Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-assisted manufacturing (CAM) technology affords dentists and their properly trained team members—as well as dental laboratories—greater control over the restorative process. Patients also benefit from enhanced comfort and convenience. With 15 chapters, this book provides learning objectives, supporting materials, reading lists, and more than 300 images to advance education in the art and science of digital dentistry.
Releasedatum: 2019-02-01 € 10,99
Compiled by Dr. Chris Chang, the world’s leading orthodontic clinician and educator, Inside Insignia is composed of three parts, including an essential guide to this digital, customized bracket system, a wide collection of clinical Asian cases and detailed treatment processes as well as common issues and corresponding tips, perfect for all levels of clinicians. In addition to the expert knowledge and content, the 3D interactive features of the ebook format can further enhance your learning exp...
Releasedatum: 2019-01-01 € 349,99
This special Class III case report features non-surgical Class III treatment with long-term follow up results. In this book a differential diagnosis framework is proposed by Dr. John Lin to help clinicians produce accurate diagnosis and treatment plans. Rationale and detailed instructions on whole arch distalization by TADs is also included in this new case report collection.
Releasedatum: 2013-05-04 € 239,99
The second part of this Orthodontics series follows the same structure of the first part, containing detailed, excellently finished cases reports according to the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) standards. Vol. II features non-surgical conservative treatment of Class III treatment, open bite, deep bite, impaction, and TADs application.
Releasedatum: 2012-03-01 € 259,99
This is a two-part, comprehensive collection of orthodontic cases, measured and finished according to the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) standards, featuring detailed treatment process and practical clinical tips. Vol. I includes introduction of the ABO standards (DI & CRE), and treatment of Class I & II malocclusion with crossbite or deep bite issues.
Releasedatum: 2012-03-01 € 259,99
Calcium Hydroxylapatite: Expert Treatment Techniques is a hands-on reference book, created with the input of the world’s leading experts on the use of this leading biostimulatory soft tissue filler. It can be used by all aesthetic medical professional injectors to study the relevant anatomy, aesthetic target sites, and injection techniques and to review the safest and most effective treatment protocols available for this versatile product. As a training aid the book contains multiple photograp...
Releasedatum: 2020-12-16 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 204,99
Die E-Book-Reihe „Werkstoffkunde-Kompendium“ vermittelt als digitales Fachbuch die Grundlagen der dentalen Werkstoffkunde in Zahnmedizin und Zahntechnik. Aufgeteilt in verschiedene Bücher werden derzeit in der Zahnmedizin gängige Materialien vorgestellt. Im zweiten Buch der Reihe stehen „Dentale Keramiken“ im Fokus. Auszug aus dem Vorwort.„Dieses Buch geht neue Wege. Es bringt Ihnen als Leser/User spielerisch die Aspekte der zahntechnischen Werkstoffkunde näher. Um den Haupttext so ...
Releasedatum: 2018-05-07 € 5,99
Born from the ultraventennial experience of Authors in Dental Clinic and Dental Teaching, this ebook completely dedicated to the isolation of the operating field has as its main objective to highlight how the dam application is an easy, essential and accessible step for all practitioners. The dam is not meant to be used by a small, privileged elite: it represents a simple and affordable solution for the practitioners who want to perform their job according to correct biological and ethical guide...
Releasedatum: 2017-11-04 € 29,99
Het duel tussen antimicrobiële middelen en micro-organismen is er één dat al jaren de wetenschap bezighoudt. Hierover werd in de zestiger jaren van de vorige eeuw nog gezegd dat: ‘in 2000 er geen infectieziekten meer zijn’. De strijd dreigt nu te eindigen met een overwinning door de micro-organismen. De negatieve spiraal die is ontstaan wordt onder meer versterkt door: overmatig en ondeskundige antibioticagebruik (zowel in de humane als veterinaire geneeskunde), gebrek aan innovat...
Releasedatum: 2015-11-23 € 29,99
Lokale anesthesie in de tandheelkunde is een leesbaar praktijkboek met kwalitatief hoogwaardige anatomische tekeningen en foto's in kleur. Het is een onmisbaar naslagwerk voor tandartsen, mondzorgkundigen en degenen die hiervoor studeren. Het boek geeft veel praktische informatie over de wijze waarop anesthesie kan worden toegediend en over de intraorale gebieden die bij toepassing van de verschillende methoden zijn verdoofd. De betekenis van deze handeling kan nauwelijks worden onderschat. Ener...
