ーAyurvedaのある暮らしー アーユルヴェーダを取り入れた暮らしで感じたことなどをお話ししているボイスブログ 毎朝6:00頃に配信している寄り添い系Podcastです。 アーユルヴェーダの学びを日々深めながら、ジョーティッシュ(インド占星術)から学んでいる惑星のエネルギーと人生や社会との関係性、アーユルヴェーダの理論との関係性を探求しています。 本業は...
発売日: 2023-03-25
1. 穏やかな時間をもらえます - アーユルヴェーダだからという押し付けがなく、「よかったらどうぞ」という距離感に好感が持てます そうかぁそういう風に考えたらいいんだなぁと気づきを教えてくれるので、気持ちがゆっくりしてくる番組です
2. 耳に優しい 心に残るお話 - 毎日更新されていて、長さや話し方も心地よく、また私としては聞いていて勉強になるなぁと感じます。知識や体験談も交えてお話してくださるのですが、押し付けない距離感も好きです。
My name is Jay Shetty, and my purpose is to make wisdom go viral. I’m fortunate to have fascinating conversations with the most insightful people in the world, and on my podcast, I’m sharing those conversation with you. New episodes Mondays and Fridays. Listen anywhere you get your podcasts, and please rate and review the podcast if you enjoy it. Live life today ON PURPOSE.
発売日: 2023-03-24
1. Communicate with your heart. - Hello Jay, I’m grateful for your podcast. I already to many episodes, especially the ones which are about relationships. I was always looking for my purpose in life, mostly by thinking how to make much money, but got disappointed right after, because I wasn’t able to find it. I couldn’t find it until I started to look in different areas. I realized that creating a happy family which can serve this planet in a positive way in the future and I feel your podcast helps me a lot to prepare myself for that and go further up the way.
Thank you for everything
2. Thanks Jay and Kunal!!! Love and respect from Japan. - I think I started listening to you after a few months he launched the podcast. My favorite is with Kunal from the big bang theory. It was profound conversation and I listened to that episode again and again. I hope you can bring him back again and do many more great guests! Love your work and thanks for sharing your life with us.
3. Thank you thank you thank you!!! - I just can't express how grateful I am for being able to listen to this. Every single episode is valuable! I can't start my week, my day without listening and it opened my eyes in so many ways. I am happy that I get to share things with my friends and to share some great insights too. So many books, life lessons, business strategies and so on.. This is amazing!
4. Please keep up the meaningful and insightful work! - I finally got a chance to get out for some shopping, then I turned on your podcast and you reminded me of leaving a review. So I decided to do it and then do shopping later. Your podcast helped me a lot. I followed you since your first videos on Facebook, when you said “the only thing we excel at is Microsoft, our Resumes are more interesting than our actual jobs, our profile pictures are the happiest we’ve been in a long time”, you say things with substance and you do have a lot for me to learn from, and I really admire your spirit of sharing the knowledge. I do enjoy a lot of your podcasts, especially those from the beginning with Yuval Harari, Kobe Bryant... they are all my far away mentors, so I was ecstatic to discover your talks with them. You asked really insightful questions and add your points to advocate for the conversation just perfectly. You do have a talent in doing this. I don't resonate with the recent episodes though, but I guess we can't feel great about everything. And your works do inspire many people including me. So... Thank you very much, Jay, wish you all the best and please keep the great work!
5. Truly the no. health podcast! - Hi, Jay! I’m Charmaine, genius member for almost months(and forever will be!) Thank you for sharing amazing episodes that everyone can relate and apply it daily. Your podcast is very healthy, interesting, entertaining, spot on, and truly inspiring! Yes, wisdom go viral! This is the only podcast that I listen to. You’re my life mentor and coach. Thank you for giving a huge part of yourself to the world. Much Love, Charmaine P.s.
