生きていくうえで大切だと思うことを、子どもたちに向かってはっきりと語りかけるベストセラー・シリーズ第10弾。小学校低学年生でも一気に読めるように、総ルビをふり、挿絵も豊富に楽しい本に仕上げました。みんな、お金が好きだよね? お金持ちになりたいよね? でも、のほほんと生きてちゃお金持ちにはなれない。人から信用される立派な人間にならなきゃお金...
発売日: 2005-03-15 ¥950
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 保護者の不安をスッキリ解消!まんがでわかる「子ども向け実用書」 本書のテーマは「金融」です。 金融とは、今すぐ使う必要のないお金を、必要とする人に使って...
発売日: 2021-03-17 ¥880
Os best-sellers Mauricio de Sousa e Thiago Nigro, o Primo Rico, unem-se para uma difícil empreitada: ensinar aos pequenos como lidar com dinheiro. O que significa ter dinheiro? Para que serve? Como alguém consegue ganhar dinheiro? Dá para comprar uma mesma coisa gastando menos? O livro começa com uma curta história em quadrinhos, que apresenta diversas possibilidades de usar o dinheiro. Depois disso, em páginas de texto com algumas ilustrações, Thiago usa uma linguagem simples e divertid...
発売日: 2020-11-15 ¥770
子どもたちに夢と希望と商売を! 古今東西のビジネスマンが推奨する松下幸之助の「商売」に対する理念や働くうえでの大切なこと、経営や経済の仕組みなどを子どもたちだけでなく親や大人も楽しみながら学べる漫画と読み物のハイブリット書籍。子ども向けに株式投資などの金融系の本は多いが基本的な「商売」や「ビジネスの社会的な役割」に関する本はほとんどあ...
発売日: 2019-03-26 ¥1,100
Book 1 of 2 Series How do we equip the next generation with money management skills that they can carry forth into their adult lives? One of the most important lessons that you can teach your kids is how to handle their money. Unfortunately, for most parents, giving their kids a sound financial education is an afterthought at best. Frustrated by the lack of resources that apply the concept of finance to real life situations for his own children to learn from, author Walter Andal was inspired to ...
発売日: 2021-10-13 ¥550
<b>How can we help our kids develop the right habits and money management skills that will allow them to thrive financially in the real world?</b> Parents know the importance of making their children financially literate at a young age. Yet, for most parents, providing financial training to their children remains a mystery. Following the wild success of <b><i>Finance 101 for Kids</i></b>, author Walter Andal's vision of guiding young minds to personal fina...
発売日: 2021-05-09 ¥540
一生お金に困らず、お金にふりまわされないために。 子どものうちに身につけておくべきお金との付き合い方を、齋藤先生がすべて伝えます。 人生の豊かさを決めてしまう、本当に大切なお金の勉強を、さあ、はじめよう!
発売日: 2019-02-21 ¥1,800
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, the internationally best-selling author and lecturer, has written a new book in his series of inspirational books for kids. It's Not What You've Got addresses the topics of money and abundance, with the understanding that children’s earliest thoughts and perceptions about money are those that will last throughout their lives. The concepts presented in this beautifully illustrated book include: · Money does not define who you are. · It doesn't matter what others have....
発売日: 2007-09-21 ¥540
When Pretty Penny learns that Doodle's Animal Farm is in need of donations, she knows it's up to her and pet pig, Iggy, to save the day! The pair quickly brainstorm a fundraiser—running their very own movie theater. Everyone works hard to ensure the event's success, but at the end of the day, the money raised sure looks tempting to Iggy! Will he find the strength of character to share the proceeds with the animals in need? Or will he have to learn the hard way that dishonesty comes with a high...
発売日: 2012-05-22 ¥430
Toutes les histoires dans la série "Finance pour les enfants" dépeignent des expériences typiques d'enfant, mais contiennent des leçons financières. Ces livres ont reçu d'excellentes critiques par les éducateurs, les décideurs, les parents et les enfants. Voici quelques une de ces critiques: "Durant mes 20 années et plus dans l'enseignement, ce qui inclut l'enseignement de l'économie dans les écoles publiques, je n'ai encore jamais vu de livres pour des petits enfants comme "la Financ...
発売日: 2011-03-12 ¥400