Releasedatum: 2013-08-17 € 72,99
How to “jump” in a full-mouth rehabilitation? Are we ready to leave the comfort zone of the “single tooth dentistry”? It is a different world… If we decide to do it. So many questions to be answered… How can we convince the patient to accept a more global rehabilitation? How can we plan the sequences of the appointments without remakes and waste of time? How can we guide the laboratory technician in developing a customised full-mouth project? Can we do first a reversible test drive o...
Releasedatum: 2022-09-26 € 174,99
Descripción de la patología de la mucosa oral, patología de los maxilares, glándulas salivales, patología nerviosa orofacial y enfermedades sistémicas con repercusión en la cavidad oral, desarrollando fundamentalmente los aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos y terapéuticos.
Releasedatum: 2021-11-01 € 29,99
In the author's bestselling first book, Vertical and Horizontal Ridge Augmentation: New Perspectives, published by Quintessence in 2017 and translated into 12 languages, the guided bone regeneration (GBR) technique was described in detail. This new publication, Vertical 2: The Next Level of Hard and Soft Tissue Augmentation, is a continuation of that book but at a more advanced level. Now, the author delves into the details where the devil lives, and shares information that has never been re...
Releasedatum: 2021-11-01 € 239,99
Die E-Book-Reihe „Werkstoffkunde-Kompendium" vermittelt als digitales Fachbuch die Grundlagen der dentalen Werkstoffkunde in Zahnmedizin und Zahntechnik. Aufgeteilt in verschiedene Bücher werden derzeit in der Zahnmedizin gängige Materialien vorgestellt. Im vorliegenden Buch stehen PAEK-Werkstoffe im Fokus. Seit 2006 findet die Werkstoffgruppe der Polyaryletherketone (PAEK) zunehmend Verbreitung in der restaurativen Zahnheilkunde. Zu unterscheiden sind drei Untergruppen von PAEK. ...
Releasedatum: 2021-01-10 € 6,99
The gold standard of neuroscience texts―updated with hundreds of brand-new images and fully revised content in every chapter Doody's Core Titles for 2021! For more than 40 years, Principles of Neural Science has helped readers understand the link between the human brain and behavior. As the renowned text has shown, all behavior is an expression of neural activity and the future of both clinical neurology and psychiatry is dependent on the progress of neural science. Fully updated, this sixth e...
Releasedatum: 2021-04-05 € 119,99
The clearest, most concise coverage of one of the most complex topics in medicine—updated with the latest advances in the field Doody's Core Titles for 2021! Clinical Neurology, Eleventh Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of basic and clinical neurology in a concise, digestible format. It links clinical neuroscience to current approaches for accurately diagnosing and effectively treating neurologic disorders. Covering all the advances in molecular biology and genetics, this popular gui...
Releasedatum: 2020-10-22 € 59,99
• When is a treatment considered ineffective? • How is a failed treatment diagnosed radiologically? • Is a retreatment always indicated? • What are the best solutions for correct disinfection and irrigation? • Which are the most appropriate obturation techniques in retreatments? • When should a lesion of apical origin be considered resolved? • What type of restorations may be performed in teeth with retreatments? • Which are the most appropriate techniques for the removal of endo...
Releasedatum: 2020-04-07 € 119,99
In our esthetics-obsessed culture, patients are becoming more aware and demanding of dermal filler treatments. Yet all too often we hear news stories of botched procedures or anesthesia gone wrong. This book walks you through how to incorporate dermal fillers into your clinical armamentarium, starting with the basic characteristics of the materials and advancing to the injection techniques and clinical indications for their use. The author includes such fine detail as whether to use a needle ver...
Releasedatum: 2019-01-22 € 124,99
The full-arch implant rehabilitation (FAIR) protocol is one of the newest implant therapy innovations to treat the edentulous or nearly edentulous patient. The FAIR prosthesis is immediate, fixed, esthetically pleasing, highly functional, inexpensive, and maintainable, and it can frequently be installed without bone grafting. This book describes how the FAIR protocol works, who it should be used for, and methods to implement it successfully for different patients. The system can be used in both ...
Releasedatum: 2019-09-09 € 72,99
Clear aligners are the future of orthodontics, but digital orthodontics evolves so rapidly that it is hard to keep pace. This book approaches clear aligner treatment from a diagnosis and treatment-planning perspective, discussing time-tested orthodontic principles like biomechanics and anchorage and demonstrating how to apply them to orthodontic cases using these appliances. Each chapter explains how to use clear aligners to treat a given malocclusion and teaches clinicians how to program a suit...
