Имя Эммы Скотт стало синонимом качественной сентиментальной прозы для аудитории Young Adult. Эмма стала автором-открытием 2020 года, ее книги моментально становятся бестселлерами в России. Уже почти 90 тыс. экземпляров проданных романов! Ее истории любви окрыляют и вдохновляют н...
Releasedatum: 2021-10-23 € 8,99
The best way to know about your Twin Flame's wellbeing without them noticing that you are checking in on them is by stalking them. Whether your Twin Flame tends to block you out of their life or not, you are both compelled to always know about each other; the feeling is mutual. The attraction between you is very intense and too strong to contain. The runner Twin Flame's typical way of knowing what is going on with you is by always checking your social media even though they never comment or like...
Releasedatum: 2021-10-12 € 9,99
رواية الحب في سطور تأليف حنان درويش تتحدث عن الحب وهل نحن من نجده ونحصل عليه أم هو من يجدنا ويربطنا في حبال الهوى ويجعلنا رغماً عنا مأمورين بطاعته ،لذا تتناول القصة الحب الخفي الذي جمع بين بطلينا رغما عن الحواجز التي تقف في طريق حبهم وهل سيستسلما لها أم يناضلا من أجل حبهم. كري...
Releasedatum: 2021-01-22 € 3,49
Unconditional love empowers Twin Flames to move every obstacle in the way of their relationship as they hope to be reunited in love forever. Sometimes it gets painfully unbearable to be apart because you feel as if half of yourself has been taken away. Life without a Twin Flame feels like you are living in limbo, and sometimes you feel numb as if you miss the other part of yourself. It does not matter if your Twin Flame runs from you. It does not deter the course of your connection. It does not ...
Releasedatum: 2021-01-18 € 5,49
أشعر بالحاجة إلى النطق باسمكِ هذا اليوم .. أشعر بحاجة إلى أن أتعلق بحروفه كما يتعلق طفل بقطعة حلوى .. منذ زمن طويل لم أكتب اسمك في أعلى الرسائل . لم ازرعه شمساً في رأس الورقة .. لم تدفأ به .. واليوم ، وتشرين يهاجمني ويحاصر نوافذي ، أشعر بحاجة إلى النطق به . بحاجة إلى أن أوقد ناراً صغ...
Releasedatum: 2020-12-14 € 4,49
The bestselling Eagle Harbor Series continues with Book 5, Love’s Christmas Hope. When Jessalyn Dowrick’s husband left her and their three daughters to head west five years earlier, she had no choice but to pick up the pieces of her broken life and continue without him, eventually supporting herself as Eagle Harbor’s seamstress, and secretly hoping her husband would return. But days soon slipped into months, and months into years, all without word of Thomas or a cent of the money he’d pr...
Releasedatum: 2017-04-24 € 6,99
The bestselling Eagle Harbor Series continues with Book 4, Love’s Eternal Breath. Lindy Marsden once dreamed of having a husband, a house, some children, and maybe even a sewing machine. But since she grew ill five years ago, those dreams have become too much to hope for. Now she just wants to provide for herself and help the abandoned children she found living in the woods until their father returns… and avoid doctors for the rest of her life. Their medicine never leads to any good, and she...
Releasedatum: 2017-01-30 € 6,99