'Deskundig geschreven met lekker veel foto's. Zeg maar dag buienradar en hallo thuismeteoroloog!' - ZIN In 'Dag & nacht' beschrijven Helga van Leur en Govert Schilling alles wat er overdag en 's nachts aan de hemel te zien is. Van wolkentypen, optische verschijnselen en bliksem tot vallende sterren, planeetsamenstanden en zonsverduisteringen. In begrijpelijke taal en voorzien van prachtige foto's nemen ze je mee op een boeiende verkenningstocht, van 's morgens vroeg tot diep in de nacht. - W...
Releasedatum: 2021-07-14 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 12,99
In 'Een kleine geschiedenis van bijna alles' lukt het Bill Bryson om wetenschappelijke kennis uit onder andere de geologie, scheikunde, kwantumfysica, paleontologie en sterrenkunde voor een groot publiek te ontsluiten. Hij doet dat op zo'n heldere en spannende wijze dat ook degenen die altijd in slaap vielen tijdens de natuurkundeles Bryson met veel plezier zullen volgen op zijn avontuurlijke reis door de bètawetenschappen.
Releasedatum: 2016-11-29 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 9,99
Evolutiebioloog Menno Schilthuizen laat op wervelende wijze zien wat de invloed is van toenemende verstedelijking op de evolutie van mens, dier en natuur In 'Darwin in de stad' laat bioloog en hoogleraar Menno Schilthuizen zien hoe verstedelijking de evolutie van de natuur en dieren stuurt. In de toekomst leeft immers driekwart van de mensheid in de stad en gaat verstedelijkte omgeving steeds meer ruimte innemen. Een groot deel van de rest van het aardoppervlak is nodig voor landbouw, dus waar g...
Releasedatum: 2018-05-23 € 9,99
'Utterly extraordinary ... the starkest book I've read on the impacts of accelerating climate change for a very long time ... if we're not listening to the likes of Peter Wadhams, then we too are in denial' Jonathon Porritt Most of the scientific establishment predict that the North Pole will be free of ice around the middle of this century. As Peter Wadhams, the world's leading expert on sea ice, demonstrates in this book, even this assessment of the future is optimistic. Wadhams has visited th...
Releasedatum: 2016-09-01 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 9,49
" Unsettled is a remarkable book—probably the best book on climate change for the intelligent layperson—that achieves the feat of conveying complex information clearly and in depth." — Claremont Review of Books "Surging sea levels are inundating the coasts." "Hurricanes and tornadoes are becoming fiercer and more frequent." "Climate change will be an economic disaster." You've heard all this presented as fact. But according to science, all of these statements are profoundly misleadin...
Releasedatum: 2021-04-27 € 11,99
A handy guide identifying over 170 types of the world’s gemstones with beautiful colour photography taken from the Smithsonian Institution’s archives. ‘Gem Gemstones’ is an indispensable guide for amateurs and enthusiasts alike. This pocket-sized book explores the fascinating history of ornamental stones, discussing their different social and cultural meanings and monetary values through the ages. Each page features specific details about the crystal system, hardness, composition, lustre...
Releasedatum: 2013-11-28 € 3,49
De kale aap van Desmond Morris, een van de beroemdste en belangrijkste boeken van de twintigste eeuw, viert zijn vijftigste verjaardag. Morris heeft onschatbare invloed gehad op de manier waarop de mens naar zichzelf kijkt. Het idee dat de mens een diersoort is, maakt mensen nog steeds ongemakkelijk. Morris was een van de eersten die het zag. In zijn voorwoord bij de nieuwe vertaling van deze jubileumeditie beschrijft Midas Dekkers wat het boek voor hem heeft betekend, waaraan het zijn reputatie...
