Op 21 augustus 2008 won Maarten van der Weijden olympisch goud op de tien kilometer open water zwemmen in Beijing. Dat markeerde het eind van een lange weg naar de top. In 2001 werd bij hem acute lymfatische leukemie geconstateerd. Zijn overlevingskansen werden geschat tussen de 30 en 50 procent. Na een serie zware chemokuren, waaronder een stamceltransplantatie, genas hij van zijn ziekte en pakte hij zijn loopbaan als wedstrijdzwemmer weer op. Hij won zilver op de tien kilometer tijdens het EK ...
Releasedatum: 2012-07-17 € 9,99
1. Zeer goed boek! - Als je aan dit boek boek begint wil je het het liefst in keer uitlezen. Erg prettig geschreven. Dit was mijn eerste E-book, ik baalde dat ik het niet even mee kon nemen naar het strand en het zwembad. Want ik wilde LEZEN! Indrukwekkend, hoe iemand na zo een zware periode in zijn leven alles weer oppakt en verder gaat! Daar neem ik mijn petje voor af.....Klasse!!!
The original, most complete and most up-to-date guide for mariners to the coasts of Norway, Svalbard (Spitsbergen), and the west coast of Sweden. • Continuously updated since 1978. • Over 1000 pages in five volumes. • 1100 ports and anchorages. • Tips on cruising northern destinations gathered by the authors during 35 years and 150,000 miles of North Atlantic cruising. • Insider’s perspective from Norwegian authors Hans Jakob and Eli gathered in 45 years...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-01 € 19,99
In her best-selling book Swim Speed Secrets, 4-time Olympian and gold medalist Sheila Taormina revealed the freestyle swimming technique used by the world's fastest swimmers. Now in Swim Speed Strokes Taormina shows swimmers and triathletes how they can swim with elite technique in all four swimming strokes--butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Using crystal-clear photographs and her engaging, straightforward style, Coach Taormina explains the science behind power and speed in the...
Releasedatum: 2014-10-01 € 22,99
The original, most complete and most up-to-date guide for mariners to the coasts of Norway, Svalbard (Spitsbergen), and the west coast of Sweden. • Continuously updated since 1978. • Over 1000 pages in five volumes. • 1100 ports and anchorages. • Tips on cruising northern destinations gathered by the authors during 35 years and 150,000 miles of North Atlantic cruising. • Insider’s perspective from Norwegian authors Hans Jakob and Eli gathered in 45 years...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-01 € 14,99
Much like Mexico is for the Americans, Morocco serves as a cultural escape from the normality of the European surf trail. This ancient, exotic, kingdom is home to some fantastic righthand points that peel in green-blue symmetry, down rock and sand points, fanned by winter offshores. There’s a wealth of empty beachbreaks stretching right down into the Sahara and there are few crowds away from the main spots. Joining the long-term van trippers and surf camp charter tourists in the line-up is a g...
Releasedatum: 2011-09-09 Genre:Sport en buitenleven € 4,99
Mooie dingen hoeven niet makkelijk te zijn. Dat is het motto waarmee Werner Toonk op 44-jarige leeftijd alles en iedereen achter zich laat om zijn jongensdroom te realiseren. In tweehonderd dagen zeilt hij met zijn stalen tweemaster Karma naar Nieuw-Zeeland, vergezeld door wisselende opstappers. De reis gaat via de meest afgelegen eilanden ter wereld, door de stormen en orkanen op de Zuidelijke Oceaan. Wekenlang is er niets dan water aan de horizon en zijn Karma en haar bemanning overgeleverd aa...
Releasedatum: 2019-09-04 € 9,99
Sailing Made Easy, which Sailing Magazine called "best in class" upon its release in 2010, is the most comprehensive education and boating safety learn-to-sail guide to date. It is also the official textbook for the ASA Basic Keelboat Standard (ASA 101). Incorporated in the textbook are useful illustrations and exceptional photographs of complex sailing concepts. The text’s most distinguishing feature is its user friendly "spreads" in which instructional topics are self-contained on opposing p...
