Welcome to Ben Verlander’s clubhouse, where flipping bats is not only allowed but encouraged! On the Flippin’ Bats pod, expect candid 1-on-1 interviews with players from your favorite MLB teams and talk about the current state of baseball .
発売日: 2023-03-27
1. Dear Ben - I love Shohei Ohtani, who is very successful, and you, who are wonderful and supportive of him. I look forward to watching your news every week. I really wish I could go there and see you and Shohei Otani in action, but I can't, so I'm sad. If I get the Otani doll, I promise to take good care of it. I'm sorry for my poor English. I'm rooting for you both from Japan.
2. おめでとう!ベンさん!!! - Congratulations for your quest completed to meet Shohei Ohtani. It was fun to listen and made me happy to see Shohei meet one of his biggest fun! I am sending lots of love and thank you for your program and being a great supporter for Shohei. And just want to tell someone concerned about that news about Shohei and Ippei, as one of Japanese and English speaker, Ippei tells every emotion that Shohei shows to us, his excitement, happiness and even if he was angry, you can catch all of them through Ippei. He is incredible. So NO WORRIES!Just enjoy Ben’s podcast and Sho!
Welcome to Locked On Angels, your number-one stop for daily Los Angeles Angels content, hosted by the Super Halo Bros., Mike and Jon Frisch. With Mike Trout continuing to chase playoff dreams while building his Hall of Fame resume and Shohei Ohtani looking to rewrite the definition of how to play the game of baseball, we'll take you through all the highs, lows, and everything in between. Fan loyalty runs deep for the oldest operating professional baseball organization in Southern California, so ...
発売日: 2023-03-24
Podcast here for all things St. Louis Cardinals, game breakdowns, off-season discussions, and year-round pepper grinding. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/noot-news-pod/support
発売日: 2023-03-26
Every Monday and Friday we will be breaking down and recapping the series that were, the standings, the good, the bad and the angry from MLB.
発売日: 2023-03-25
Download the latest episode of "Play Ball." Hosted by Harold Reynolds and additional MLB Network analysts, this half-hour show features one-on-one baseball demonstrations and conversations with some of the top personalities in the game, plus highlights from throughout Major League Baseball, and offers ideas for how kids can participate in all forms of baseball activities.
発売日: 2023-01-07
Chris Rose and Trevor Plouffe discuss the hottest topics in baseball Monday through Friday!
発売日: 2023-03-23
MLBに関する情報をお届けするポッドキャストです。 MLBオタクのワタと草野球野郎のカズの2人が毎週、MLBの話題を中心にしたエピソードをお届けします。 番組へのご意見やご感想はwildthingmlb@gmail.comまで 番組特製のTシャツ好評発売中!https://wildthingmlb.official.ec/
発売日: 2023-03-26
The Athletic's flagship baseball podcast features some of the best writers and thinkers in the game. Ken Rosenthal, Jayson Stark, Doug Glanville, Britt Ghiroli, Eno Sarris, Keith Law, Andy McCullough, Grant Brisbee, Derek VanRiper, Tim McMaster and more come together five days per week to guide you through the Major League Baseball season. With rumors, analytics, trivia, prospects, and big name interviews, we've got you covered from Spring Training through the World Series.
発売日: 2023-03-23
Baseball’s biggest news, trends, trades and highlights, all broken down from an analytical angle. Subscribe now to stay up-to-date on Majors' most important storylines using the same data as cutting-edge front offices. Enjoy two episodes per week, one with Matt Meyers and Mike Petriello, and another with Mandy Bell and Sarah Langs.
発売日: 2023-03-24
Angels beat reporters join national correspondents to take an inside look ahead at the story lines and developing news that impact the team's outlook.
発売日: 2019-02-07
Baseball the way it should be covered and exclusive interviews with MLB studs #FTLive hosted by AJ Pierzynski, Todd Frazier, Adam Jones, Erik Kratz, Scott Braun, insider Ken Rosenthal and PTBNL. The world is our clubhouse.
発売日: 2023-03-26
発売日: 2022-06-01
1. 野球好きなら必聴ですよ! - 尾崎世界観さん、この番組で知りました。
2. うん、おもろい。 - 野球ファンには結構おもろいんちゃう。そんなんどーでもえーねんけどみんなプロスピやっとん?俺は始めて半年くらいでS Sいったけど。 (そんなんどーでもいー)ちなみにYouTube出しとる (結構みんな知ってるYouTube rかも)でみんなフォトナやっとん?俺モバイルでやっとるけどラグすぎてマジで原辰徳(腹立つ)あっ、ちなみに俺阪神ファンやから。じゃあよろしゅうに!バイバイ!他にも色々レビュー書いてると思うから見とって!んじゃーバイバイ!