Releasedatum: 2018-03-14 € 9,99
Op honderdjarige leeftijd heeft James Lovelock het belangrijkste en meest fascinerende werk van zijn leven geschreven: een nieuwe theorie over de toekomst van het leven op aarde. James Lovelock komt in Novaceen met een nieuwe theorie over de toekomst van het leven op aarde. Lovelock, de schepper van de Gaia-hypothese, auteur van de wereldwijde bestseller Gaia, en de grootste denker over milieu van onze tijd, betoogt dat het Antropoceen – het tijdperk waarin de mens met technologie over de were...
Releasedatum: 2020-02-13 € 9,99
Voor de liefhebbers van Yuval Noah Harari's 'Sapiens' Als soort worden we gevormd door onze omgeving. Geologische krachten veroorzaakten onze evolutie in Oost-Afrika. Een bergachtige omgeving leidde tot de ontwikkeling van de democratie in Griekenland; en vandaag volgt het stemgedrag in de Verenigde Staten de bedding van een oude zee. Van platentektoniek via klimaatverandering naar atmosferische circulatie en zeestromingen: het menselijke verhaal is het verhaal van aardse krachten. Aan de hand v...
Releasedatum: 2019-10-24 € 9,99
The year is 2393, and the world is almost unrecognizable. Clear warnings of climate catastrophe went ignored for decades, leading to soaring temperatures, rising sea levels, widespread drought and—finally—the disaster now known as the Great Collapse of 2093, when the disintegration of the West Antarctica Ice Sheet led to mass migration and a complete reshuffling of the global order. Writing from the Second People's Republic of China on the 300th anniversary of the Great Collapse, a senior sc...
Releasedatum: 2014-07-01 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 9,49
This book contains 4 best collections of Charles Robert Darwin: 1. The Voyage of the Beagle 2. The Descent of Man 3. The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants 4. The Origin of Species About the Author Charles Robert Darwin Charles Robert Darwin, FRS (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English naturalist. He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a proc...
Releasedatum: 2012-11-06 € 0,49
A Harvard psychiatrist, the author of A Prince of Our Disorder , presents accounts of alien abduction taken from the more than sixty cases he has investigated and examines the implications for our identity as a species. These mesmerizing and thought-provoking stories of alien encounters from a Harvard professor take you through actual case studies of people from all walks of life and ages who have had challenging, sometimes disturbing, and in every case, life changing experiences of alien abduct...
Releasedatum: 2009-12-15 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 17,99
With a new afterword, Why You Are Here: A speech on the opening of the COP26 climate summit As a young man, I felt I was out there in the wild, experiencing the untouched natural world - but it was an illusion. The tragedy of our time has been happening all around us, barely noticeable from day to day - the loss of our planet's wild places, its biodiversity. I have been witness to this decline. A Life on Our Planet contains my witness statement, and my vision for the future - the story of how we...
Releasedatum: 2020-10-01 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 9,49
‘Een schone toekomst’ van Joshua Goldstein en Staffan Qvist is een krachtig en overtuigend, zelfs onontkoombaar pleidooi vóór kernenergie. Het rekent af met de mythes en angsten waarmee kernenergie omgeven is en legt uit hoe het een succes werd in Zweden, Frankrijk en Ontario, waar zowel de kwaliteit van het milieu als de welvaart verbeterde. Terwijl de klimaatverandering een potentieel rampzalig kantelpunt nadert, ligt de oplossing volgens Goldstein en Qvist binnen handbereik. Verschillen...
Releasedatum: 2020-04-02 € 9,99
If the world as we know it ended tomorrow, how would you survive? A nuclear war, viral pandemic or asteroid strike. The world as we know it has ended. You and the other survivors must start again. What knowledge would you need to start rebuilding civilisation from scratch? How do you grow food, generate power, prepare medicines, or get metal out of rocks? Could you avert another Dark Ages, or take shortcuts to accelerate redevelopment? Living in the modern world, we have become disconnected from...
Releasedatum: 2014-04-03 € 9,49
"THE ULTIMATE DINOSAUR BIOGRAPHY," hails Scientific American: A thrilling new history of the age of dinosaurs, from one of our finest young scientists. "A masterpiece of science writing." —Washington Post A New York Times Bestseller • Goodreads Choice Awards Winner • A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: Smithsonian, Science Friday, The Times (London), Popular Mechanics, Science News "This is scientific storytelling at its most visceral, striding with the beasts ...
