Recycling is good, isn’t it? In this visionary book, chemist Michael Braungart and architect William McDonough challenge this status quo and put forward a manifesto for an intriguing and radically different philosophy of environmentalism. "Reduce, reuse, recycle”. This is the standard “cradle to grave” manufacturing model dating back to the Industrial Revolution that we still follow today. In this thought-provoking read, the authors propose that instead of minimising waste, we should be ...
Releasedatum: 2009-01-29 115,00 kr
Vann- og avløpsteknikk er et oppslagsverk og en lærebok med en bred målgruppe i VA-Norge. Det vil si at boka i tillegg til å være en lærebok for høgskoler og universiteter, er en ypperlig håndbok for alle som jobber med vann og avløp. Det er lagt vekk på å presentere teknikker som er vanlig i Norge samt norsk dimensjoneringspraksis – opparbeidet gjennom flere tiår. VA-teknikken er imidlertid i utvikling – på samme måte som samfunnet, og det vil derfor med all sannsynlighet vær...
Releasedatum: 2019-08-10 269,00 kr
A comprehensive, clearly structured and readable overview of the subject, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment has established itself as the leading introduction to EIA worldwide. This fifth edition is a major update reflecting many significant changes in EIA procedures, process, practice and prospects over the last decade. In particular, it includes: a much more international dimension, drawing on EIA activities worldwide; an up-to-date coverage of the revised EU EIA Directive and it...
Releasedatum: 2019-03-25 399,00 kr
A guide to long-term thinking: how to envision the far future of Earth. We live on a planet careening toward environmental collapse that will be largely brought about by our own actions. And yet we struggle to grasp the scale of the crisis, barely able to imagine the effects of climate change just ten years from now, let alone the multi-millennial timescales of Earth's past and future life span. In this book, Vincent Ialenti offers a guide for envisioning the planet's far future--to become, as h...
Releasedatum: 2020-09-22 209,00 kr
Este libro narra el desarrollo del movimiento ambiental en Puerto Rico desde su colonización por las tribus indígenas. Resume el impacto ambiental de las civilizaciones indígenas, españolas y americana sobre el ecosistema tropical de una pequeña isla dotada con limitados recursos naturales. Señala que el impacto ambiental del ser humano sobre el medio ambiente fue insignificante durante la colonización indígena, sufrió con la inmensa desforestación causada por la colonización agrícol...
Releasedatum: 2013-12-17 159,00 kr
“I’ve been thinking a lot about Cadillac Desert in the past few weeks, as the rain fell and fell and kept falling over California, much of which, despite the pouring heavens, seems likely to remain in the grip of a severe drought. Reisner anticipated this moment. He worried that the West’s success with irrigation could be a mirage — that it took water for granted and didn’t appreciate the precariousness of our capacity to control it.” – Farhad Manjoo, The New York Times , Janu...
Releasedatum: 1986-08-18 85,00 kr