博報堂クリエイティブプロデューサー・ひきたよしあきが教える。思考力を育てる81の言葉 「机の前に貼る一行」には、小説や童話、ビジネス本の言葉、著者の知人の名言などが選ばれています。子どもを子どもあつかいせず、立派な「考える人」と想定して書かれています。初めてこれを読む人は、できればここに取り上げた言葉を紙に書いて、机の前に貼って、なが...
発売日: 2017-06-30 ¥1,200
<b><i>'The Rocket Book - Read Aloud Edition'</i></b> is classic of American literature with read aloud feature expressing by highlighting the each text word narrative through dubbing artist. <br><br>It tells the story of a mischievous janitor’s boy who sets off a rocket in the basement of their apartment complex, and all the craziness that ensues on each of the 20 floors as the rocket bursts through. <br><br>We use narration obtained from Librivo...
発売日: 2012-03-26 ¥100
A collection of irreverant rhymes featuring characters from fairy tales, fables and nursery rhymes - as you've never seen them before! From the tortoise and the hare and Hansel and Gretel to Ali Baba and The Emperor's New Clothes, these traditional stories will never seem the same again once you have had a taste of Roald Dahl's hilarious verse and Quentin Blake's suitably lively illustrations. An inventive collection for older children and adults alike, Rhyme Stew bubbles over with Roald Dahl's ...
発売日: 2017-01-05 ¥650
Imagine Timothy's surprise when he is sent to detention with Goldilocks, the Big Bad Wolf, and Captain Hook! Readers will enjoy this silly story told in verse about a boy who must serve detention with a cast of fairy tale villains. This short, 32-page chapter book in poetry format features colorful illustrations and will appeal to kids who enjoy imaginative stories featuring character they know and love from classic tales.
発売日: 2020-03-07 ¥1,200
Il libro rappresenta il tentativo da parte di Carducci di riprodurre la metrica quantitativa dei Greci e dei Latini con quella accentuativa italiana. I due sistemi sono decisamente diversi, ma già altri poeti prima di lui si erano cimentati nell'impresa, dal Quattrocento in poi. Egli pertanto chiama le sue liriche barbare perché tali sarebbero suonate non solo ad un greco o ad un latino, ma anche a molti italiani. Predomina nelle Odi barbare il tema&...
発売日: 2018-05-30 ¥100
A Child’s Garden of Verses is a book written by Robert Louis Stevenson – it is here accompanied by the splendid illustrations of Jessie Willcox Smith. Stevenson (1850 – 1894), was a Scottish novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer, most famous for penning Treasure Island, and the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His A Child’s Garden of Verses is a collection of poetry, which first appeared in 1885, under the title of Penny Whistles. It contains about 65 poems including the che...
発売日: 2013-04-16 ¥800
Focusing on popular verse from the nineteenth century through today, this anthology invites young readers to sample a taste of irresistible poems that will nourish their minds and spirits. Selected for both popularity and literary quality, seventy charming poems cover a wide range of subjects: poetry, books, words, and imagination; the beauty of the natural world; travel, adventure, sports, and play; love, friendship, sadness, hope, and other emotions. Included are: "Prickled Pickles Don't Smile...
発売日: 2012-03-01 ¥200
Silly Little Monster is a rhyming picture book consisting of around 16 pages with pictures and text. Children can easily read and relate as they are encouraged to explore their world with natural fascination. The story is about a boy who interacts with his shadow in every area of his life, making it real to life for him. Story contains an epilogue that helps children never feel alone.
発売日: 2011-09-06 ¥150