Wat als een historica over vijftig jaar terugkijkt naar het begin van de 21ste eeuw? Zij zal versteld staan dat wij - verblind door onze dagelijkse beslommeringen en ons kortetermijnperspectief? - de twee grootste bedreigingen die homo sapiens te wachten stonden niet zagen: een wereldomvattende klimaatcrisis met alle gevolgen van dien, en de digitalisering van arbeid die leidde tot massawerkloosheid en een algeheel verlies van zin en betekenisgeving. In Wat er op het spel staat analyseert Philip...
Releasedatum: 2017-10-24 € 9,99
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A former Wall Street quant sounds the alarm on Big Data and the mathematical models that threaten to rip apart our social fabric—with a new afterword “A manual for the twenty-first-century citizen . . . relevant and urgent.”— Financial Times NATIONAL BOOK AWARD LONGLIST • NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review • The Boston Globe • Wired • Fortune...
Releasedatum: 2016-09-06 € 7,99
From Naomi Klein, author of the #1 international bestsellers, The Shock Doctrine and No Logo , a must-read on how the climate crisis needs to spur transformational political change We seem to have given up on any serious effort to prevent catastrophic climate change. Despite mounting scientific evidence, denialism is surging in many wealthy countries, and extreme fossil-fuel extraction gathers pace. Exposing the work of ideologues on the right who know the challenge this poses to the free market...
Releasedatum: 2014-09-16 € 9,49
In Nederland groeit de kloof tussen kansarm en kansrijk. Banen, kapitaal en hoogopgeleiden concentreren zich in grote steden. Op andere plekken krimpt de bevolking en sluiten scholen hun deuren. In ‘Een klein land met verre uithoeken’ schetst geograaf en journalist Floor Milikowski een uiterst treffend tijdsbeeld van dorpen en steden. Bewoners en bestuurders zijn op zoek naar houvast in een veranderd land. In Nederland groeit de kloof tussen kansarm en kansrijk, tussen centrum en periferie, ...
Releasedatum: 2020-06-03 € 9,99
'Eindelijk iemand die het huidige, misleidende klimaatdebat doorprikt en zich niet op individuele gedragsverandering richt. Jaap Tielbeke laat met dit diepgaande en alomvattende boek zien hoe het anders kan, en moet.' - Roxane van Iperen 'Doe het licht uit als je de deur uit gaat.' 'Scheid je afval.' 'Douche kort.' Dat waren de 'groene geboden' waarmee journalist Jaap Tielbeke opgroeide. Een beter milieu begint immers bij jezelf, zo leerde hij. Veel heeft het niet geholpen, want twintig jaar lat...
Releasedatum: 2020-06-26 € 12,99
A New York Times bestseller and “a passionate, urgent” ( The New Yorker ) examination of the growing inequality gap from the bestselling author of Bowling Alone : why fewer Americans today have the opportunity for upward mobility. Central to the very idea of America is the principle that we are a nation of opportunity. But over the last quarter century we have seen a disturbing “opportunity gap” emerge. We Americans have always believed that those who have talent and try hard will succee...
Releasedatum: 2015-03-10 € 15,99
An unprecedented behind-the-scenes portrait of the Trump presidency from the anonymous senior official whose first words of warning about the president rocked the nation's capital. On September 5, 2018, the New York Times published a bombshell essay and took the rare step of granting its writer anonymity. Described only as "a senior official in the Trump administration," the author provided eyewitness insight into White House chaos, administration instability, and the people working to keep Dona...
Releasedatum: 2019-11-19 Genre:Politiek en nieuws € 3,99
From the Sunday Times bestselling author, a dazzling, globe-spanning history of humankind's greatest invention: the city. 'Brilliant...enchanting' Evening Standard 'Exhilarating' New York Times The story of the city is the story of civilisation. From Uruk and Babylon to Baghdad and Venice, and on to London, New York, Shanghai and Lagos, Ben Wilson takes us through millennia on a thrilling global tour of the key urban centres of history. Rich with individual characters, scenes and snapshots of da...
