Met deze bijbel voor kinderen, een bundeling van het Oude en het Nieuwe Testament, hebben de auteurs een duidelijk doel voor ogen: het toegankelijk en helder vertellen van eeuwenoude verhalen voor jonge kinderen over alledaagse mensen en hun verhouding tot God. In het Oude Testament lezen we hoe God de wereld schiep en samen met Zijn volk op weg ging naar het beloofde land: een lange reis vol tegenslagen en gevaren. Het Nieuwe Testament vertelt over de stal waar Jezus werd geboren. We lezen hoe ...
Releasedatum: 2013-05-29 € 12,99
BÜYÜK İSLÂM İLMİHALİ İlmihaller insanların birbirlerine, topluma ve Allah Teâlâ’ya karşı olan davranışlarını, İslâm dininin açıkladığı şekilde anlatan kitaplardır. Günlük yaşantımızı ve ibadetlerimizi düzenleyen temel dinî bilgileri verirler. İslâm’ın inanç, ibadet ve günlük yaşayışa ilişkin hükümlerini bilmek her müslümanın görevidir. Müslümanca bir hayat için gerekli olan hukukî esaslar ilmihal kitapları ile öğrenilegelmiştir. Bu ki...
Releasedatum: 2015-10-11 € 1,49
Marriage is one of the greatest gifts God ever created for mankind, besides His son Jesus. In the Garden of Eden, God said that it was not good that man was alone, so He created Eve out of Adam's side (Genesis 2). Desiring a counterpart and oneness with another person is built into the deepest and oldest parts of our human nature. God also tells us in His Word to present all of our requests to Him (Philippians 4:6). We want to encourage you and your desire for marriage by urging you to pray for ...
Releasedatum: 2016-11-21 € 10,99
Beschrijving 'Gaaf!' van Gerrit ten Berge is een bijbels dagboek voor jongeren vanaf 12 jaar. Een jaar lang neemt de auteur je mee door het Oude en het Nieuwe Testament. Er is een manier om in deze wereld een gaaf leven te leiden. Dat is: dicht bij God, luister naar Gods stem en gehoorzaam aan Zijn wet. Als jij gelooft in God, dan ben je echt gelukkig. Dat is pas gaaf!
Releasedatum: 2012-09-25 € 9,99
Dit dagboek wil een vraagbaak voor jonge mensen zijn. Met de Heidelbergse Catechismus in de hand gaan de auteurs in dit dagboek in op vragen van jongeren. Soms is het niet makkelijk om te geloven. Iedereen heeft wel vragen, of het nu gaat over geloven, de kerkdienst of over moeilijke bijbelgedeeltes. Op momenten dat je de dingen niet helemaal meer begrijpt, is het mooi als je iemand naar het antwoord kunt vragen. Dit dagboek wil zo'n vraagbaak voor jonge mensen zijn. Met de Heidelbergse Catechis...
Releasedatum: 2018-02-14 € 11,99
In this world you’re surrounded by sexual images that open the door to temptation. They’re everywhere–on TV, billboards, magazines, music, the internet–and so easy to access that it sometimes feels impossible to escape their clutches. Yet God expects his children to be sexually pure. So how can you survive the relentless battle against temptation? Here’s powerful ammunition. Steve Arterburn and Fred Stoeker, the authors of the hard-hitting best-seller Every Man’s Battle, now focus on...
Releasedatum: 2002-03-19 € 6,99
Kyle and Kelsey Kupecky couldn't have dreamed a better love story for themselves had it been scripted by a bestselling novelist like Kelsey's mom, Karen Kingsbury. In fact, if you asked them, Kyle and Kelsey would name God as the author of their story. And they're glad they trusted him to write it for them. Unfortunately, too many girls hoping for their own happily-ever-after have taken matters into their own hands, chasing after boys when they should be chasing after God. And that inevitably le...
Releasedatum: 2015-09-01 € 8,49
Bible stories are exciting. Many kids don't understand the big words written in the Bible. Having a book that is Bible based but puts words on their levels would be great. Children can watch the pages of the Bible come to life through illustrations and words they can understand. There's no reason why ever child wouldn't want a book about a man being eaten by a fish or a little boy killing a giant.
