Op 21 februari 2011 wordt er in Amsterdam een aanslag gepleegd op topcrimineel Stanley Marshall Hillis. Hij overleeft het niet. Hillis, volgens ingewijden Neerlands capo di tutti capi, was de grote man van onze poldermaffia. Hij werd verdacht van afpersing, witwassen, moord, drugs- én wapenhandel. Toch lukte het justitie nooit hem voor meer dan 'alleen maar' een paar bankovervallen te veroordelen, en zelfs dan wist hij nog keer op keer op onnavolgbare wijze uit de gevangenis te ontsnappen. Dat ...
Releasedatum: 2019-10-04 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 9,99
Wat doe je daar nu eigenlijk? van Sonja t Hart-Hartog is een bijzonder boekje over een bijzonder beroep: humanistische geestelijke verzorging in de ouderenzorg. In een aantal fragmenten schetst de auteur alledaagse momenten van begeleiding van bewoners en patiënten. Geen zwaarwegende beschouwingen over kommer en kwel, geen theoretische uitweidingen over het belang van geestelijke begeleiding. Sonja t Hart verstaat de kunst om de lezer mee te nemen in de wereld van het verpleeghuis, aan de hand ...
Releasedatum: 2012-06-27 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 4,99
Veteran urban activist Robert Lupton reveals the shockingly toxic effects that modern charity has upon the very people meant to benefit from it. Toxic Charity provides proven new models for charitable groups who want to help—not sabotage—those whom they desire to serve. Lupton, the founder of FCS Urban Ministries (Focused Community Strategies) in Atlanta, the voice of the Urban Perspectives newsletter, and the author of Compassion, Justice and the Christian Life, has been at the forefront of...
Releasedatum: 2011-10-11 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 10,99
Die Gangster von nebenan Auf den Straßen deutscher Großstädte tobt ein Machtkampf: Kriminelle arabisch-stämmige Clans haben in Berlin, Bremen, Dortmund oder Essen über Jahre Großstadtkieze erobert – und kaum jemand hat sie aufgehalten. Lange waren Polizei und Justiz machtlos gegen die um sich greifende Gewalt. Nun hat der Staat den Kampf mit den Familienbanden aufgenommen. Bereits seit 2003 verfolgen die SPIEGEL-TV-Reporter Thomas Heise und Claas Meyer-Heuer die kriminellen Machenschafte...
Releasedatum: 2020-10-05 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 9,99
Quiet and polite, obsessively neat, clean and tidy, eight-year-old Tom is unlike any child Maggie has ever fostered before. Tom has been taken into care following concerns that his dad is struggling to cope after the death of Tom's mum. At first, Maggie doesn't know what to make of this shy, nervous little boy who never cries and is terrified of getting dirty. But as Tom's cleaning rituals start to get more extreme, Maggie fears that there's something more sinister going on beneath the surface. ...
Releasedatum: 2019-04-04 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 3,49
There is the guard who delivers blows with no visible traces. The fraudster stitched up by the police for murder. The man who refuses to lie for a packet of cigarettes. The abandoned teenager, the down-and-out, the grass... He describes a hidden world of brutality and corruption, yet one where moments of humanity still manage to shine through. One in ten Russian men pass through prison at some point in their lives. This book is a denunciation of an entire system of bureaucratic criminality, and ...
Releasedatum: 2014-04-10 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 4,99
Ofschoon de wereld in allerlei opzichten nog nooit zo veilig is geweest, wanen mensen zich omringd door nauwelijks te beheersen risico's. Hoe moeten wij, en met name de overheid, daar rationeel op reageren? De multiculturele samenleving levert onverwacht hoge criminaliteit op bij enkele etnische groepen en er zijn nieuwe vormen van delinquentie (vrouwenbesnijdenis, eerwraak) geïntroduceerd. Hoe moet de Nederlandse strafrechtspleging daarop reageren? Is het acceptabel dat sommige groepen hun buu...
Releasedatum: 2012-02-02 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 6,99
Henkeäsalpaava sukellus Venäjän pahamaineiseen vankilamaailmaan. Suomalaisen huumekuriirin pahin painajainen toteutui itärajalla, kun hänet kiinnioton päätteeksi passitettiin Suomen sijasta Venäjälle kärsimään tuomiotaan. Kaiken piti sujua huolellisesti laaditun suunnitelman mukaan. Svetogorskissa suomalaisen huumekuriirin Jan Salon eteen kuitenkin ilmestyi kuin tyhjästä kaksi Venäjän turvallisuuspalvelun FSB:n virkailijaa, jotka pidättivät hänet siltä seisomalta. Vielä suur...