Releasedatum: 2010-02-01 € 20,99
Coastal Cruising Made Easy is not only the official textbook for the ASA Basic Coastal Cruising Standard (ASA 103), but also the definitive go-to resource for all sailors who enjoy cruising and destination oriented sailing. The text is published in full color and contains striking sailing photography from well-known photographer Billy Black, and world-class illustrations from award-winning illustrator Peter Bull. One of the text's most distinguishing features is its user friendly "spreads" in wh...
Releasedatum: 2012-04-01 € 24,99
Het is 2015 als Femke Lobach met haar vriend aan boord van het zeiljacht Kings’ Legend stapt en begint aan hun halve wereldreis. Ze is een onervaren zeiler en tijdens hun reizen in het Caribisch gebied en over de Indische Oceaan kruipen ze een paar keer door het oog van de naald. Toch vindt ze haar ritme en leert ze te genieten van het moment. Tegelijkertijd komen midden op zee traumatische gebeurtenissen uit haar jeugd boven, die haar laten weerspiegelen op het verleden. Overal horizon is mee...
Releasedatum: 2020-10-03 € 12,99
1. Heerlijk boek. - Het boek leest alsof je zelf aan boord bent. Nu heb ik vergelijkbare schepen gevaren en zie veel voor me, maar veel belangrijker is de ontwikkeling die Femke doormaakt. Heel interessant om te lezen. Nadat ik volledig ben “vastgelopen” in dit leven heb “gedwongen” alles wat ik had opgebouwd, m’n huis, m’n bedrijf, m’n auto, m’n inboedel, etc. moeten verkopen. En eigenlijk vond ik het helemaal niet erg. De overwaarde op m’n huis was mijn redding. Met mijn hond zou ik gaan zeilen, naar verre oorden, maar het werd een camper. Niets voor mij dacht ik altijd. Dankzij covid bleef ik ergens in zuid Europa maanden op een camping staan. En daar kwam ik mezelf tegen. Mijn hele verleden kwam op bezoek, van mijn jongste jaren tot nu. Mediteren hielp me niet meer. Herinneringen kwamen en gingen, het hield niet op. Hele dagen liep ik bij het minste of geringste te huilen. Om een lang verhaal kort te maken, een beter boek dan dit boek had ik mij op dit moment niet kunnen wensen. Ze heeft mij een paar leerzame dagen gebracht. En mijn hond? Hij heeft moeten bedelen wanneer we weer gingen wandelen……..
‘Incredible individual, incredible book, incredible story.’ CHRIS HEMSWORTH ‘A hero who is as humble as he is resilient… testament to a “never give up” spirit!’ BEAR GRYLLS ‘From reading this book, the message that comes shining through is this: you can achieve anything.’ ANT MIDDLETON Bestselling author and award-winning adventurer Ross Edgley has been studying the art of resilience for years, applying all he has learned to become the first person in history to swim ...
Releasedatum: 2020-05-28 € 14,99
Swim better—and enjoy every lap—with Total Immersion, a guide to improving your swimming from an expert with more than thirty years of experience in the water. Terry Laughlin, the world’s #1 authority on swimming success, has made his unique approach even easier for anyone to master. Whether you’re an accomplished swimmer or have always found swimming to be a struggle, Total Immersion will show you that it’s mindful fluid movement—not athletic ability—that will turn you into an eff...
Releasedatum: 2012-03-13 € 17,99
Ontdek een geheel nieuwe, maar bovenal fascinerende wereld! Alles wat je wilt weten over de duiksport vind je in 'Duiken voor Dummies'. Welke opleidingen zijn er en wat voor materiaal heb je nodig? Hoe duik je veilig en hoe zit het op medisch gebied? We nemen je mee naar de mooiste duikplekken ver weg, maar blijven ook dicht bij huis: in eigen land kun je namelijk schitterend duiken! Hoe je alles kunt vastleggen met je eigen onderwatercamera mag natuurlijk niet ontbreken. Ook lees je alles over ...
Releasedatum: 2016-05-19 € 15,99
RYA Competent Crew Skills is the official companion for the RYA’s popular Competent Crew Course. Over 12,000 people, with no sailing experience, successfully complete the course every year. This book has been written using the experience of hundreds of experienced instructors. The techniques shown are tried and tested and suitable for most types of cruisers. It is designed to assist you in understanding new concepts and in particular to help you remember some of the unique terminol...
