聴いてスッキリする整体Podcast! 「最近いろいろ凝ってるなぁ~」「疲れがたまってるなぁ~」と、日々、お疲れのみなさんのココロとカラダをスッキリさせる情報をお届けするポッドキャスト番組! お笑い芸人たんぽぽ(白鳥久美子・川村エミコ)、整体師歴20 年・カラダファクトリーの「エクゼクティブボディトレーナー」大貫隆博が、毎回、カラダの悩みをスッキ...
発売日: 2023-03-22
トータルヘルスケアトレーナーmeguです。女性向けに運動やダイエット、ダイエット心理学などを教えています。 この番組では、主に健康やダイエットに関する運動・食事・心理についての情報を配信しています。 フィットネス業界で20年以上働いていますが、元医療従事者なので運動もダイエットも、「健康」であることを重視しています。 メンバーシップでは「ち...
発売日: 2023-03-27
【腸から自分を知る】 腸内細菌の最新情報をお届け🦠 腸内細菌、腸内環境、腸活に関する質問を受け付けております👨🏻🔬 お気軽にメッセージをお送り下さい📩 Twitter: https://twitter.com/chonai_saikin
発売日: 2023-03-26
発売日: 2021-02-01
Grab your oat milk latte and take a hot girl walk with Callie Jardine, your new healthy but human bestie. In her podcast, Callie shares relatable moments and struggles, showing you that you don't have to live a perfectly aesthetic Pinterest life, always be motivated, and never party to still be your best self. If you're looking for actually realistic advice in your health & wellness journey, this podcast is for you, my queen. Callie's podcast originally started as a blog called "I'm Sweaty And I...
発売日: 2023-03-15
発売日: 2021-02-20
不定期更新|難しい話はなし!誰でもできる、かんたんダイエット法だけをとりあげていきます。 公式サイト https://5md.club ダイエット中の方やこれからダイエットを始めようとしている方に向けて、"聴くだけで痩せる"内容をお届けしていますので通勤時間などにお聴きください。
発売日: 2023-03-06
The Marathon Training Academy Podcast will help you unlock your potential to conquer the marathon and change your life. Since 2010 Angie and Trevor have shared tips, inspiration, and interesting guests interviews to help listeners run smarter, avoid injury, and go the distance. What RUNNER’S WORLD says about the MTA Podcast: “If you’re training for 26.2, running coach Angie Spencer and her husband, Trevor, have everything you need to reach the finish line. The duo provides plenty of...
発売日: 2023-03-25
1. I love Marathon Training Academy - Angie, and Trevor are great. I take them on my runs with me, and I have listened to every episode at least once, and some I have listened to multiple times. Angie and Trevor are down to earth, normal people but at the same time, they offer a lot of great insight into marathon training, and all of the joys, and struggles that go along with that. But, this has really turned into a community of people, all sharing in the joy of running. I am always anxiously awaiting the next podcast.
MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness i...
発売日: 2023-03-27
1. Keeping me sane(ish) - I'm currently living almost , miles away from my wife and cat due to work, but listening to mind pump has genuinely made the stress a lot easier. Since I started listening to this podcast a couple of years ago I've learned so much that I can honestly say it's have had a profound impact on my health, fitness and well-being. The show is funny, interesting and informative, and the amount of free content and info these guys put out is astonishing.
Love the show and enjoy checking in with these guys at least a coupe of times a week. Thank you!
ヨガ・ピラティスティーチャーの姉Mihwaと、ビューティークリエイターの妹Mieがお送りするPodcast番組。 身体を磨くことで、心を整え、自分らしい生き方を見つけて頂くためのtipsをお伝えします。
発売日: 2022-12-11
Mindset. Movement. Nutrition. Recovery. Sleep. Turns out the same five tools that pro athletes use to break records can help us all stay healthy, happy and strong. On “Trained,” host Jaclyn Byrer sits down with these athletes — along with psychologists, researchers, physicians, trainers and other experts — to reveal the most powerful, practical and surprising lessons in holistic fitness. With each episode, they dig deep, offering new insights to help us play a better game, run a better r...
