発売日: 2023-03-22
塊根植物・多肉植物情報発信ポッドキャストです。 趣味で塊根植物を育てる私、りとまんがゆるく植物について発信します。 情報2割、雑談8割のゆるーいポッドキャストですが時間つぶしにどうぞ! Youtube:「天気を気にするひとのビデッオ」 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgJt3ht8EgFZNgd3pmBAVZQ blog:「天気を気にするひとのブロッグ」 https://ritoman.hatenablog.com/ Twitter:https://twitte...
発売日: 2023-03-19
北海道は札幌の山奥で、笑顔あふれる自給自足生活を家族全員で実践しているパーマカルチャー研究所・代表の三栗祐己が、幸せなセミリタイア生活の知恵をお届けする番組です。 遊び・暮らし・仕事・学びが一体化した「遊暮働学(ゆうぼどうがく)」のライフスタイルで、人間関係・時間・お金の縛りから解放された、穏やかで心地良い暮らし方をお伝えしています...
発売日: 2023-03-19
Real Simple Tips is your daily news update featuring smart, practical solutions for everyday life, from cleaning and organizing to cooking and home decor.
発売日: 2023-03-24
FarFar軟裝教育機構致力於軟裝設計的教學與推廣,我們會不定期分享軟裝設計相關的小知識及小趣事,讓我們一起把空間變美麗吧~ Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-03-26
The weekly gardening programme for keen gardeners, with the latest advice, news and visits to gardens large and small around the province. Presented by David Maxwell.
発売日: 2023-03-25
発売日: 2023-03-22
This podcast is devoted to all things gardening. National gardening television host, Joe Lamp'l, guides you through each episode with practical tips and information to help you become a better, smarter gardener, no matter where you are on your journey. This series has a strong emphasis on organic gardening and growing food, but covers a diverse range of topics from one of the country's most informed and leading gardening personalities today.
発売日: 2023-03-16
Controlling your spending is hard to do. On every episode of Frugal Friends, we'll try to help you gain a little more control on one aspect of the countless directions your money is being pulled toward through frugality and a few laughs. If you're trying to save money, spend less, adopt minimalism, pay off debt or reach financial independence, we think you'll like the show.
発売日: 2023-03-21
発売日: 2023-03-19
「たねと暮らす」は、京都府・南山城村で畑仕事を楽しむウチダヨウと、夫で植木屋のウチダタカフミが、四季折々の畑やたねのこと、庭仕事や村での暮らしについて話すポッドキャストです。時々ゲストを交えて、お酒もたしなみながら、たねと暮らしを考えていきます。二十四節気ごとに配信予定です。 ご感想やたねの会メーリス参加ご希望の方は、メールまたはイ...
発売日: 2023-02-04
一級建築士による住宅取得に関する建築と不動産の知識をお話しします。 土地探しからの注文住宅、中古住宅など
発売日: 2022-06-16
家庭菜園について語るポッドキャスト番組。毎週水曜日に配信中。 野菜づくり、土づくり、いかな暮らし、環境などなど。 Twitter:#家庭菜園ラジオ #カテラジ email:kateisaienradio@gmail.com
発売日: 2023-03-07
Creating eco-minimalist, non-toxic homes (without the extra work). Although minimalism has experienced a rebirth in recent years, the "less is more" movement has been around for centuries. Yet today's minimalist influencers have resurrected minimalism with a decidedly consumerist spin, as modern minimalism is nearly synonymous with decluttering. While there's a lot of chatter about tidying, it's radio silence and crickets when it comes to sustainability. The result? Aspiring minimalist...
発売日: 2023-03-23
発売日: 2023-03-17
発売日: 2022-10-04
Maintaining your home doesn‘t have to be hard. Life is hard enough, your house shouldn‘t be adding to your stress and workload. In this podcast, I share REAL tips and advice to help lighten your load and make your home, and your life, much easier.
発売日: 2023-03-20
At Home with Lauren Keenan is your authority on home, lifestyle and interior design. Hosted by Sydney interiors stylist and award winning podcaster Lauren Keenan, this show gives you everything you need to create your perfect home. From the latest interiors trends and tips on how to introduce them successfully into your home, through to interviews with other experts and design professionals. Lauren approaches design with a sense of fun and a firm belief that everyone deserves a home that they...
発売日: 2022-11-18
Подкаст о том, как наладить свой быт и жить дома в удовольствие. Команда «Горящей избы» рассказывает, как стирать, готовить, убираться и не утонуть в море рутины и гендерных стереотипов. А ещё делится личным опытом и советами экспертов! Наш сайт: https://burninghut.ru/ Следите за ново...
発売日: 2023-03-09
A panel of horticultural experts answer gardening questions from a live audience. Recorded in a different location each week
発売日: 2023-03-24
暮らしを整えていくtopicsについて緩くお届けする番組です。 よければチャンネル登録よろしくお願いします。 質問やトークテーマリクエストもレターで受付ますので投稿ください。
発売日: 2023-03-25
鎌倉・湘南を中心に、注文住宅の設計・施工をして、創業からもうすぐ50年の技拓株式会社。環境を溶け込む家づくりをモットーに、原風景も大切にしながら、2×4木造住宅を建てています。800棟ちかくを建てる中で、はじめて書籍が全国で出版されたり、2代目の活動が本格化するなかで、新しい試み「語り部活動」の一環としてポッドキャストが始まりました。 たまにゲ...