Releasedatum: 2018-03-22 € 19,99
From the author of the best-selling RYA Navigation Handbook, this is the RYA’s official title to support the RYA VHF Operator's Short Range Certificate examination. It expands upon the quick reference VHF Radio inc GMDSS book (G22) to assist with a deeper level of understanding which will help you pass the exam. It details everything that sailors need to know about using VHF radios including how they work, the rules and regulations which govern it and the procedures that must be followed...
Releasedatum: 2017-11-15 € 23,99
This is the official handbook supporting the RYA Day Skipper Sail Course and is ideal for anyone looking to brush up on their knowledge to this level. It gives great practical and detailed advice on key skills, expanding on the course companion notes. Being a good skipper is not difficult; it requires essential skills, knowledge, experience, patience, good communication and at times a sense of humour! This book is engagingly written and highly illustrated with the aim of equipping you with that ...
Releasedatum: 2018-05-16 € 26,99
Written for leisure boat owners, the RYA Diesel Engine Handbook is essential reading for anyone doing the one-day RYA Diesel Engine Course. This digital version is enhanced with animation and extracts from the DVD that accompanies the printed version, giving expert instruction and top tips from Nick Eales of Seastart. Easy to follow text and beautifully detailed colour illustrations enable the reader to develop the knowledge and confidence required by all diesel engine boat owners. Cha...
Releasedatum: 2018-04-27 € 21,99
Twee jaar geleden vertrok Henk de Velde uit Nederland met de bedoeling nooit terug te komen. Dit boek beschrijft de reis van Europa naar Zuid-Amerika. Twee jaar geleden vertrok Henk de Velde uit Nederland met de bedoeling nooit terug te komen. Dit boek beschrijft de reis van Europa naar Zuid-Amerika. Hij doet diverse eilanden aan. Na vertrek uit Argentinië breekt de mast van zijn trimaran Juniper. Hij wordt binnengesleept door de Argentijnse kustwacht. Geld om een mast te kopen is er bijna niet...
Releasedatum: 2020-06-03 € 5,99
This eBook is the second edition of the best-selling RYA Navigation Handbook and essential reading for anyone taking to the water and looking for the complete guide to navigation. Navigation techniques and practices have changed dramatically over the years and today, many sailors and motor boaters regard electronic instruments as their principal means of navigation. However, traditional methods still have an important part to play, as does knowledge of aspects such as tides, lights, buoys and be...
Releasedatum: 2018-02-07 € 26,99
The original, most complete and most up-to-date guide for mariners to the coasts of Norway, Svalbard (Spitsbergen), and the west coast of Sweden. • Continuously updated since 1978. • Over 1000 pages in five volumes. • 1100 ports and anchorages. • Tips on cruising northern destinations gathered by the authors during 35 years and 150,000 miles of North Atlantic cruising. • Insider’s perspective from Norwegian authors Hans Jakob and Eli gathered in 45 years...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-01 € 19,99
If you are doing an RYA course or are simply seeking to gain a greater understanding of the weather, this edition of the RYA Weather Handbook (which covers the Northern and Southern Hemispheres) is full of practical and useful information, on aspects such as theory, weather charts, clouds, predicting the wind, and the technology used in sourcing meteorological information. This edition provides more information than ever before about where to obtain forecasts, the growing use of technology in fo...
Releasedatum: 2017-11-16 € 25,99
RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Notes is the official companion for the RYA’s popular RYA Day Skipper Shorebased course. This eBook edition of the RYA Day Skipper Shorebased Notes is the official title which accompanies the course and it has also been designed as an excellent “aide-memoire” which covers a wide range of subjects that the cruising skipper will find useful to have at hand. It is an excellent reference book for those wanting to take their boating to the next level above competent c...
Releasedatum: 2018-03-29 € 19,99
On a foggy July evening in 1956, the Italian cruise liner Andrea Doria, bound for New York, was struck broadside by another vessel. In eleven hours, she would sink nearly 250 feet to the murky Atlantic Ocean floor. Thanks to a daring rescue operation, only 51 of more than 1,700 people died in the tragedy. But the Andrea Doria is still taking lives. Considered the Mt. Everest of diving, the Andrea Doria is the ultimate deepwater wreck challenge. Over the years, a small but fanatical group of extr...
