Waarom slapen we? En waarom is gebrek aan slaap zo schadelijk? Tot voor kort had de wetenschap daar geen antwoord op, maar de laatste twintig jaar heeft een explosie aan nieuw onderzoek veel kunnen verhelderen omtrent een van onze meest fundamentele levensbehoeften. In Slaap legt hersenwetenschapper en slaapexpert Matthew Walker uit waarom slapen en dromen van levensbelang zijn. Dit boek kan je leven ingrijpend veranderen. ‘Aanrader voor op het nachtkastje!’ – New York Times Book Review ...
Releasedatum: 2018-05-15 € 12,99
Hoe kan het dat hoogsensitieve personen informatie zo anders opmerken, verwerken en intenser reageren? Waarom ervaren ze vaak stress en sociale afwijzing? Sinds de Amerikaanse psychologe Elaine Aron eind jaren negentig de naam 'hoogsensitiviteit' introduceerde, zijn er evenveel zinnige als onzinnige uitspraken gedaan over deze eigenschap. In dit boek presenteert Esther Bergsma de laatste wetenschappelijk inzichten over de werking van het 'hoogsensitieve brein', dat op veel vlakken aantoonbaar ve...
Releasedatum: 2019-06-07 € 14,99
Erik Scherder speelt viool. Hij kan er nog niet veel van, maar het oefenen en het bezig zijn met muziek stimuleert zijn hersenen. Hij wordt er fit van – en gelukkig. Muziek, op wat voor manier dan ook beleefd, professioneel of zomaar, passief of actief, kan wonderen doen. In Singing in the brain beschrijft Scherder hoe. Een aantal bijzondere mensen komt voorbij: de violist die een aardbeving overleefde, het meisje dat uit een coma ontwaakt door haar lievelingsmuziek, de verlamde gitarist die c...
Releasedatum: 2017-04-21 € 12,99
1. Literatuurstudie en slordige uitgever - Het boek is een verzameling literatuurstudies en eerder een collegedictaat. Daarmee is het niet minder interessant, maar een boeiend boek voor de leek dus om blz geboeid te lezen is wat anders. Ronduit storend vind ik de slechte plaatjes. In een digitaal boek verwacht ik messcherpe plaatjes als je gaat inzoomen op de kleine plaatjes. In dit boek worden alleen de pixels groter. Het stoort me vreselijk omdat tekeningen in dit boek cruciaal zijn. Kom ik trouwens bij meer boeken tegen en is een grote omissie van de uitgever. Dat moet bij een update met zeer weinig moeite véél beter!
In [Wij zijn slim] onderzoekt psycholoog Suzanne Weusten de dwaalwegen van het denken, variërend van kleine onschuldige versprekingen en geheugenfoutjes tot grote misgrepen met catastrofale gevolgen. Hoe kan het gebeuren dat je vergeet je kind bij de crèche af te zetten? Waarom kun je zo vaak niet op een naam komen? Hoe kan een groep verstandige mensen een organisatie naar de rand van de afgrond leiden? Het ingenieuze en efficiënte menselijk denkvermogen heeft een keerzijde. Dezelfde mechanis...
Releasedatum: 2017-10-10 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 9,99
Bij de ziekte van Parkinson denken we vooral aan trillende handen en traagheid. Maar parkinson gaat ook gepaard met psychiatrische problemen, zoals angst, depressie en psychose. In een reeks ontroerende, aangrijpende en komische waargebeurde verhalen nemen psychiaters Odile van den Heuvel en Sonja Rutten ons mee in hun dagelijkse werk met parkinsonpatiënten. Op een frisse en heldere manier komen in hun verhalen de meest voorkomende psychische klachten bij parkinson aan bod.
Releasedatum: 2021-04-01 € 9,99
Eat for your mental health and learn the fascinating science behind nutrition with this "must-read" guide from an expert psychiatrist (Amy Myers, MD). Did you know that blueberries can help you cope with the aftereffects of trauma? That salami can cause depression, or that boosting Vitamin D intake can help treat anxiety? When it comes to diet, most people's concerns involve weight loss, fitness, cardiac health, and longevity. But what we eat affects more than our bodies; it also affects our bra...
Releasedatum: 2020-08-04 € 12,99
The Brain's Way of Healing explores the astonishing advances in the discovery of neuroplasticity, showing that the brain has its own unique way of healing, only recently uncovered. Norman Doidge discusses a series of remarkable recoveries: patients told they would never improve have years of chronic pain alleviated or damage from debilitating strokes undone, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, autism or learning disorders are reversed. He also shows how the ris...