Releasedatum: 2020-09-24 € 9,49
Pulitzer Prize-winning reporting team, husband and wife Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, take us on a journey through Africa and Asia to meet an extraordinary array of exceptional women struggling against terrible circumstances. More girls have been killed in the last fifty years, precisely because they are girls, than men were killed in all the wars of the twentieth century combined. More girls are killed in this routine 'gendercide' in any one decade than people were slaughtered in all t...
Releasedatum: 2010-08-05 € 3,99
From a former senior advisor to Senator John McCain comes an urgent wake-up call about how new technologies are threatening America's military might. For generations of Americans, our country has been the world's dominant military power. How the US military fights, and the systems and weapons that it fights with, have been uncontested. That old reality, however, is rapidly deteriorating. America's traditional sources of power are eroding amid the emergence of new technologies and the growing mil...
Releasedatum: 2020-04-21 € 10,99
Happy City is the story of how the solutions to this century's problems - from climate change to overpopulation - lie in unlocking the secrets to great city living This is going to be the century of the city. But what actually makes a good city? Why, really, are some cities a joy to live in? As writer and journalist Charles Montgomery reveals, it's not how much money your neighbours earn, or how spectacular the views from your windows are, or even how pleasant the climate is that makes the most ...
Releasedatum: 2013-11-07 € 9,49
The #1 New York Times bestseller that charts America’s dangerous drift into a state of perpetual war. Written with bracing wit and intelligence, Rachel Maddow's Drift argues that we've drifted away from America's original ideals and become a nation weirdly at peace with perpetual war. To understand how we've arrived at such a dangerous place, Maddow takes us from the Vietnam War to today's war in Afghanistan, along the way exploring Reagan's radical presidency, the disturbing rise of exec...
Releasedatum: 2012-03-27 € 10,99
One of BookPage 's Best Books of 2020 “The detailed, nuanced, gripping account of that strange and complex journey offered in Robert Draper’s To Start a War: How the Bush Administration Took America Into Iraq is essential reading—now, especially now . . . Draper’s account [is] one for the ages . . . A must-read for all who care about presidential power. ” — The Washington Post From the author of the New York Times bestseller Dead Certain comes the definitive,...
Releasedatum: 2020-07-28 € 11,99
The New York Times bestseller from CNN Political Commentator and 2020 former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, this thought-provoking and prescient call-to-action outlines the urgent steps America must take, including Universal Basic Income (UBI), to stabilize our economy amid rapid technological change and automation. The shift toward automation is about to create a tsunami of unemployment. Not in the distant future--now. One recent estimate predicts 45 million American workers wil...
Releasedatum: 2018-04-03 € 4,49
The Great Financial Crash had cataclysmic effects on the global economy, and took conventional economists completely by surprise. Many leading commentators declared shortly before the crisis that the magical recipe for eternal stability had been found. Less than a year later, the biggest economic crisis since the Great Depression erupted. In this explosive book, Steve Keen, one of the very few economists who anticipated the crash, shows why the self-declared experts were wrong and how ever–ris...
Releasedatum: 2017-05-09 € 10,99
In dit vlammend betoog roept Pieter van Vollenhoven op tot een onafhankelijke Nationale Veiligheidsinspectie, om toezicht te houden op onze sociale, fysieke en digitale veiligheid in alle sectoren. Gesjoemel met regels, bewust genomen risico's, ongelukken die voorkomen hadden kunnen worden: de veiligheid van mensen wordt maar al te vaak verwaarloosd en beschermende maatregelen leggen het meestal af tegen economische belangen. De vuurwerkramp in Enschede, de cafébrand in Volendam, de brand in he...
Releasedatum: 2019-04-10 € 9,99
A new field of collective intelligence has emerged in the last few years, prompted by a wave of digital technologies that make it possible for organizations and societies to think at large scale. This “bigger mind”—human and machine capabilities working together—has the potential to solve the great challenges of our time. So why do smart technologies not automatically lead to smart results? Gathering insights from diverse fields, including philosophy, computer science, and biology, Big M...
Releasedatum: 2017-11-13 € 19,99
A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! In his first major book on the subject of income inequality, Noam Chomsky skewers the fundamental tenets of neoliberalism and casts a clear, cold, patient eye on the economic facts of life. What are the ten principles of concentration of wealth and power at work in America today? They're simple enough: reduce democracy, shape ideology, redesign the economy, shift the burden onto the poor and middle classes, attack the solidarity of the people, let special interests r...
