BabyBus読み聞かせチャンネルで~す! どうしてアリは天気がわかるの?どうしてカニは横に歩くの?.. 身近な世界への疑問は色々! ベビーバスが解き明かす!不思議な科学のお話~ 毎週更新中!!!!ぜひフォローしてくださいね~ 「ベビーバス」を検索してほかのチャンネルも楽しめます! 番組ではあなたからのお便り、質問を受け付けています。こちらからお...
発売日: 2023-03-17
This science storytelling podcast features short fun stories about animals, space, technology and nature. Each episode provides science knowledge by an interesting story. Does your kid have interest in animals or have many questions about nature? Listen to our podcast to solve kids' little questions! Subscribe to the podcast, you'll reach new episode in the first time! Leave your valuable reviews ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ and share it with friends to enjoy wonderful stories together. Contact us at ...
発売日: 2023-02-26
Did you know that in the world of elephants the females are the ones in charge? Or that a grizzly bear's bite is strong enough to crush a bowling ball? Amazing Wildlife gives a behind-the-scenes look inside the San Diego Zoo and San Diego Zoo Safari Park to gain insight on rare species and to explore the ongoing conservation efforts to save endangered wildlife no matter how big or small. Join us as hosts Rick Schwartz and now Marco Wendt transport listeners around the globe to highlight the San ...
発売日: 2023-03-17
NHKラジオ第一で放送している「NHKジャーナル」の人気コーナー「わんにゃんジャーナル」をポッドキャストでお送りします。 ペットや動物は、私たちの家族といっても過言ではない存在です。動物に関する話題や知っておきたいことについてお伝えします。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーー ポッドキャストと共に、是非、下記番組もお聴き下さい。 【NHKジャーナル】...
発売日: 2023-03-10
動物世界紀行略して「どぶせか」にようこそ。動物は好きだけど、いまいちよく分かっていない動物好き野郎こと私「どぶ野郎」が、動物のあれこれ調べた内容をただべちゃくちゃ喋っている番組になります。 基本的には、一つ一つの動物にフォーカスして放送しています。また進化論とかの話もしていきたいと思っております。 動物園でただ動物を眺めるだけだと物...
発売日: 2023-01-16
Do you love animals and want to understand more about what they think and feel? Animals of all species have a great deal of wisdom to share with humanity and with you as an individual. The more we understand them, the more we understand ourselves and our connection to the natural world. Join us as we explore the day-to-day thoughts of animals, as well as their deeper perspectives. From playful to profound, Animal Wise brings animal wisdom to your world. For more on Lauren McCall, her experience...
発売日: 2021-11-23
The Varmints! podcast is an education/comedy podcast that’s all about animals! Every week a bunch of nerds a do a whole bunch of reading to bring you a mix of science, education, pop culture and comedy about all things that creep, crawl, slither, fly, jump, hop and swim on this planet one animal at a time.
発売日: 2022-11-29
Animal Radio® is America's "most-listened-to" animal programming; created to educate, reduce surrenders and to help animals live long, healthy and happier lives. Animal Radio® airs on 100+ AM-FM stations across the nation and XM Satellite Radio.
発売日: 2023-03-16
兵庫ペット医療センターのスタッフがペットのお悩みを解決します! FMいたみ 79.4mhz
発売日: 2023-02-21
大家好~~我們是說貓人,說說貓事,說說人事,解答各位愛貓人的日常大小事,歡迎大家用輕鬆愉快的心情,一起加入說貓人的行列。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-03-17
寵物新聞|貓狗衛教|實用知識|動物議題 👉獸醫師專業分享👨⚕️ 👍跟著我們一起成為毛小孩的知音🎵 IG: newsfurtune -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
発売日: 2023-03-13
Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis. Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine...
発売日: 2023-03-15
<ホリスティック獣医Saraの音声チャンネルへようこそ> ー動物たちが健康的に、毎日笑顔で過ごせますようにー 動物のホリスティックケア・健康情報を音声&動画にて発信しています! 私にとって、動物たちを助けることは、私を獣医師にしてくれた愛犬テリーへの恩返し・・ ◆略歴: ホリスティック医療を実践するイギリスの動物病院にて研修し帰国。 イギリ...
