Bevat videolessen van 2,5 uur! Procreate is de beste teken en schilder app voor de iPad. Je kan de app gebruiken als schetsboek, maar je kan er ook volwaardige kunstwerken mee maken. Als je de app eenmaal hebt aangeschaft in de App Store dan zijn daarna alle updates gratis. In dit boek legt Stefan de Groot alle functies uit van Procreate 4. Van het aanmaken van je eerste canvas tot het maken van animaties. Hoe sla je een illustratie op en hoe deel je ze via mail of via de Cloud. Leer hoe je met ...
Releasedatum: 2019-05-11 € 29,99
Procreate 5 Video Handleiding is het meest uitgebreide Nederlandstalige boek over Procreate 5. Geschreven door multimedia kunstenaar Stefan de Groot. Hij schreef al eerder handleidingen over over Procreate 3 en Procreate 4. Apps zijn steeds in ontwikkeling, Procreate is daar geen uitzondering op. In dit boek staat ook een link naar alle updates binnen Procreate 5. Met het aanschaffen van dit boek krijg je de lessen over de updates er dus gratis bij. Procreate is de beste teken app voor de ...
Releasedatum: 2021-04-20 € 19,99
If you are just starting out with Procreate 4, or are already working with it, the Procreate 4 Video Manual will help you understand all the aspects of painting in Procreate. Includes 2 Hours of Video Tutorials! Learn how to make your custom canvas. How to use the brushes and even make your own custom brushes. How to make precise selections and transform your images and rotate them and even drag them into perspective. Learn how to adjust the colors, curves and overall look with Blur effects. How...
Releasedatum: 2017-12-06 € 4,99
Procreate Primer is an enhanced eBook about the basics of drawing and painting in the iPad app Procreate 4. This book contains 6 embedded videos, the size is 1 GB. When you download it do it over Wifi! Wait for the entire eBook to download before opening it. In this way, all the videos will be included. The book is written by Dutch illustrator and animator Stefan de Groot. He makes video tutorials about drawing and painting in Procreate on his YouTube channel Stayf Draws. In this eBook, yo...
Releasedatum: 2017-09-23 € 9,99
Portraits of Guillaume Koppes from 1965 towards 2021. A lifetime from early Childhood to Mature Adulthood, showing various Shifting Identities. A Photo Book about becoming an independent adult.
Releasedatum: 2021-04-27 € 4,99
The Charles Bargue and Jean-Léon Gérôme drawing course was originally published by Goupil & Cie between 1866-1871 and consisted of 187 individual lithographs meant for copying by students at atelier art schools. Many famous artists copied from these plates as part of their art studies including Picasso, Van Gogh, and John Singer Sargent. This books includes 130 illustrations from parts I and III of the drawing course.
Releasedatum: 2020-01-26 € 3,49
Van 16 november 2018 t/m 10 maart 2019 trok de tentoonstelling ‘We gaan naar Zandvoort!’ een digitale reis van verleden naar heden’ een recordaantal bezoekers in het Zandvoorts Museum in Zandvoort. Dit boek geeft een goed beeld van deze tentoonstelling, die werd samengesteld door gastcurator Stefan de Groot. Voor de tentoonstelling creëerde hij een documentaire over de reis van Amsterdam naar Zandvoort aan Zee met de tram en de trein. Hij maakte acht grote schilderijen die elk een momento...
Releasedatum: 2019-01-28 € 9,99
George Bridgman's art instruction books are a compilation of his life's work as an instructor at the Art Students League of New York. His book "Constructive Anatomy" describes in detail the complex anatomical features of the human body and how to simplify their structures into simple three dimensional shapes. A knowledge of the underlying construction of the human body is the foundation for realistic figure drawing. George Brant Bridgman (1864-1943) was a Canadian-American painter and instructor...
Releasedatum: 2021-08-05 € 3,49
Few words, many examples, basic forms and useful specials of eyes, noses and lips. 3 Video-animations. Easy to learn for everybody.
Releasedatum: 2014-08-12 € 3,99
Rene Francois Gislen Magritte (1898-1967) is a Belgian surrealist artist. Known as the author of witty and at the same time poetic mysterious paintings. At first glance, the paintings of René Magritte are filled with strange images, which are not only mysterious, but also multivalued. Rene Magritte did not touch the question of form in surrealism, he invested his vision in the meaning and significance of the picture. The artist himself called himself "a magical realist." His goal was to create ...
Releasedatum: 2019-10-31 € 6,99
This book is a fully interactive, fully animated audio visual eBook, that includes a short version of the 12th century poem, The Conference of The Birds, a long Sufi poem, written by the Persian poet, Farid ud-Din Attar. The English translations used in this book are chosen from the original translation of, The Conference of The Birds, by Professor Dick Davis and Afkham Darbandi. Enjoy reading the poem in English and Farsi in a fun, fully interactive animated environment. Listen to the prof...
Releasedatum: 2016-07-18 € 8,99
Releasedatum: 2015-12-07 € 3,49
This great classic is still unrivalled for its clear, detailed presentation of thousands of fundamental features of the human figure. Every element of the body (such as the overhang of the upper lip; the puckering at the corners of the mouth; the characteristic proportions of the head, trunk, limbs, etc.; the tension between connected portions of the body; etc.) is carefully and concisely pointed out in the text. Even more helpful are the 430 pencil and charcoal drawings that illustrate each fea...
Releasedatum: 2012-04-24 € 5,49