発売日: 2023-03-19
'Gardening with the RHS' offers seasonal advice, inspiration and practical solutions to gardening problems. Trusted gardening professionals give you the latest horticultural advice, scientific research and tried and tested techniques to bring out the best in your garden. Topics covered include: growing your own vegetables, flowers, garden design, lawn care and gardening with children. Plus expert masterclasses in topics ranging from cottage garden plants, growing orchids, to pest control and ec...
発売日: 2023-03-23
Agroecology in a world where everything seems to be getting worse.
発売日: 2023-03-20
大阪 阪急うめだ本店 リビングよりお送りするpodcastがスタートします。日々を楽しむためのライフスタイルトレンドや暮らしのヒント、イベント情報やその企画背景などについて、毎回様々なゲストや売場スタッフ、マーケティングメンバーでゆるくおしゃべりします。なかなかお伝えできない隠れたヒット商品や良品の情報なども。ちょっとした知識や工夫でおうち...
発売日: 2023-01-20
1. 音が残念 - トピックはとても興味深いものが多いので、張り切って聞き始めるのですが、音が・・・(T-T)。 笑い声等が酷く割れたりして聞き続けるのが苦しくなります。音質がまともになれば、さらに良い番組になると思うのですが・・・。
発売日: 2020-09-28
洗濯の仕方、洗濯機の使い方って、習ったことがありますか? 最新の洗濯機を買ったのだから、手間もかけず、洗剤を入れてボタンを押せば終わりだと考えている人が大半です。 しかし! これだけでは、キレイにはならないんです。 日本一の洗濯屋、茂木貴史が洗濯術についてお伝えいたします。 ◆洗濯ブラザーズ https://youtube.com/channel/UCKMxFLgODt0Rsjln4vEZHrA
発売日: 2022-12-25
1. 勿体ぶった話し方がポッドキャスト向きでない - ポッドキャストって良くも悪くも話が下手な人も混ざって番組が出来る側面があると思うけどここの出演者は共に話が下手。
Rescuing the art of homemaking from the daily grind with red lips (and no jumpers).
発売日: 2023-03-06
Welcome to the Beginner's Garden Podcast! This is the podcast with easy-to-understand resources, tips, and information to help beginning gardeners get the most out of their gardening adventure -- big or small. When I began gardening in 2013, I scoured books and Internet resources to find all the information I could. Although good information was abundant, I had trouble understanding all the gardening lingo and sifting through the information to figure out what would work for me. In this podcast,...
発売日: 2023-03-21
“You Bet Your Garden” touted as an hour of “chemical-free horticultural hijinks,” is a weekly, nationally syndicated broadcast hosted by Mike McGrath. It is produced in the studios of PBS39 in Bethlehem, PA. This weekly call-in program offers ‘fiercely organic’ advice to gardeners far and wide.
発売日: 2023-03-18
家庭で野菜を美味しく作っちゃおう!野菜を美味しく食べよう! 札幌市で少量多品種で野菜やお花を作っている、元気な農家の細貝陽子さんに教えてもらいます。 札幌市南区よりお送りいたします。 不定期更新です。 ・番組へのご意見、ご質問 https://www.postokan.com/yasai-radio #野菜ラジオ
発売日: 2022-12-01
1. 参考にさせていただいています。 - 今年から野菜作りを始めた者です。ちょっとしたコツをお話ししてくださるので『なにっ⁈そうするの?』と種苗会社のカタログにない情報が出てきたり、余った野菜の保存・加工法が参考になります。
Welcome to grow, cook, eat, arrange, the weekly podcast from gardener, writer, teacher,and cook, Sarah Raven. Over the last two decades, Sarah has led the way by introducing a new kind of productive gardening which places emphasis on intense colour, sophistication, and achievability. Recorded at the beautiful Perch Hill Farm in Sussex, Sarah talks with special guests from across garden design, floristry, food, ecology, conservation, and more. Brimming with top tips and helpful hints, listen and ...
発売日: 2023-03-16
Ever bought something you loved SO much that you couldn't stop telling everyone about it? Host Caroline Moss invites interesting, smart, and savvy guests to evangelize their favorite buys in the hopes of helping you become a smarter, more informed shopper. From portable phone chargers to candles to linen overalls and everything in between, this is the show where we talk about what WE just bought and what YOU might need to buy next. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
発売日: 2023-03-17
The answer to a happier, more connected life could be simpler than you think: learning to care for plants and connect with nature. Houseplants and gardening do more than beautify our homes and lawns - the act of caring for them helps us reduce stress, increase joy and cultivate connections with ourselves, others and the earth. Deep, right? On the Growing Joy Podcast, learn alongside host and author Maria Failla to not only care for plants, but how to simply and affordably use plants to manage y...