発売日: 2021-09-29
1. 頼りになる!! - ペットって愛する大事な家族だから、信頼ができる獣医さんに出会えることが本当に大切なことだと思うのですが、聴いていると動物への愛が溢れていて「こんな獣医さんに診てほしい〜!」って感じます。こうやって発信してくださることは本当にありがたいです!
2. Saraさんありがとうございます。 - サラさんの音声から、生き物に対する愛や生き方、感謝することの大切さを学ばせていただきました。いつの時代も大切な考え方をお教えいただき、感謝しております。ありがとうございます。これからも健康についても学ばせていただきます。
北海道帯広のラジオ局JAGA(じゃが)で毎週土曜日8:30~9:00放送! 「十勝の酪農業の女性たちはとってもキラキラしています!」 担当パーソナリティは、 広尾町で牧場を経営する、角倉円佳(すみくらまどか)さん! 酪農業に携わる女性目線で、十勝の酪農、畜産、農業の魅力や楽しさ、やりがい、 そして十勝の農産物、乳製品等をはじめ、十勝~北海道の魅力を伝...
発売日: 2023-03-25
單純分享生活,沒什麼目的,只為了分大家一起笑! 如果你覺得不好笑,那...就不好笑吧!我又沒差~哈哈 臉書粉絲團:上發條俱樂部 IG:wia627 YOUTUBE頻道: Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-02-27
ドッグトレーナーの金子真弓です。 業界30年の豊富な経験と知識、幅広い知識を持っています。クリッカートレーニング、Tタッチなど多岐に渡る技術で、人にも犬にもわかりやすい方法と高い技術をご提供しています! 神奈川県藤沢市辻堂のしつけ教室「パップスフレンズ」主宰。 #犬のしつけ #ドッグトレーニング #犬の問題行動 #ドッグトレーナー
発売日: 2023-03-19
発売日: 2022-06-30
Le podcast d'Esprit Dog qui vous permet d'en apprendre toujours plus sur vos chiens ! Découvrez nos formations en ligne : Suivez nous sur nos réseaux sociaux :
発売日: 2023-03-25
発売日: 2023-03-19
ー動物たちが健康的に、毎日笑顔で過ごせますようにー イギリスからお届け! 動物のホリスティックケア・健康情報を発信! ホリスティックケアとは? ⇒ 全体をみて手をかける世話のこと アロマセラピー・ハーブ・ホメオパシー・漢方・鍼灸だけでなく、標準的な治療法となる西洋医学も含まれます。 私にとって、動物たちを助けることは、私を獣医師にしてく...
発売日: 2023-03-21
寵物溝通師維尼與Leslie嘰嘰喳喳的聊天室, 聊所有跟毛小孩有關的話題,但可能參雜許多垃圾話及幹話, 請帶著愉悅的心情跟我們一起開心度過! 好窩寵物溝通合作連絡 維尼 想聊更多歡迎來粉絲專頁找我們呦~ -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
発売日: 2023-02-28
Dogs make the best companions for humans. The Baroo aims to help make humans better companions for dogs; it's a modern lifestyle podcast for dogs and their people. I'm Charlotte Bayne and I have been caring for other people's dogs for more than 15 years. Some people call me a canine concierge. I specialize in helping my clients be more mindful about their pets' needs and to make sustainable choices that benefit both their pets and their family. Join me for a series of casual conversations with a...
発売日: 2023-03-07
Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs! Susan understands dog behaviour and wants you and your dog to have the best life together possible.
発売日: 2023-03-22
World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.
発売日: 2023-03-21
Um podcast sobre cães! Aqui damos dicas de cuidados, saúde, adestramento e muito mais. Na nova edição de 2023, Halina Medina e o adestrador Bruno Leite tiram dúvidas sobre comportamento canino, psicologia e como criar um cachorro da melhor maneira.