I truly admire and love Radhi
6. The most amazing insight - Jay, your podcasts are magic. The way you spread this wisdom and insight is amazing. It is interesting, fun and feel them deep. The way you distribute the content is magical. Not everyone can speak the way you do. The voice has the compassion. Thank you so much for inspiring us and giving us hope on different contexts. God bless you. May you continue doing good work
Life is an art. Make it your masterpiece. The Lavendaire Lifestyle is a podcast on personal growth and lifestyle design. Hosted by YouTuber and entrepreneur Aileen Xu, this podcast shares insight & inspiration on how to shine as your brightest self and create your dream life. New episodes on Sundays.
発売日: 2023-03-19
セルフラブ・ボディーポジティブジャーニーをサポートしているありすです!物心ついた頃から自尊心も、自信もなく自分のことが嫌いだったため、外見を変えたら幸せになれるとダイエット依存、摂食障害になり、自己否定からうつを経験。だけど、幸せや自信は外側にはなかった。 このポッドキャストでは、あなたが生まれ持った美しさ、価値、そして自分の人生を...
発売日: 2023-03-22
1. 考え方が変わりました! - ヶ月前にメンタル的にキツくなって、体調を壊してしまった時期がありました。
本当に感謝しています。 今後も素敵な配信楽しみにしています!!
2. 人生のいろんなフェーズを見つめる - このポッドキャストではポジティブだけじゃないネガティブな気持ちも、どうしても人と比べてしまう気持ちも抱きしめてシェアしてくれているような気がします。 私はHSPで、自分のペースで焦らなくていいとリマインダーしてくれる存在はまだまだ身の回りに少ないのでありすさんのお話を聴いていると安心するし、こういうコミュニティがあることを知っていることは自分にとって大切だなあと思います。 繊細で優しいみなさんにハグ x
3. 自分のペースで楽しく、学んで発見してる - 様々なコンテンツでの発信がすごく嬉しいです Instagram、YouTube、Podcast、それぞれ自分の調子や生活環境によって選択して、楽しみ学んでます。
4. 幸せをありがとうございます - 日本からこんにちは セルフラブをはじめて年が経ちました。
沢山向き合ってきても納得出来なかったことがありすさんの言葉だと腑に落ちることばかりで自分の理想としていたセルフラブの方法が分かりはじめた様に感じます。 本当にありすさんに出逢えてよかったです。
世界に発信してくれてありがとうございます これからもありすさんの言葉楽しみにしています
5. 考え方、生き方が本当に素敵です - YouTube、Instagramも全て拝見拝聴させていただいてます!!年齢を重ねるごとに恋愛や結婚、生き方について悩まされ、自己嫌悪や自己否定に苛まれていました。
6. アリスさんの考え方が素敵! - 毎日通勤途中に聴いています!私は自分自身を責める癖があり、セルフラブを深く調べるうちにアリスさんと出会いました。お話を聞いて、考えさせられることばかりです。通勤中は、最近自分自身を大切にできてるかな?と自分自身を振り返る大切な時間になっています アリスちゃんありがと〜
7. 毎日繰り返し聴いてます。 - 自分を愛する大切にすることを日々考えていた時に、Aliceちゃんの発信をキャッチしました。私も摂食障害10年、鬱経験者です。self love、自分軸、自分が一番の親友、、私に必要なことがたくさん!聴きながら自分が変われることにワクワクしてます。今更と思わず今からの自分の人生が楽しみになりました!Aliceちゃん大好きです〜
8. 愛と癒しとパワーもらってます。 - ありすさんは元々某下着メーカーの写真でお見かけして以来、Instagramをフォローさせていただいていて、それがきっかけでpodcastも毎回楽しみにしています。Instagramの投稿から感じる、ありすさんのありのままのお人柄やcheerfulな笑顔をそのまま、podcastで聴けてとても嬉しいです。
9. いつも自分を取り戻せる - 聞いてると焦ってる事や、やらなきゃいけない事に追われている時でも自分と対話できる時間をくれます 日々をありのままで話してくれるので、一人じゃないんだな、焦らなくてもいいんだなって思えます
10. 愛してます - いつもこのストーリーに癒されてます
AV女優で文筆家の戸田真琴と、少女写真家の飯田エリカが、あなたと、私たちのためにつくってみた、保健室がほしいひとのための場です。 大人にも、保健室が、ほしいな。 学校のなかで、ひざをすりむいたり、気持ちがなじめなかったりするとき、私たちには保健室という場所があった。そこには手当てをしてくれる人がいて、時には同じように、どこかを弱らせた...