発売日: 2023-01-05
\キレイにスリムに健康に/ ⿻am6:05 声だけでピラストレッチ 毎朝LIVE配信 わたしを大切にする時間を作ろう♡ ピラティスとストレッチのいいとこ取りの15分 🤍1000フォロワーのみなさまありがとう🤍 収録配信では(レア) ⿻日々感じたことをつぶやいたり皆さまからの質問に答えたりします✨ ⿻ココロが満たされるコトバたちを わたしのフィルターを通し...
発売日: 2023-03-25
Fun & Gains will fuel your love for sweaty workouts, loving yourself through the process, and creating the strongest version of yourself mentally and physically. The Fun and Gains podcast is your weekly reminder that you aren't alone on your fitness journey & your motivation to keep going. Let the gains begin.
発売日: 2023-03-15
JJ Virgin’s Ask the Health Expert Podcast is THE go-to podcast to stop dieting as a hobby, lose weight, and prevent weight regain. With over 15 million downloads (and counting!), we empower people to take control of their health with simple, actionable strategies to use right now. Real Food, Real Change, Real Results. Every information-packed episode combines cutting-edge science, pearls of wisdom from JJ’s 3 decades as a health and wellness leader and the world’s leading experts on w...
発売日: 2023-03-26
Join in on our cycling performance focused discussions with industry leading experts from Team EF Coaching and EF Pro Cycling.
発売日: 2023-03-10
Welcome to The MWU Podcast! Join our Coaches Rachel Dillon and Emma Dillon as they share behind the scene updates on all things Move With Us, health and fitness + much more.
発売日: 2023-02-12
Helping you get the most out of your Pilates classes! If you love Pilates, or are just curious about it, this podcast is for you! I'm Olivia, and every week I'll will be diving into the who, what, where, when, and why of Pilates in an engaging and enthusiastic way for new and experienced Pilates students alike. Let's learn something new!
発売日: 2023-01-27
ランニング中毒な柔道整復師(接骨院の先生)によるラジオ ランニングやダイエットに関連する話題を配信中 初期は音質が悪く聴きにくいので、最新話から聴くのがおすすめです。 Twitterアカウント https://mobile.twitter.com/runreading1 名古屋周辺限定の出張整体、出張ランニング教室申し込み、お問い合わせはツイッターDMへ 自己ベスト、経歴など 保有資格・柔道整復師、健...
発売日: 2022-12-29
IGNITE YOUR DAY! イグナイトヨガ主宰であり、新米女性経営者として活動するエドワーズ壽里のチャンネルです。
発売日: 2023-03-08
En Fitness Revolucionario hablamos de Salud y Fitness desde una perspectiva global: Dieta, Ayuno Intermitente, Descanso, Entrenamiento, Mentalidad... con detalle y con verdaderos expertos. Tanto si tu objetivo es ganar músculo, perder grasa o simplemente estar saludable, este es tu podcast.
発売日: 2023-03-22
Tenured professor, registered dietitian nutritionist, and certified exercise physiologist Dr. Neal Malik shares some of the best articles on Health, Fitness, Diet, Nutrition, and Wellness, with commentary. Why bother searching for the best blogs about health & fitness when it can be found and read for you? Think of Optimal Health Daily as an audioblog or blogcast.
発売日: 2023-03-26
発売日: 2020-03-31
The F****** Word Podcast is fitness uncensored hosted by Sam & Taylor who give you no BS fitness advice to help you reach your goals! Learn from them through their own stories and tips, and learn with them as they talk fitness with some of their favorites in the industry. Keep up with The F Word on socials: @fword_podcast @ssam.ttaylor @ttaylorolsen
発売日: 2023-03-17
Are you studying to become a personal trainer or just started your training career? NASM Master Instructor Rick Richey takes listeners on an informative and engaging journey to help establish a solid foundation in your fitness path.
発売日: 2023-03-21
【stand.fm 公式パートナーSPP】 国内外に34道場を展開するブラジリアン柔術ネットワーク「カルペディエム」の創業者/代表の石川祐樹が毎回10分間トークします。 お便りはコチラでも受け付けています。 yukimidlife@gmail.com YouTubeチャンネル「石川祐樹のMIDLIFE CRISIS」 https://youtu.be/WpJb2-gb6Bs カルペディエムのHP https://www.carpediembjj.com カルペディエム青山本部道場のHP h...