Releasedatum: 2015-01-29 € 9,49
'A practical manual for your brain.' - Dr Megan Rossi, author of Eat Yourself Healthy A groundbreaking science-based guide to protecting your brain health for the long term. Whatever your age, having a healthy brain is the key to a happy and fulfilled life. Yet, for both young and old, diseases of the brain and mental health are the biggest killers in the 21st century. We all know how to take care of our physical health, but we often feel powerless as to what we can do to protect our mental well...
Releasedatum: 2020-03-05 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 4,99
Perfect for fans of The Salt Path and The Outrun , this book is a life-affirming exploration of wild landscapes, what it means to be different and, above all, how we can all learn to make peace within our own unquiet minds. 'A windswept tale, beautifully told' Raynor Winn - The Salt Path 'A manifesto for the value of difficult people. I loved it' Amy Liptrot - The Outrun In August 2015, Katherine May set out to walk the 630-mile South West Coast Path. She wanted to understand why she had stopped...
Releasedatum: 2018-04-19 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 5,49
In dit nuchtere boek geeft Kevin Nelson biologische verklaringen voor onze diepste spirituele ervaringen zoals bijna-doodervaringen (BDE's), uittredingen en mystieke eenwording. Nelson heeft het talent om ervaringen van zijn eigen patiënten maar ook getuigenissen van oude mystici te duiden. Hij neemt ons mee naar 'de grensgebieden van het bewustzijn', ergens tussen waken, bewusteloosheid en dromen in. Volgens hem komen spirituele ervaringen tot stand in de hersenstam, het primitiefste deel van ...
Releasedatum: 2012-08-31 € 14,99
'Reading this felt like being at home - I didn't realise how much I masked. What an incredible book that I know will be re-read many times over.' - Dr Camilla Pang, author of Explaining Humans ' Unmasking Autism is at once a most deeply personal and scholarly account of the damage caused by autistic (and all) people leading masked lives, and how unmasking is essential to creating a self-determined, authentic life... This is a remarkable work that will stand at the forefront of the neurodiversity...
Releasedatum: 2022-04-07 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 9,99
‘Je onvervangbare hersenen’ van Kaja Nordengen is een vrolijk en slim boek dat je zelfinzicht verschaft. Het geeft antwoorden op vragen als: Hoe word je verliefd? Hoe komt het dat onze hersenen zo klein zijn? Het is ook vaak verrassend: Waarom misleidt je brein je zo vaak? Waarom belonen de hersenen iets slechts als verslaving? Het enige écht onvervangbare orgaan heeft niet altijd het beste met zichzelf voor, en dat moeten we aanvaarden. Nordengen ontleedt op glasheldere wijze en met effect...
Releasedatum: 2017-09-02 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 9,99
Get on the fast track to understanding neuroscience Investigating how your senses work, how you move, and how you think and feel, Neuroscience For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your straight-forward guide to the most complicated structure known in the universe: the brain. Covering the most recent scientific discoveries and complemented with helpful diagrams and engaging anecdotes that help bring the information to life, this updated edition offers a compelling and plain-English look at how the brain a...
Releasedatum: 2016-04-14 € 19,99
'Authoritative, compassionate and commonsensical . . . an honest, sensitive and thorough introduction to understanding and living with autism . . . highly recommended.' - Psychological Medicine 'Packed with down to earth, practical ideas . . . readable, interesting . . . informative . . . if you buy only one title about autism this year it should be this one.' - Collette Dritte, Nursery World Over 500,000 people of all ages in the UK have disorders in the autistic spectrum. About one-third also ...
Releasedatum: 2012-10-25 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 3,99
*Nominated for the 2016 PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award* *An NBC News Notable Science Book of 2015* *Named one of Publishers Weekly 's Best Books of 2015* *A Book of the Month for Brain HQ/Posit Science * *Selected by Forbes as a Must Read Brain Book of 2015* *On Life Changes Network ’s list of the Top 10 Books That Could Change Your Life of 2015* In the tradition of Oliver Sacks, a tour of the latest neuroscience of schizophrenia, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, ecstatic epileps...
Releasedatum: 2015-08-04 € 7,99
No one is immune. For people from champion athletes to desk-bound white-collar professionals, many simple acts of life--a relaxing evening stroll through the neighborhood, an exhilarating run along a sandy beach, just bending down to tie a loose shoelace-are often acts of torture. The walking wounded suffer from torn rotator cuffs, tennis elbow, jogger's knees, bad backs, stiff necks, sore feet, and swollen ankles. It could, without exaggeration, be called a modem epidemic. In this brilliant boo...
