 kr
Director Kelly Noonan Gores' documentary takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the huma...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-05 109,00 kr
When Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan stepped on the moon in December 1972 he left his footprints and his daughter’s initials in the lunar dust. Only now, over forty years later, is he ready to share his epic but deeply personal story of fulfillment, love and loss. Cernan’s burning ambition carried him from a quiet Chicago suburb to the spectacular and hazardous environment of space, and ultimately, to the moon. Five years in the making, The Last Man on the Moon unveils a wealth of rare archive,...
Releasedatum: 2016-05-26 119,00 kr
Multi-platinum rock band Whitesnake filmed their show when they headlined the Loud Park festival on October 15th 2011 at Saitama Super Arena, Tokyo, in Japan during their Forevermore World Tour. Having spent most of 2012 editing & mixing the Japanese concert in stunning HD in both 5.1 surround & stereo in time to celebrate the Year Of The Snake 2013 World Tour, this exceptional performance is a welcome addition to the history of Whitesnake live releases. Now fans can relive the irresistible magi...
Releasedatum: 2013-04-23 Genre:Musiklångfilmer 79,00 kr
Sir Ranulph Fiennes is credited as being the World’s Greatest Living Explorer. Among his extraordinary achievements he was the first to circumnavigate the world from pole to pole, crossed the Antarctic on foot, broke countless world records and discovered a lost city in Arabia. He has travelled to the most dangerous places on Earth, lost half his fingers to frostbite, raised millions of pounds for charity and was nearly cast as James Bond. But who is the man who prefers to be known as just 'Ra...
Releasedatum: 2022-08-30 79,00 kr
Fourteen years after his fourth Masters victory, Tiger Woods staged an unforgettable comeback at the 2019 Masters to capture his fifth Green Jacket and first major title in 11 years. Woods, who had never won a major championship after trailing through three rounds, erased a two-stroke deficit on the final day to set the stage for his thrilling Sunday finish at Augusta National. Relive the drama and excitement of the 83rd Masters Tournament with the Masters Official Film.
Releasedatum: 2019-12-03 Genre:Sport 99,00 kr
In the early 1960’s, Ford was drastically losing market share to GM and Chevrolet. The Corvette was crushing Ford at the dealerships and on the track. Henry Ford II was desperate to regain the market share his grandfather had worked so hard to build. While watching the 12 Hours of Sebring, Henry Ford II saw a beautiful red solution to his problems -- Henry Ford II decided to buy Ferrari. Enzo Ferrari had been dominating the racing world for decades. A former driver himself, Enzo lived and brea...
Releasedatum: 2016-11-22 119,00 kr
From the producer of The Price of Everything, a film about the new voices shaking up old systems in the art world. With unprecedented access to the powers that rule the explosive, seductive, and unregulated art world, The Art of Making It explores the secret sauce that thrusts some artists into the stratosphere while leaving others struggling to survive. Who gets seen and who gets left behind? Sparing no punches as it probes the question of creative capital beyond its commercial value, The ...
Releasedatum: 2022-06-01 69,00 kr
After the breakup of the Sex Pistols, John Lydon (a.k.a. Johnny Rotten), formed Public Image Ltd (PiL), his groundbreaking band which he has kept alive for over four decades, through personnel and stylistic changes, fighting to constantly reinvent new ways of approaching music, while adhering to radical ideals of artistic integrity.
Releasedatum: 2018-09-14 109,00 kr
ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed-and widely misunderstood-neurological conditions in the world today, affecting nearly 10% of kids and a rising number of adults. But what if having an ADHD brain is actually an asset? A growing number of innovators, entrepreneurs, CEO's, Olympic athletes, and award-winning artists have recently disclosed that their ADHD, managed effectively, has played a vital role in their success. The Disruptors hears from many of those game-changing people about thei...
Releasedatum: 2022-05-11 89,00 kr
In recent times, music lovers have been confounded with the tragic and shocking news that some of their most beloved stars had passed away in controversial circumstances. The music world has again been stunned by the sudden and tragic news that Prince, the legendary musician, died at his home in Minneapolis at the age of just 57, and it was recently confirmed the singer died of an opioid overdose. He was one of the most naturally gifted artists of all time, and also one of the most mysterious. I...
Releasedatum: 2017-04-04 99,00 kr
Donnie Vincent's award-winning debut film, The River's Divide is a feature length documentary following Donnie on his two year bowhunting quest for a single whitetail buck notoriously nicknamed 'Steve'. Set against the beautiful backdrop of the North Dakota Badlands, an amazing story unfolds as Donnie experiences the highs and lows of chasing a single animal in the middle of the vast wilderness. Experience each step of the way as Donnie's raw emotion and insight pull you into this once in a life...