Releasedatum: 2002-07-09 € 17,99
In August 1979, 303 yachts began the 600-mile Fastnet Race from the Isle of Wight off the southwest coast of England to Fastnet Rock off the Irish coast and back. It began in fine weather, then suddenly became a terrifying ordeal. A Force 10, sixty-knot storm swept across the North Atlantic with a speed that confounded forecasters, slamming into the fleet with epic fury. For twenty hours, 2,500 men and women were smashed by forty-foot breaking waves, while rescue helicopters and lifeboats strugg...
Releasedatum: 2000-04-17 € 7,99
The RYA Yachtmaster qualification is the pinnacle of yacht training. Anyone seeking to gain an RYA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence requires a broad theoretical knowledge base and a high level of practical skill. This new edition of the RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Notes includes enhanced sections on weather, navigation, pilotage, voyage planning, and special situations when afloat. These sit alongside informative and highly illustrated notes on all aspects of the syllabus, ensur...
Releasedatum: 2019-07-10 € 19,99
The original, most complete and most up-to-date guide for mariners to the coasts of Norway, Svalbard (Spitsbergen), and the west coast of Sweden. • Continuously updated since 1978. • Over 1000 pages in five volumes. • Over 1100 ports and anchorages. • Tips on cruising northern destinations gathered by the authors during 35 years and 150,000 miles of North Atlantic cruising. • Insider’s perspective from Norwegian authors Hans Jakob and Eli gathered in 45 ...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-01 € 19,99
Bareboat Cruising Made Easy is not only the official textbook for the ASA Bareboat Cruising Standard (ASA 104), but also the definitive go-to resource for all sailors who enjoy cruising and destination oriented sailing. It is an all-in-one reference book that includes everything a cruising sailor needs to know, from general planning to technical guidance to sailing advice. From its 4 color, high-end illustrations and photographs to its modern, easy-to-read design, Bareboat Cruising Made Easy is ...
Releasedatum: 2014-07-01 € 29,99
The North Sea Nations of Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium are not the most alluring of European surf destinations, yet more and more surfers are hitting the line-up every year. Classic days can be had when the wind that brings the swell dies down, but surfing the regular onshore days is all part of the experience. The local surf culture has grown from a tradition of winter travelling, although this is when the hard core are rewarded with some real North Sea juice. The Stormrider Sur...
Releasedatum: 2011-10-07 Genre:Sport en buitenleven € 4,99
Bernard Moitessier was in the lead and nearing the finish of the Golden Cup—a solo circumnavigation of the world—when he abandoned the race and set his course for a personal journey that would conclude three months later in Tahiti. Moitessier himself recounts the story of his personal quest in lyrical and though-provoking prose.
Releasedatum: 2019-08-01 € 13,99
Zeilen is fantastisch. Toch kwam Wieke van Oordt nooit verder dan fokkemaat. En dat schuingaan vond ze ook maar eng. Jaren later gooit Wieke het roer om en neemt ze zeilles. Ze leert Zeils, komt erachter welke zeiltaboes er zijn, ontmoet rodebroeken-, bruinevloot- en zoutzeilers en ontdekt het beste plekje aan boord om over te geven. 'Vrouwen kunnen niet zeilen' is een openhartig boek waarin Van Oordt de wereld van het zeilen van binnenuit beschrijft. Voor zeilers een feest der herkenning en een...
Releasedatum: 2018-11-14 € 6,99
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS/IRPCS) are vital for maritime safety as you must be able to identify vessels during the day by their special shapes, and at night time by their lights, as well as understanding both your obligations and those of other vessels as you interact with one another. This new edition provides a clear and authoritative explanation of each regulation. Illustrations have been enhanced and it will help any seafarer understand their resp...
