**A Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller** Out now : The bestselling book from the creator of the wildly popular science YouTube channel, Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell, a gorgeously illustrated deep dive into the immune system that will change how you think about your body forever. Please note: the originally supplied fixed format edition of the eBook has now been replaced to address difficulties experienced by some readers. Please delete the previous version from your device and download the...
Releasedatum: 2021-11-02 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 10,99
Virussen zijn onderdeel van ons dagelijks leven, dat is voor velen van ons een nieuwe werkelijkheid. Ab Osterhaus en Bram Palache geven in Virus antwoord op vragen rondom het coronavirus: Waarom is dit geen gewoon griepje? Waarom hebben sommige mensen wel en andere geen tot weinig symptomen? Ben je besmettelijk zonder symptomen? Wat zijn de langetermijneffecten? Zijn mondkapjes wel of niet verstandig? Hoe cruciaal is ventilatie? Wat is belangrijker, een vaccin of een medicijn? Hoe weet je of een...
Releasedatum: 2020-11-27 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 3,99
Roitt's Essential Immunology - the textbook of choice for students and instructors of immunology worldwide Roitt’s Essential Immunology clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health sciences students, from the basis of immunity to clinical applications. A brand new introduction sets the scene to section 1, Fundamentals of Immunology, introducing the microbial world and the strategies the body employs to defend itself. Each chapter then guides the reade...
Releasedatum: 2016-11-21 € 49,99
Big Pharma and health agencies cry "Don't take ivermectin!" A media storm follows. Why then, does the science say the opposite? Ivermectin is a dirty word in the media. The drug has been derided and declared useless. Doctors have earnestly recorded pleas asking those afflicted with COVID-19 not to take the drug. But why? The War on Ivermectin is the personal and professional narrative of Dr. Pierre Kory, the co-founder of an expert group of physicians’, and his plig...
Releasedatum: 2023-06-06 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 16,99
**THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER** 'Brilliant! It's hard to change your life - but this book gives you all the reasons it's possible. From the first page to the last, one revelation after another.' JEREMY VINE 'Brilliant . . . especially required reading in these COVID-19 days' LIZ EARLE 'Metabolism, inflammation, and immunity are three sides of the same coin. Fix one and you fix them all. Dr Aseem Malhotra offers you a way to fix all three at once, and the solution is as easy as your fork.' PROFES...
Releasedatum: 2020-08-27 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 5,49
Histamine is an important mediator of allergic diseases such as hay fever and bronchial asthma, food allergies, urticaria, and drug hypersensitivity. Knowledge of histamine as a cause of numerous non-allergic symptoms and signs is, however, limited. In fact, histamine intolerance can be responsible for conditions as diverse as seasickness, headaches and migraine, tachycardia, gastric disorders, diarrhea, intolerance to contrast media, parodontosis, period pains, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy,...
Releasedatum: 2014-11-10 € 48,99
Dieses Buch ist ein Plädoyer für Freiheit durch immunologische Herdengesundheit. Dafür ist ein starkes Immunsystem die Voraussetzung, und die Studienlage ist eindeutig: Allein durch Beheben eines Vitamin-D-Mangels wäre eine Corona-Infektion in der Regel nicht mehr als ein harmloser Schnupfen. Aus diesem Grund lehnt der Autor die Corona-Impfung ab. Nicht etwa, weil er ein grundsätzlicher Impfgegner ist – im Gegenteil: Impfungen gegen schädliche Keime, gegen die selbst ein gesundes Immunsy...
Releasedatum: 2022-03-11 € 14,99
Wussten Sie, dass wir ohne unser Immunsystem keine Sekunde auf dieser Welt überleben könnten? Große und kleine Feinde von außen würden uns in der Sekunde in Stücke reißen, bösartige Keime uns von innen auffressen. Krebszellen würden sich ungezügelt im Körper ausbreiten und das gesunde Gewebe verdrängen und zerstören. Gefäßverletzungen würden zu unstillbaren Blutungen führen und der Alterungsprozess würde rasant fortschreiten. Und selbst mit unserem Immunsystem ist Gesundheit no...