3. おもしろい!楽しい! - 野球のことが分からなくても話が面白いから楽しく聞けて、次第に野球の試合も見てみたいなと思うようになりました。自粛ばかりですがPodcastでこのように配信してもらえてとても嬉しいです!シーズンどこまであるかわかりませんがずっと続けて欲しいです。楽しみにしています( )
広島東洋カープを応援するpodcast番組です。 CARP CASTの後続番組です。 メール、お待ちしております。DMかメッセージにて受付中です。 twitter(https://twitter.com/carpcast_2015) facebook(https://www.facebook.com/hiroshima.carpcast) Gmail(carpcastnc2020@gmail.com)
発売日: 2023-03-23
1. 大好きな番組 - 阪神ファンの自分ですが、カープキャストさんは阪神ファンとかカープファンとか関係なく、毎回、聴かせて頂いています。
Cardinals beat reporters join national correspondents to take an inside look ahead at the story lines and developing news that impact the team's outlook.
発売日: 2023-03-16
焚き火は人の心を裸にする—— 毎週金曜『グッチーのGood Friday!』で放送中!ツルちゃん(元北海道日本ハムファイターズ・鶴岡慎也さん)フチさん(渕上紘行アナウンサー)が焚き火の前で、ボソボソ赤裸々トークを繰り広げます。 ▶メール takibi@hbc.co.jp
発売日: 2023-03-17
Ballpark Digest editors discuss the news of the day and the culture and history of baseball in a variety of podcast formats, ranging from weekly Broadcaster Chats to Jesse Goldberg-Strassler's Tales from The Baseball Thesaurus.
発売日: 2022-11-15
2016年から春夏はドイツで野球をし、冬は日本で越冬する『ワタリドリベースボールプレイヤー』でドイツ野球史上初の日本人監督「かたやまかずさ」がお送りするWataridori‘s radio。 2023年からは現場を離れドイツブンデスリーガ1部ケルンカージナルスの"特別アドバイザー"として活躍。 多彩な経験と独自の視点から"指導論""子どもとの接し方""海外文化"についてお話して...
発売日: 2023-03-26
ともろーです! 阪神タイガースについて語ります!不定期配信ですー! お便りはTwitterアカウント(@tomoro_AMN)まで!よろしくお願いします✌️
発売日: 2023-03-24
タイガースファン達が ”タイガース” を色々な角度から語る週一配信応援番組です。 ゲームの振り返り、投手・打撃論やドラフト会議など様々な趣向を凝らした放送をお届けします。 番組へのご意見、ご感想などはメール(tigerscast2@gmail.com)または、TwitterDM(https://twitter.com/tigers_cast) 、Facebookメッセージ(https://www.facebook.com/tigerscast)までお願い致します。
発売日: 2023-03-20
1. 配信回数増えました^ ^ - 御子柴さん会が追加され、色々な方の意見が聞けるようになり楽しみが増えました^ ^
2. せんねんさんの回が面白い - 年ぐらいから、もうかれこれ年程、ほぼ毎週聴かせて頂いています。
タイトルの由来は、「野球の話もBASEBALLの話も色々な角度から語りますよ」というところからきています。大学生の時まで選手として野球をプレーした経験と、現在はアスレティックトレーナーとして野球に関わっている経験を中心に野球にまつわる色々な話をしたいと思っていますので、是非楽しみにしていてください! プロフィール: https://okawabaseball.fc2.page/
発売日: 2023-03-22
野球を語る番組「ヨンロクサン」です。 ソフトバンクホークスファンのもこ、阪神タイガースファンのしにょ、千葉ロッテマリーンズのファンになりたてのミクの3人でお送りしています。 日本のプロ野球の話題を中心に、高校野球、都市対抗野球、野球漫画(アニメ)などについて、毎月1時間、あれこれと喋っています。 時事的な話題が多いので、「そうそう!」「そ...
発売日: 2023-02-27
An MLB podcast designed to grow the game and laugh in the face of those who have prematurely called the sport of baseball “dead” for a century. Hosted by Jared Carrabis, this show covers baseball from top to bottom, league to league, division to division and team to team, boasting the best guest list in baseball media.
発売日: 2023-03-21
The smartest dumb baseball podcast or the dumbest smart baseball podcast? Thrice a week, Jake Mintz and Jordan Shusterman of Céspedes Family BBQ take you on a journey through the weird, wacky and wonderful universe of baseball. If you want to know what’s going on in MLB, but also want to smile along the way then this is the podcast for you. So fire up the grill and get ready for an absolute roast on Baseball Bar-B-Cast.