Releasedatum: 2011-02-01 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 10,99
'Naar binnen' van Instagramsensatie Yung Pueblo is een verzameling reflecties en gedichten die je inspireren vanuit meer zelfliefde te leven en je in contact brengen met diepe innerlijke wijsheid. 'Naar binnen' is een verzameling reflecties, gedichten en proza die je inspireren om vanuit meer zelfliefde onvoorwaardelijke liefde te ervaren, die je laten zien dat loslaten altijd een optie is, en je in contact brengen met de diepe innerlijke wijsheid die ontstaat wanneer je jezelf echt leert kennen...
Releasedatum: 2021-11-23 € 9,99
With empathy, compassion, and practical tools, a developmental psychologist and sufferer of Sensory Defensive Disorder (SD) sheds light on a little known but common affliction in which sufferers react to harmless stimuli as irritating, distracting, or dangerous We all know what it feels like to be irritated by loud music, accosted by lights that are too bright, or overwhelmed by a world that moves too quickly. But millions of people suffer from Sensory Defensive Disorder (SD), a common afflictio...
Releasedatum: 2014-08-05 € 11,99
In Mind Change , Susan Greenfield discusses the all-pervading technologies that now surround us, and from which we derive instant information, connected identity, diminished privacy and exceptionally vivid here-and-now experiences. In her view they are creating a new environment, with vast implications, because our minds are physically adapting: being rewired. What could this mean, and how can we harness, rather than be harnessed by, our new technological milieu to create better alternatives and...
Releasedatum: 2014-08-21 € 11,99
Neurosciences – a comprehensive approach This textbook covers neuroscience from cellular and molecular mechanisms to behavior and cognitive processing. We also address evolution of the nervous system, computational neuroscience, the history of neuroscience as a discipline and neurophilosophy – to name but a few. The book provides the newest state-of-the-art knowledge about neuroscience from across the animal kingdom, with particular emphasis on model species commonly used in neuroscien...
Releasedatum: 2013-07-08 € 67,99
Good news about getting older from Scientific American and Scientific American Mind The Scientific American Healthy Aging Brain taps into the most current research to present a realistic and encouraging view of the well-aged brain, a sobering look at what can go wrong––and at what might help you and your brain stay healthy longer. Neurologists and psychologists have discovered the aging brain is much more elastic and supple than previously thought, and that happiness actually increase...
Releasedatum: 2012-05-03 € 16,99
'A beautiful and moving book that vividly brings home the challenges faced by those with dementia and their carers' Sir Tony Robinson A moving and beautifully illustrated book that captures the real life tales of people living with dementia, as told by their loved ones caring for them. This humorous, heartwarming and often heartbreaking collection will be relatable and supportive for anyone touched by dementia in their lives, and provides insight and information for anyone wanting to know more. ...
Releasedatum: 2022-06-02 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 3,99
'It has taken me several years of exploration, but I am at a place now where I see autism as neither an affliction nor a superpower. It's just the blueprint for who I am. There is no cure, but that's absolutely fine by me. To cure me of my autism would be to cure me of myself.' During the first thirty years of her life, comedy script writer Sara Gibbs had been labelled a lot of things - a cry baby, a scaredy cat, a spoiled brat, a weirdo, a show off - but more than anything else, she'd been call...
Releasedatum: 2021-06-24 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 5,99
National Geographic's riveting narrative explores the world of placebos, hypnosis, false memories, and neurology to reveal the groundbreaking science of our suggestible minds. Could the secrets to personal health lie within our own brains? Journalist Erik Vance explores the surprising ways our expectations and beliefs influence our bodily responses to pain, disease, and everyday events. Drawing on centuries of research and interviews with leading experts in the field, Vance takes us on a fascina...
Releasedatum: 2016-11-08 € 10,99
You Are 1-Click Away From Discovering How To Turn On Your Body's Self-Healing Ability By Leveraging Your Understanding Of The Polyvagal Theory To Neutralize Stress, Anxiety, Depression And Many Other Physical & Mental Health Issues! Ever since Dr. Stephen Porges developed the Polyvagal theory to explain how our autonomic nervous system controls our physical responses as well as emotional reactions, a lot of research and experimentation has gone into this theory to prove just how th...
Releasedatum: 2020-05-14 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 3,49
Nella consistente letteratura generata dalla sua scoperta a oggi, l'LSD è sempre stato presentato come una via d'accesso privilegiata - e niente affatto spiacevole - a dimensioni della coscienza che generalmente ci sono precluse. Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, la ricerca scientifica più avanzata lavora su virtù molto diverse degli «acidi», a cominciare dalla loro efficacia contro patologie infide quali le dipendenze, l'emicrania, le fasi acute della depressione. È una materia densa e al temp...
