'A business classic. You're pretty much guaranteed to get your money's worth - if not much, much more' Jason Hesse, Real Business This revised and expanded edition of the bestselling book, The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman, gives you everything you need to transform your business, your career or your working life forever. An MBA at a top school is an enormous investment in time, effort and cold, hard cash. And if you don't want to work for a consulting firm or an investment bank, the chances are ...
Releasedatum: 2011-02-03 Genre:Zaken en persoonlijke financiën € 10,99
Het schokkende verhaal van de Deutsche Bank als symbool van roekeloos, gewetenloos en crimineel beleid in de bankenwereld. David Enrich, financieel redacteur bij The New York Times, doet al jaren grondig onderzoek naar de schimmige praktijken van de Deutsche Bank. Zijn bevindingen zijn onthutsend, van de financiële steun bij het bouwen van Auschwitz tot de samenwerking met inmiddels veroordeelde criminelen als Jeffrey Epstein, Russische oligarchen en terroristische regimes. Om voet aan de gr...
Releasedatum: 2020-02-25 Genre:Zaken en persoonlijke financiën € 9,99
1. Bizarre bank… - Zeer lezenswaardig relaas over Deutsche Bank. Daarbij vergeleken is ABN AMRO Bank kinderspel.
Hoogmoed en frauduleus gedrag, alleen voor het eigen belang van bankiers. Enorme bonussen.
Trump en Rusland. Alles gefinancierd wat fout zat. Echt ongelofelijk!
Wel jammer dat het zo enorm slecht vertaald uit het Engels. Duidelijk geen bancaire kennis over het Nederlandstalige concept laten meelezen.
Krijg jij ook de kriebels als de begroting of de jaarafsluiting weer om de hoek komt kijken? Of je nu ondernemer bent of particulier, als je voor eens en altijd je administratie op orde wilt hebben, dan is deze nieuwe editie van de bestseller Boekhouden voor Dummies het perfecte boek voor jou. Leer op eenvoudige wijze alles wat je moet weten over een overzichtelijke boekhouding, de jaarbalans en hoe je alles correct rapporteert. Voor jou kent boekhouden na het lezen van dit boek geen geheimen me...
Releasedatum: 2019-10-25 € 19,99
Zelfstandige ondernemers krijgen te maken met de boekhouding, belastingen, verzekeringen, exploitatiebegrotingen en andere financiële zaken. Zaken waar de meeste zzpers niet echt warm voor lopen. Ze richten zich liever op hun onderneming en laten de financiën graag over aan hun boekhouder. Om een gezond bedrijf te runnen hoef je inderdaad geen financieel expert te zijn. Maar je moet wel de grote lijnen snappen. Zodat je de juiste vragen weet te stellen, kunt ingrijpen als het mis dreigt te gaa...
Releasedatum: 2014-11-13 € 19,99
Raak je gefrustreerd door verwarrende financiële rapporten? Zou je graag voor jezelf beginnen, maar schrikt de administratieve rompslomp je af? In deze nieuwe editie van 'Financieel management voor Dummies' lees je alles wat je nodig hebt. Of je nu een doorgewinterd manager, een beginnend belegger of de eigenaar van een klein bedrijf bent, om belangrijke zakelijke beslissingen te nemen, moet je een gedegen kennis hebben van de beginselen van financieel management. Met de tips en adviezen in dit...
Releasedatum: 2017-11-24 € 15,99
The co-founder of the Stanford d.School introduces the power of design thinking to help you achieve goals you never thought possible. Achievement can be learned. It’s a muscle, and once you learn how to flex it, you’ll be able to meet life’s challenges and fulfill your goals, Bernard Roth, Academic Director at the Stanford d.school contends. In The Achievement Habit, Roth applies the remarkable insights that stem from design thinking—previously used to solve large scale projects—to hel...