Releasedatum: 2018-04-24 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 12,99
If you stepped into an elevator and had 2 minutes to explain some aspect of climate science to someone, could you do it? Most people lack the time to become fully informed on this critical issue. The science is complex and varied. Here are 28 quick pitches to help you better understand this issue which we should all be concerned about. Chapters 01 ancient sunlight 02 radiative gases 03 the greenhouse effect 04 the carbon cycle 05 the climate system 06 condensi...
Releasedatum: 2017-01-16 € 4,49
World renowned scientist, Dr. Gerald Pollack, takes us on a fantastic voyage through water, showing us a hidden universe teeming with physical activity— providing simple explanations for common everyday phenomena, which you have inevitably seen but not really understood. For instance, have you ever wondered… · How do clouds made up of dense water droplets manage to float in the sky? · Why don’t your joints squeak as they rub together? · Why do you sink in dry sand, but not in wet sand? ...
Releasedatum: 2014-01-01 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 17,99
The remarkable scientific story of how Earth became an oxygenated planet The air we breathe is twenty-one percent oxygen, an amount higher than on any other known world. While we may take our air for granted, Earth was not always an oxygenated planet. How did it become this way? Donald Canfield—one of the world's leading authorities on geochemistry, earth history, and the early oceans—covers this vast history, emphasizing its relationship to the evolution of life and the evolving chemistry o...
Releasedatum: 2014-01-19 € 15,99
Using a variety of interactive activities, this book will guide you in a journey to the centre of the Earth, helping you to explore the different means we have of understanding the composition of the Earth's interior. What techniques can be used to investigate the interior of the Earth? How can the vibrations generated by earthquakes - seismic waves - be a source of information about our planet? What can space tell us about the formation and structure of the Earth? Using this book you can take a...
Releasedatum: 2012-09-20 € 5,99
One of The Observer’s ‘Thirty books to help us understand the world’ Recycle. Fly less. Eat less meat. These are some of the ways that we’ve been told we can save the planet. But are individuals really to blame for the climate crisis? Seventy-one per cent of global emissions come from the same hundred companies, but fossil-fuel companies have taken no responsibility themselves. Instead, they have waged a thirty-year campaign to blame individuals for climate change. The result has been di...
Releasedatum: 2021-02-02 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 14,99
'Excellent . . . analyses clearly and authoritatively how the coronavirus pandemic played out, what governments should have done, and what we need to do when it happens again - as it undoubtedly will' Financial Times 'You could not hope for a better guide to the pandemic world order than Debora MacKenzie, who's been on this story from the start. This is an authoritative yet readable explanation of how this catastrophe happened - and more important, how it will happen again if we don't change' Ti...
Releasedatum: 2020-06-05 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 3,99
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Everyone should read this book' MATT HAIG 'One of the most inspiring books I have ever read' YUVAL NOAH HARARI 'Inspirational, compassionate and clear. The time to read this is NOW' MARK RUFFALO 'Figueres and Rivett-Carnac dare to tell us how our response can create a better, fairer world' NAOMI KLEIN ***** Discover why there's hope for the planet and how we can each make a difference in the climate crisis, starting today. Humanity is not doomed, and we can and will ...
Releasedatum: 2020-02-25 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 5,99
The ancient Greeks called it Gaia; the Romans Terra. We know it simply as Earth, the planet we call home. And what a planet it is. Formed around 4.6 billion years ago from the debris of the big bang and long-dead stars, at first it was nothing special, but somehow it evolved to become the most amazing place in the known Universe. The only living planet we know of, it also has a very unusual moon, a remarkably dynamic surface, a complex atmosphere and a deeply mysterious interior. This is Planet ...