発売日: 2023-03-24
Angels Radio AM830 host, Trent Rush, brings you Angels updates, exclusive player interviews, fan questions, and more!
発売日: 2022-12-07
発売日: 2023-03-16
Where passion for baseball runs deep. Get ready to talk about America's Pastime, past and present, 24/7. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/passionforthepastime/support
発売日: 2023-03-17
こんにちはショーンです! プロ野球を中心とした野球にまつわるお話を一緒にしていきましょう! よろしくお願いします。
発売日: 2023-03-22
Find out about the stars of tomorrow, from the guys who know today. Jim Callis (@jimcallisMLB) and Jonathan Mayo (@JonathanMayo) are your tour guides for this ride through the unfolding stories & breaking news in Minor League Baseball. From top prospects to scouting executives to farm directors, the MLB Pipeline is jam-packed with exclusive coverage of the minors you can't get anywhere else.
発売日: 2023-03-15
Weekly chats between sports reporters John E. Gibson and Jim Allen with other guests on occasion.
発売日: 2023-03-15
1. The best for in depth and comprehensive NPB coverage - I have been listening to this podcast for years and love the detail and honesty that John and Jim bring to their analysis of NPB. I always look forward to seeing who is going to be interviewed next week. Fantastic podcast, keep up the great work.
2. Top Shelf Baseball Podcast - Simply the best Japanese baseball podcast in English out there. Both hosts have the knowledge and inside experience on all things NBP. The show offers fantastic interviews with current and former foreign players along with fun takes on each week of baseball in Japan. Essential listening for anyone that loves NPB.
El Mundo de las Grandes Ligas, el Podcast exclusivo de LasMayores.com, te presenta reportajes exclusivos, noticias de tu equipos favoritos, y entrevistas con peloteros, coaches y managers.
発売日: 2023-03-17
The Athletic's Angels reporter Sam Blum and former Sports Illustrated baseball editor Connor Grossman bring you the latest news and inside information on the Los Angeles Angels. He'll be joined by guests and go beyond the box score.
発売日: 2023-03-21
A show following the path of baseball phenom Shohei Ohtani, a two-way player who came to the MLB from Japan as both a pitcher and hitter. Now entering his sixth season and contract year, it will be a busy year for Ohtani. Hosted by Kevin De Los Santos and Jack Sommer. Current cover artwork by ひっきー(ひきちゃん) who you can find on Instagram: @hikky.baseball. You can read our newsletter: https://ohtanicomestoamerica.substack.com
発売日: 2023-03-06
Your daily podcast on the national look of MLB part of the Locked on Podcast Network. Comedian, TV producer and creator of the Sully Baseball Podcast Paul Francis Sullivan brings his humor and passion to the Locked On Network. On the show Sully will be talking about each team, each pennant race and everything else in the game of baseball, from rule changes and labor issues to uniforms, baseball cards, stadium food, What ifs in the game’s history and which fanbase deserves a title the most. Sub...
発売日: 2023-03-24
ミドルエイジど真ん中の巨人ファンであるワタクシzaboが ゲストをお招きし、プロ野球に関しての雑談を展開していく Podcast番組です。 BGM:フリーBGM・音楽素材サイト MusMusより ♪Stable yet http://musmus.main.jp/music/tw071.mp3
発売日: 2023-03-25
1. 声のトーンがいいです…。 - MCであるzaboさんの声のトーン落ち着く感じでとても聞いていて心地よいです…。 さまざまな方をゲストに招いて展開される野球談義は、あまり野球に詳しくなくともすんなりと耳に入ってきます。 古き良きポッドキャストで個人的に好きな雰囲気なのです…。
2. Mr.podcast zaboさん - 大好きなpodcast番組です。この番組の魅力は、何と言っても、MC zaboさんの人間力。軽快な話術はもちろんの事、音声越しでも充分に伝わる飾らないお人柄。
因みに今まで番好きだった回は、パリーグだよ全員集合の回。あと鍼灸師さんとガンダムを語った回も好きですね これからも末永く、番組を聴かせて頂きます。
An irregular podcast where your host Scott, blogger for Dragon Soul, talks about all things Chunichi Dragons. Insights on games, recent news, team movements and team construction.