Releasedatum: 2015-07-07 Genre:Zaken en persoonlijke financiën € 18,99
Wie geen macht heeft, loopt niet het risico het te verliezen. Maar wie macht ontbeert, kan er ook niks moois mee creëren. Als we geen macht hebben, kunnen we het niet misbruiken. Maar zonder macht kunnen we ook het verschil niet maken. Dat macht en instinct met elkaar te maken hebben, ligt voor de hand. Als mensen hebben we een dierlijk instinct dat wil beschermen, heersen en overheersen. Macht en integriteit lijken een minder vanzelfsprekende combinatie. Wanneer echter macht met integriteit wo...
Releasedatum: 2015-12-17 € 19,99
Als bestuurder, toezichthouder, adviseur of ondernemer wordt er van je verwacht dat je de financiële cijfers kunt lezen en begrijpen. Je hoeft natuurlijk niet op de stoel van de financieel directeur te gaan zitten, maar het is wel van belang dat je over de nodige kennis beschikt. Zodat je de financiële consequenties van beslissingen kunt overzien en op tijd de juiste vragen weet te stellen. Dit boek is bedoeld voor professionals die financiële rapportages van anderen willen kunnen lezen en be...
Releasedatum: 2014-11-14 € 19,99
Joseph Stiglitz beschrijft hoe het vrijemarktdenken is ontspoord, vooral in Amerika. Maar daar niet alleen. Kern van het probleem is dat een paar grote bedrijven de markt zijn gaan overheersen. De overheid staat erbij en kijkt ernaar. De financiële sector ging zijn eigen gang, wat leidde tot de crisis van 2008. Technologiebedrijven eigenen zich inmiddels op ongekende schaal persoonlijke data toe en in handelsovereenkomsten worden de belangen van de werknemers vergeten. Welvaart wordt op steeds ...
Releasedatum: 2019-11-13 € 14,99
Releasedatum: 2020-05-08 € 0,99
'For anyone thinking of doing an MBA, or indeed anyone who wants to understand how the corporate elite are moulded, this is a must read' Luke Johnson, British entrepreneur The internationally best-selling business classic that reveals what it's really like to study an MBA at one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. Philip Delves Broughton quit his position as New York correspondent for The Daily Telegraph to take his place on one of the most-coveted and exclusive courses in the wor...
Releasedatum: 2009-05-07 Genre:Zaken en persoonlijke financiën € 9,49
They say that numbers don’t lie, but what if you can’t even read them? Discover how great managers use financial data to guide decisions. Financial analysis reports, budgeting reports, forecasting and measuring reports--sometimes they all run together, don’t they? The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers is here to help. This new edition of a business classic demystifies finance and accounting and gives managers the tools they need to make better decisio...
Releasedatum: 2016-03-25 € 10,99
Not everyone is cut out to be a professional accountant, but those who want to move up the corporate ladder know that they need to master the essentials of accounting. Understanding Business Accounting For Dummies, 2nd Edition makes truly light work of the financial fundamentals that many businesspeople try to bluff their way through every day. The book will show you how to evaluate profit margins, establish budgets, control profit and cash flow, stem losses, manage inventory, make wise fi...
Releasedatum: 2010-11-23 € 19,99
Hoe maak je van je bedrijf een geldmachine? Op school hebben we nooit geleerd effectief ons geld te beheren. Sterker nog, we leerden dingen die averechts werken, bijvoorbeeld dat we geld moeten uitgeven om de economie draaiende te houden. In dit boek vertelt financieel ondernemer Pieter Bas Jansen wat je eigenlijk op school had moeten leren. In drie stappen legt hij uit hoe je meer geld op je privérekening ontvangt, hoe je bedrijf meer winst genereert en hoe je een inkomen buiten je bedrijf opb...