Releasedatum: 2019-06-27 € 7,99
Ao estudar um grande volume de informações advindas de uma variedade de fontes: faculdade, processos seletivos, colégio ou outras, normalmente o aluno se depara com a dificuldade de atingir metas estabelecidas. O não cumprimento de objetivos lhe proporciona frustração e ansiedade o que provoca limitações de tempo e desorganização. O resultado materializa-se em limitações e autoavaliação negativa, que o indivíduo impõe a si mesmo. Dessa forma, conhecer técnicas eficientes de orga...
Releasedatum: 2018-06-01 € 3,49
Translational Medicine in CNS Drug Development, Volume 29, is the first book of its kind to offer a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in translational medicine and biomarker techniques. With extensive coverage on all aspects of biomarkers and personalized medicine, and numerous chapters devoted to the best strategies for developing drugs that target specific disorders, this book presents an essential reference for researchers in neuroscience and pharmacology who need the most up-...
Releasedatum: 2019-06-18 € 134,99
What is the nature of human creativity? What are the brain processes behind its mystique? What are the evolutionary roots of creativity? How does culture help shape individual creativity? Creativity: The Human Brain in the Age of Innovation by Elkhonon Goldberg is arguably the first ever book to address these and other questions in a way that is both rigorous and engaging, demystifying human creativity for the general public. The synthesis of neuroscience and the humanities is a unique feature o...
Releasedatum: 2018-01-02 € 28,99
A full-color celebration of stunning visual illusions and the science behind them In Champions of Illusion , Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen Macknik present a smorgasbord of mystifying images, many selected from their Best Illusion of the Year Contest. Whether it’s false motion, tricks of perspective, or shifting colors, Champions of Illusion is packed with adventures in visual perception. If you have ever found yourself face-to-face with an utterly bewildering illusion, you know the powerfu...
Releasedatum: 2017-10-24 € 12,99
Are we our brains? How can you map the mind? Can brain scans read our minds? Based on Rob Newman’s live stand-up show and new BBC Radio 4 series, his thought-provoking new book explores the scientific breakthroughs that have turned received ideas of brain science upside down. After imagining volunteering for a brain-imaging experiment meant to locate the part of the brain that lights up when you’re in love, comedian Robert Newman emerged with more questions than answers. In Neuropolis Newman...
Releasedatum: 2017-04-20 € 14,99
‘A masterpiece of popularization’ Times Literary Supplement ‘A fascinating account, based on objective scientific research, of the ways in which mental states affect the individual’s liability to disease… Martin is a highly civilised scientist, who seasons his text with witty parentheses. He also provides many examples from literature, ranging widely from Shakespeare, Goethe and Hardy to Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Kafka… Interesting, informative and a pleasure to read.’ ANTHONY STORR,...
Releasedatum: 2016-06-27 € 7,99
Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy is an accessible introduction to regional and functional neuroanatomy, which cuts through the jargon to help you engage with the key concepts. Beautifully presented in full color, with hundreds of annotated illustrations and images, Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy begins with an introductory section on the regional aspects of the topic, then discusses each structure in detail in relation to function. Clinical examples are provided throughout, to reinforce th...
Releasedatum: 2015-06-12 € 45,99
"Amphetamine" is a book chapter of the college-level textbook for the book volume in the Principles of Neuropsychopharmacology course. It is a part of the Science Textbook Series authored by Nicoladie Tam, Ph.D. that also includes the Principles of Biology course. This book is written with specific pedagogical considerations to facilitate students' learning. It applies the proven best practices to motivate students in learning. It uses multiple pedagogical methodologies to...
Releasedatum: 2015-06-14 € 2,99
'An excellent grasp on the science...but it is as a human story that the book is most compelling...' TLS Seven million people worldwide suffer from Parkinson's, with more men having the disease than women. Yet it remains an enigma, with doctors, researchers and patients hunting for a cure. In Brain Storms the award-winning journalist and veteran TV producer, Jon Palfreman, tells their stories, stories that take on a particular urgency since he himself has been diagnosed with the illness. Palfrem...
Releasedatum: 2015-09-17 € 12,99
Brain Landscape: The Coexistence of Neuroscience and Architecture is the first book to serve as an intellectual bridge between architectural practice and neuroscience research. John P. Eberhard, founding President of the non-profit Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture, argues that increased funding, and the ability to think beyond the norm, will lead to a better understanding of how scientific research can change how we design, illuminate, and build spaces. Inversely, he posits that by bette...