Releasedatum: 2018-03-05 € 179,99
Following in the tradition of the previous editions, this book offers the latest research and most up-to-date information on orofacial pain, including a concise overview of each condition as well as its symptoms, comorbidities, differential diagnosis, and treatment options. Every chapter has undergone critical updates to reflect the developments in the expanding field of orofacial pain, including the glossary. These updates include the addition of new diseases such as first-bite syndrome, revise...
Releasedatum: 2018-01-01 € 45,99
This beautiful atlas conveys not only the practical knowledge of dental anatomy but also the art of sculpting it in wax. The ideal anatomy of each dental structure is described in detail and the waxing techniques are beautifully illustrated step by step for visual reference. The author demonstrates that for every morphologic feature there is an explanation in nature, assigning significance to every minute feature of dental morphology. Organized by tooth and arch, this book views morphology throu...
Releasedatum: 2019-03-18 € 139,99
This issue of the Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America focuses on Sialendoscopy and Minimally Invasive Salivary Gland Surgery, and is edited by Drs. Michael D. Turner and Maria J. Troulis. Articles will include: Surgical Armamentarium for Sialendoscopy; Surgical Techniques for the Management of Parotid Salivary Duct Strictures; Surgical Techniques for the Management Submandibular Salivary Duct Strictures; Surgical Retrieval of Parotid Stones; Surgical Retrieval of...
Releasedatum: 2018-08-07 € 194,99
Essential Orthodontics is a comprehensive introduction to the biological principles of orthodontics. This book covers the why, when and how of orthodontics, enabling readers to identify which individuals need to be treated, to diagnose based on individual dentofacial development, and to understand the mechanical principles and tissue responses involved. Divided into three parts, this authoritative resource covers pretreatment considerations, treatment principles of skeletal and dentoalveolar ano...
Releasedatum: 2017-05-17 € 42,99
The third edition of Textbook of Endodontology provides lucid scholarship and clear discussion of endodontic principles and treatment to dental students and dental practitioners searching for current information on endodontic theories and techniques. Completely revised and updated new edition Features six new chapters Provides pedagogical features to promote understanding Includes clinical case studies to put the information in the clinical context Illustrated in full color throughout...
Releasedatum: 2018-05-18 € 92,99
Mauvaise haleine, saignements de gencives, caries dentaires, rages de dent ? Vous tenez la solution ! Vous souffrez d’asthme, de diabète, d’arthrite, vous avez souvent mal à la tête, peut-être êtes-vous malheureusement atteint d’une maladie chronique et rien n’y a fait ? Alors essayez séance tenante cette thérapie révolutionnaire ! Vous avez aujourd’hui accès à la thérapie de l’huile de bouche, un nouveau traitement « révolutionnaire » interprété à la lumière de la ...
Releasedatum: 2018-01-01 € 9,99
We all know "the devil is in the details" and it's the details that distinguish real pros from the mediocre ones. This book is Dr. Chris Chang's collection of practical tips that will simplify and improve you clinical care. All tips come with a text-based explanation as well as a video summary and high-quality graphics so it's easy for personal reading as well as for internal staff training.
Releasedatum: 2018-02-15 € 299,99
Die E-Book-Reihe „Werkstoffkunde-Kompendium" vermittelt als digitales Fachbuch die Grundlagen der dentalen Werkstoffkunde in Zahnmedizin und Zahntechnik. Aufgeteilt in verschiedene Bücher werden derzeit in der Zahnmedizin gängige Materialien vorgestellt. Im ersten Buch steht ZIRKONOXID im Fokus. Auszug aus dem Vorwort: „Dieses Buch geht neue Wege. Es bringt dem Leser spielerisch die Aspekte der zahntechnischen Werkstoffkunde näher. Um den Haupttext so einfach und lesbar wie möglich ...
Releasedatum: 2017-10-19 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 2,99
Este manual acerca de la reconstrucción de los dientes endodonciados nos muestra de una manera didáctica y a fondo todas las variables que se nos pueden presentar en las problemáticas técnicas de reconstrucción de los dientes endodonciados, que además, como el autor bien dice, son técnicas que han cambiado mucho. Va a ser para ti, lector con inquietudes profesionales, que tienes en tus manos este manual, un placer leerlo, profundizar a fondo con él en las diferentes técnicas (la bibliog...