Releasedatum: 2018-06-07 € 20,99
The original, most complete and most up-to-date guide for mariners to the coasts of Norway, Svalbard (Spitsbergen), and the west coast of Sweden. • Continuously updated since 1978. • Over 1000 pages in five volumes. • 1100 ports and anchorages. • Tips on cruising northern destinations gathered by the authors during 35 years and 150,000 miles of North Atlantic cruising. • Insider’s perspective from Norwegian authors Hans Jakob and Eli gathered in 45 years...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-01 € 14,99
Third Edition 2015. (For the later Imray App version 2018, use 'Imray Navigator iPad Tidal Route Planning' ). This interactive book provides a step by step guide to using Marine Imray Charts and Marine Tides Planner, specifically for route planning on the iPad. Now with all new iOS8 screen views showing how to add, insert and otherwise manage waypoints and co-ordinates within new or already existing routes, it provides step by step operating information, far beyond that covered in the offic...
Releasedatum: 2015-01-13 Genre:Sport en buitenleven € 9,99
Building on the first RYA Yachtmaster Quiz Book, this eBook contains 40 quizzes each containing 10 questions to help develop and test your knowledge. The questions come from the Yachtmaster quiz questions that have been set in the RYA Magazine since 1998. The questions are an excellent way to test your knowledge, and as the title suggests, this is aimed at those progressing through the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme. While it is not designed as a primer for the RYA Yachtmaster exam it does look at every...
Releasedatum: 2018-10-16 € 14,99
No sea voyage, whether long or short, offshore or within sight of land, should go ahead without adequate planning and this ebook is your perfect companion to help you prepare thoroughly before setting off. RYA Passage Planning will take you through all you need to know and allow you to work through some examples of different passages. This will show you what you might need to think about on the range of different journeys you may undertake. The essential facts and methods are split into th...
Releasedatum: 2017-10-03 € 20,99
So you want to learn windsurfing? Look no further! In Learn to Windsurf you will find a simple step by step program that has been designed to give you the best possible start on your Windsurfing journey – guaranteed! You will get to know insider secrets to get you up and riding in your very first session, how to avoid painful beginner’s mistakes, how to choose the right gear for YOU, and much more! This comprehensive no-nonsense guide has all the information you need to know to get started i...
Releasedatum: 2015-07-08 € 9,49
Produced with every level taken in to consideration, the TRICKTIONARY II takes beginners through the basics of windsurfing, explaining how to get started and how the equipment works. Intermediates will improve jibe and tack variations and stylish old school moves, whereas, finally, even more complicated jumps and the newest freestyle creations are achievable. The brand new, and complete, wave chapter unites everything associated with wavesailing and will make wave enthusiasts, and those who want...
Releasedatum: 2010-11-25 Genre:Sport en buitenleven € 24,99
The official learn-to-sail manual of the American Sailing Association and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary, with over 150 line drawings and photographs. Written by America’s foremost instructional authority, the new edition of Sailing Fundamentals combines the training programs of the American Sailing Association and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. The official learn-to-sail manual of the American Sailing Association, it is also used in the programs of many yacht clubs, college...
Releasedatum: 2008-09-08 € 21,99
If you are planning to take your Open Water Diver course in a few weeks, then you need a study guide that will help you prepare for the final test and get ready for the adventure of your life. This Open Water Diver Guide will help you prepare for your final test and includes things to know before you take the test, tips from an experienced instructor, tricks for taking the exam, RDP info and 57 practise questions. During the test you need to answer questions about the basic princi...
Releasedatum: 2021-08-17 € 9,49
On Friday 14 June 1968 Suhaili, a tiny ketch, slipped almost unnoticed out of Falmouth harbour steered by the solitary figure at her helm, Robin Knox-Johnston. Ten and a half months later Suhaili, paintwork peeling and rust streaked, her once white sails weathered and brown, her self-steering gone, her tiller arm jury rigged to the rudder head, came romping joyously back to Falmouth to a fantastic reception for Robin, who had become the first man to sail round the world non-stop single-handed. B...
Releasedatum: 2013-05-29 € 12,99
This book is the official text for the RYA Basic Sea Survival Course and the RYA/World Sailing Offshore Safety Course and supports World Sailing approved Offshore Personal Survival courses. It also highlights the importance of having the correct safety equipment and will also give you the knowledge of how and when to use it, making it invaluable for anyone who takes a boat offshore for racing or cruising. The edition of the RYA Sea Survival Handbook is the official text for the RYA Basic Sea Sur...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-05 € 20,99
Do you want to try sailing with two hulls because you’ve heard it’s twice the fun of sailing on one? ASA’s Cruising Catamarans Made Easy book will set you off on the right course. As the textbook for ASA114, the Cruising Catamaran standard, this volume examines the differences between monohulls and catamarans, introduces the language of multihulls, and prepares sailors for the nuances of handling a cruising catamaran under sail and under power.