Releasedatum: 2018-05-03 € 3,99
Why has the world been unable to address global warming? Science policy expert Roger Pielke, Jr., says it's not the fault of those who reject the Kyoto Protocol, but those who support it, and the magical thinking that the agreement represents. In The Climate Fix , Pielke offers a way to repair climate policy, shifting the debate away from meaningless targets and toward a revolution in how the world's economy is powered, while de-fanging the venomous politics surrounding the crisis. The debate on...
Releasedatum: 2010-09-28 € 4,49
Unraveling the mystery of the catastrophic age of extinctions Two hundred sixty million years ago, life on Earth suffered wave after wave of cataclysmic extinctions, with the worst wiping out nearly every species on the planet. The Worst of Times delves into the mystery behind these extinctions and sheds light on the fateful role the primeval supercontinent, known as Pangea, might have played in causing these global catastrophes. Drawing on the latest discoveries as well as his own firsthand exp...
Releasedatum: 2015-09-29 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 16,99
** Winner of Royal Society Winton Prize for Science Books 2015 ** We live in epoch-making times. The changes we humans have made in recent decades have altered our world beyond anything it has experienced in its 4.6 billion-year history. As a result, our planet is said to be crossing into the Anthropocene – the Age of Humans. Gaia Vince decided to travel the world at the start of this new age to see what life is really like for the people on the frontline of the planet we’ve made. From artif...
Releasedatum: 2014-07-03 € 10,99
The GEOGRAPHY & TOPOGRAPHY collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. Offering some insights into the study and mapping of the natural world, this collection includes texts on Babylon, the geographies of China, and the medieval Islamic world. Also included are regional geographies and volumes on environmental determinism, topographical analyses of England, China, ancient Jerusalem, and significant tracts of North America.
Releasedatum: 2011-10-14 € 2,49
The GEOGRAPHY & TOPOGRAPHY collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. Offering some insights into the study and mapping of the natural world, this collection includes texts on Babylon, the geographies of China, and the medieval Islamic world. Also included are regional geographies and volumes on environmental determinism, topographical analyses of England, China, ancient Jerusalem, and significant tracts of North America.
Releasedatum: 2011-10-14 € 2,49
‘Steve Brusatte, the author of The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs , brings mammals out from the shadow of their more showy predecessors in a beautifully written book that . . . makes the case for them as creatures who are just as engaging as dinosaurs.’ – The Sunday Times , ‘Best Books For Summer’ 'In this terrific new book, Steve Brusatte . . . brings well-known extinct species, the sabre-toothed tigers and the woolly mammoths, thrillingly back to life' – The Times The passing of th...
Releasedatum: 2022-06-09 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 8,99
Hitze, wie wir sie aus fernen Urlaubsregionen kannten, sintflutartiger Starkregen, verheerende Stürme: Ist das schon Klimawandel – oder immer noch "nur" Wetter? Die Physikerin Friederike Otto hat die Attribution Science mitentwickelt. Mittels dieser revolutionären Methode kann sie genau berechnen, wann der Klimawandel im Spiel ist. War eine Katastrophe wie Harvey menschengemacht? Ist eine Dürreperiode Folge der globalen Erwärmung oder nur ein heißer Sommer, wie es ihn schon immer gab? Die...
Releasedatum: 2019-04-15 € 9,99
“Superb. . . . A gently studious Bill Bryson crossed with an upbeat and relaxed WG Sebald.”—James McConnachie, Sunday Times (UK) Half of the world’s population today lives in coastal regions lapped by tidal waters. But the tide rises and falls according to rules that are a mystery to almost all of us. In The Tide, celebrated science writer Hugh Aldersey-Williams weaves together centuries of scientific thinking with the literature and folklore the tide has inspired to explain the power an...
Releasedatum: 2016-09-20 € 8,99
The Fossil Guide is the ideal companion to help you learn the basics about fossils and how to identify many of the common ones. All the major groups of fossils are illustrated with clear diagrams and beautiful, pin-sharp photographs of real specimens. Suitable for beginners as well as those with some knowledge, this authoritative and helpful multi-touch book has been produced by the Open University, in collaboration with the Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge. It covers invertebrates, vertebrates and pl...