発売日: 2023-03-26
Greg Nuckols and Eric Trexler from Stronger By Science share evidence, anecdotes, and incoherent ramblings on training, nutrition, science, and life in general.
発売日: 2023-01-30
Old boy, new technology, live phone in.... what could possibly go wrong? Dino.
発売日: 2023-03-23
発売日: 2023-03-16
1. 太喜欢你俩啦! - 关注了你们所有的平台哈哈哈!你们太棒啦!
加油 会一直支持你们哒!
刚刚过了岁的生日,我终于开始真正意义上的减脂和健康生活了,这个时候在B站遇到了你们,真的很开心 希望能和你们一起变成更好的自己!
We are Doctors of Physical Therapy who specialize in rehabilitation, performance, and injury risk reduction. Our mission is simple: empower YOU to overcome your setbacks and crush your goals using evidence-based education. Check out our YouTube, Blog, Podcast, and Rehab Programs!
発売日: 2023-03-21
Join Brad Kearns, New York Times bestselling author and champion triathlete, Speedgolfer, and masters high jumper, in pursuing peak performance with passion throughout life. Enjoy memorable insights from leading experts on diet, fitness, peak performance, personal growth, relationships, happiness, and longevity. Brad’s “Breather” shows provide step-by-step tips you can implement right away to improve your life. Let’s explore beyond shortcuts, hacks, and crushing competition to laugh, hav...
発売日: 2023-03-21
このポッドキャストでは、フィットネスに関わっている、アスリート、研究者などのスペシャリストのお話をお伺い、運動を通して皆様の生活に役に立つ情報を英語と日本語で発信することを目的としております! 通勤中のドライブ・電車のなか、有酸素運動中、料理中に軽く聞くのにちょうどいい音。毎週日曜日配信中です! Barbell Radio brings valuable information regarding fitnes...
発売日: 2023-03-24
怪獸肌力及體能訓練中心 Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-03-17
Guided mindfulness practices that encourage whole person health, connecting your body, mind, and spirit.
発売日: 2020-12-28
Formerly the Muscle Expert Podcast. Ben Pakulski, the world’s top authority on intelligent muscle building and fat loss, gives us a simple-to-understand, deep dive into the complex world of building a body you love, and living your greatness. Weekly interviews with leading experts in a vast number of scientific fields focusing on health optimization (nutrition, sleep, hormones, mindfulness and mind set), strength, (both physical and mental), and muscle hypertrophy. Learn proven strategies for ...
発売日: 2023-03-23
プロ野球やラグビートップリーグなど歴任し20年。トレーニング専門家が、10年後も生き残るための戦略やトレーニングについて、ビジネスパーソンにも役立つ情報をわかりやすく伝えていきます! トレーナー業が生き残る戦略を見つける無料メルマガ詳細→https://yuji163.com/for-your-survival-literacy/
発売日: 2023-03-25
OVER 25,000,000 DOWNLOADS AND COUNTING! If you want to know how to build muscle, lose fat, and be healthier, happier, and wiser...faster than you ever thought possible...then this podcast is for you. Hosted by the bestselling author and entrepreneur, Mike Matthews, each episode gives you simple, science-based know-how and inspiration that will help you build your best body and life ever. Find out more at www.legionathletics.com
発売日: 2023-03-24
1. Not just for body builders - Mikes podcast is so informative! Not just fitness people, but ANYONE can benefit from listening. I am a female that loves lifting heavy and love nutrition. I love when my beliefs are getting challenged, and I’ve learned so much by listening to Muscle for Life. My favorites are the Says You! Segments! Keep up the awesome work!
Each year since 2007, CrossFit has determined the Fittest Man and Woman on Earth through a series of events called the CrossFit Games. The CrossFit Games are a multi-day event where the top athletes in the world are tested with a variety of challenges including Olympic lifting, gymnastics, swimming, running, and more. At the end of a grueling competition, one man and one woman will have clearly distinguished themselves as the Fittest on Earth. Join Host Chase Ingraham and various guests as they ...
発売日: 2023-03-19
What does it mean to be hybrid athlete? How do we balance strength and endurance goals concurrently? Fergus and Jonny explore everything that matters to Omnia Performance, with new episodes every Thursday.