Releasedatum: 2016-06-01 € 20,99
The maintenance bible for boatowners is fully updated and better than ever! If it’s on a boat and it has screws, wires, or moving parts, it’s covered in Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual . When you leave the dock with this indispensable resource aboard, you have at your fingertips the best and most comprehensive advice on: Battery technologies, including recent developments in lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells 12- and 24-volt DC systems Electric and hybrid propu...
Releasedatum: 2015-07-03 € 31,99
Lynne Cox has set open water swimming records across the world, and now she has focused her decades-long experience and expertise into this definitive guide to swimming. Open Water Swimming Manual provides a wealth of knowledge for all swimmers, from seasoned triathletes and expert swimmers to beginners exploring open water swimming for the first time. Cox methodically addresses what is needed to succeed at and enjoy open water swimming, including choosing the right bathing suit and s...
Releasedatum: 2013-07-30 € 10,99
The world's most advanced eBook of ColRegs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea). The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972 (COLREGs) are published by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and set out, among other things, the "rules of the road" or navigation rules to be followed by ships and other vessels at sea in order to prevent collisions between two or more vessels. ColRegs can also refer to the specific political line that divides ...
Releasedatum: 2012-09-12 € 11,99
Some people are drawn towards nature at its most extreme - and it doesn't get more extreme than giant waves. These deadly waves have a strangely hypnotic pull on two types of person: for scientists and super-surfers, rogue waves are a grail, and they will go to dangerous lengths to hunt them down. This is a white-knuckle ride with the men who live to catch rogue waves. It zips from Lloyds of London to rusty oil rigs, tropical Tahitian surf shacks to super-computer data labs. Find out what happen...
Releasedatum: 2010-09-16 € 10,99
With grit, poetry, and humor, Peter Heller, acclaimed author of The River and The Whale Warriors recounts his remarkable journey of discovery—of surfing, an entirely new challenge; of the ocean’s beauty and power; of the strange surf subculture; of love; and, most of all, of how to seek adventure while crafting a meaningful life. Author of the New York Times bestselling novel The Dog Stars Winner of the National Outdoor Book Award for Literature Having resolved to master a big-hollow wave—...
Releasedatum: 2010-07-13 € 15,99
Jimmy Cornell is the undisputed authority on long distance voyaging. In the new edition of this book, he and his son Ivan help the would-be voyager plan their trip step by step. Aimed at those seriously contemplating an extended cruise (and those dreaming about the possibility), this book will give an idea of what is involved in developing the right strategy. Amongst many important aspects, Jimmy and Ivan consider: - World weather systems - Strategies for sailing long or short circuits in the At...
Releasedatum: 2018-09-20 € 49,99
The Reed's Skipper's Handbook has been a bestseller since first publication. The previous edition sold over 60,000 copies, and it is easy to see why: a handy pocket size, it is an aide-memoire of everything a boater needs to know at sea. Packed with a wide range of information in a concise form it is frequently recommended by Yachtmaster Instructors as a quick reference guide and as a revision aid for anyone taking their Day Skipper or Yachtmaster certificates. This 7th edition has been ...
Releasedatum: 2020-04-16 € 10,99
This eBook illustrates the 8 most useful knots that every boater needs to know. This handy digital publication is clearly laid out for use on mobile devices as well as for tablet and desktop computers.
Releasedatum: 2018-05-22 € 3,49
RYA An Introduction to Navigation is the latest in the RYA’s popular Navigation series. The book guides the reader through the basic steps of navigation so that they can learn to navigate successfully. It is therefore an absolute must for everybody, whether studying for the RYA Essential Navigation and Seamanship, or merely looking to refresh their knowledge. Chapters include: • the purpose of navigation • measuring direction and distance • tides and buoys • pilotage and passage planni...
Releasedatum: 2018-05-10 € 20,99