Releasedatum: 2013-11-25 € 6,49
One of the oldest earth mysteries was 'what shape is it?' Eratosthenes, in 240 BC, was able to prove the sphericity of the earth and estimate its size to a reasonable margin of error, by comparing the angle of the sun at two distant locations simultaneously. Aristotle knew that the earth was spherical, citing the horizon, the Earth's circular shadow during lunar eclipses, and other phenomena. Many educated people knew about the spherical earth from late antiquity on. However, most Europeans beli...
Releasedatum: 2013-03-22 € 0,49
The GEOGRAPHY & TOPOGRAPHY collection includes books from the British Library digitised by Microsoft. Offering some insights into the study and mapping of the natural world, this collection includes texts on Babylon, the geographies of China, and the medieval Islamic world. Also included are regional geographies and volumes on environmental determinism, topographical analyses of England, China, ancient Jerusalem, and significant tracts of North America.
Releasedatum: 2011-10-14 € 2,49
Compelling . . . Clark's enthusiasm shines through on every page' Sunday Times ' An engaging and lively history' Financial Times __________ A thin, invisible layer of air surrounds the Earth, sustaining all known life on the planet and creating the unique climates and weather patterns that make each part of the world different. In Firmament , atmospheric scientist and science communicator Simon Clark offers a rare and accessible tour of the ins and outs of the atmosphere and how we know what we ...
Releasedatum: 2022-01-27 € 3,99
Dive into this uniquely elegant visual exploration of the sea An informative and utterly beautiful introduction to marine life and the ocean environment, The Science of the Ocean ebook brings the riches of the underwater world onto the printed page. Astounding photography reveals an abundance of life, from microscopic plankton to great whales, seaweed to starfish. Published in association with the Natural History Museum, the ebook explores every corner of the oceans, from coral reefs and mangrov...
Releasedatum: 2020-09-03 € 11,99
Shortlisted for the FT/McKinsey Business Book of the Year award A renowned climate scientist shows how fossil fuel companies have waged a thirty-year campaign to deflect blame and responsibility and delay action on climate change, and offers a battle plan for how we can save the planet. Recycle. Fly less. Eat less meat. These are some of the ways that we've been told can slow climate change. But the inordinate emphasis on individual behavior is the result of a marketing campaign that has succeed...
Releasedatum: 2021-01-12 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 11,99
'The best piece of nature writing since H is for Hawk , and the most powerful work of biography I have read in years' Neil Gaiman 'Wonderful - I can't recommend it too highly' Helen Macdonald 'One of those rare, enchanted books' Isabella Tree 'Beautiful - it made me cry' Simon Amstell 'I was entranced' Cathy Rentzenbrink This is a story about birds and fathers. About the young magpie that fell from its nest in a Bermondsey junkyard into Charlie Gilmour's life - and swiftly changed it. Demanding ...
Releasedatum: 2020-08-27 € 6,99
Newsweek and Bloomberg popular science and investigative journalist Bryan Walsh explores the history of extinction and offers a cutting-edge examination of existential risk, the dangerous mistakes we have yet to pay for, and concrete steps we can take to protect ourselves and future-proof our civilization. What is going to cause our extinction? How can we save ourselves and our future? End Times answers the most important questions facing humankind End Times is a compelling work of skilled repor...
Releasedatum: 2019-08-27 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 3,99
Vijftig jaar geleden ontdekten geologen dat de continenten over het oppervlak van de aarde drijven. Ook kregen we de eerste foto's vanuit de ruimte te zien. Nu kunnen we eindelijk de aarde als geheel én in detail waarnemen: het bos én de bomen. Elementaire Deeltjes is een serie boekjes van AUP die kennis toegankelijk maakt voor een breed publiek. Het is de manier om snel kennis op te doen over onderwerpen die je interesseren. Experts nemen je mee op een ontdekkingsreis waarbij elk thema in de ...