Releasedatum: 2016-02-18 € 14,99
Tanto si quieres entrar en el departamento de contabilidad de una empresa, como si vas montar tu propio negocio, e incluso si estudias la asignatura de Contabilidad y Finanzas, este libro constituye una estupenda introducción a esta disciplina. Olvídate de esa frustrante sensación de no entender lo que te explican, porque Oriol Amat y la colección para Dummies forman un gran tándem, y te ofrecen un libro ameno, muy fácil de seguir y comprender, destacando los conceptos clave, avanzando con...
Releasedatum: 2012-03-20 € 8,99
One of the most influential economists of the 20th century, his ideas are the basis for the school of thought known as Keynesian economic. John Maynard Keynes was an English economist, whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments. He built on and greatly refined earlier work on the causes of business cycles. He detailed these ideas in his magnum opus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Contents: THE ...
Releasedatum: 2021-11-25 Genre:Zaken en persoonlijke financiën € 0,99
Der Fall Wirecard ist der wohl spektakulärste Betrugsfall der deutschen Wirtschaftsgeschichte. 1,9 Milliarden Euro – der Unternehmensgewinn aus mehr als fünf Jahren – sind nicht da. 20 Milliarden Euro Börsenwert – vernichtet. Der ehemalige Konzernchef Markus Braun kam in Untersuchungshaft, Ex-Vorstand Jan Marsalek gelang eine filmreife Flucht. Was bleibt, ist die Geschichte eines Zahlungsabwicklers, der als kleiner Dienstleister für die Pornoindustrie begann, doch schon bald die Schmud...
Releasedatum: 2020-11-04 € 15,99
Dit boek, met bijbehorende website, geeft je alle praktische informatie voor de start van je bedrijf. Ook handig als je een goed onderbouwd ondernemingsplan wilt maken! Je krijgt op de website informatie en handige formats die je helpen om jouw droom, jouw toekomst te realiseren! Dit boek is voor startende ondernemers en studenten binnen het MBO/HBO.
Releasedatum: 2019-09-14 € 11,99
Originally published in 1928, this is the book that began Napoleon Hill's self-help odyssey. Hill queried dozens of people about the keys to their prosperity and organized his findings into 16 principles. Each principle marks a chapter of this book, forming a methodology for employing untapped 'mind-power' that leads to success. Hill was well known for researching what made millionaires different from the common man. The sixteen lessons in this book perfectly crystallize everything you will need...
Releasedatum: 2023-03-27 Genre:Zaken en persoonlijke financiën € 0,99
Do you want to improve your productivity? Do you want to computerize your most time consuming tasks? Have you ever wanted to create your own applications in Microsoft Excel? In Beginning Microsoft VBA Programming for Accountants you'll learn the techniques to build applications which will help you in your day to day work. Starting with a foundation in the basics of computer programming you'll advance to three real life projects which you can use as a starting point for your own endeavors. An acc...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-01 € 2,99
Simplify and streamline your way to a winning legacy The Financial Controller and CFO's Toolkit is a hybrid handbook and toolkit with over 100 lean practice solutions and a wealth of practical tools for senior financial managers of small, midsized and large companies. This book outlines the mindset of paradigm shifters relevant to future-ready finance teams, and contains guidelines on how to become an effective change leader. Guidance from world leading expert David Parmenter provides the ...
Releasedatum: 2016-08-29 € 32,99
The easy way to master a managerial accounting course Are you enrolled in a managerial accounting class and finding yourself struggling? Fear not! Managerial Accounting For Dummies is the go-to study guide to help you easily master the concepts of this challenging course. You'll discover the basic concepts, terminology, and methods to identify, measure, analyze, interpret, and communicate information in the pursuit of an organization's goals. Tracking to a typical managerial accounting course an...
Releasedatum: 2013-01-28 € 18,99
The modern marketplace is increasingly unpredictable and there is an ever-greater need for non-financial managers to understand the financial and management accounting process. How to Understand Business Finance is part of the bestselling Creating Success series published in association with the Sunday Times, which has been translated into 25 languages with over 500, 000 copies sold. This book is written for those managing a business in a real market. It provides a quick and effective course in ...