Releasedatum: 2020-03-17 169,00 kr
Keith Richards has smashed through the barriers of tradition for over 5 decades. He is the heart and the soul of The Rolling Stones, crafting some of their classic hits that have helped cement them into the history books. He has lived a life full of drink, drugs and rock and roll and has been involved in countless legal troubles over the years. But despite all that, Keith continues to create phenomenal rock and roll songs that are filled with character.Follow the journey of the infamous Rock ’...
Releasedatum: 2019-05-21 79,00 kr
Den 28 februari 1986 sköts Olof Palme ihjäl på öppen gata i Stockholm. Mordet har i decennier överskuggat bilden av personen. Nu kommer filmen om Palme. En berättelse om en människa, en politiker och hans tid. Om en man som förändrade historien. Olof Palme liknar ingen annan svensk politiker, varken före eller efter honom. Han var överklasspojken som skapade världens mest jämlika land. Älskad och hatad. Alla hade en åsikt om Palme. I filmen ger politiska motståndare, internatione...
Releasedatum: 2012-09-14 59,00 kr
1. Som historiskt dokument, ovärderlig! - För icke social demokrat fantastiskt intressant och dessutom bekräftelse av en mycket stor ledare. Viktigt att förstå att allt hände i en annan tid en nu. Aktör vad Palme stod för har ju visat sig korrekt. Hade varit roligare om han fått ett längre liv. Men man kan också förstå mordet detta var en tid när stater fortfarande kunde agera så här! Se filmen.
Hemligheten. Genom tiderna har den rest, i århundraden, för att nå dig. Detta är svaret på allt - lycka, hälsa, glädje, pengar, förhållanden, kärlek. Allt du någonsin önskade dig. I denna häpnadsväckande film finner du alla hjälpmedel du kan behöva för att förstå och leva enligt Hemligheten. För första gången någonsin kommer ledande forskare, författare och filosofer avslöja Hemligheten. En hemlighet som fullkomligt förvandlade livet för dem som levde som den lärde: P...
Releasedatum: 2007-02-01 99,00 kr
True crime thriller about a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy and a Cuban spy who teamed up to sell a nuclear submarine to a Colombian drug cartel. This gangster epic travels from Brooklyn to Miami to Moscow. Meet the three one time friends,who set out to hustle the Russian mob, the a drug cartel, and the DEA for the score of a lifetime. The tale became an international media sensation. But the truth about what really happened has remained an underworld myth - until now.
Releasedatum: 2019-02-20 79,00 kr
When Maynard James Keenan (enigmatic Tool, A Perfect Circle & Puscifer frontman) fled Los Angeles for a sleepy Arizona ghost town and teamed up with formidable winemaking partner Eric Glomski to pioneer a sustainable wine industry in the harsh climates of the Arizona desert, a lot of people chalked it up to a celebrity with more money than sense. What they didn’t realize was just how serious this rocker was about meeting this challenge with his usual hands-on approach. With winemaking in his...
Releasedatum: 2010-02-19 99,00 kr
Efter den prisbelönta biosuccén Senna, kommer nu regissören Asif Kapadia med en dokumentär om en annan ikon – Amy. Trots att hon bara givit ut två album, så är Amy Winehouse en av de största musikikonerna i brittisk historia. Men en röst som ofta beskrivs som en blandning av Billy Holiday, Dinah Washington och Sarah Vaughan, var Amy Winehouse en popstjärna med soul, med en gränsöverskridande musikalisk talang. Filmen visar livet bakom sensationsrubrikerna, historien om en otroligt ...
Releasedatum: 2015-07-17 39,00 kr
Bergsbestigning är ett spel med höga odds där Mount Meru Shark’s Fin utgör det ultimata priset. Den dödliga klättringsrutten har sett fler elitklättrarteam misslyckas de senaste 30 åren än någon annan rutt i Himalaya. När Conrad Anker, Jimmy Chan och Renan Özturk försökte sig på klättringen på 6 400 meter stötte de på många bakslag: minskande förnödenheter, snöstormar och extrema kallgrader. De slås tillbaka med brustna hjärtan och i fullständigt nederlag. Anker, Chin...
Releasedatum: 2015-08-14 79,00 kr
Trixie Mattel charmed audiences and judges as the winner of RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars. But the grind of performing and the pressure of the title proves that heavy is the head that wears the tiara.
Releasedatum: 2019-12-03 89,00 kr
Changing the world, one letter at a time… Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will celebrate its 50th birthday in 2007) as part of a larger conversation about the way type affects our lives. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and ...
Releasedatum: 2017-06-19 99,00 kr
Bordeaux is one of the French wine regions where the highest priced and sought after wines are produced. Idyllically located nearby the historical town of Saint-Émilion stands Château Angélus. This is where the 8thgeneration of the family de Boüard de Laforest produces Bordeaux wines with Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Cabernet Sauvignon. Jeannie Cho Lee: “Hubert de Boüard de Laforest is a real superstar. It’s not a surprise that he is highly sought after as a wine consultant.”
Releasedatum: 2018-03-18 99,00 kr