発売日: 2023-03-19
コペテンナイトは春名まことと葦原みづほでお送りする、宇宙系おしゃべりポッドキャストです。 科学の視点が、これまでのものの見方を変える。コペテンの可能性を秘めた、広大な宇宙の旅へ。 毎週水曜更新!
発売日: 2023-03-14
1. 宇宙への最高の入り口 - まことさんが宇宙を噛み砕いて説明するだけでなく、みずほさんがわからない部分を遠慮なく質問することで、一気にわかりやすさが倍増します。 お二人の仲の良さが伝わってくるのも、聴いていて心地がいいです。
2. 今時の小学生 - お二人の小学校の先生、どうあるべき?!という回を聞きました。
自分の将来を見据えて勉強してたり、先生が好きでなくても、対応がまぁ大人。もちろん、授業が崩壊してるとは聞いたこともない。 もし、まことさん達の年代が先生になるとしたら、肩透かしを食らうかもしれないけど、今の子達はまた別の課題があるのかなって思います。
Brain fun for curious people.
発売日: 2023-03-24
『星空を、もっと身近な存在に。』 私たちが星空を楽しむハードルは、年々高くなってしまっています。それでも実は、街明かりがあるような都会からでも明るい星は見えるんです。 私たちが夕焼けを眺めるのと同じくらい、星空を見ることを身近な存在にしていきたいです! ★「リコットの夕焼け天文部」おたより専用フォーム https://forms.gle/38gvWDo9Y4b1cYEX7 ★メールア...
発売日: 2022-12-30
The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast launched in 2009 as part of the International Year of Astronomy. This community podcast continues to bring you day after day of content across the years. Everyday, a new voice, helping you see the universe we share in a new way. This show is managed by Avivah Yamani, edited by Richard Drumm. This podcast is funded through Patreon.com/CosmoQuestX and produced out of the Planetary Science Institute.
発売日: 2023-03-26
Exploring and terraforming Mars will be the greatest scientific and engineering challenge in the history of our species. From landfall and building the first cities to manipulating an entire planetary environment, this podcast will dive into the science of space exploration, settlement and terraforming! Join Alexander Winn, creator of TerraGenesis and founder of Edgeworks Entertainment, as he walks you through the real science behind his hit indie terraforming game, TerraGenesis, and how those s...
発売日: 2023-01-13
The weekly astronomy podcast from the makers of BBC Sky at Night Magazine.
発売日: 2023-03-26
Space news, interviews, Q&As, and exclusive content from Universe Today. Audio versions of Fraser Cain YouTube channel.
発売日: 2023-03-23
19 years on Australian Public Radio (as StarStuff), 6 years of podcasting and counting. We have a lot of content to share with you. Recognized worldwide by our listeners and industry experts as one of the best and most thoroughly researched programs on Astronomy, Technology, Space, and Science News. Keep up-to-date and learn something new with every episode. New episodes weekly. Published Mondays for our subscribers and publicly on Wednesdays. Show your support for SpaceTime, help us reach our ...
発売日: 2023-03-24
発売日: 2023-03-22
Take a fact-based journey through the cosmos. Tune in to hear weekly discussions on astronomical topics ranging from planets to cosmology. Hosted by Fraser Cain (Universe Today) and Dr. Pamela L. Gay (Planetary Science Institute), this show brings the questions of an avid astronomy lover direct to an astronomer. Together Fraser and Pamela explore what is known and being discovered about the universe around us. Astronomy Cast is supported thru patreon.com/AstronomyCast.
発売日: 2023-03-20
This is The Supermassive Podcast from the Royal Astronomical Society. Every month, science journalist Izzie Clarke and astrophysicist Dr Becky Smethurst take you through the universe with the latest research, history from the society’s archives and astronomy you can do from your own home. You can send your questions to the team via podcast@ras.ac.uk or tweet @RoyalAstroSoc using #RASSupermassive The Supermassive Podcast is a Boffin Media Production by Izzie Clarke and Richard Hollingham.
発売日: 2023-03-10
Pale Blue Pod is an astronomy podcast for people who are overwhelmed by the universe but want to be its friend. Astrophysicist Dr. Moiya McTier and comedian Corinne Caputo demystify space one topic at a time with open eyes, open arms, and open mouths (from so much laughing and jaw-dropping). By the end of each episode, the cosmos will feel a little less “ahhh too scary” and a lot more “ohhh, so cool!” New episodes every Monday. This podcast uses the following third-party services for an...
発売日: 2023-03-27
Naked Astronomy: the Naked Scientists' Astronomy and Space Science Podcast - audio that's out of this world...
発売日: 2023-03-01
ダンサー/振付家の小松菜々子のPodcast♡ 読書会してます。
発売日: 2022-04-09
This Week in Space podcast covers the new space age. Every Friday we take a deep dive into a fascinating topic. What’s happening with the new race to the moon and other planets? When will SpaceX or NASA really send people to Mars? Join Rod Pyle and Tariq Malik from Space.com on This Week in Space. Subscribe today on your favorite podcatcher. New episodes posted every Friday.