Releasedatum: 2015-01-29 € 4,49
Is Jesus really the Son of God, the Messiah? Lee Strobel wasn't so sure. So, he decided to use his award-winning journalistic skills to investigate Jesus and prove once and for all if all the claims about him are true. The Case for Christ Student Edition adapts Strobel’s New York Times bestselling book to present hard-hitting findings as well as Lee’s journey from skepticism to belief in an easy-to-follow manner so you can make a decision about Jesus for yourself. The Case for Christ Student...
Releasedatum: 2010-12-21 € 5,99
Have you ever thought about praying for your future husband? Will it make a difference? There's only one way to find out… From when we were small girls, most of us dream of “The One,” our future husband. We think about what it would be like to be a bride. We wonder who that special guy is and when we'll find him. The great news is that what you do now can make a difference in your life and the life of your future husband! Authors and good friends Robin Jones Gunn (Christy Mil...
Releasedatum: 2011-05-03 € 9,49
Guys Aren’t the Only Ones Fighting a Battle for Purity. The world you live in promotes sex as the answer to just about everything. The pressure to go along with the crowd is greater than ever before, and it’s easy to compromise in little ways that are a lot more harmful than they seem. You and your friends may become caught up in destructive relationships or sexual activities without even knowing how you got there. You just want to be normal–to fit in, to be liked, to look attractive to th...
Releasedatum: 2004-07-20 € 10,99
‘Ik wil Jezus volgen’ van Laurina de Visser is een inspirerend dagboek voor jonge mensen die Jezus willen volgen. Niets is belangrijker dan bij jonge christenen aankomen met échte verhalen. In dit dagboek staat elke maand één persoon uit de Bijbel centraal, zoals Ester, Job, Jezus en Paulus. Daarbij worden ook de lessen besproken die deze bijbelfiguren moesten leren door dingen die ze ongewild meemaakten, maar ook door de fouten die ze begingen. De Bijbel gaat over mensen van vlees en blo...
Releasedatum: 2022-09-01 € 9,99
Si buscas una herramienta para enseñarles a tus hijos sobre las maravillas de la Biblia, y todas las promesas que se contienen allí, ¡sigue leyendo! El Nuevo Testamento es un resumen claro y conciso de la Más Grande Historia Jamás Contada, la vida de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo. Ha sido escrito de tal forma, que las mentes de los más jóvenes entenderán con facilidad sobre el nacimiento de Jesús, su muerte y asunción, así como los primeros momentos de la Iglesia Cristiana; incluye tambi...
Releasedatum: 2020-04-21 € 3,99
Seguir em frente é uma tomada de decisão que não significa que superamos o que passou e sim que estamos mais fortes. Abrir mão de algumas coisas para prosseguir é fundamental e isso depende exclusivamente de nós e de mais ninguém. Existem situações ou pessoas que marcam as nossas vidas, mas nada pode nos impedir de avançar. Essas marcas estão ai como experiências, como aprendizados que carregamos por toda vida e que simplesmente estão dentro de nós. Através desta obra construída ...
Releasedatum: 2019-07-22 € 3,99
Seguindo sua fé e suas vivências, Cecília Sfalsin nos dá, em sua obra, um ombro amigo e divide conosco apontamentos de uma alma sedenta pelas coisas do alto. Nos presenteia com lições de vida e conselhos que nos impulsionam a enxergarmos não somente a nossa essência, mas o quanto somos amados pelo Senhor. Em seu segundo livro, ela nos direciona à maturidade e sabedoria, exortando-nos sobre a necessidade de olharmos para as nossas batalhas com coragem e perseverança. 'Minha Vontade ...
Releasedatum: 2019-07-22 € 3,99
Quando o livro dos espíritos chegou pelas mãos de Allan Kardec, ele veio de diversas partes, escrito por diversos médiuns, em diversos lugares, cidades, continentes e países... Ele assustou naquela época. Em Barcelona foi realizado um Auto de fé, que foi uma expressão notabilizada por Allan Kardec para se referir à queima, em praça pública, de trezentos livros espíritas, realizada no dia 9 de outubro de 1861, O livro dos Espíritos foi um dos livros que foi queimado em praça pública...
