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発売日: 2016-03-23 ¥2,200
The Manchester Triage System (MTS) is the most widely used triage system in the UK, Europe and Australia, with tens of millions of patients being processed through hospital emergency departments. It is also used in hospitals throughout Brazil. Emergency Triage is the core text for the MTS, which utilises a risk averse system of prioritisation for patients in all unscheduled care settings. As such, it is an essential text for all emergency department staff using the MTS, in particular triag...
発売日: 2013-10-21 ¥5,400
Medical simulation has been a transformative force in medical education. Through the use of increasingly sophisticated technology, we are now able to simulate everything from yearly family doctor visits and simple procedures to complex operations such as heart surgery. Now more than ever, simulation is an essential tool for delivering the highest quality training, and it can be particularly valuable to physicians who teach in the acute care setting, where it is not always possible or practical t...
発売日: 2012-12-21 ¥7,800
Prehospital care is a growing area in medicine, and emergency treatments are becoming more sophisticated as the potential to save lives grow. The fourth edition of this ABC has been thoroughly updated and includes new chapters on nuclear and biological emergencies. Each chapter gives concise and clear guidance and is accompanied by excellent photographs and diagrams. Edited and written by leading UK trauma authorities, this is a truly comprehensive and practical book for everyday use by emergenc...
発売日: 2013-01-29 ¥6,400
The 80 rules you need to prepare for action in a medical disaster Here are 80 disaster management rules to reflect on, remember and follow in the immediate aftermath of an incident involving mass casualties. Each rule is a single-page long, providing the essential information to inform the most common critical decisions you will have to make in either a civilian or military environment. Written by clinicians with deep clinical and operational experience, these rules are concise evidence-based gu...
発売日: 2011-03-23 ¥5,800