発売日: 2023-03-17
George's Random Astronomical Object is a biweekly astronomy podcast featuring science discussions about astronomical objects at randomly selected locations in the sky. The wide range of topics discussed in the show include stars, variable stars, variable variable stars, supermassive black holes, ultracool dwarf stars, exoplanets, howler monkeys, infrared radiation, acronyms, more acronyms, starbursts, measurements of less than 20 parsecs, jellyfish galaxies, diffuse ionized gas, and general ove...
発売日: 2023-03-20
All things Space – news, travel, discoveries, the mysteries, and more…with world renown and respected Astronomer at Large Professor Fred Watson and Sci-Fi Author, Broadcaster/Journalist Andrew Dunkley.
発売日: 2023-03-23
Astronomia em Meia Hora é um podcast com uma linguagem simplificada que tenta te ajudar a montar o quebra-cabeça do universo.
発売日: 2023-03-18
『Home stars 星のある暮らしを、あなたに』 みなさんには、どんな星空との思い出がありますか? この番組は、家庭用プラネタリウム、ホームスターがお送りする、 ご自宅に星空のある暮らしを感じていただくPodcast番組です。 さあ、本日も一緒に、星が瞬く旅へと出掛けていきましょう。
発売日: 2022-08-25
Naked Astronomy: the Naked Scientists' Astronomy and Space Science Podcast - audio that's out of this world...
発売日: 2023-03-22
発売日: 2023-02-17
Welcome to The Cosmic Savannah, a podcast giving you a behind-the-scenes peek into the world-class astronomy and astrophysics happening in Africa. Each episode, hosts Dr Jacinta Delhaize and Dr Daniel Cunnama chat to different guests and introduce you to the people, the technology, the science and the fascinating discoveries emerging from African astronomy. No matter who you are or where you're from, we welcome you to join us on a safari through the skies!
発売日: 2022-12-04
【内容简介】 生活在小小地球上的人类也许并不是浩瀚宇宙中仅有的高智慧生命。地球载着人类在茫茫的宇宙空间里做着不知目的地的漫长旅行,如果这广袤的星空里没有其他生命,人类在这漫长的旅程里岂不是太过孤单? 人类的好奇心是无穷无尽的,有时甚至超过浩瀚无垠的宇宙。外星人真的存在吗?这是近50年来最具诱惑力的问题之一。 随着宇宙科学的发展,人们愈来愈...
発売日: 2020-12-04
Um podcast que explora o Universo para você conhecer, aprender e ficar mais perto da astronomia brasileira!
発売日: 2023-02-24
When you head outdoors tonight, take Sky & Telescope's Sky Tour astronomy podcast with you for a guided tour to the night sky. Learn what constellations are visible, find out where and when you'll see the planets, and catch each month's celestial highlights, from meteor showers to eclipses.
発売日: 2023-03-01
Meet the space makers as we journey across Europe and into the cosmos to build a future beyond Earth alone. From astronauts to space doctors, engineers and mission controllers, ESA Explores goes behind the scenes of Europe’s greatest adventure yet.
発売日: 2021-09-07
Coffee Break: Señal y Ruido es la tertulia semanal en la que, medio en broma medio en serio, repasamos las últimas noticias de la actualidad científica. Separando la paja del trigo o, como nos gusta decirlo, la señal del ruido, nos leemos los papers para que usted no tenga que hacerlo. Sírvete un café y acompáñanos en nuestra tertulia. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
発売日: 2023-03-16
做天文的人 在這裡 聊﹒天﹒文﹒ 最新調查發現在中央研究院的天文及天文物理研究所有這麼一群人 想對一般大眾介紹自己的研究新現況和浸沉其中的妙趣故事! 所以,不講公式 只說故事 他們準備從這裡出發,讓深奧的天文距離你我 再近一點
発売日: 2022-04-21
Hear stories about the alien moons orbiting our Sun, of cold stars, and the future of space exploration. Every week, scientist Dr. Carrie Nugent chats about an amazing part of our universe with an expert guest. Spacepod is the podcast that gives you an inside look into space exploration. Learn more: http://listentospacepod.com
発売日: 2023-02-19
1. Out-there conversations that make you feel right there! - Just listening to this great conversation makes me excited about space. Find out just how big a 'normal' black hole is AND where to find all the gold in the galaxy, kinda. All from bending space and time. Go listen and ride a gravity wave into the New Year.
The podcast taking you far beyond the solar system to explore exotic exoplanets around distant stars. Featuring exoplanet astronomers Hugh Osborn, Andrew Rushby and Hannah Wakeford.
発売日: 2023-03-03
Dean Regas and Anna Hehman of the Cincinnati Observatory are your guides to the galaxy, helping you make sense of the dizzying expanse of glittering stars and the glowing planets of our solar system. Dean is the author of 100 Things to See in the Night Sky, but there are hundreds more things where that came from, from space launches to supernovas, which Dean and Anna discuss on Looking Up.
発売日: 2022-02-08
Looking up to the skies once presented a world completely unknown, but we now know what lies beyond this planet. Space is both mysterious and essential to life on Earth, but what does space sustainability really mean?