Releasedatum: 2018-08-01 € 5,49
Now with a fresh new cover, this bestseller (more than 150,000 copies sold) will impact more teens on their journey to healthy, authentic spiritual and emotional lives. Neil T. Anderson and Dave Park give teens powerful guidance on Christ-centered living in today's pressure-cooker world. Youth will discover how to break the habits and bonds that lead to sin and rely on the Holy Spirit to avoid deception. Revealing the traps that will come their way, The Bondage Breaker® Youth Edition helps teen...
Releasedatum: 2006-12-15 € 11,99
Bir sırrı paylaşan tutkulu iki birey, usanmaz iki arayıcı, uslanmaz iki gezgin, yeli avuçlama çabasında iki çılgın. Bir yanda edebiyata sevdalı bir nazenin, öbür yanda o ateşte pişmiş bir bilge. Yüz yüze, göz göze gelemeyen, ruhlarıyla tanışan, konuşan, tartışan özel insanlar. Hayatın yanı sıra, sırlar üstü bir sırrı olan kaderin inceliklerini, iradeyi, tercihi, özgürlüğü konuşuyorlar. Dinmeyen yürek sancıları, özlem rüzgârlarıyla harlanan a...
Releasedatum: 2016-04-13 € 3,49
Seneler sular seller gibi akıp gitti. Ne istiyorum, isteyecek ne kaldı? Bunalıyorum, tıkandım. Kapana kısıldım. Gönlüm soluyor. Akla güvenim kalmadı. Beni anlamıyorlar. Şaşkınım, küskünüm. Dönüştüm, yabancılaştım, bir Kafka böceği olup çıktım. Umutsuz vakayım. Kararlar veriyor yapamıyorum. Eylemsiz düşünceler zehirliyor beni. Düşünmeden yaşamak istiyorum, olmuyor. Her şey başlıyor ve bitiyor. Dünya doyurmuyor beni. Kuşkular, kuruntu...
Releasedatum: 2016-03-04 € 3,49
İnanıyor muyum, bilmiyorum. Bazen inanır gibi oluyorum. Genellikle iki arada bir deredeyim. Büyük bir boşluk beliriyor içimde. Her şey anlamını yitiriyor birden. Seninle tartışalım. Katlanabilir misin bana? Bir insanın ruhu ruhuma yakınsa, sorun yok. Dünyanın öbür ucundaki biriyle de uyuşabilirim ben. Bir uyuşum yoksa yanı başındaki kişiye bile yabancılaşıyor insan... Yabancılaşma... Evet, beni iyi tanımlıyor bu kavram. Kalabalıklarda yal...
Releasedatum: 2016-03-04 € 3,49
Este libro aborda 10 lecciones obligatorias que debemos enseñar a la nueva generación respecto al manejo del dinero. Cada lección, contiene una reflexión práctica y está desarrollada para la discusión grupal sirviendo como un excelente material para escuela dominical, grupos pequeños, clases bíblicas o cursos de ministerio juvenil.Cuanto antes se aprende a manejar el dinero mayor es la ventaja que tendrán nuestros hijos y adolescentes de nuestras iglesias para asegurar un futuro mejor.
Releasedatum: 2016-04-26 € 5,99
What does it mean to live God in your everyday life? It means knowing and following God's perfect plan for you as a young woman. Learn how to... grow close to Godget along with your family and friendsmake the right kinds of choicesbecome more like Jesusprepare for the futurefulfill the desires of your heart As you read along, you'll find yourself caught up in the exciting adventure of a lifetime—that of becoming a woman after God's own heart! You'll love the special "Heart Response" sections c...
Releasedatum: 2015-04-01 € 9,99
“En hayırlılarınız, ömrü uzun ve ahlâkı güzel olanlarınızdır.” “İşlediğin günah seni üzer ve iyilik yapmak da sevindirirse, bu imandır ve sen mü’minsin.” “Sevdiğin kişiyi ölçülü sev, bir gün gelir düşmanın olabilir. Düşmanlık yaptığın kişiye de aşırı kin besleme. Bir gün gelir, o da dostun olabilir.” Peygamber Efendimiz aleyhissalâtu vesselamın, çağlar öncesinden bizlere miras olarak bıraktığı sünnetine sahip çıkmak her mü’mini...