発売日: 2023-01-30
1. 深い話の中にトゲあり - お二方とも知識があり、表現者であって、内容はすごく素敵だと思います。
Radio DÌU CON VÀO ĐỜI do Thầy Minh Niệm và Cộng đồng Thiền tâm lý trị liệu Miền Tỉnh Thức thực hiện. Dự án vì cộng đồng, hoàn toàn phi lợi nhuận. Quý vị có thể chia sẻ cho bạn bè và người thân, nhưng nếu với mục đích khác thì phải xin phép trước. Hoàn toàn không được sao chép.
発売日: 2022-10-16
1. Từ người Việt đang làm việc tại Nhật - Trong khi người Việt, cộng đồng người Việt nói riêng và cả thế giới nói chung thì đâu đó ở thủ đô Tokyo, Nhật Bản nơi mình đã học và đang làm việc vẫn được hưởng chế độ lương % trong khi vẫn ở nhà tự học và làm việc. Mọi người nhìn vào thì bảo ôi thích thế, sướng thế nhưng đâu phải vậy. Mình nghỉ bị stress rất nhiều vì ở nhà thời gian dài, tự mình tìm các hoạt động thể dục, thể thao an toàn, những thứ mà cứu rỗi tâm hồn đang bị hao tổn này. Một trong số đó là kênh Podcasts của thày Minh Niệm. Nó rất đúng đối với mình, như là nơi để thả hồn, nuôi dưỡng trái tim trong thời khó khăn này. Một kênh Podcasts mà mình sẽ nghe đi nghe lại nhiều lần trong tương lai.
Dan Harris is a fidgety, skeptical journalist who had a panic attack on live national television, which led him to try something he otherwise never would have considered: meditation. He went on to write the bestselling book, 10% Happier. On this show, Dan talks with eminent meditation teachers, top scientists, and even the odd celebrity. Guests include everyone from His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Brené Brown to Karamo from Queer Eye. On some episodes, Dan ventures into the deep end of the po...
発売日: 2023-04-19
A podcast that explains how everything is psychology. Even your 20’s. New episodes every Friday! For business enquires please email thepsychologyofyour20steam@unitedtalent.com New merchandise here: https://the-psychology-of-your-20s.myshopify.com/
発売日: 2023-03-16
Đắp Chăn Nằm Nghe Tun Kể là series podcast đầu tiên của Tun, nơi Tun và các bạn có thể trải lòng với nhau về những điều mệt mỏi trong cuộc sống, cùng cho nhau những lời khuyên hay ho, cùng chữa lành những tổn thương, đỗ vỡ để trái tim tụi mình một lần nữa được ngập tràn yêu thương. Tun hy vọng những chia sẻ của mình có thể mang lại những giây phút thư thái, dễ chịu cho bạn trước kh...
発売日: 2023-03-19
Yêu Lành là sự kết hợp giữa “yêu” và “yên lành”. Trong yêu có yên, trong yên có lành. Yêu sao để chữa lành cho chính bản thân mình và những người xung quanh. Podcast Yêu Lành sẽ cùng bạn đi qua những giai đoạn của tình yêu với đủ các cung bậc cảm xúc.
