Samen lezen, samen leren! In de Tovertuin valt zoveel te ontdekken! Vormen, kleuren, cijfers, letter... Ontdek en leer samen met je beste vriendjes Woezel en Pip je eerste leerdingen. De allerleukste manier om je kleintje kennis te laten maken met eerste educatieve thema's. Samen ontdekken, samen groot groeien.
Releasedatum: 2021-01-29 Genre:Kinderen > Basisconcepten € 6,99
Todo aprendizado, para ser bem sedimentado, necessita de exercício. No caso de ensinar nossos pequenos a respeito das atitudes adequadas ao convívio social, o exemplo de pais e responsáveis é fundamental. Entretanto, a leitura pode ser uma poderosa ferramenta de auxílio nesse processo. Com esse intuito, elaboramos a Coleção Comportamentos-Como lidar com eles, feita com criteriosa atenção pedagógica vinculada à diversão, para mostrar às crianças quais os comportamentos que devem ser...
Releasedatum: 2013-10-10 € 0,99
“My First Look Book” is designed to support visual stimulation and eye co-ordination and encourage concentration and focus. Interactive high contrast animations accompanied by Bach’s “Goldberg Variations” make a stimulating and inviting activity to enjoy together with your baby. Baby can also simply enjoy listening to the music for relaxation, or you can use the music in the background whilst enjoying high contrast sensory activities included at the end of the book. There is so m...
Releasedatum: 2019-11-04 € 3,49
This delightfully illustrated "chapter book," geared for 8-to-12 year olds, tells the charming tale of five family members and their naughty dog (each with a different sensory processing challenge), and how they get in sync after a tough day. The book is designed with the action of the story in larger print for younger readers to read or hear. Explanations of sensory processing issues are woven throughout the story in regular type for proficient readers to linger over at leisure. Everyone with s...
Releasedatum: 2011-12-01 € 11,99