Releasedatum: 2010-04-03 € 13,99
You may not believe that there’s a fun and easy way to comply with Sarbanes –Oxley, but once you have Sarbanes-Oxley For Dummies, Second Edition in front of you, you’re sure to change your mind. This friendly guide gets you quickly up to speed with the latest SOX legislation and shows you safe and effective ways to reduce compliance costs. In plain English, this completely reliable handbook walks you through the new and revised SOX laws, introduces compliance strategies for changed and unc...
Releasedatum: 2011-02-08 € 15,99
The #1 Guide to Do-It-Yourself Stock Analysis– Now Fully Updated with Powerful New Shortcuts! “Harry’s book is among my most recommended readings because it provides a step-by-step process that enables any investor to analyze potential investment opportunities and ultimately become a much better investor.” – Charles E. Kirk, The Kirk Report “This is a thoughtful book that will stir the imagination and whet the appetite of anyone considering investing in stocks. It will serve as a fou...
Releasedatum: 2009-11-05 € 8,99
Simply the clearest and most comprehensive introduction to financial reporting available. No accounting background is required. “Finally, a handbook that takes the mystery out of accounting principles.” —Margi Gandolfi, VP Marketing/Strategic Planning of New York Blood Center This edition replaces all previous editions of this bestselling title based on the revised and expanded edition corrected and back to the basics. Financial Statements is a perfect introduction to financial accounting ...
Releasedatum: 2022-09-12 € 18,99
Wil ook jij meer geld overhouden aan het einde van de maand, zonder er plezier bij in te boeten? Dan is dit het boek voor jou! Budgetexperte Sara Van Wesenbeeck weet als geen ander waar we - ook in tijden van crisis - op een snelle en makkelijke manier euro's kunnen winnen. Ze selecteerde 365 beproefde en slimme tips en combineert deze met handige stappenplannen die je meteen geld zullen opleveren. Van kleine slimme acties die je portemonnee met een extra euro spijzen tot budgetkrakers die je 10...
Releasedatum: 2020-11-24 € 9,99
Like the other titles in Barron’s Business Review Series , the new sixth edition of Accounting makes a useful supplement to college textbooks, and is also excellent as a main text in business brush-up programs. Author Peter J. Eisen familiarizes students with key accounting terms, explains the accounting equation, and goes on to instruct in the use and preparation of financial statements, the recording of business transactions in journals, and in closing and adjusting entries at the end of a b...
Releasedatum: 2013-09-04 € 12,99
Today's only advanced comprehensive guide to private equity accounting, investor reporting, valuations and performance measurement provides a complete update to reflect the latest standards and best practices, as well as the author's unique experience teaching hundreds of fund professionals. In Private Equity Accounting, Investor Reporting and Beyond Mariya Stefanova brings together comprehensive advanced accounting guidance and advice for all private equity practitioners and fund ac...
Releasedatum: 2015-02-26 € 97,99
Accounting and Finance Formulas: A Simple Introduction includes over 75 formulas in the field of accounting and finance, alongside relevant definitions and explanations. The formulas cover the fields of financial accounting, management accounting and financial management.
Releasedatum: 2014-03-25 € 4,99
This book is the definitive guide to cash flow statement analysis and forecasting. It takes the reader from an introduction about how cash flows move within a business, through to a detailed review of the contents of a cash flow statement. This is followed by detailed guidance on how to restate cash flows into a template format. The book shows how to use the template to analyse the data from start up, growth, mature and declining companies, and those using US GAAP and IAS reporting. The bo...
Releasedatum: 2012-05-03 € 48,99
If businesses and other organizations are to meet the many and complex challenges of sustainable development, then they all, both public and private, need to embed sustainability considerations into their decision-making and reporting. However, the translation of this aspiration into effective action is often inhibited by the lack of systems and procedures that take sustainability into account. Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights will help organizations to address these issues. The...
