夢を諦めがちな中高生に夢を叶えた大先輩が夢を叶える大航海法を伝授する! 画業60年以上を経てなお活躍中の漫画家・松本零士氏が「創作」「夢」「生命(いのち)」「闘い・友情」「時」「人生」をテーマに中高生向けに語りかけます。自伝漫画「昆虫国漂流記」収録。 若者の可能性は無限大です。自由な発想で夢を描き、創り出し、それに向かって進んでください。人...
発売日: 2018-05-22 ¥1,100
発売日: 2012-11-17 ¥950
発売日: 2012-11-08 ¥1,000
Exceeding expectations rather than simply satisfying them is the cornerstone of the Disney approach to customer service. Be Our Guest specializes in helping professionals see new possibilities through concepts not found in the typical workplace, revealing even more of the business behind the magic of quality service.
発売日: 2011-12-16 ¥1,300
執筆は、経済界のエキスパート・大和総研顧問の岡野進さん! 人が社会を形成して生きていくためには、モノを生産・分配・消費する仕組みが必要です。それを「経済」と呼んでいます。自分たちが働き、生活していく基本的な仕組みを学び、経済を理解する力(経済リテラシー)を身につけて、より良い生き方につなげましょう。
発売日: 2017-04-30 ¥950
朝日中高生新聞の人気連載が1冊に! 働く大人のリアルがわかる この本では、35人の働く大人が登場します。なぜその仕事につこうと思ったのか、どうやってその仕事についたのか、いつもどんなことをしているのか、仕事の楽しさは何か、大変なことは何かなどを一人ひとりにじっくりとインタビューしているので、「働くということ」「仕事とは何か」といったことが...
発売日: 2017-09-30 ¥1,300
A career as a Astronaut is an exciting one! But do you really know what it takes to become one? This book takes you inside the career and shows you the day and the life of a Astronaut. Inside you’ll learn what they do, what training is required, what the future holds, and how you can become one!
発売日: 2013-08-12 ¥550
In this book Nico and Carol wonder what to do with their savings. With them you will learn how the first bills and coins were born, since money does not grow on trees, and gaining or losing it has a risk and not always the same return. They will teach you what it is to save and invest, how to create a budget and what professionals help us to invest well and prevent the monster of inflation from eating our savings. Through simple explanations, examples, curiosities, comic strips and magnificent i...
発売日: 2018-01-01 ¥950
I wrote this book for you, to help you tell your story. I applied to and was accepted at Princeton, MIT (twice), Stanford (twice), Yale, Cornell, Dartmouth, Brown, and Carnegie Mellon (I chose MIT for both undergraduate and graduate studies). Yes, I had good grades but so did many, many others who did not get into these colleges. The difference was how I presented my story in my essays. Now an Ed-Tech entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, California, I regular...
発売日: 2017-08-23 ¥450
このシリーズのすべての話は「子供向けのお金の節約方法」です。ある子供達の経験を描写したもので、子供達に金銭感覚を植え付けるための指導書ではありません。これらの本は教育者、指導書作成者、ご両親やお子様から素晴らしい評価を得ています。評価のいくつかを下記に投稿してありますのでご覧ください。 「公立学校で経済を教えていた経験を含め20年教育...
発売日: 2014-04-20 ¥400
A career as a lawyer is an exciting one! But do you really know what it takes to become one? This book takes you inside the career and shows you the day and the life of a lawyer. Inside you’ll learn what they do, what training is required, what the future holds, and how you can become one!
発売日: 2013-07-22 ¥550