発売日: 2023-03-21
Follow head gardeners Saul Walker and Lucy Chamberlain as they reveal exactly what it’s like to be professional horticulturists leading busy teams on large, private estates. Lucy and Saul have a decade of Head Gardening experience and it soon became clear to them both that life as a Head Gardener can be incredibly diverse, occasionally challenging and hugely rewarding and so they regularly discuss horticultural topics close to their hearts and give you an insight into their lives as gardeners....
発売日: 2023-03-17
With over ten years experience making a home, author and mom of seven, Lisa Bass, shares her love for from scratch cooking, natural living and all things handmade. As a full-time blogger and homeschooler, Lisa also mixes in a little mom life and business tips.
発売日: 2023-03-23
Get fresh tips from the budget decorating guru, Betsy Helmuth. Each episode is packed with secrets the other pros don't want you to know and with answers to your burning design questions. Betsy is a NY-based designer, owner of Affordable Interior Design, and has been featured on DIY Network, NBC's "Today Show", HGTV, Lifetime, and more. She is the author of the best-selling book, Affordable Interior Design. Helmuth has shared her affordable design advice and step-by-step approaches wit...
発売日: 2023-03-17
What if you could have a healthier, more secure lifestyle with greater sustainability and self-sufficiency for you, your family and your community? That’s what Homesteading Family is all about. Carolyn and Josh have taken their popular YouTube series, “Pantry Chat” and turned it into a podcast so you can discover how to take the leap from a “normal” life to a homestead life, filled with meaning, beauty and freedom. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the city or the country, if you’ve...
発売日: 2023-03-18
My family is self sufficient for vegetables, and you can be to. Join me as I show you how you can have a simple, satisfying and sustainable vegetable garden at home. Gardening in zone 9a. Website: www.growingvegetablesdownunder.com Facebook: Growing Vegetables Down Under Instagram: @growingvegetablesdownunder
発売日: 2022-04-04
Connecticut Garden Journal is a weekly program hosted by horticulturalist Charlie Nardozzi. Each week, Charlie focuses on a topic relevant to both new and experienced gardeners, including pruning lilac bushes, growing blight-free tomatoes, groundcovers, sunflowers, bulbs, pests, and more. Learn more about Charlie at gardeningwithcharlie.com.
発売日: 2023-03-02
Discover the breadth and depth of permaculture through interviews with world-renowned teachers, experts, and authors as well as regional and local practitioners.
発売日: 2023-03-14
Ever wanted to get into houseplants, but didn’t know where to start? Whether you have the greeenest of thumbs or have never touched a plant, my goal is to teach you something new without being too overwhelming. Enroll in plant school by listening along as Rachel (BS in Plant Science) teaches about the world of indoor plants! Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/plant-school/support
発売日: 2023-03-09
⚫︎暮らしのなかで気に入っている道具と、その思い出 ⚫︎読んでみてよかった本と、その思い出 ⚫︎心から尊敬する人と、その思い出 ⚫︎心から大好きな場所と、その思い出 などなど、声のブログをつづってゆきます。
発売日: 2021-08-25
Your trees and landscapes require care year round, and The Davey Tree Expert Company is here to help. Join our professional arborists and host Doug Oster every Thursday to learn all about caring for your trees and yards. We'll talk about introduced pests, seasonal tree care, deer damage, how to make your trees thrive and everything in between. So, what are you waiting for? Your trees need you!
発売日: 2023-03-23
一級建築士による住宅取得に関する建築と不動産の知識をお話しします。 土地探しからの注文住宅、中古住宅など
発売日: 2022-05-22
風よ吹け、日を当てろ、水をやれ! 子株を分けろ、胴を切れ! 天を植えて、地を増やせ!これが私のアガベ道・・・ 趣味の植物の話をします。あと植物じゃない話をします。
発売日: 2023-03-19
Achieving the clutter-free organised home of your dreams can be a tough, emotional journey. Decluttering is never about the stuff. It's all about the emotions that sit behind the stuff. In this podcast, we bring a bit of light-hearted fun to the serious business of decluttering with hints, tips, insights and guest experts to help you every step of the way.
発売日: 2023-03-17
The Epic Gardening podcast is a daily gardening tips and advice show brought to you by Kevin Espiritu, an urban gardener, hydroponics enthusiast, and all-around plant lover. Every day, a gardening question from YOU will be answered in a fun and informative way in under 10 minutes!
発売日: 2023-03-24
観葉植物やフラワーのある生活を楽しむコツを声で届けるPodcast番組。HP: https://kawanami-garden.com ガーデニング・園芸の最新ニュースや育てるコツ、映画や音楽、本、俳句や和歌, 短歌など幅広いジャンルでお伝えします。 HPでは園芸ブログも書いてます。 京都宇治の花屋より配信中! お便りや取材依頼はTwitter「 #ボタニカルラジオ 」もしくはメールにてお待ちしてます。 Tw...
発売日: 2022-07-28
Inspiration to help you garden the organic way, with advice, tips and interviews from the UK's leading organic gardening organisation, Garden Organic. Hosted by Sarah Brown and Chris Collins.
発売日: 2023-02-07