発売日: 2023-03-03
家裡養了三隻貓貓的阿爽跟爽妹,要跟大家分享貓貓狗狗日常小故事 阿爽 - 小流氓的媽 爽妹 - 兩隻貓的媽 老大 - 永遠淡定的大哥 黃豆粉 老二 - 沒見過世面的小流氓 寶寶饅 老三 - 大哥的女人 巧克瓦 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
発売日: 2021-06-20
How do I get my dog over separation anxiety? How can I leave my dog without him constantly barking or me coming back to destruction? These are just some of the big questions that dog separation anxiety specialist, Julie Naismith, tackles in her podcast. The podcast episodes are packed with how-to guides, step-by-step training blueprints, and tips and tricks to survive separation anxiety. Each episode is packed with tips, tricks and actionable steps. And Julie also shares her story of how she and...
発売日: 2023-03-18
A talk show that focuses on the keeping, breeding and current events of the world of morelia and other pythons of the world
発売日: 2023-03-22
Tune in for the best amputation recovery and care tips for three legged pets, and their people. Hosted by the Tripawds Blogs community founders Jim & Rene, and spokesdog Wyatt Ray. Keep listening for interviews and informative discussions with veterinary surgeons, oncologists, rehab therapists and other specialist veterinarians as well as pet parents sharing their own amputation recovery experiences, treatment plans, and results for their own amazing three legged dogs and cats. Learn more and co...
発売日: 2023-02-20
Der Podcast, in dem Hundehalterinnen und Hundehalter über ihre Fuck up Stories berichten. Wo sind die Bilderbuchhunde und perfekten Halter? Lasst uns gemeinsam über unsere Fehler lachen und uns weniger allein und blöd fühlen. Denn: Nobody is Pawfect!
発売日: 2023-03-25
Este é o seu podcast sobre o mundo canino. Aqui você terá inúmeras notícias e dicas sobre como cuidar do seu cachorro. A cada episódio um novo debate sobre raças, adestramento, saúde animal e novidades do nicho pet.
発売日: 2022-05-12
Are you a pup-parent who’s dedicated to improving the health and well-being of your best friend so that they can live a long, happy and healthy life? Welcome to the Everything Pup Podcast! Here you’ll find valuable dog-centric tips; interviews with trusted industry experts AND your favourite dog brands; and everything else you need to become an informed advocate for your best friend. Your host, Holly Montgomery, has over 15 years experience in the pet industry as the co-owner of 2 holistic p...
発売日: 2023-02-26
The Dog Trainer wants you and your dog to have a wonderful time together. If you've got a puppy, get simple, sensible pointers for raising her. Rambunctious adolescent? Transform him into a civilized adult. As for the grownups, no dog is too old to learn new tricks -- or better manners. The Dog Trainer explains how to get the polite behaviors you want and turn those behaviors into lifelong habits. Whether you're housetraining, teaching your dog to roll over, or wondering how to evaluate a dog wa...
発売日: 2015-03-02
Get dog training advice and tips from the experts at Canine Behavior Center, Inc. Talking Dogs can be heard Tuesdays at 7:55am and Saturdays at 6:55am on KCIS 630 in Seattle.
発売日: 2023-03-14
在這裡你們能身歷其境融入我們的工作日常,不時會有荒謬離奇的動物醫院怪奇物語,當然更少不了專業的寵物醫療相關知識分享。 無論你是專業的獸醫、準獸醫,家中有毛小孩的飼主,或者你只是想知道動物醫院在做什麼的平凡人,都歡迎你成為我們的聽眾。 🐕 獸醫師-馬克Mark 🐈 動物醫院櫃檯-小榆 ✨每週四 晚間6點更新✨ 🚀✨🚀✨IG ➫ MurmurVet Powered by First...
発売日: 2022-10-20
ふわもこトイプードルのジンジャーくんの物語 Instagram: ginger_kozy Instagramに投稿した写真のバックグラウンドストーリーをご紹介しています。 Ginger (トイプードル白): 2015年8月27日生まれ、2015年11月8日うちの子記念日
発売日: 2023-03-26
Esse podcast tem como objetivo discutir sobre o comportamento e bem estar dos cães que tanto amamos. Vou estar trazendo as minhas reflexões pessoais como tutora de uma cachorro SRD muito da bonita, e que me ensina muito todos os dias. Tenho a cada dia me aprofundado mais no assunto COMPORTAMENTO E BEM ESTAR dos cães, e achei que seria uma boa ideia compartilhar melhor com vocês minhas experiências e conhecimentos adquiridos nessa jornada de ser tutora de um cão! Vamos lá?