Releasedatum: 2010-09-23 € 42,99
A good commercial contract is both a springboard and a safety net -- it provides the opportunity to expand and grow your business, but also to protect it if things go wrong. In a tough commercial world, getting the best deal you can is paramount. The Contract Negotiation Handbook demystifies complex legal principles so that busy businesspeople can quickly and easily digest them. With clear, practical examples and case studies to help illustrate and explain different types of contracts and contra...
Releasedatum: 2012-01-27 € 14,99
Business scandals are always with us from the South Sea Bubble to Enron and Parmalat. As accounting forms a central element of any business success or failure, the role of accounting is crucial in understanding business scandals. This book aims to explore the role of accounting, particularly creative accounting and fraud, in business scandals. The book is divided into three parts. In Part A the background and context of creative accounting and fraud is explored. Part B looks at ...
Releasedatum: 2011-11-01 € 52,99
A revised and expanded edition of the groundbreaking Edison in the Boardroom, highlighting the winning strategies today's biggest companies use to maximize the value of their intellectual property Now fully revised and expanded, Edison in the Boardroom, Second Edition takes an in-depth look at the revolutionary concept of intellectual asset management (IAM). Incorporating stories and teachings from some of the most successful companies in the world—such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Procter & G...
Releasedatum: 2011-10-31 € 32,99
In this book, you will be introduced to generic best practice principles for a post credit crunch market. First, the book takes a closer look at the reasons why the market froze during the 2007 to 2009 credit crisis. Then you will learn how to use the principles explained here in your generic deal's typical life cycle stages. Throughout, each stage is discussed in detail, from strategy and feasibility, pre-close, at close, and post close. The final section of the book contains a toolbox of refer...
Releasedatum: 2011-05-18 € 64,99
Like it or not, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are coming and they will completely change how companies report their financial statements … Are you ready? If you need to get up to speed fast regarding IFRS then this is the book for you. You will learn: - What will change - What will not change - Who needs to comply - The four key principles of IFRS - How disclosure requirements will change - The new rules for assigning values to assets - The deadlines for adoption - GAAP vs...
Releasedatum: 2011-03-04 € 8,49
A practical, hands-on guide to forensic accounting Careers in forensic accounting are hot- US News & World Report recently designated forensic accounting as one of the eight most secure career tracks in America., Forensic accountants work in most major accounting firms and demand for their services is growing with then increasing need for investigations of mergers and acquisitions, tax inquiries, and economic crime. In addition, forensic accountants perform specialized audits, and assist in ...
Releasedatum: 2011-01-13 € 17,99
This nuts-and-bolts guide examines all aspects of an M&A due diligence--from coming to the decision to acquire a company, to who should be on the due diligence team, to the actual process and the final report and post-closing follow up. It advocates a focus on both risk mitigation and shareholder value creation, and emphasizes a holistic approach that spans from planning to post-acquisition integration. The tentative contents is: (1) Introduction; (2) Planning for value creation: growth stra...
Releasedatum: 2009-07-17 € 62,99
Successful methodology for identifying earnings-related reporting indiscretions Creative Cash Flow Reporting and Analysis capitalizes on current concerns with misleading financial reporting on misleading financial reporting. It identifies the common steps used to yield misleading cash flow amounts, demonstrates how to adjust the cash flow statement for more effective analysis, and how to use adjusted operating cash flow to uncover earnings that have been misreported using aggressive or fraudulen...
Releasedatum: 2010-06-03 € 28,99
TREASURY MANAGEMENT The Practitioner's Guide Treasury Management: The Practitioner's Guide describes all aspects of the treasury function. This comprehensive book includes chapters covering the treasury department, cash transfer methods, cash forecasting, cash concentration, working capital management, debt management, equity management, investment management, foreign exchange risk management, interest risk management, clearing and settlement systems, and treasury systems. If you are a treasurer...