Releasedatum: 2017-03-28 € 14,99
You might be thinking everything's okay: the stock market is on the rise, jobs are growing, the worst of it is over. You'd be wrong. In The Real Crash , New York Times bestselling author Peter D. Schiff argues that America is enjoying a government-inflated bubble, one that reality will explode . . . with disastrous consequences for the economy and for each of us. Schiff demonstrates how the infusion of billions of dollars of stimulus money has only dug a deeper hole: the United States government...
Releasedatum: 2014-04-08 € 10,99
A globe-trotting, eye-opening exploration of how cities can—and do—make us happier people Charles Montgomery's Happy City will revolutionize the way we think about urban life. After decades of unchecked sprawl, more people than ever are moving back to the city. Dense urban living has been prescribed as a panacea for the environmental and resource crises of our time. But is it better or worse for our happiness? Are subways, sidewalks, and tower dwelling an improvement on the car-dependence of...
Releasedatum: 2013-11-12 € 10,99
Waarom ziet Nederland eruit zoals het eruitziet? Dat is voor een groot deel te danken aan de fantasie van architecten en stedenbouwers. En wat in de afgelopen eeuw steeds belangrijker werd, is de rol van de ruimtelijke ordening, van de lokale politiek tot het landsbestuur. Planning is politiek. In de twintigste eeuw bouwde ambtelijk Nederland een ‘ordeningsstaat’ op. Het uiterlijk van Nederland – van groeikern tot bufferzone, van Bijlmermeer tot Vinexwijk – is er blijvend door beïnvloed...
Releasedatum: 2021-05-07 € 11,99
Rupert Darwall’s Green Tyranny traces the alarming origins of the green agenda, revealing how environmental scares have been deployed by our global rivals as a political instrument to contest American power around the world. Drawing on extensive historical and policy analysis, this timely and provocative book offers a lucid history of environmental alarmism and failed policies, explaining how “scientific consensus” is manufactured and abused by politicians with duplicitous motives and tota...
Releasedatum: 2019-03-26 € 18,99
'Nederland ligt er prima bij' is een portret van een prima land, geschreven door Toine Heijmans, de journalist met misschien wel de mooiste pen van Nederland. Over Nederland valt een hoop te zeuren. Als je sommige opiniemakers en politici moet geloven, staan we aan de rand van de afgrond: vanachter hun vaak digitale spreekgestoeltes schetsen ze het beeld van een verdeeld land in verwarring, ten prooi aan populisme en moreel verval. Maar wie echt gaat kijken ziet: Nederland ligt er prima bij. Toi...
Releasedatum: 2017-11-16 € 1,99
From an economist who warned of the global financial crisis, a new warning about the continuing peril to the world economy Raghuram Rajan was one of the few economists who warned of the global financial crisis before it hit. Now, as the world struggles to recover, it's tempting to blame what happened on just a few greedy bankers who took irrational risks and left the rest of us to foot the bill. In Fault Lines , Rajan argues that serious flaws in the economy are also to blame, and warns that a p...
Releasedatum: 2011-08-08 € 15,99
The Biggest Untold Economic Story of Our Time Here is the truth that the powerful Dirty Energy public relations machine doesn’t want you to know: the ascent of solar energy is upon us. Solar-generated electricity has risen exponentially in the last few years and employment in the solar industry has doubled since 2009. Meanwhile, electricity from coal has declined to pre-World War II levels as the fossil fuel industry continues to shed jobs. Danny Kennedy systematically refutes the lies spread ...
Releasedatum: 2012-09-03 € 12,99
Ihre Eltern waren Kinder im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Bombenhagel, Zerstörung und Flucht haben viele erlebt. Fast alle hatten sie Hunger und vor allem Angst, große Angst. Das wirkt nach - auch auf ihre eigenen Kinder, die heute zwischen 30 und 50-jährigen: Da ist das Gefühl, sich nicht verwurzeln zu können, die eingeimpfte Sparsamkeit oder das übergroße Sicherheitsbedürfnis der Eltern – Familiengeschichte wirkt lange weiter. Der Bericht über das Lebensgefühl einer ganzen Generation, die im ...