発売日: 2021-01-22
発売日: 2019-12-17
Im Podcast „Tierisch Menschlich“ sprechen Hundeprofi Martin Rütter und Wissenschaftsreporterin Katharina Adick über ihre Lieblingsthemen: die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Hund, das merkwürdige Verhalten mancher Zweibeiner, Neues aus der Forschung und skurrile Geschichten aus dem Leben mit Haustieren. Hörer:innen erfahren viel über den Hundeprofi persönlich, seine Ansichten zu Lakritzschlümpfen, Strafzetteln und Talkshows und natürlich immer wieder Privates über den inoffiziellen ...
発売日: 2023-03-15
We talk about all things dog related. Brought to you by RelaxMyDog the specialists in making relaxing music and tv for dogs. Used by 20 million dogs around the world. Support this podcast:
発売日: 2023-03-17
EVERY THURSDAY - DOG-EARED with Lisa Davis. They write books about dogs. I interview them. Are you passionate about dogs and reading? Whether you want the latest advice on how to keep your furry friend happy and healthy, training tips, inspirational memoirs, or anything else dog, DOG-EARED is the podcast for you.Whether you're a first-time dog owner or a seasoned pro, we’ll bring you weekly recommendations and interviews with authors from around the world!From finding the perfect book to read...
発売日: 2023-03-22
Hello friend! Welcome to the Humane Nation podcast, an animal welfare organization dedicated to advocating for all animals and championing hard working animal lovers along the way. Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of animal welfare. We'll even go on virtual field trips together to learn about the work other rescues, shelters, sanctuaries, and individuals are doing for the animals. Join us on this journey of living a humane life! You can also check out our website at
発売日: 2023-03-07
Bem-vindo(a) ao podcast da ROYAL CANIN®: o Papo de Gato! Neste podcast, vamos explorar o universo felino passando por cada fase da vida de um gatinho e seu tutor. Junto com a podcaster e cat lover Carol Rocha (@Tchulim) e convidados especiais, vamos falar sobre saúde, cuidados, comportamento, alimentação e claro da diferença que eles fazem em nossas vidas. Então não espere mais e dê logo um play!
発売日: 2022-07-19
愛犬のお悩みの飼い主さんに、私が一番最初にやってもらうことは「犬をしつけるという感覚」を手放し、「犬という動物を理解する」という感覚を身につけてもらうことです。 犬は人と共存できる素晴らしい生き物です。でも、物事の見え方、感じ方、は人間とは少し違います。 この番組ではその違いを楽しく知るための情報をお届けします。 ホームページ:https:...
発売日: 2021-01-27
茶獸醫及綠獸醫的專長分別是犬貓及特寵醫療。在貓貓腳印的節目中,你可以找到犬貓及特寵相關的醫療知識,我們希望深入淺出的跟大家討論那些看診中飼主常見的問題及煩惱,養寵物其實快樂又有趣! Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2021-08-21
貼心毛寶- 貓行為諮商與訓練 Pet Buddy
発売日: 2023-01-05
ドッグトレーナーとしての経験や、犬から学んだことをもとに、 日々大切にしている考え方・マインドのことをシェアしています。 ◆毎月1日に生活に役立つドッグアロマ情報を配信します。 公式LINEをお友だち追加していただくだけでOK! ◆Instagramにて毎日、犬の魅力を発信してます。 ◆ホームページ
発売日: 2023-03-12
Every Tuesday, dog owner Renee Colvert and puppy owner Alexis Preston talk to guests about their dogs, discuss dogs they met this week, and brief you on dogs news. They go on assignment to dog events and report back with what you need to know. If there's a dog, they're gonna pet it!
発売日: 2022-08-04
「吠える咬むから飼い主を救い、ワンコの心と体の負担をゼロに。」 この番組では犬の躾でお悩みの飼い主さんからよくある質問や話題をランダムにお届けします。
発売日: 2021-03-07
Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more. Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior specialist. Robert has trained and worked with thousands of dogs through his work with Bound Angels at shelters throughout the US. He has also trained and titled competitive obedience and protection dogs wo...
発売日: 2023-03-16