Winner of the Costa Biography Award What makes a Stalin? Was he a Tsarist agent or Lenin's bandit? Was he to blame for his wife's death? When did the killing start? Based on revelatory research, here is the thrilling story of how a charismatic cobbler's son became a student priest, romantic poet, prolific lover, gangster mastermind and murderous revolutionary. Culminating in the 1917 revolution, Simon Sebag Montefiore's bestselling biography radically alters our understanding of the gifted polit...
Releasedatum: 2010-05-27 Genre:Biografier och memoarer 49,00 kr
I 20 år har Lars Findsen været en af de mest centrale embedsmænd i Danmark med en sikkerhedsgodkendelse på højeste niveau. Han kender til statens dybeste hemmeligheder og har som den eneste været chef for landets to efterretningstjenester, først PET og senest FE. SPIONCHEFEN er et unikt kig ind bag kulissen, hvor Lars Findsen har håndteret politiske skandaler med store personlige konsekvenser og været med til at forsvare demokratiet, selvom Muhammedtegninger satte ild til verden, ...
Releasedatum: 2022-10-13 299,00 kr
One of today’s premier biographers has written a modern, comprehensive, indeed ultimate book on the epic life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. In this superlative volume, Jean Edward Smith combines contemporary scholarship and a broad range of primary source material to provide an engrossing narrative of one of America’s greatest presidents. This is a portrait painted in broad strokes and fine details. We see how Roosevelt’s restless energy, fierce intellect, personal magnetism, and ability t...
Releasedatum: 2007-05-15 129,00 kr
Zbigniew Ziobro doszedł w polityce na szczyt, bo jest człowiekiem bez granic. Bez mrugnięcia okiem potrafi porzucać kolejnych politycznych patronów, naciskać na prokuratorów, by ochronić siebie, śledzić swoich kolegów, a nawet zlecić służbom inwigilację bliskiej mu osoby. Superprokurator, który może ingerować w każde śledztwo w Polsce, zmienić prawo pod siebie, bo tak dyktuje mu prywatny interes jego i jego rodziny. Jednocześnie człowiek małostkowy i mściwy, który w jed...
Releasedatum: 2022-09-28 Genre:Biografier och memoarer 99,00 kr
تأليف حرير حسين كامل.. صدام حسين هو أحد أبرز الشخصيات العربية إثارة للجدل، نظرًا لما التفّ حوله من غموض وتباين مواقف الناس تجاهه بين التأييد الكامل إلى حد التقديس والرفض التام إلى حد الاحتقار، فمواقف الناس تجاه صدام كانت دائمًا إما أبيض وإما أسود، قلّما تجد أحدًا يقف في المن...
Releasedatum: 2021-02-17 19,00 kr
In 2008 Clive Hamilton was at Parliament House in Canberra when the Beijing Olympic torch relay passed through. He watched in bewilderment as a small pro-Tibet protest was overrun by thousands of angry Chinese students. Where did they come from? Why were they so aggressive? And what gave them the right to shut down others exercising their democratic right to protest? The authorities did nothing about it, and what he saw stayed with him. In 2016 it was revealed that wealthy Chinese busines...
Releasedatum: 2018-02-26 125,00 kr
Das Leben des letzten deutschen Kaisers Christopher Clark folgt der Karriere des letzten deutschen Kaisers: die schwierige Jugend bei Hof, die Etablierung seiner Macht sowie seine politischen Auseinandersetzungen und Ziele. Mit dem Ersten Weltkrieg endet auch die Herrschaft Wilhelms II. Der Kaiser dankt ab und muss den Rest seines Lebens im Exil verbringen. Clarks sorgfältig recherchiertes Buch bietet eine neue, zuweilen provokante Interpretation des Monarchen und seiner dreißig Jahre während...
Releasedatum: 2009-11-20 115,00 kr
No two people were more important to American conservatism in the postwar era than William F. Buckley Jr. and Ronald Reagan. Buckley's writings provided the intellectual underpinnings, while Reagan brought the conservative movement into the White House. They met in 1961 when Reagan introduced a speech by Buckley. When nobody could turn on the microphone, Reagan climbed out a window, walked along a ledge to the locked control room, broke in, and flipped the correct switch. Buckley later described...
Releasedatum: 2008-10-14 79,00 kr
An die politische Lebensleistung Konrad Adenauers und Helmut Kohls kam er nie heran, er war auch nicht so umschwärmt wie Willy Brandt, nicht so kumpelhaft wie Gerhard Schröder, nicht so kontrolliert wie Angela Merkel. Doch Helmut Schmidt übertrumpfte sie alle, weil er Eleganz und Macht verband. "Macht und Eleganz" taufte er die Skulptur Henry Moores vor dem Bonner Kanzleramt, in das er 1976 aus dem Palais Schaumburg umzog und das er in eine Galerie verwandelte. Auch das zeigte, bei al...
Releasedatum: 2015-11-26 75,00 kr
Henri Alleg’s candid account of how the French Army brutally tortured him in Algeria first appeared in 1958. Although quickly banned by the French government, it was widely read and remains a classic and powerful indictment of torture. “The lesson of this book... is that we are all on the edge of savagery and if we begin to slip over that edge, we fall fast and far.” — D. W. Brogan, The New York Times “Written with spare and simple candor, the book is much more than a scalding f...
Releasedatum: 2013-12-16 39,00 kr