Releasedatum: 2010-10-01 € 6,99
An essential primer on capitalism, politics and how the world works, based on the hugely popular undergraduate lecture series 'What is Politics?' Is there an alternative to capitalism? In this landmark text Chomsky and Waterstone chart a critical map for a more just and sustainable society. 'Covid-19 has revealed glaring failures and monstrous brutalities in the current capitalist system. It represents both a crisis and an opportunity. Everything depends on the actions that people take into thei...
Releasedatum: 2021-01-05 € 11,99
An Economist BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR As the data economy grows in power, Carissa Véliz exposes how our privacy is eroded by big tech and governments, why that matters and what we can do about it. The moment you check your phone in the morning you are giving away your data. Before you've even switched off your alarm, a whole host of organisations have been alerted to when you woke up, where you slept, and with whom. As you check the weather, scroll through your 'suggested friends' on Facebook, you...
Releasedatum: 2020-09-24 € 9,49
Brexit, euroscepticisme, aanslagen, culturele angst voor de islam... Europa beleeft roerige tijden. In Continent zonder grens betoogt staatssecretaris Theo Francken overtuigend dat onder meer de massale immigratie daarvoor verantwoordelijk is. In zijn directe stijl bespreekt hij de drijfveren achter de 'lange mars op Europa', die honderdduizenden jonge mannen uit Afrika, het Midden-Oosten en Centraal-Azië elk jaar opnieuw ondernemen. Een mars die sinds de migratiecrisis van 2015 helemaal uit de...
Releasedatum: 2018-10-01 € 9,99
Das Zurückbleiben der islamischen Welt, die Integrationsdefizite der Muslime in Deutschland und Europa sowie die Unterdrückung der muslimischen Frauen sind eine Folge der kulturellen Prägung durch den Islam. Das zeigt Thilo Sarrazin in seinem neuen Bestseller. Auch Deutschland muss sich diesen Tatsachen stellen, wächst doch der Anteil der Muslime in Deutschland und Europa durch Einwanderung und anhaltend hohe Geburtenraten immer weiter an. Bei einer Fortsetzung dieses Trends sind die Muslime...
Releasedatum: 2018-08-28 € 21,99
Bill Gates's Five Books for Summer Reading 2019 From world-renowned economist Paul Collier, a candid diagnosis of the failures of capitalism and a pragmatic and realistic vision for how we can repair it. Deep new rifts are tearing apart the fabric of the United States and other Western societies: thriving cities versus rural counties, the highly skilled elite versus the less educated, wealthy versus developing countries. As these divides deepen, we have lost the sense of ethical obligation to ot...
Releasedatum: 2018-12-04 € 11,99
Steeds meer mensen willen dat ons eten duurzamer, diervriendelijker en eerlijker is, maar toch lukt het ons nauwelijks ons voedselsysteem te verbeteren. Hoe kan dat? In DE VOEDSELPARADOX laat Herman Lelieveldt zien hoe moeilijk het voor burgers, bedrijven en de overheid is om over hun eigen schaduw heen te springen en daadwerkelijk iets te veranderen aan ons voedselsysteem. Lelieveldt onderzoekt de voedselparadox door allerlei plekken te bezoeken waar de strijd om beter voedsel plaatsvindt. Hij ...
Releasedatum: 2017-09-01 € 9,99
An essential guide to sustainable development for students and practitioners Sustainability is a global imperative and a scientific challenge like no other. This concise guide provides students and practitioners with a strategic framework for linking knowledge with action in the pursuit of sustainable development, and serves as an invaluable companion to more narrowly focused courses dealing with sustainability in particular sectors such as energy, food, water, and housing, or in particular regi...
Releasedatum: 2016-03-29 € 31,99
The Global Currency Reset is also known as the GCR. What is it? Where did it come from? How did this belief system emerge? The Global Currency Reset is actually comprised of many conspiracy theories blended together to make an overall belief system. Because of this, there are many definitions and catch phrases tied to this conspiracy theory. Part of this belief system says that there is a coming overnight crash to the United States dollar. This crash will be felt on a global level and many curre...