Releasedatum: 2014-04-23 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 7,99
In this history of extinction and existential risk, a Newsweek and Bloomberg popular science and investigative journalist examines our most dangerous mistakes -- and explores how we can protect and future-proof our civilization. End Times is a compelling work of skilled reportage that peels back the layers of complexity around the unthinkable -- and inevitable -- end of humankind. From asteroids and artificial intelligence to volcanic supereruption to nuclear war, veteran science reporter and TI...
Releasedatum: 2019-08-27 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 11,99
There's so much we don't know about what lies deep beneath the ocean's surface - and the time to find out is growing increasingly precious . . . Professor Alex Rogers is one of the world's leading experts in marine biology and oceanology, and has spent his life studying the deep ocean - and in particular the impact of human activity on the ecosystems of the oceans. In this timely, galvanising and fascinating book - replete with stunning photography of strange and beautiful creatures - Professor ...
Releasedatum: 2019-04-18 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 3,99
"This is, for my money, the best single-source primer on the state of climate change." - New York Magazine "The right book at the right time: accessible, comprehensive, unflinching, humane." - The Daily Beast "A must-read." - The Guardian The essential primer on what will be the defining issue of our time, Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know® is a clear-eyed overview of the science, conflicts, and implications of our warming planet. From Joseph Romm, Chief Science Advisor for National G...
Releasedatum: 2018-04-02 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 14,99
Would you like to learn the truth about Earth, about its shape, nature, meaning, and characteristics? Then get ready to embark in the study of one of the most restricted and controversial topics, the Flat Earth Theory. Yes, the Flat Earth is back, and it has always been around, since it has always been accepted among the upper social classes. It transpires today in the Media, Politics, Entertainment, and even in Science, it becomes more and more visible, and consequently, millions of people alre...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-24 € 2,99
Easy Linux For Beginners A Complete Introduction To Linux Operating System & Command Line Fast! This beginner’s guide to a mastery of the Linux operating system is designed for people who have no prior knowledge on Linux. It is not the most intimidating operating system but probably the most powerful. I will provide you with a step to step guide on everything you need to do to install and successfully utilise this powerful “weapon”. I call it a “weapon” because with it, you can do ...
Releasedatum: 2017-03-21 € 2,99
What is climate change? How does it work? Learn from the experts in the ALL-NEW LADYBIRD EXPERT SERIES Learn about one of the most important issues facing our world today in this clear, simple and enlightening introduction. From HRH The Prince of Wales, environmentalist Tony Juniper and climate scientist Dr Emily Shuckburgh, it explains the history, dangers and challenges of global warming and explores possible solutions with which to reduce its impact. You'll learn about . . . - The causes and ...
Releasedatum: 2017-01-26 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 6,99
This textbook presents all aspects of climate system dynamics, on all timescales from the Earth's formation to modern human-induced climate change. It discusses the dominant feedbacks and interactions between all the components of the climate system: atmosphere, ocean, land surface and ice sheets. It addresses one of the key challenges for a course on the climate system: students can come from a range of backgrounds. A glossary of key terms is provided for students with little background in the ...
Releasedatum: 2015-08-10 € 41,99
The brilliantly told and gripping story of the most familiar - yet, amazingly, still poorly understood - substance in the universe: Water. The extent to which water remains a scientific mystery is extraordinary, despite its prevalence and central importance on Earth. Whether one considers its role in biology, its place in the physical world (where it refuses to obey the usual rules of liquids) or its deceptively simple structure, there is still no complete answer to the question: what is water? ...
Releasedatum: 2015-04-30 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 3,99
Water is the most every day of substances. It pours from our taps and falls from the sky. We drink it, wash with it, and couldn't live without it. Yet, on closer examination it is also a very strange substance (it is one of only a very small number of molecules which expand when cooled). Look closer again and water reveals itself as a key to a scientific story on the biggest of canvases. Water is crucial to our survival - life depends on it - but it was also fundamental in the origins of life on...
Releasedatum: 2015-05-21 Genre:Wetenschap en natuur € 3,99