Releasedatum: 2013-01-01 € 2,49
Do you wonder if God exists? Do you wonder if life even has any meaning at all? Do you wonder if Christian faith has answers to these and other difficult questions? An intelligent faith begins with hard questions. In On Guard for Students William Lane Craig tackles such questions with reason and precision. He invites you to join him on a quest for ultimate reality. This unique book takes you on an extraordinary journey of exploration as you probe for answers to life's deepest questions: why anyt...
Releasedatum: 2015-06-01 € 4,99
In the years before Andrew van der Bijl took the name Brother Andrew, he was no stranger to adventure and intrigue - in fact, he craved it. As a young lad, he was forever getting into mischief, and even risked his life during the Nazi occupation of Holland by setting off fireworks in the faces of German soldiers! Years later, God used this same thirst for danger and excitement as Andrew smuggled Bibles into Communist countries to help the persecuted, underground church and bring light to darkene...
Releasedatum: 2014-01-20 € 7,99
Bu kitap, acımasız bir mafya liderini ele verdiği için ülkesine kaçarak Türkiye'de bir otele sığınan Alman asıllı bir kadının gerçek hikayesidir. Öldürülmek korkusuyla bunalıma girdiği bir anda 'ezanın gizemli cazibesine' kapılarak hayatının nasıl değiştiğini anlatmaktadır. Korkunun, dehşetin ve ümidin kolkola nefesleri kestiği bu kitapta 'ezanla diriliş'e, 'namazla şahlanış'a şahit olacaksınız. Kitap bittiğinde çok şeylerin değiştiğini göreceksiniz....
Releasedatum: 2007-01-01 € 1,99
Her şey o esrarlı geceyle başladı; Hiç beklenmedik bir şekilde, Hiç ummadığımız bir tarzda, Hiç tahmin etmediğimiz bir anda, Bir davet geldi… Şaşırtıcı, ürpertici ve gizem dolu… Tanımadığımız, bilmediğimiz bir esrarın peşine düşüp, uzun bir seyahate çıktık. Kendimizle, hayatımızla yüzleştiğimiz gerçeklerin büyüsüne kapılıp, esrarlı alemlere daldık. Ve sonunda baktık ki, biz biz değiliz. Meğer ki biz kendimizi yanlış tanımışız. Her şey o...
Releasedatum: 2004-03-01 € 1,49
In the AHA Student Edition, students will discover that when God’s truth and the power of the Holy Spirit collide, anything can happen! In this student edition of AHA , Kyle Idleman combines personal stories, biblical teaching, and humor to engage students in the process of true biblical life transformation. This edition will appeal to a wide range of students including high school and college-aged readers.
Releasedatum: 2014-04-01 € 8,49
When Taylor Murray arrived in Japan, she felt like she was on an adventure-an adventure that God had called her family to take. The unique food, the strange language and the foreign culture were exciting and new. But the novelty of life overseas wore off, and Taylor became overwhelmed with frustration, loneliness and the sorrow of leaving everything she knew-the States, her home, her extended family-for everything she didn't know. She kept these emotions hidden in her heart until they reac...
Releasedatum: 2013-05-10 € 4,49
In Undaunted: Student Edition, Christine Caine uses her dramatic life story to show teens how God rescued her from a life where she was unnamed, unwanted, and unqualified. She tells how she overcame abuse, abandonment, fears, and other challenges to go on a mission of adventure, fueled by faith and filled with love and courage. Her personal stories inspire teens to hear their name called, just as Christine heard her own—“You are beloved. You are the hope. You are chosen”—to go into a dar...
Releasedatum: 2013-09-22 € 5,99
This best-selling book from Michael W. Smith has sold over 150,000 copies. As relevant today as when Michasel first wrote it, Old Enough to Know gives straight, Biblical answers to the struggles of growing up: sex, drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, parental conflict, friendship, goals, responsibilities and materialism. Calling it "a book for my friends," the author assures teens that he knows they are old enough to know the difference between the phony and the genuine, and attempts to show how he -...