Releasedatum: 2015-01-07 € 4,99
A powerful investigation into the chances for humanity's future from the author of the bestseller The World Without Us . In his bestselling book The World Without Us , Alan Weisman considered how the Earth could heal and even refill empty niches if relieved of humanity's constant pressures. Behind that groundbreaking thought experiment was his hope that we would be inspired to find a way to add humans back to this vision of a restored, healthy planet-only in harmony, not mortal combat, with the ...
Releasedatum: 2013-09-24 € 6,49
THE GLOBAL MONEY SYSTEM NO LONGER WORKS IN OUR BEST INTERESTS; WE NEED A SERIOUS OVERHAUL OF MONEY - AND OF OUR ATTITUDE TOWARDS IT. Based on the four mega-trends of monetary instability, global greying (an ageing global population), the information revolution, and climate change, Bernard Lietaer looks at different scenarios of what the world might be like in 2020. The Corporate Millennium : governments are disbanded, central banks become irrelevant and the world is run with Big Brother control ...
Releasedatum: 2013-04-30 € 12,99
In a riveting account based on new documents and interviews with more than 400 sources on both sides of the aisle, award-winning reporter Michael Grunwald reveals the vivid story behind President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus bill, one of the most important and least understood pieces of legislation in the history of the country. Grunwald’s meticulous reporting shows how the stimulus, though reviled on the right and the left, helped prevent a depression while jump-starting the president’s ...
Releasedatum: 2012-08-14 € 14,99
From Dubai to Amsterdam, Memphis to South Korea, a new phenomenon is reshaping the way we live and transforming the way we do business: the aerotropolis. A combination of giant airport, planned city, shipping facility and business hub, the aerotropolis will be at the heart of the next phase of globalization. Drawing on a decade's worth of cutting-edge research, John Kasarda and Greg Lindsay offer a visionary look at how the metropolis of the future will bring us together - and how, in our global...
Releasedatum: 2011-03-03 € 9,49
“Giuseppe Conte inizia a scavarsi la fossa, ovviamente a sua insaputa, nella notte fra il 20 e il 21 luglio 2020, quando porta a casa il più grande successo della sua carriera politica: i 209 miliardi di euro del Recovery Fund. Da quel momento, nei circoli che contano dell'eterna Italia lobbista, affarista e tangentista, la parola d'ordine è una sola, categorica e impegnativa per tutti: ora che arrivano tutti quei miliardi, mica li faremo gestire a chi non prende ordini da noi...”. In ques...
Releasedatum: 2021-05-29 € 9,99
„Cham niezbuntowany” to traktat publicystyczny Rafała A. Ziemkiewicza. Książka, która ujawnia źródła i tłumaczy nasze narodowe działania, wybory, wewnętrzne konflikty. Tematy niezwykle istotne przedstawione w sposób subiektywny, lecz poparte argumentacją, z którą trudno polemizować. Problemy współczesności mające korzenie w historii, która ciągnie się za nami nieprzepracowana, hamując w nas poczucie wartości i wyjątkowości. "Książka, którą Państwu przedstawiam ...
Releasedatum: 2020-05-29 € 7,99
Ons Europa verkilt zienderogen. De grote middenpartijen die na 1945 de genereuze sociale bescherming hebben opgebouwd die de halve wereld ons benijdt, zijn aan het verschrompelen of liggen al tijden op apegapen. De burgers hebben hen afgestraft en keren zich naar rattenvangers die beweren in de naam van het volk te spreken. Hebben sociaaldemocraten en christendemocraten – want over hen gaat het – al te gretig het neoliberale geloof omhelsd? Land voor land laat Van Istendael zien hoe de verzo...
Releasedatum: 2019-05-18 € 9,99
‘Maar wat is dat dan toch, die islamisering?’, is de impliciete houding van mainstream journalisten, academici en politici. Terwijl ‘islamisering’ gewoon betekent: islamitischer worden, wordt het genegeerd of afgedaan als een paranoïde complottheorie. Islamisering is een proces dat zo oud is als de islam, omdat het er inherent aan is. Islam betekent immers ‘onderwerping’ – de islam is een totalitaire religieuze ideologie. In onze niet-islamitische, westerse samenleving gebeuren el...