Releasedatum: 2007-10-02 € 7,99
Dit boek is een bundeling van de meest informatieve en belangwekkende antwoorden die de afgelopen 30 jaar zijn gepubliceerd in de rubriek Feedback Post van het tijdschrift Tandarts Praktijk . In Feedback Post geeft Luzi Abraham-Inpijn (emeritus hoogleraar - Divisie Interne Geneeskunde (DIVA), Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam) antwoord op vakinhoudelijke vragen/casuïstiek die ingestuurd worden door mondzorgprofessionals. Het gaat in toenemende mate om vragen betreffende de uitgevoerde...
Releasedatum: 2017-01-31 € 46,99
This digital book is an upgrade of the successful ebook “Guided Bone Regeneration in Implant Dentistry” that had more than 10k downloads in its previous version. The goal of this ebook is to explain differently how to perform guided bone regeneration in implant dentistry. It includes a review of the scientific literature and bone biology. This book is the perfect guide for those starting in implant dentistry and also students who are performing their first cases with implants....
Releasedatum: 2019-01-29 € 18,99
Odontoiatria Restaurativa, procedure di trattamento e prospettive future, è un testo utile, pratico e facilmente consultabile che riunisce i contributi scientifico-clinici che l’Accademia Italiana di Conservativa ha raccolto nel corso degli ultimi due appuntamenti triennali del Continuing Education. La lettura è piacevole soprattutto perché finalizzata alla ricerca del più alto livello qualitativo possibile, “l’eccellenza… proprio come raccomandava la persona alla quale l’Accademia...
Releasedatum: 2015-10-01 € 119,99
Libro interactivo de introducción al diagnóstico clínico de lesiones orales. El libro contiene 17 bloques temáticos agrupados en las patologías mas frecuentes que afectan a la cavidad oral. En cada entidad clínica se hace referencia a la clínica, diagnóstico y tratamiento. El libro cuenta con mas de 180 imágenes clínicas, tablas y gráficos que serán de ayuda en la práctica odontológica diaria. Actualización periódica de contenidos.
Releasedatum: 1016-02-24 € 17,99
This book offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the restoration of teeth retained through root canal treatment, from the perspective of adhesive dentistry. The challenge of adhesion to root dentin is first explained, and guidance provided on assessment of the restorability of endodontically treated teeth. The types of prefabricated passive post are then described in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of each type are outlined, with identification of the factors that influence p...
Releasedatum: 2015-10-02 € 97,99
Now in full color, Contemporary Orthodontics, 5th Edition is a practical resource with a long tradition of excellence. Line drawings and more than 1,000 new color images illustrate concepts more clearly than ever. This book includes detailed information on diagnosis, treatment planning concepts, related problems or controversies, and current treatment procedures, including the role of orthodontics in comprehensive treatment of patients with multiple problems. Updated material on psychosocial pro...
Releasedatum: 2012-04-09 € 149,99
Provide outstanding healthcare while keeping within budget with this comprehensive, engagingly written guide Understanding Value-Based Healthcare is a succinct, interestingly written primer on the core issues involved in maximizing the efficacy and outcomes of medical care when cost is a factor in the decision-making process. Written by internationally recognized experts on cost- and value-based healthcare, this timely book delivers practical and clinically focused guidance on one of the most de...
Releasedatum: 2015-04-03 € 36,99
Reeds van oudsher speelt de tandarts een belangrijke rol bij de preventie en de bestrijding van de negatieve gevolgen van chemische en bacteriologische bedreigingen van het kauwstelsel. De infecties en ontstekingen die hier het gevolg van kunnen zijn, tasten de gezondheid van de tanden en kiezen (cariës, endodontitis) en de omringende weefsels (parodontitis) aan. Echter, steeds duidelijker wordt dat ook mechanische bedreigingen de gezondheid van het kauwstelsel ernstig kunnen schaden. Verkeerde...
Releasedatum: 2015-02-17 € 87,99
Are you in school to become a dentist, dental assistant, or dental hygienist? Are you fresh out of any of these types of dental schools or programs and need a quick refresher on the anatomy of dentistry? If so a dental study guide might be what you need to give you the quick information that you might need. Most dental study guides are compact enough that they can be used as carry along and can be used for a quick reference guide. Dental study guides are loaded with beautifully labeled diagrams ...