Releasedatum: 2008-12-16 € 104,99
The gripping and revelatory story of the dramatic race to merge the human brain with machines Leading neuroscience researchers are racing to unlock the secrets of the mind. On the cusp of decoding brain signals that govern motor skills, they are developing miraculous technologies to enable paraplegics and wounded soldiers to move prosthetic limbs, and the rest of us to manipulate computers and other objects through thought alone. These fiercely competitive scientists are vying for Defense Depart...
Releasedatum: 2015-10-20 € 10,99
Contents R. Nassini, S. Materazzi, S. Benemei, and P. Geppetti: The TRPA1 Channel in Inflammatory and Neuropathic Pain and Migraine D. Lim, V. Ronco, A.A. Grolla, A. Verkhratsky, and A.A. Genazzani: Glial Calcium Signalling in Alzheimer's Disease J. Lazniewska and N.Weiss: The "Sweet" Side of Ion Channels E.E. Tevoufouet, E.N. Nembo, M.Dibué-Adjei, J. Hescheler, F. Nguemo, and T. Schneider: Cardiac Functions of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Channels: Role of the Pharmacoresistant Type (E-/R-T...
Releasedatum: 2014-11-18 € 87,99
The dramatic story of one man’s recovery offers new hope to those suffering from concussions and other brain traumas In 1999, Clark Elliott suffered a concussion when his car was rear-ended. Overnight his life changed from that of a rising professor with a research career in artificial intelligence to a humbled man struggling to get through a single day. At times he couldn’t walk across a room, or even name his five children. Doctors told him he would never fully recover. After eight ...
Releasedatum: 2015-06-02 € 10,99
Alzheimer ist kein Schicksal. Ist Alzheimer tatsächlich eine unvermeidliche Alterserscheinung, wie uns allenthalben erzählt wird? Nein, sagt der Mediziner und Molekulargenetiker Michael Nehls. Es handelt sich um eine Mangelerkrankung – und die lässt sich nicht medikamentös therapieren, aber vermeiden! Anhand von neuesten Studien belegt er: Ursachen sind zu wenig Schlaf, zu wenig Bewegung, ungesunde Ernährung und fehlende menschliche Wärme – kurz: unser heutiger Lebensstil. Eine bahnbre...
Releasedatum: 2014-09-22 € 9,99
The last decade has seen an upsurge of information on the role of immune responses in neurodegenerative disorders. In many of these diseases it is still unclear whether the innate and adaptive responses are pathogenic or play a role in repair, and thus understanding their precise roles is key to controlling these diseases by designing immune-therapeutic approaches. The connection between many neurological diseases is the realisation that the immune and nervous systems are inextricable linked, an...
Releasedatum: 2014-04-15 € 89,99
What produces emotions? Why do we have emotions? How do we have emotions? Why do emotional states feel like something? What is the relation between emotion, and reward value, and subjective feelings of pleasure? These are just some of the question considered in this book, written by a leading neuroscientist in this field.
Releasedatum: 2013-10-31 € 64,99
This book provides a fascinating introduction to the main issues and findings in current brain research. It describes the historical developments behind our understanding of what the brain is and what it does, and explores the key questions neuroscientists face concerning the relationship between the brain and thought, memories, perceptions, and actions.
Releasedatum: 2005-12-08 € 11,99
'A fine book' The Sunday Times 'Powerful' Guardian 'Wonderful' The Telegraph 'Moving, funny, warm' Mail on Sunday 'Brave, compassionate, tender and honest' Metro ' This book began as an attempt to hold on to my witty, storytelling mother with the one thing I had to hand. Words. Then, as the enormity of the social crisis my family was part of began to dawn, I wrote with the thought that other forgotten lives might be nudged into the light along with hers. Dementia is one of the greatest social, m...
Releasedatum: 2014-01-30 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 3,99
Neuroeconomics is a new highly promising approach to understanding the neurobiology of decision making and how it affects cognitive social interactions between humans and societies/economies. This book is the first edited reference to examine the science behind neuroeconomics, including how it influences human behavior and societal decision making from a behavioral economics point of view. Presenting a truly interdisciplinary approach, Neuroeconomics presents research from neuroscience, psycholo...
Releasedatum: 2008-10-10 € 62,99
Despite everything that has been written about the brain, a potentially critical part of this vital organ has been overlooked—until now. The Other Brain examines the growing importance of glia, which make up approximately 85 percent of the cells in the brain, and the role they play in how the brain functions, malfunctions, and heals itself. Long neglected as little more than cerebral packing material, glia (meaning “glue”) are now known to regulate the flow of information between neurons a...
Releasedatum: 2009-12-29 € 15,99