Releasedatum: 2010-02-04 € 74,99
Praise for Fast Close: A Guide to Closing the Books Quickly "Steve captures the essence of the problems affecting the financial close process within corporations of all sizes; from the period close of subledgers and general ledger through financial reporting, and the relationship and interdependencies of governance, people and technology. A must-read for the corporate controller." —David Taylor, ACMA, MBA, VP Strategy, Trintech Inc. " Fast Close: A Guide to Closing the Books Quickly , Second E...
Releasedatum: 2009-03-16 € 67,99
"The Secrets of Accounting and Financial Management" is the perfect textbook. It offers clear explanations of topics from fundamental principles to more advanced techniques with straightforward examples so readers can effortlessly comprehend complicated concepts - perfect for both novices to experienced professionals alike! The cornerstone fundamentals of accounting and financial management, including the accounting equation, double-entry bookkeeping, and financial statements are all thoroughly ...
Releasedatum: 2023-02-04 € 9,49
Why do some always seem to win while others always seem to fail? And why do others win and then fail to maintain their spot at the top? Is it luck? Not to spoil the contents of this book, but no...it isn't. To see consistent success in your own business, you're going to have to turn the magnifying glass on yourself. Because the fact is, nothing you do-no action you take, no strategic financial decision you make-matters if it doesn't bring you closer to the things you really wan...
Releasedatum: 2022-10-14 Genre:Zaken en persoonlijke financiën € 9,99
Assuming that you're maintaining an independent company, odds are you made your business to tackle an issue or deal with an innovative item - not because you're a bookkeeping ace (except if obviously, your business is a bookkeeping firm). Whether you love doing the math or view yourself as the more imaginative sort, business visionaries can't bear to bypass the monetary strength of their organizations. Finding out about the basics of business bookkeeping is a significant endeavor sin...
Releasedatum: 2022-04-28 € 6,99
Zou de jaarrekening er niet zijn geweest dan moest hij uitgevonden worden. Want je kunt de financiële positie van een bedrijf of instelling alleen maar kennen via de jaarrekening. Zo is de winst- en verliesrekening een schatkamer vol informatie over omzet en resultaat, over de financieringsruimte en over de liquiditeit. De balans geeft niet alleen inzicht in het kapitaal en de financiering ervan, maar ook in de financiële risicos die het bedrijf of de instelling loopt. En het kasstroomoverzich...
Releasedatum: 2012-09-06 € 9,99
Whether you are a beginner in business or someone looking for personal growth goals, this is a book that should be on your bookshelf. here the author will show you the importance of a vision board as well as show how to help you set up an effective vision board for yourself. In this guide, you will learn: - what a vision board is - what you need to create one - what kind of items to include in your vision board - how to use your vision board in a range of ways, both personal and professional
Releasedatum: 2021-10-21 € 3,49
Have you ever felt uncomfortable with criticism not only from others but also from yourself? Do you feel depressed after criticizing yourself? So let this book show you the intimate relationship between criticism and success. With his practical experiences and brilliant writing style, the author will guide you on how to turn your inner critic into motivation to succeed. Surely this will be a valuable tool in your life.
Releasedatum: 2021-10-20 € 5,99
The first textbook based upon International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), this fully revised and updated fourth edition presents a structured approach to auditing principles using ISAs as its basis. The International Standards on Auditing are now widely regarded as the global benchmark for auditing standards and as such an important audit quality indicator. This book describes the developments and practical use of all ISAs, as well as significant national standards in different countries. The ne...
Releasedatum: 2021-01-20 € 48,99
Learn to speak fluent finance—and ace your exams! Warren Buffett said that “accounting is the language of business.’’ And for many accounting and business students, the obscure terminology of accounting makes fluency hard to achieve. Financial Accounting For Dummies can help to demystify abstract concepts in a straightforward, friendly way. With step-by-step ...
Releasedatum: 2020-12-08 € 19,99