Releasedatum: 2014-09-01 € 4,49
Clean root canal systems are essential for successful endodontic treatment. With contributions from leading endodontists from around the world, Dr. Nestor Cohenca here presents the etiology of endodontic disease caused by the endodontic biofilm and all therapies available to predictably disinfect the root canal system, thus increasing successful endodontic outcomes. Disinfection of Root Canal Systems: The Treatment of Apical Periodontitis is an evidence-based manual that describes root canal ana...
Releasedatum: 2014-06-18 € 99,99
The Orthodontic Mini-Implant Clinical Handbook is the must-have book for trainee and practicing orthodontists. It provides the essential theoretical and clinical mini-implant information to enable the clinician to easily introduce skeletal anchorage into their practice across a wide variety of common clinical scenarios. The initial chapters cover general principles with subsequent chapters employing a step-by-step approach to guide the novice through the most common clinical uses for orthodontic...
Releasedatum: 2013-02-19 € 59,99
This book uses an interdisciplinary approach to explain the origin of and possible solutions to many different occlusal problems. Dr. Peter E. Dawson guides the reader along the way providing balanced explanations of theory and technique. He also debunks many popular misconceptions through practical discussion of their origins and the deficiencies of the arguments behind them. Different sides of many philosophies are presented while guiding the reader to the most functional and esthetic solution...
Releasedatum: 2006-07-31 € 174,99
Turn to this new third edition for consistent outcomes on even your most complex implant cases! World-renowned dental implantologist Carl E. Misch gives you expert advice and guidance on the various surgical approaches to placing implants in the revision of his best-selling classic. Over 1,000 full-color illustrations depict details of implants, related materials, and surgical procedures, while well-known contributors (Mohamed Sharawy, Martha Warren Bidez, Adriano Piatelli, and others) share a w...
Releasedatum: 2007-11-26 € 189,99
This concise summary of the practice of periodontology provides an excellent review of the physiology of the oral cavity, the newest information on diagnosis and therapy of periodontologic diseases, and the theoretical basics.Practice-related parallel topics such as trauma, material incompatibility, emergency treatment, and antibiotic therapy are covered as well.This is an excellent guide for dentists and oral surgeons involved in the treatment of periodontal diseases. It makes an excellent comp...
Releasedatum: 2011-01-01 € 49,99
Wiley-Blackwell's Clinical Cases series is designed to recognize the centrality of clinical cases to the profession by providing actual cases with an academic backbone. Clinical Cases in Orthodontics applies both theory and practice to real-life orthodontic cases in a clinically relevant format. This unique approach supports the new trend in case-based and problem-based learning, thoroughly covering topics ranging from Class I malocclusions to orthognathic surgery. Highly illustrated in full col...
Releasedatum: 2012-05-14 € 72,99
This latest addition to the Dental Update books series provides a clear and thorough guide to contemporary orthodontic principles and practice. Written as a highly practical clinical manual, it covers patient assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning of both standard class malocclusions and specific entities such as impacted teeth, digit sucking habits and asymmetries, as well as appliance techniques, complex and multidisciplinary care, and retention. Orthodontics: Principles and Practice is ...
Releasedatum: 2012-03-27 € 69,99
Orthodontic Treatment of Impacted Teeth provides its readers with a gold-standard resource to tackle common, complex and multi-factorial clinical scenarios. Rooted firmly in the scientific reality, it also provides a valuable repository of the evidence-base for this subject area. The third edition of this classic text has been fully revised and updated to reflect the latest advances in research and clinical practice. It discusses recent developments in the periodontal outcome of surgical exposur...
Releasedatum: 2012-02-13 € 129,99
The Basic Guide to Orthodontic Dental Nursing is a must-have introduction for those seeking to develop their knowledge and understanding of this core area of clinical practice. Written in a clear and accessible format, with colour illustration throughout, the book is a guide for all dental nurses with an interest in orthodontics. It is designed to reflect sections of the syllabus of the Certificate in Orthodontic Dental Nursing. Chapters cover such key topics as tooth eruption patterns, removabl...
Releasedatum: 2011-06-20 € 35,99
Essential Orthodontics: Diagnosis and Treatment is designed to help dental students, orthodontic residents, and general dentists understand the basic concepts and procedures essential to the diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment of patients who have relatively simple malocclusion problems. The authors explain the steps of diagnosing basic orthodontic problems and analyzing dental radiographs and include many of the forms and charts dentists use for examination, diagnosis, and appliance de...
Releasedatum: 2010-11-18 € 82,99