発売日: 2022-12-03
皆さんの周りで、なぜあの人はあぁなんだろうという人はいませんか? どう接してどう対処すればいいんだろう? 人と人との関係を心理学に基づいて紐解いていきます。 メンタルジムThe Change代表であり映画監督のおぐすけんじとカウンセラー片田智也とで「心の取説」についてお話をしていきます。 Change理論とは、これまでの人類の心理学、生物学、哲学、進化生物...
発売日: 2023-03-16
29歳、独身。悩みながら生きています。リスナーさんからのお悩み相談、恋愛相談に答えています。 最新話はyoutubeから。 ▷https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5_JvPDj9ndK78JonxJNuyg #寝落ち用 #睡眠導入 #癒しの音楽 イラスト:ノーコピーライトガール
発売日: 2022-06-26
国立精神・神経医療研究センター(NCNP) 認知行動療法センターと、Code for Japan、大阪大学、九州大学、福島県立医科大学、中央大学、富山大学、NCNP睡眠障害センターなどから集まった有志メンバーのコントリビュートでお送りする“眠り“を考えるポッドキャストです。医師や心理士、睡眠専門家、当事者、メンタルヘルス研究者が眠りとメンタルヘルスにまつわるエピソ...
発売日: 2023-02-22
皆様の日々の瞑想トレーニングをサポートするポッドキャストを配信していきます。 瞑想を通じて、皆様の人生を豊かにする力になれたらとても嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします。 2021年より、10分のポッドキャストも配信させていただいております! 各種音源は以下のサイト様からお借りしております。ありがとうございます。 - フリー音楽素材 H/MIX GALLERY 様 (http...
発売日: 2023-03-24
✦LINEに初めてのお問い合わせで、オンラインレッスン3回無料︎︎ ✦毎日5分「自分を生きるを応援する」「なりたい身体は自分でつくる」をテーマに、幸せな人生には心と身体と人間関係の健康が不可欠、1人でも多くの方に幸せを感じる毎日を送っていただきたくて配信します。ヨガをベースに 月経痛や更年期障害、不妊といった 女性のお悩みを解消するサポートや 美...
発売日: 2023-03-24
1. なんだか - お二人のお話を聞く事を楽しみに毎回聴かせて頂いてました。しかし、かつら先生の乳がんになって〜のエピソードは励みになる方もいらっしゃるとは思いますが、その一方でそのエピソードを聞く事で辛くなる思いをする方も一定数いると言う事を弁えてほしいものです。いつまで乳がんネタ引っ張るのなかと思いここ最近はかつら先生だと分かるとスキップしていました。今後はあやの先生個人のPodcastを聴いていきたく思います。
ヨガのことばをアップデートしたら、ヨガがもっと好きになる。哲学からライフスタイルまで、ニュートラルでグローバルな視点から、現代を生きる私たちに役立つ「ヨガのことば」をご紹介します。 Seaon 1、2では、ヨガの経典『パタンジャリのヨガスートラ』を原文のサンスクリット語とともにご紹介。ヨガスートラはニュートラルな視点からヨガを理解するヒントの...
発売日: 2023-02-11
Join us every weekday morning to take a few moments to step out of the internal chatter and external noise. We'll pause and reflect to consider what brings us together in this shared human condition and how we can live a life that best reflects our limitless potential. Get one month of Headspace free by going to Headspace.com/radioheadspace
発売日: 2023-03-23
Sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety and feel happier about your life. If you yearn for simpler calmer days, settle yourself down to explore the rich tradition of meditation for your modern life. Journey through a weekly theme to gain insight and understanding of the biggest stressors of our time. Be guided in a brief mini-meditation using a time-proven meditation technique in each episode to sleep better, manage anxiety, and improve mental focus. Described by listeners as a daily therapy ses...
発売日: 2023-03-27
はじめまして! Self love coach 倉本ななこです。 二児の母・ヨガ講師・自己肯定感の育みを伝える活動 をしています。 私は活動型HSPで息子達もそれぞれ発達に凸凹あり。 よく話に出てくる価値観の違いすぎる旦那さんと 猫ちゃん3匹とわんちゃん1匹 で暮らしています。 私の活動の軸は 「自分を大切にしてほしい」 この番組は、 たくさんある役割の中の「じゃな...
