O que nos diz a ciência sobre o sono e os sonhos. Sabia que dormir pode salvar a sua vida? O sono é um dos aspetos mais importantes da nossa vida, mas também um dos mais incompreendidos. Questões tão essenciais como por que razão dormimos ou por que motivo as consequências para a saúde são tão devastadoras quando não dormimos só recentemente foram compreendidas. Apresentando descobertas científicas revolucionárias e sintetizando décadas de investigação e prática clínica, Matth...
発売日: 2020-04-30 ¥1,200
ABC of Dermatology is the bestselling, practical guide for anyone involved in clinical dermatology. This fully illustrated book helps readers identify, recognise, treat, and manage the common dermatological conditions encountered in daily practice. The seventh edition has been revised and updated to incorporate current approaches to the management of skin disease, such as the use of new biological agents for treating inflammatory disease and tumours, and new chapters on cosmetic dermatolog...
発売日: 2019-07-03 ¥6,400
"[Kolata] is a gifted storyteller. Her account of the Baxleys... is both engrossing and distressing... Kolata's book raises crucial questions about knowledge that can be both vital and fatal, both pallative and dangerous." —Andrew Solomon, The New York Review of Books New York Times science reporter Gina Kolata follows a family through genetic illness and one courageous daughter who decides her fate shall no longer be decided by a genetic flaw. The phone rings. The doctor from California is on...
発売日: 2017-03-21 ¥1,400
発売日: 2014-12-27 ¥1,500
We are in the midst of a medical revolution: in just a few years, we will be able to have our complete DNA sequenced at an affordable cost. Analysing the content of our genomes will allow a powerful estimate of our future risks of illness - from cystic fibrosis and Huntington's disease, to cancer and diabetes - which will help us devise our own personalised blueprint of preventive medicine. This will have enormous implications on everything from our day-to-day choices like diet and exercise, to ...
発売日: 2010-12-09 ¥850