発売日: 2022-11-29
由體育主播FB粉專『棒球島嶼』的「島主」主持,深度暢談美國大聯盟、中華職棒、日本職棒及各類運動熱門話題。 熱愛棒球和體育賽事的球迷們,作伙來聽吧! 【合作與邀約聯繫】nybusinessla@gmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-03-20
Baseball’s official rulebook is complicated—but its unofficial rulebook is full of drama. On each episode of Unwritten, former players Jimmy Rollins and Ron Darling dive into the history and culture of unwritten rules—sign stealing, bat flipping, jinxing a no-hitter, locker room behavior and more A new podcast from Audacy and Major League Baseball
発売日: 2022-10-05
MLB Daily is a podcast that covers every game from every team in the MLB during the regular season and playoffs. That's right, 7 days a week throughout the season, LJ Lafiura and Brandon Karam bring you baseball content. During the offseason, the episodes consist of previewing all 30 teams outlook for the season along with various news and notes from around the league.
発売日: 2022-11-04
Ben Lindbergh (The Ringer), Meg Rowley (FanGraphs), and an array of guests talk about baseball with an analytical bent, covering a mix of timely topics from the serious to the absurd a few times per week.
発売日: 2023-03-23
專屬日本職棒北海道日本火腿Fighters的中文Podcast節目 每週分享來自日本原汁原味不加工的豐富內容,掌握資訊不漏接!🤙 📬聽眾信箱,記得寄mail來:nichihamuhaishin@gmail.com -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
発売日: 2023-03-26
1. 艾迪、豪小您好,第集已經聽完了 - 因為現在球季還沒有開打 其實個人覺得Big boss在首映會講的話不太準 不過確實假面騎士這類的特攝劇已經深刻的印在日本國民當中,包括艾迪哥家小孩看的超人力霸王Z也是 最後想問一下豪小喜歡看的鋼彈類型是不是宇宙世紀(UC紀元)
Every week we will recap the Tigers' action on (and off) the field, talk about pressing issues, criticize the manager, predict the upcoming schedule, and more. Featuring interviews of fans around the world, special guests and more.
発売日: 2023-03-17
発売日: 2022-06-16
Welcome to the only daily podcast covering your Seattle Mariners. Every afternoon, Monday-Friday, hosts Ty Dane Gonzalez and Colby Patnode will take you through the latest happenings in the world of the Mariners with game recaps and deep-dives, analytical breakdowns, trade and free agency speculation, prospect insights and much more! Email lockedonmariners@gmail.com if you have a question you want answered on the show.
発売日: 2023-03-24
We are the storytellers of the 2023 Boston Red Sox!
発売日: 2023-03-27
Dave Holt shares his 19 years in professional baseball player development experience with youth baseball coaches. Discover the baseball coaching methods, processes, and philosophies that will make you stand out in the crowd and be "THAT" difference- maker coach. Dave helps mentor youth baseball coaches and baseball parents in the vitally important areas of player development. You will hear from someone who has inside experience and knowledge on how to use some of the best coaching approaches an...
発売日: 2023-02-23
NPDS - Nothing Personal with David Samson is a daily sports podcast hosted by David Samson. David is dedicated to decoding the endless musings of players, owners and others in a concise, articulate and entertaining manner. Samson was in charge of a Major League Baseball team for 18 years, with winning a World Series ring, building a new ballpark, hosting an All-Star game, and buying and selling a franchise, among his many experiences and accomplishments. His breadth of knowledge covers all aspec...
発売日: 2023-03-24
野球狂カープ女子コンビによる“野球"にまつわるエトセトラを語り尽くす番組です! プロ・アマ問わず、観戦記、セイバーメトリクスなどのデータ、球場グルメ、観戦のお供、野球写真の撮り方、メイク術etc… これを聴けば、野球の楽しみ方の幅が増えますよ! 【Twitter】 @1844MHz https://twitter.com/1844MHz #1844MHz 【YouTube】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTNG8nJts5VRb-uTVUGsYKA 【過去...
発売日: 2023-02-23
為您帶來關於台灣棒球最硬核的專業評論分析與最幹的幹話,深入剖析台灣職棒隊伍與球員概況、賽事分析、農場發展、商業模式、選秀策略、業餘與青棒新秀追蹤、球員機制分析......等。 在Facebook追蹤我們: https://www.facebook.com/keyboardscouts Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-03-23
Minnesota Twins Talk with Aaron Gleeman and John Bonnes. For more, including midweek, episodes, check out https://www.patreon.com/Gleeman.
発売日: 2023-03-25
Get Mike Francesa's unequalled takes on sports with The Mike Francesa Podcast. Listen to Mike's instant reactions to the biggest games and unbiased sports talk each week.. Subscribe today and never miss a minute.
発売日: 2023-03-26