発売日: 2022-06-15
La sciences ce n’est pas uniquement des découvertes pour percer les mystères de l’univers ou de l’infiniment petit, ce sont aussi des recherches avec des applications très concrètes dans notre vie de tous les jours. Dans "Sciences et vous" , Mac Lesggy avec sa pédagogie habituelle nous parle de sciences pour nous expliquer comment celle-ci peut ns aider à mieux comprendre notre environnement, notre corps et nous aider à mieux vivre.
発売日: 2023-02-26
Ruth und Florian reden über das Universum. Mit Fragen. Und Antworten. Die Astronomin Ruth (Spezialgebiet Galaxien) und der Astronom Florian (Spezialgebiet Asteroiden) reden über das Universum. Ruth betreibt ein mobiles Planetarium; Florian erzählt auf Bühnen, in Büchern und in Podcasts über den Kosmos und beide plaudern gemeinsam über alles, was dort so abgeht. In jeder Folge erzählen sie einander eine spannende Geschichte aus der aktuellen Forschung. Und beantworten Fragen aus der Hör...
発売日: 2023-02-28
How do astronomers photograph a black hole? How often do planes get hit by lightning? What does the EPA actually do? Science is all around us and transforming our world at a rapid pace. Extragalactic astrophysicist Sabrina Stierwalt is here to guide you through it. She'll help you make sense of the everyday and the once-in-a-lifetime. Rights of Albert Einstein are used with permission of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Represented exclusively by Greenlight.
発売日: 2022-06-10
本節目是由飛碟電台主持人Maggie 邀請吳福河老師與聽眾分享天文古今話題。 吳老師曾長期擔任台北市立天文科學教育館推廣組組長,退休後依舊熱衷於天文推廣活動,除了在社大上課,亦受邀至營隊、研習活動等,分享各類天文話題,是大人們心中最博學多聞的吳組長,也是孩子心中最幽默有趣的小河河。擅長以輕鬆幽默的方式,旁徵博引帶領大家輕鬆遨遊天文領域。
発売日: 2023-03-18
„Gemeinsam durch die Galaxis“ heißt der astronomische Plauder-Podcast mit Bochumer Planetariumsleiterin und Astronomin Prof. Dr. Susanne Hüttemeister und ihren galaktischen Mitreisen, darunter der stimmgewaltig-wortgewandte Kabarettist und Hobby-Astronom Jochen Malmsheimer in Staffel eins bis zweieinhalb, Astrophysiker Michael Büker in Staffel drei und Susannes langjähriger Freund und Astronomiekenner Paul Hombach ab Staffel vier.
発売日: 2023-03-01
Follow along with Nic and Echo as they share their love for astronomy and all things space-y! On this podcast, you will find space facts, astronomy news, and general banter about space-esque topics.
発売日: 2022-09-30
Hey Fellow Space Enthusiasts! Join us for this series featuring interviews with the leaders of space exploration. Listen below or visit us on YouTube at https://youtube.com/@YourSpaceJourney
発売日: 2023-03-22
À la fois ludique et original avec ses contenus audios présentés par les plus grands spécialistes français, Ciel et Espace radio vous propose de découvrir et d'approfondir vos connaissances sur le ciel, la Terre et l'Univers.
発売日: 2023-03-06
Brought to you by Stargazing✦London, Star Signs is a podcast all about the night sky. Tune in each month for stargazing guides, as well as interviews with fascinating people whose lives overlap with the stars. Find out more at stargazing.london
発売日: 2022-09-24
The Origins & Evolution Podcast features hosts Dimitar Sasselov & Frank Laukien discussing the multiple potential origins of life, in conjunction with Harvard's Origins of Life Initiative https://origins.harvard.edu/pages/about, of which Dimitar is the director and cofounder. Please send all questions and emails to: Stefen@muddhousemedia.com
発売日: 2022-08-23
発売日: 2020-08-31
The official monthly podcast from Kielder Observatory in Northumberland UK, situated under some of the darkest skies in the world. If you've ever wondered what happens when you fall into a black hole, if intelligent life is watching us from other galaxies, or how the North East is at the forefront of the British Space programme, then you can find out more in this series! Each month we also update you on the things to look out for in the night sky wherever you are, and of course update you...
発売日: 2023-02-20
A podcast series by SEDS Celestia, the astronomy, astrophysics and space tech club of BITS goa
発売日: 2022-07-31
「逐工一幅天文圖 APOD Taigi」Podcast 是 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 台語版的有聲頻道。逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者為你解說。 https://apod.tw/ Powered by Firstory Hosting
発売日: 2023-03-25
発売日: 2021-06-18
A history of astronomy, from antiquity to the present.
発売日: 2023-02-09
Learn everything from the basics to the most complex concepts of Astrophysics in less than three minutes an episode! Astronomy simplified, compressed, touched up, and served right to your ears and mind. Find my blogs, socials, and contact information at linktr.ee/ShouryaShrivastava
発売日: 2021-07-31