Releasedatum: 2018-07-01 € 11,99
Political and civil discourse in the United States is characterized by “Truth Decay,” defined as increasing disagreement about facts, a blurring of the line between opinion and fact, an increase in the relative volume of opinion compared with fact, and lowered trust in formerly respected sources of factual information. This report explores the causes and wide-ranging consequences of Truth Decay and proposes strategies for further action.
Releasedatum: 2018-01-16 € 7,99
Jeffrey D. Sachs is one of the world's most perceptive and original analysts of global development. In this major new work he presents a compelling and practical framework for how global citizens can use a holistic way forward to address the seemingly intractable worldwide problems of persistent extreme poverty, environmental degradation, and political-economic injustice: sustainable development. Sachs offers readers, students, activists, environmentalists, and policy makers the tools, metrics, ...
Releasedatum: 2015-03-03 € 39,99
Ein Pharmakonzern wurde durch den Verkauf von Heroin groß. Ein anderer steht im Verdacht, mit falschen Behauptungen über ein Arthritis-Medikament den Tod von Tausenden Patienten verursacht zu haben. Ein weiterer belog die US-amerikanische Food and Drug Administration und wurde zu einer Strafe von 2,3 Milliarden Dollar verurteilt. Dieses Buch handelt von der dunklen Seite der Pharmaindustrie, von der Art und Weise, wie Medikamente entdeckt, produziert, vermarktet und überwacht werden. Es zeigt...
Releasedatum: 2014-11-14 € 13,99
Seine Kameraden nennen ihn "Legende", seine Feinde "Teufel" … Chris Kyle diente von 1999 bis 2009 bei den US Navy SEALs und verzeichnete in jener Zeit den höchsten "Bodycount" – also die höchste Zahl an tödlichen Treffern – in der amerikanischen Militärgeschichte. 160 gezielte Liquidationen schreibt ihm das Pentagon offiziell zu. In dieser eindringlichen Autobiografie erzählt der geborene Texaner, der schon als Kind auf Jagdausflügen mit seinem Vater das Schie...
Releasedatum: 2012-10-05 € 15,99
Even among people who would never subscribe to its more dramatic claims, the "Eurabia" movement has popularized a set of seemingly common-sense assumptions about Muslim immigrants to the West: that they are disloyal, that they have a political agenda driven by their faith, that their nhigh reproduction rates will soon make them a majority. These beliefs are poisoning politics and community relations in Europe and North America--and have led to mass murder in Norway. Rarely challenged, these clai...
Releasedatum: 2012-08-21 € 13,99
Kurt Eichenwald— New York Times bestselling author of Conspiracy of Fools and The Informant — recounts the first 500 days after 9/11 in a comprehensive, compelling page-turner as gripping as any thriller . In 500 Days, master chronicler Kurt Eichenwald lays bare the harrowing decisions, deceptions, and delusions of the eighteen months that changed the world forever, as leaders raced to protect their citizens in the wake of 9/11. Eichenwald’s gripping, immediate style and trueto- life dialo...
Releasedatum: 2012-09-11 € 16,99
Die Energiekrise erschüttert die globale Wirtschaft. Gas und Öl werden als geopolitische Waffen eingesetzt. Und plötzlich sind Kohle, Fracking und Atomkraft wieder auf der Tagesordnung. Doch wer zahlt den Preis? Haben wir überhaupt noch eine Chance, uns aus den Abhängigkeiten zu befreien? Energieökonomin Claudia Kemfert gibt Antworten. Und sie benennt die Verantwortlichen für die verfahrene Situation. Ein kleines Zeitfenster bleibt, durch entschlossenes Handeln unsere Energieversorgung zu...
Releasedatum: 2023-02-08 € 23,99
De Nederlandse gezondheidszorg behoort tot één van de beste zorgstelsels ter wereld. Toch wordt er voortdurend aan gesleuteld. Men is bang dat het anders onbetaalbaar zal worden. Vrije marktwerking zou kostenstijgingen kunnen voorkomen. Maar passen markt en gezondheidszorg wel bij elkaar? Auteur Maarten Rutgers beschrijft in het boek "Gezondheidszorg als handelswaar; worden we daar beter van?" waar de liberale visie op de inrichting en bekostiging van onze gezondheidszorg vandaan komt. Hij gee...
Releasedatum: 2018-01-13 € 9,99