発売日: 2023-03-24
In Wellness with Ella, entrepreneur Ella Mills and her guests candidly reveal their personal journeys of transforming times of great difficulty into times of enormous personal growth. How did they get to where they are today? What were the biggest challenges they faced? What wellness practices and habits really moved the needle for them? How do they keep moving forward? Wellness with Ella has the simple mission of giving you un-filtered and empowering conversations that give you the tools,...
発売日: 2023-03-15
1. My favourite podcast! Absolutely love all the content! - I always look forward to listening to Ella’s podcast. So educational with amazing speakers that share their stories every week. So much positivity and drive for happiness through health and lifestyle. Ella is such a genuine, open and honest person. I absolutely love her recipes and her passion to share health and wellness through a plant based lifestyle!
The Minimalists are Emmy-nominated Netflix stars and New York Times–bestselling authors Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus. Alongside cohost T.K. Coleman, they help millions of people live meaningful lives with less.
発売日: 2023-03-20
1. Great!!! - This program restores me to the right place each week. Their key arguments are consistent and always strong. When I'm stressed, when I'm urged to make an impulse purchase, and when I feel anxious because of the minor problems in my life, I always tune into these guys and take a deep breath. Love this program.
2. A different approach to self help - I've read and listened to many self-help material but I've always found it hard to implement because something didn't resonate with their approach. The minimalists share the same values and thoughts of many of the self help material, but the approach starts from changing your physical environment and through that, making apparent what truly matters in a very real sort of way. Once you get that down, everything else starts making more sense and I found this method to be much more helpful. I'm glad to have found this information.
【毎週金曜18時更新】あなたのもやもやに寄り添う番組。対人関係に疲れてしまった方、仕事のストレスが溜まっている方、メンタルヘルスに悩んでいる方など。少しでも、もやもやした気持ちをスッキリさせたい方に聴いてほしいです。 【SNS】 ▶︎Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/sae_counselor_/ ▶︎Twitter:https://twitter.com/sae_counselor_ 【リスナー様のお悩みやご相談募集中】...
発売日: 2023-03-17
【純粋な瞑想ガイド】 ・瞑想入門者から聞けます ・マインドフルネス(集中瞑想・洞察瞑想) ・セルフコンパッション(慈悲の瞑想) ・他の瞑想 ・〜5分の瞑想 ・5分〜10分の瞑想 ・10分以上の瞑想 【瞑想に関する話】 ・インタビューなど 【7DAYSマインドフルネス瞑想入門:無料】 マインドフルネスを体系的に体験したい方むけ https://kayoko-wai.com/7daysmindfulness/
発売日: 2023-02-19
鬱をきっかけに、ものの見方や考え方が変わって人生が大転換、アメリカ人の夫とLove & Peaceと言うネコ2匹とハワイ島でアロハ的ゆたかな暮らしに至ったユリコ・ジョンソンが、ライフアーティストという生き方、自分軸でスッキリ豊かに生きるヒントやリアルなハワイ島ライフをお話ししています。 ■ライフコーチング ■ハワイ島リトリートツアー ■ハワイ島コナでゲ...
発売日: 2023-03-17
Maria Gentlewhispering ALL PLAYLISTS ➡️ https://open.spotify.com/user/31oadyllbsrjpehgc SPA/Haircut/Makeup https://open.spotify.com/playlist/70RsOQMMX9BVraS9UdOaXk Doctor Exams https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ya64raKmBrbEwQ382AwPt Sounds and Visuals https://open.spotify.com/playlist/63pcVoMtfHsaQ3XaBYVOL7?si=DrV_8L1xSSGvph7D_U2i0A Professions https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1flFDtvKD5P2AwIOvzPYrC?si=VHN_zwGMRYuiWOgbzlIDwQ Color Analysis https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LnQzSaaivdJB...