Releasedatum: 2018-08-07 Genre:Non-fictie € 8,99
Michael Plante, a low-level Hells Angels dog's body in Vancouver, is arrested for extortion in 2003. Coincidentally, police intercept a boat carrying cocaine from Colombia to Vancouver, a shipment arranged by the East End chapter of Vancouver's Hells Angels. The cops need to send someone inside to gather evidence that can be used to arrest and convict the gang. Plante does not want to go to jail. He cuts a deal, and so begins a descent into the nightmare of going undercover in the Hells Angels. ...
Releasedatum: 2013-09-10 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 9,49
A frightening look at Mexico's new power elitethe Mexican drug cartels The members of Mexico's drug cartels are among the criminal underworld's most ambitious and ruthless entrepreneurs. Supplanting the once dominant Colombian cartels, the Mexican drug cartels are now the major distributor of heroin and cocaine to the U.S. and Canada. Not only have their drugs crossed north of the border, so have the cartels (in 2009, 230 active Mexican drug cartels have been reported in U.S. cities). In Ganglan...
Releasedatum: 2013-06-11 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 9,49
This is a true story of survival in what was arguably the most sinister prison in Europe: the Carabanchel. Christopher Chance was the last Brit to be shackled and hauled out of that infamous Spanish hellhole before it closed its gates on decades of disgraceful cruelty. Along with the rest of the remaining inmates, he was transferred to another prison when the authorities slid back the bolts for the last time. Chance's story begins on the day he entered the jail and encountered the innate racism ...
Releasedatum: 2012-04-13 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 12,99
Die Gesetzlosen – Rocker gegen den Rechtsstaat Hells Angels, Bandidos, Outlaws oder Gremium – die Motorradclubs, die sich hinter diesen Namen verbergen, haben in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Die Rocker morden, erpressen, dealen, gehen mit Messern und Schusswaffen aufeinander und auf die Polizei los. Diese tut sich schwer damit, die Banden in Schach zu halten, auch wenn es in den letzten Monaten zu Verhaftungen, Razzien und Vereinsverboten gekommen ist. Doch ...
Releasedatum: 2013-03-04 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 10,99
In fascinating detail, Ivan Solotaroff introduces us to the men who carry out executions. Although the emphasis is on the personal lives of these men and of those they have to put to death, The Last Face You'll Ever See also addresses some of the deeper issues of the death penalty and connects the veiled, elusive figure of the executioner to the vast majority of Americans who, since 1977, have claimed to support executions. Why do we do it? Or, more exactly, why do we want to? The Last Face You'...
Releasedatum: 2010-10-12 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 9,99
“Human trafficking is not an issue of the left or right, blue states or red states, but a great moral tragedy we can unite to stop . . . Not for Sale is a must-read to see how you can join the fight.” —Jim Wallis, author of God's Politics “David Batstone is a heroic character.” —Bono In the revised and updated version of this harrowing yet deeply inspirational exposé, award-winning journalist David Batstone gives the most up-to-date information available on the $31 billion human tra...
Releasedatum: 2010-10-12 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 10,99
For several years, Wally Lamb, the author of two of the most beloved novels of our time, has run a writing workshop at the York Correctional Institution, Connecticut's only maximum-security prison for women. Writing, Lamb discovered, was a way for these women to face their fears and failures and begin to imagine better lives. Couldn't Keep It to Myself, a collection of their essays, was published in 2003 to great critical acclaim. With I'll Fly Away, Lamb offers readers a new volume of intimate ...
Releasedatum: 2009-03-17 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 9,99
Meet the men and women whose deeply personal philanthropy is dramatically changing the way we think about giving There are 8.6 million millionaires in the United States, and these numbers are set to rise in what will be the biggest intergenerational wealth transfer in history. As $41 trillion dollars (or over three times the national GDP) moves from the World War II generation to their baby- boomer children over the next couple of decades, it will become imperative that the beneficiaries of this...
Releasedatum: 2009-10-06 Genre:Non-fictie > Sociale wetenschappen € 19,99