発売日: 2023-03-17
If you CrossFit, this is the show for you! The Wodcast Podcast is a fun show about functional fitness hosted by comedian Eddie Ifft. The host is knowledgeable (sometimes), experienced, and love the “sport of fitness.” They blend CrossFit experience and insight with humor, providing meaningful content without taking themselves too seriously. Each week the Wodcast Podcast hosts some of the biggest names in CrossFit including Games athletes, subject matter experts, coaches, fitness professiona...
発売日: 2023-03-07
This is a simpified introduction to CrossFit.
発売日: 2021-03-05
Pro Triathletes Eric Lagerstrom, and Paula Findlay, team up with their friend and amateur triathlete Nick Goldston to hang out and answer questions about triathlon. https://www.thattriathlonlife.com
発売日: 2023-03-16
Nonstop, one-hour, high-energy workout music mixes to help you groove while you move. Podrunner's fixed-tempo and interval exercise mixes are perfect for power walking, jogging, running, spinning, elliptical, aerobics, and many other tempo-based forms of exercise. An iTunes award-winner six years in a row!
発売日: 2023-03-10
Breaking the Barrier follows the fitness and running journeys of Andrew & Zac... through Marathons, Ultramarathons, OCRs, and everything in between. The aim with the podcast is to inspire people to go above and beyond what they ever thought possible by sharing our experiences as well as interviewing people who have done just that and getting their perspectives. Self-improvement and reflection are also a big part of the show. Lastly, we delve into the world of running and fitness with regular new...
発売日: 2023-03-20
Inside Exercise brings the absolute who's who of researchers in exercise physiology and metabolism and exercise’s effects on health. With scientific rigor, these researchers discuss popular exercise topics while providing practical strategies for all. The interviewer, Emeritus Professor Glenn McConell has: - Exercise Metabolism researcher over 30 years (Uni of Melbourne, Ball State Uni, Monash Uni, Uni of Copenhagen and Victoria Uni) - Published 120 journal articles - Put together a 17 chapt...
発売日: 2023-03-18
発売日: 2023-02-15
Welcome to Reasonably Fit! This podcast brings a sense of grounded realism to an industry that is dominated by extremes. Right now, fitness is made out to be this all-or-nothing, highly intense, and somewhat elitist endeavor. But contrary to what social media will have you believe, most people aren't trying to become figure competitors or powerlifters or bodybuilders. Most people are looking to have fitness seamlessly fit into their lives, without taking over their lives. And that's where we com...
発売日: 2023-03-07
Welcome to the Upside Strength Podcast, your number one fitness resource in Switzerland. On this show we interview personal trainers and coaches from all over the world to help connect, inform and grow the local fitness community. Bienvenue sur le Upside Strength Podcast, votre ressource de fitness numéro une en Suisse. Au fil des épisodes, nous interviewons des coaches sportifs et des préparateurs physiques du monde entier pour aider à connecter, informer et développer la communauté loc...
発売日: 2023-03-26
Discover the joys of walking with Walk the Pod, your daily walking podcast hosted by Rachel Wheeley. Join Rachel as she pays attention to what's directly in front of her for just 10 minutes a day. Reclaim your lunchbreak and get away from your desk by following her tips, stories and insights. Join the walking club on Patreon, share your own experiences and follow us on Instagram for more inspiration. Get moving and enjoy the mental and physical health benefits of a daily stroll with Walk the Pod...
発売日: 2023-03-23
Helping men over 35 build muscle, lose fat and optimize testosterone, in the most effective ways possible. Jay Ferruggia shares his 27 years of experience and expertise. He’s an advisor to NFL, MLB, and WWE athletes, and countless high performing businessmen. Jay has been featured on/in CBS, ESPN, Men’s Health, Details, and Men’s Fitness. Apply the advice in this show and you WILL build the body you want, no matter your age.
発売日: 2023-03-24
Our mission is to inspire men and women in their fifties, sixties, seventies and beyond to live their strongest, healthiest, most fulfilling lives. In this podcast we share stories of amazing people who are doing just that, to help motivate you to become the healthiest version of yourself, regardless of your age.
発売日: 2023-03-22