発売日: 2023-03-20
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking at a phone or a computer screen. These days we spend most of our lives looking at screens – whether it’s for work, school, or fun – but how is it shaping us? On season six of Chasing Life, Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes us on his most personal journey yet, while he dives into the science behind how technology is impacting our brains. As a dad of three teenage girls, he explores how worried we should be about the effect screen time is having on ki...
発売日: 2023-03-14
毎週、平日の月水金に配信します。しあわせに生きるためのメソッド「グッドバイブス」を伝道する倉園佳三が、思いついたままにしゃべるポッドキャスト番組です! グッドバイブスの詳細は公式サイトをご覧ください!→https://goodvibes.work/
発売日: 2023-03-23
私は量子場調整師です✨微細な量子の世界を肉体に映し出し 軽やかな波動域に修正する技術を使い 日々 セッションをしています。 波動を軽くするってどういうことなのか? 心と病と量子場の関係性 宇宙の話など なるべくわかりやすく しゃべくりまーす💕 YouTubeチャンネル でもこの音声をUPしてます ⚪️リンダリンダ https://www.youtube.com/@user-qn6kk4vc1t
発売日: 2023-03-21
1. 質問 - いつも楽しく聴いてます。
振動数の話、もう少し教えてください。 、どうやって振動数が高いのか低いのか把握できますか? 、振動数とはそもそも何ですか? 、振動数が高い時低い時に何をすべきですか?
Do you ever wonder what it takes to lead a peaceful, happy life? Are you curious about the specific steps involved in a self-actualized, limitless life? Are you struggling with anxiety or depression? Or are you just plain tired and want some help? We explore all these concerns and more every week on the Happiness Podcast, which has been downloaded over 10 million times since its inception. Happiness does not happen by chance, but because we take specific actions in our lives to create it. Dr. Ro...
発売日: 2023-03-24
Have you ever wished you had a wise meditation teacher on speed dial? Someone you could call after a long day. Someone you can lean on for advice. Someone to help you see things differently. Welcome to Dear Headspace, a Headspace original podcast where meditation teachers answer your questions. Episodes will be released every Tuesday starting November 1st. Listen on the Headspace App or wherever you get your podcasts.
発売日: 2023-03-14
Welcome to psychology for the rest of us. Host Dr. Monica Johnson takes the science of psychology and makes it both entertaining and relatable. Using a sympathetic ear and evidence-based research, she explains the ‘why’ behind emotions like joy, anger, fear, trust, and anxiety, and helps you better understand the relationships you form with your friends, family, coworkers, and yourself. Seeking a healthier emotional life? It’s time to bring a trained psychologist and mental health expert a...
発売日: 2023-03-24
Let's start with why! Chào cậu, Chúng mình là "Vì sao thế nhỉ!". Đây là chuỗi Minipodcast thường bắt đầu bằng những câu hỏi "Vì sao...?" dựa trên phương pháp First Principles Thinking - Tư duy Nguyên bản. Từ đó mang lại cho cậu những góc nhìn đa chiều về nhiều vấn đề khác nhau trong cuộc sống để có một tinh thần sống thật sự. Cảm ơn sự quan tâm và ủng hộ của các cậu rất nhiều! Thân mến,...
発売日: 2023-03-21
精神科で働く40歳くらいのおじさん作業療法士です。 リワークデイケアで働いています。リワークのデイケアというのは、うつ病や適応障害などのメンタル系疾患でお仕事をお休み中の方がまたお仕事に戻るために通う心のリハビリ施設です。そんなところで働く私が日々の仕事で気づいたことを話す番組です。 質問感想はこちら https://form.run/@rihacommu-1656550004 ツイッタ...