Releasedatum: 2021-11-08 € 13,99
'Thrilling, inspiring and informative page-turner.' Walter Isaacson, author of The Code Breaker You know what went wrong. This is the untold story of what went right. Few were ready when a mysterious respiratory illness emerged in Wuhan, China, in January 2020. Politicians, government officials, business leaders and public-health professionals were unprepared for the most devastating pandemic in a century. Many of the world's biggest drug and vaccine makers were slow to react or couldn't muster ...
Releasedatum: 2021-10-28 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 14,99
Tutti noi abbiamo fatto i conti con un'infiammazione - un dolore al ginocchio, l'ascesso a un dente, una lieve scottatura -, dunque riteniamo di conoscerla o perlomeno di averne un'idea abbastanza precisa. In realtà, il concetto di infiammazione è molto più complesso di quanto possiamo credere e rappresenta un campo ancora da esplorare anche per medici e biologi, poiché sotto questa «etichetta» rientra una varietà enorme di fenomeni assai diversi tra loro. L'infiammazione, infatti, è uno...
Releasedatum: 2020-05-12 € 9,99
Today, we are witnessing an increase in the number autoimmune inflammatory diseases, and as your immune system is the body's main line of defense against foreign invaders, it is necessary to keep it primed and functioning optimally The Immune System: Boost the Immune System, Heal Your Gut, and Cleanse Your Body Naturally is for readers who are struggling with issues related to their immune system. These struggles can range from getting sick often to inflammatory disorders such as fibromyalgia an...
Releasedatum: 2019-09-28 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 2,99
Die überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuausgabe des SPIEGEL-Bestsellers »Unbedingt dieses Buch lesen!« Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim Zu wenig Zeit für die Patienten und immer gleich Antibiotika? Impfungen gegen alles und jedes? „Schulmedizin“ hat keinen guten Ruf. Globuli, Akupunktur, Osteopathie & Co. hingegen sind angesagt. Sie gelten als sanft und natürlich. Doch weder ist die Natur immer gut noch jede alternative Heilmethode wirksam. Die Ärztin Natalie Grams-Nobmann hat einen hilfreichen Komp...
Releasedatum: 2020-02-18 € 8,99
This manual provides an educationally focused and practically applicable resource for trainee dermatologists undertaking various dermatology board examinations. Concise, easy-to-follow chapters featuring relevant videos with editorial commentary aid the reader in developing an in depth understanding of a range of skin conditions and their management. Key concepts relevant to cutaneous neoplasms, fungal infections, dermatopharmacology, chemical peels, disorders of pigmentation and dermatopat...
Releasedatum: 2019-09-03 € 46,99
Meticulously reviewed and updated for today’s medical students, Basic Immunology, 6th Edition , is a concise text expertly written by the same distinguished author team as the best-selling, comprehensive text, Cellular and Molecular Immunology . This focused, easy-to-understand volume uses full-color illustrations and clinical images, useful tables, and practical features such as Summary Point boxes, end-of-chapter review questions, glossary terms, and clinical cases— all designed to help st...
Releasedatum: 2019-01-25 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 64,99
This book provides an overview of auto-inflammatory syndromes, covering the underlying immune mechanisms that lead to their development, specific disease presentations, and clinical treatment guidelines. The book is divided into two sections, adult and pediatric, with chapters focusing on individuals diseases such as systemic arthritis, hyper-IgD, pap syndrome, idiopathic recurrent pericarditis, and familial Mediterranean fever. Chapters incorporate the most recent advances in disease pathophysi...
Releasedatum: 2019-01-04 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 97,99
Electronic publishing and electronic means of text and data presentation have changed enormously since the first edition of this book was published in 1997. The third edition of Scientific Papers and Presentations applies traditional principles to today's modern techniques and the changing needs of up-and-coming academia. Topics include designing visual aids, writing first drafts, reviewing and revising, communicating clearly and concisely, adhering to stylistic principles, prese...
Releasedatum: 2012-07-30 Genre:Professioneel en technisch > Geneeskunde € 41,99