再生可能エネルギーの大規模導入、電力自由化など、欧米を中心とする世界では電力をめぐる大きな変革・革新が続いています。日本も10年近い遅れながら、再生可能エネルギーの普及、電力自由化が進展しつつあります。 このなかで地味ながら非常に重要なのが、電力ネットワークの整備、改革です。再エネの大規模開発、老朽化設備の更新、分散型システムの構築、IC...
発売日: 2020-09-04 ¥1,700
原子力市民委員会は、脱原発に向けた具体的政策を提言する市民シンクタンクとして2013年に設立され、原発やエネルギーに関連するさまざまな問題の調査と情報発信、そして議論の場作りを目指しています。 原子力市民委員会は各種レポートを発行していますが、特に「原発ゼロ社会への道」シリーズ(これまで2014年と2017年に発行)は、その時点での現状分析と提言を総...
発売日: 2022-08-26 ¥1,700
World acclaimed scientist Vaclav Smil reveals everything there is to know about nature's most sought-after resource Oil is the lifeblood of the modern world. Without it, there would be no planes, no plastic, no exotic produce, and a global political landscape few would recognise. Humanity’s dependence upon oil looks set to continue for decades to come, but what is it? Fully updated and packed with fascinating facts to fuel dinner party debate, Professor Vaclav Smil's Oil: A Beginner's Guide ex...
発売日: 2017-11-02 ジャンル:職業/技術 > 工学 ¥760
Power Plant Fundamentals: Fuels and Combustion , is the eighth in a fourteen–book series by nHance Technologies. Fuels and Combustion begins with an introduction to the basic characteristics of fuels and combustion. Additional chapters discuss heat losses, practical applications for the reduction of these losses, and factors involved in achieving combustion efficiency. The book concludes by discussing the specifics of coal, fuel oil, and gas equipment as well as their storage and t...
発売日: 2016-08-25 ジャンル:職業/技術 > 工学 ¥500
人口が減れば、電力需要も減る。日本の人口はすでに減り始めており、2050年までに4分の3になると予想される。にもかかわらず、電力危機があおられるのはなぜか? 一次データを分析し、電力の未来を予測。場当たり的な対応によって税金を無駄遣いさせないための、今まさに優先すべき対策を提示する。
発売日: 2013-09-30 ¥1,700
In March 2013, Japanese researchers announced a breakthrough in the extraction of natural gas from methane hydrates. This marked the latest important development in the quest for energy from methane hydrate, known as the ice that burns. This ebook presents a comprehensive collection of up-to-date publications about this vital new resource, covering all aspects of the field, including the possible effects of hydrate gas production on climate change. Contents include: Energy Resource Potential of ...
発売日: 2013-03-16 ¥1,100
Photovoltaic Design and Installation For Dummies (9781119544357) was previously published as Photovoltaic Design and Installation For Dummies (9780470598931). While this version features a new Dummies cover and design, the content is the same as the prior release and should not be considered a new or updated product. The fun and easy way to get a grip on photovoltaic design and installation Designing and installing solar panel systems is a trend that continues to grow. With 'green collar' jobs o...
発売日: 2019-03-01 ¥2,000
Newly revised, this is still the "must have" guide for any drilling, production, or petroleum engineer, with thousands of handy formulas and calculations that the engineer needs on a daily basis. Presented in an easy-to-use format, this second edition of Formulas and Calculations for Drilling Operations is a quick reference for day-to-day work out on the rig. It also serves as a handy study guide for drilling and well control certification courses. Virtually all the mathematics required on a dri...
発売日: 2018-04-09 ¥19,800
The latest edition features a new chapter on implementation and operation of an integrated smart grid with updates to multiple chapters throughout the text. New sections on Internet of things, and how they relate to smart grids and smart cities, have also been added to the book. It describes the impetus for change in the electric utility industry and discusses the business drivers, benefits, and market outlook of the smart grid initiative. The book identifies the technical framework of enabling ...
発売日: 2017-11-22 ¥12,800
Hundreds of million tonnes of agricultural and food waste are produced each year around the world, most of which is just that, waste. Anaerobic digestion, biogas and the heat and electricity that can be produced from it is still a nascent industry in many countries, yet the benefits of AD spread throughout the community: Gives good financial returns to farmers and eco-entrepreneurs. Helps community leaders meet various policies and legislative targets. Offers an environmentally sensitive waste d...
発売日: 2015-01-09 ¥4,000
A voltage converter changes the voltage of an electrical power source and is usually combined with other components to create a power supply. This title is devoted to the control of static converters, which deals with pulse-width modulation (PWM) techniques, and also discusses methods for current control. Various application cases are treated. The book is ideal for professionals in power engineering, power electronics, and electric drives industries, as well as practicing engineers, university p...
発売日: 2013-03-04 ¥23,800
Based on the fundamentals of electromagnetics, this clear and concise text explains basic and applied principles of transformer and inductor design for power electronic applications. It details both the theory and practice of inductors and transformers employed to filter currents, store electromagnetic energy, provide physical isolation between circuits, and perform stepping up and down of DC and AC voltages. The authors present a broad range of applications from modern power conversion systems....
発売日: 2013-02-21 ¥13,800
Our planet's resources are running out. The media bombards us with constant warnings of impending shortages of fossil fuels, minerals, arable land , and water and the political Armageddon that will result as insatiable global demand far outstrips supply. But how true is this picture? In Winner Take All , Dambisa Moyo cuts through the misconceptions and noise surrounding resource scarcity with a penetrating analysis of what really is at stake. Examining the operations of commodity markets and the...
発売日: 2012-06-28 ¥1,200
Growing up in suburban Detroit, David Hahn was fascinated by science, and his basement experiments—building homemade fireworks, brewing moonshine, and concocting his own self-tanning lotion—were more ambitious than those of other boys. While working on his Atomic Energy badge for the Boy Scouts, David’s obsessive attention turned to nuclear energy. Throwing caution to the wind, he plunged into a new project: building a nuclear breeder reactor in his backyard garden shed. In The Radioactive...
発売日: 2004-03-02 ¥760