Releasedatum: 2000-07-30 € 5,99
Boy meets Girl; Boy wonders what in the world Girl is talking about and how he will ever keep up. Girl wonders what is wrong with Boy. Enter, Waffles and Spaghetti —every teen's guide to figuring out the opposite sex and understanding and valuing our unique differences. In a pivotal time of their development and social lives, teens are left to try and understand one another without much guidance. The purpose of this book is to help better understand themselves as well those from the...
Releasedatum: 2009-09-13 € 8,99
In The Case for a Creator—Student Edition, best-selling author and former atheist Lee Strobel and popular writer Jane Vogel take younger readers on a remarkable investigation into the origin of the universe, interviewing many of the world’s most renown scientists and following the evidence wherever it leads.Their findings—presented in the third blockbuster “Case” book student edition—offer the most compelling scientific proof ever for intelligent design. Perfect for youth groups and ...
Releasedatum: 2010-12-21 € 5,99
What I Learned In Sunday School teaches children valuable lessons about what God requires of them in life, as well as how to live in a Godly manner. The stories in this book are lessons that I learned growing up. Filled with humor, biblical insight, and colorful illustrations, this book is sure to tickle your funny bone and touch the heart of adults and children alike. God is Love and he shows us at the beginning of each week in Sunday School!
Releasedatum: 2009-04-16 € 4,99
This book was written to teach kids how to use the confession of their mouth to activate God's power and favor in their life. Faith will come as they read powerful verses of scripture with God's promises. Confessions of faith provided in this book will guide them into a lifestyle of speaking the Word of God in any situation.
Releasedatum: 2012-07-27 € 4,49
This inspiring collection of illustrated stories offers an Islamic take on the lives and missions of familiar prophets. Through these Islamic renditions, children are made keenly aware of the importance of certain virtues?steadfastness, patience, and honesty?exhibited by religious role models in the Qur?an, including Abraham, Moses, Noah, and Jesus, and the prophets' willingness to endure hardship as a means to an honest life.
Releasedatum: 2008-10-01 € 6,99
Engaging, accessible, and thought-provoking, No god but God is a persuasive, elegantly written, and accessible introduction for young readers to a faith that for much of the West remains shrouded in ignorance and fear. Adapted for young readers from No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam , this exploration of Islam by Reza Aslan, internationally acclaimed scholar of comparative religion, delves into the rituals and traditions of a religion that is largely misunderstoo...
Releasedatum: 2011-02-08 € 3,99
ECPA BESTSELLER • Discover a movement of Christian young people who are rebelling against the low expectations of their culture by choosing to “do hard things” for the glory of God. Foreword by Chuck Norris • “One of the most life-changing, family-changing, church-changing, and culture-changing books of this generation.”—Randy Alcorn, bestselling author of Heaven Combating the idea of adolescence as a vacation from responsibility, Alex and Brett Harris weave together bi...
Releasedatum: 2008-04-15 € 5,99
What You’re Wired For Athlete or musician, quiet or “the life of the party”—you are unique. There is no one like you on the planet. But your life has a common thread that is true of all people: you are wired for worship. Not just any worship, but for that of your Creator! That’s what this book is about—discovering your purpose and learning how to fulfill it. Geared for teenagers and college students, Wired is designed with pages that teach, challenge, and connect as you dig into Scri...
Releasedatum: 2006-03-01 € 4,49
A selection of Bible stories for children, simply retold and wonderfully illustrated. Read about the creation of the world, Noah and the great flood and Abram’s journey to Canaan.
Releasedatum: 2010-10-13 € 1,99
Becoming the princess God intended you to be has a lot to do with discovering -- who you are as His daughter and who you can be as a sister to those who walk beside you. Award-winning singer CeCe Winans has a heart for God and a heart for you and your future. And in the pages of this book, she shares her heart and her vision for you as a daughter of the King of Kings. Each day's devotional will help you grow more and more into the princess you were created to be. You'll find -- - a message from ...
Releasedatum: 2007-07-17 € 14,99