発売日: 2023-03-23
作者:皮博士,临床医学博士认证 20世纪初,音乐就被应用在临床医疗中,以缓解人的焦虑情绪。音乐与脑波之间转化,大脑会产生共振与反馈,不仅可以舒缓心情,还可以深度放松。
発売日: 2022-03-23
ASMR Sleep Recordings is a podcast that creates audio experiences designed to help people sleep and relax. The show uses various ASMR triggers including whispers, gentle speaking, relaxing background noise, like rain, and general ambiance to help people unwind and relax from their busy lives. Our goal is to create the best ASMR content possible. Whether you enjoy the sound of the waves of a beach, snow crunching on a mountain, or whispered storytelling, ASMR Sleep Recordings. Contact: contact@bu...
発売日: 2023-03-25
Over 1.5 million downloads! Having trouble sleeping? You are in the right place. Looking for a way to fall asleep quicker, relax, meditate, or focus? Sleep Better is a weekly podcast that features white noise/brown noise/pink noise and nature sounds along with relaxing ambient music to help quiet your mind. These 30 minute episodes are designed to help you everyday achieve a good night’s sleep, mindful meditation, or perfect background noise while you study and need to focus.
発売日: 2023-03-14
Joshua is the author of best-selling books on anxiety, a previous sufferer and a qualified psychotherapist. Co-hosted by Canadian singer, producer, and amateur linguist Ella Jean, The Panic Pod is a discussion-based podcast offering bite-sized practical advice on managing anxiety. It is also an opportunity to illuminate what medical and academic spheres know about anxiety to discuss it in a way that you can take to the pub. Joshua is a fully qualified Psychotherapist and runs a private counsell...
発売日: 2022-11-29
Welcome to Self-Love. Your host Mary Jelkovsky will guide you toward greater self-love by exploring related topics like body-image, confidence, emotional intelligence, self-worth, mindset, mental health, feminism, relationships, and so much more. Along the way, Mary lets you in on her personal life, never shying away from the messy, raw, and real conversations that we all crave. So grab a cup of tea and get ready to love yourself a little more each week. After recovering from an eating disorde...
発売日: 2023-03-08
Bienvenidos al podcast de, Meditación para dormir, aquí encontrarás tu momento para desconectar del día y conectar contigo. Piensa en este rato como tu momento del día para conseguir paz mental, eliminar el estrés, eliminar la ansiedad y sentirse mejor. Para descansar, dormir bien y despertar feliz. Meditación guiada para dormir profundamente, practica esta meditación del bienestar para dormir en paz y combatir el insomnio. En cada episodio compartiré una meditación guiada para dormir ...
発売日: 2022-07-25
Molly's Mornings is a weekly meditation podcast sharing guided meditations and manifestation practices. New episodes are released every Monday at 3:00 AM EST featuring body scan meditations to recommendations for boosting productivity. Molly's Mornings is an award winning podcast hosted by Molly Williams and is played around the world everyday. Molly Williams is a disrupter in the meditation space and the founder of the Wild Minds meditation app. Listeners of Molly's Mornings can expect positive...
発売日: 2023-03-20
A place where you can simply ✨chill✨ Relax to some soft spoken and peaceful ASMR roleplays to listen to while at work, to help you fall asleep, or to just feel relaxed and less anxious. 😴 If you need a space to just be, this is the place for you. So come on in, take a seat, and sit back and relax. ASMR Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/PetiteStacy
発売日: 2023-03-16
Top tips & practical steps for diet, fitness, organization, self improvement & more. Get healthy, balance your life, and improve relationships and productivity with New York Times Best Selling Author, Celebrity Fitness Trainer & Diet Debunker Chalene Johnson and guests. No BS. Chalene delivers straight talk and simple strategies (with a side of humor) so that every show delivers a return on your investment of time. The Chalene Show is life coaching, personal development, nutrition, exercise, foc...
