※この電子書籍は固定レイアウト型で配信されております。固定レイアウト型は文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 航空工学は、空を飛ぶことに関する基礎的な科学知識を応用して、航空機生産のための方法を研究する学問ですが、航空力学はその中で最も基礎的な事柄を研究する学問です。第1章で...
発売日: 2015-08-11 ¥1,300
The 737 Handbook is an interactive technical guide for pilots which provides quick reference for sim or interview preparation from initial type rating to command upgrade. The book has been specially designed for iBooks and features interactive schematics, photos and videos with unique content. The information is sorted in different levels from most essential information on the page to in-depth information in pop-up windows. This enables you to choose the way you want to learn . Should you ...
発売日: 2016-05-08 ¥5,800
1. 素晴らしい教材! - エアラインの現役パイロットです。 たいへん楽しく学ぶことができる、良い教材だと自信をもってお勧めします。 どちらかといえば、システムの知識教育は退屈で学習意欲を削がれる内容になりがちです。 しかし、このhandbookはパイロット目線に立ち、実践に即して学べる工夫がちりばめられており、我々を飽きさせません。 日本のエアラインの地上教官にはぜひ目を通してもらいたい!
教材を工夫すれば、システムの勉強も楽しくなることに今さらながら気づかされました。 こうすることで学習効率も上がり、結果的には訓練期間も無理なく短縮できる効果もあると思います。 Thank you,Petr!! Takuji
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 出発前点検から、ブリーフィングの内容、計器の読み方、操縦桿の操作、管制塔との交信まで、コクピット内でのパイロットの作業を細かく紹介。この1冊でジャンボ...
発売日: 1999-12-20 ¥950
※この電子書籍は固定レイアウト型で配信されております。固定レイアウト型は文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【F-15Jイーグル戦闘機の元パイロットで航空写真家の第一人者・赤塚 聡氏が 「ブルーインパルス」の秘密を美麗写真とともに1冊にまとめました!】 【巻頭写真は赤塚氏ならでは空撮写...
発売日: 2014-09-16 ¥1,100
This study guide covers all the limitations and memory items required at Frontier Airlines to pass your proficiency check or checkride. It was written in a visual format with beautiful illustrations to promote effective learning.
発売日: 2021-06-29 ¥740
"A320 Visual Procedures" is an indispensable tool for pilots seeking to pass new hire or captain upgrade operational experience at Spirit Airlines. This guide walks you through profiles in a visual and easy-to-understand format.
発売日: 2022-02-23 ¥3,400
This is a technical 117 pages guide for the Airbus A320 Pilot or Cadet to study an in-depth breakdown of the various systems pages including the Engine Warning Display presented in the flightdeck. The systems displays include: CRUISE, ENGINE, BLEED, CABIN PRESSURE, ELECTRIC, HYDRAULICS, FUEL, APU, AIR CONDITIONING, DOOR/OXYGEN, WHEELS and FLIGHT CONTROLS. We have also added a description of the Slats and Flaps part displayed nmormally on the EWD, accesible via the Flight Controls chapter. The bo...
発売日: 2022-03-28 ¥1,500
This book is developed using material and pilot training notes including official Airbus FCOM, FCTM and the QRH to allow Pilots to study as a refresher or prepare for their command upgrade. It covers failure management, ECAM, Airbus memory item drills, complex and demanding failures, technical reviews on systems, limitations, low visibility procedures, RVSM/PBN, MEL/CDL and supplementary information covering cold weather and icing, windshears, weather and wake turbulence. The memory item drills ...
発売日: 2020-05-27 ¥3,200
The regulatory facet of aviation in New Zealand has gone through considerable adjustment brought about by Government policy to place greater responsibility for flight safety, in all its aspects, on the operators of aircraft. The former NZ Regulations (1953) have been replaced by the Civil Aviation Act (1990) as well as many associated documents such as Civil Aviation Rules, Advisory Circulars and the like. The nature of the Industry will undoubtedly cause further changes to take place in the fut...
発売日: 2022-11-20 ¥740
This manual provides the basic aeronautical knowledge required by candidates for the New Zealand Private Pilot Licence in Aircraft Technical Knowledge & Principles of Flight. The information in this manual is presented in a direct, easy to follow manner which is practical and thorough. Studying the manual and completing the review questions will prepare you for the examination and the knowledge gained will make you a better, safer and more confident pilot.
発売日: 2022-08-25 ¥740
This is an ATPL theoretical question bank for the topic: PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT. It comes with 400+ questions for the student pilot to practice with. Our entire ATPL question bank booklets equate to over 4600+ questions for your ATPL exams. All questions are marked with the answers so the student can refer directly to the answers. The book is not to be used for real reference or operation and is created for training purposes only. Our ATPL question bank booklets include the following topics: - AGK...
発売日: 2022-03-02 ¥800
This is an ATPL theoretical question bank for the topic: OPERATIONS. It comes with 180+ questions for the student pilot to practice with. Our entire ATPL question bank booklets equate to over 4600+ questions for your ATPL exams. All questions are marked with the answers so the student can refer directly to the answers. The book is not to be used for real reference or operation and is created for training purposes only. Our ATPL question bank booklets include the following topics: - AGK – Elect...
発売日: 2022-03-02 ¥550
This is an ATPL theoretical question bank for the topic: AIR LAW. It comes with 270+ questions for the student pilot to practice with. Our entire ATPL question bank booklets equate to over 4600+ questions for your ATPL exams. All questions are marked with the answers so the student can refer directly to the answers. The book is not to be used for real reference or operation and is created for training purposes only. Our ATPL question bank booklets include the following topics: - AGK – Electric...
発売日: 2022-03-01 ¥450
This is a technical manual book to study the B787 Dreamliner aircraft's various switches, panels, displays and buttons with detailed information on each one with clear images included. It is highly useful as reference during line flying and especially during initial conversion or type rating training. All main instrument panels: Overhead, Glareshield, Forward and Aisle Pedestal panels including detailed PFD, NAV display, MFD and EICAS panels with the various synoptic displays to include: - ELEC ...
発売日: 2022-02-28 ¥3,400
This is a systems guide for Pilots training or transitioning onto the Airbus A350 series aircraft. It covers various aircraft systems with detailed images for you and information for training. The 24 chapters included include: 1. General 2. Air systems 3. Automatic flight systems 4. Flight management system 5. Communications 6. Electrical system 7. Fire & Smoke protections 8. Flight Controls and Slats/Flaps 9. Fuel system 10. Hydraulic system 11. Ice & rain protection 12. Controls & ...
発売日: 2022-02-18 ¥2,800
This study guide covers all the limitations and memory items required at Spirit Airlines to pass your proficiency check or checkride. It was written in a visual format with beautiful illustrations to promote effective learning.
発売日: 2021-06-07 ¥740
A book with more than 1,000 practical exercises to use with VOR Trainer App. The best way to learn is by practicing. With this book you will learn how to use the VOR instrument and practice positioning, navigation, procedure turns and holdings. With simple methods the author simplifies the procedures in few steps easy to understand. Best for students and also for experienced pilots.
発売日: 2017-02-16 ¥1,800