発売日: 2023-03-24
1. Living the life you've designed and that you love ! - You are the sister/best friend/mother that everyone needs in their life! You are incorporated on to my to do list each day, from it being in form of a workout, personal development, business development, or just a podcast to listen to while doing mindless work,I benefit from the things you teach and share each and every day! Thank you so much for recognizing this as your purpose and sharing the knowledge & experience! Life is full of ups and downs, but I know that by being a lifer of yours that you have saved me from unnecessary struggles by incorporating what I've learned from your smart success! You have changed my families life. I am so thankful that my mom who started turbofire with me, was just as addicted to you and your work as I was. She was my partner at smart success & we have benefited so much as a family from what you've shared. People, invest the time you deserve, on Y O U and listen to her podcasts. It will lead you to other great programs she's designed and you will notice so much positive change in not only your life but those around you. T h a n k y o u
HSS型HSE(刺激を求める外向的な繊細さん) 気質のある私が、幾度となく環境を変えながらも “夢を叶え続けている毎日の思考法”💫 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 繊細で傷つきやすい、 人にどう思われるのか気になる… ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ それでも、 「今の現状や自分を変えたい」 「今年こそはなにかに挑戦したい!」 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ...
発売日: 2023-03-25
I talk about my love for anime and other kawaii things.This is a safe and calm environment for all. Please relax, enjoy and remember to be kind to one another ♥ xx
発売日: 2023-01-19
The Business of Feelings is a weekly podcast hosted by Daniella Pierson – co-founder and co-CEO of Wondermind: the world’s first mental fitness ecosystem dedicated to democratizing and destigmatizing mental health. Have you ever wondered how some of the most successful people in the world felt at their lowest or highest moments? The Business of Feelings podcast is where we pull back the curtain and give you a raw look at those who have risen the ranks of the business world to learn not only ...
発売日: 2022-12-20
Audio meditations for help with PTSD, Anxiety and Sleep. I will make you tingle, relax and even fall asleep.. If you haven't had a cute catgirl pamper you before, give it a try.. It can be very mesmerizing~
発売日: 2023-01-27
Are you drowning in dishes + laundry? Do you ever feel like your brain is just broken or you can’t keep up? Like you’re falling behind? Whether you’re a mom with ADHD or your child has the neurodiversity, you’re so welcome here. This show is for you if you’ve tried every system out there + still can’t stay consistent. We’re going to find balance and overcome procrastination + perfection. We’ll go over unique ways to establish routines, quit being late all the time, and get or...
発売日: 2023-03-23
Insomnia? Mind racing at night? Worries keeping you up? Tune in for a bedtime story that lets you forget your problems and progressively gets more boring until you fall to sleep. So get in bed, press play, close your eyes, and drift off into dreamland.
発売日: 2023-03-26
1. At times, masterful. - This podccast certainly goes through many phases from the first episodes to the later ones. I found that around Episode or so Scooter's voice changed to the low toned gravelly one that I have come to know and love so well. That is not to say that the first are not great in their own way, epsecially the two serialized stories After The Glass Slipper and Get Beso! His description of the probiotic sandwich shop and commentary on the Macy's New Year's Day Parade are triumps in the boredom genre. I live and work in Japan, a very stressed out country, and spend many late hours in my office after which I have to crash on my sofa. It is not easy to get to sleep after that with my mind still racing with the days many trivial issues, but Dearest Scooter never fails to bore me to sleep. Thanks Scooter.
"In Your Feelings" a podcast from Thought Catalog talks about the humanness and realness of being a sensitive and feeling person.
発売日: 2022-01-15
誰にも理解されにくい自律神経の悩み改善の専門家はりよねがお送りする聞くだけで身も心も軽くなるPodcast。 パニック障害や不安障害などメンタル的な不調で苦しむ方が少しでもラクに過ごせるようになれればと思って始めました。 心身の不調改善のヒントを得たり、日々のちょっとした時間に聞いたり、苦手な場所などにチャレンジするときのお供にしてもらえたら...
発売日: 2023-03-25