Every kid loves King Kong right? King Kong Jokes For Kids will keep your kids entertained and laughing for hours with a selection of more awesome King Kong Jokes. And what does a King Kong sound like when he laughs? Download and see with added Gorilla Laughter at the Push of a Button!
発売日: 2014-10-28 ¥250
Knock Knock Who’s There? Knock Knock Jokes Knock Knock Jokes Who? Knock Knock Jokes For Kids AGAIN! Once again with awesome added bear laughter by the press of a button!
発売日: 2014-09-22 ¥300
Now everyone's favorite joke books from Rob Elliott can be found in one economical volume! Combining his bestselling Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids , Zoolarious Animal Jokes for Kids , and Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids , Elliott will have kids of all ages laughing with the gut-bustingest, knee-slappingest, guffaw-inducingest, funniest collection of clean jokes you can find. Great on car rides, at the dinner table, on the playground, and anywhere in between, this collection of hilarity will make you ...
発売日: 2014-01-21 ¥650
초등 전과목 교과 과정에서 나오는 모든 속담을 담고 있는 책으로 대표 속담 100가지 외에 모두 300여 가지의 속담과 30여 가지의 고사성어가 재미있는 만화를 통해 소개되고 있다. 시험에 잘 나오는 속담, 반드시 알아야 할 속담이 부록으로 구성되어 있어서 학교 시험에서도 좋은 성적을 거둘 수 있도록 하고 있다.
発売日: 2013-03-11 ¥450
Ahora sí podrás tener chistes a la mano en el momento preciso para compartirlos. En esta edición, encontrarás 103 chistes que han transitado durante muchos años los hogares hispanohablantes. Siempre es bueno recordar a los chistosos—de la familia, de los compañeros de escuela o del vecindario. Con esta selección, será posible que en el futuro te recuerden como la persona más cómica de todas. Estos 103 chistes son ideales para niños, son fáciles de aprender y relatar. Nada me...
発売日: 2011-12-13 ジャンル:ヤングアダルト > ユーモア ¥300
Over 1.5 million sold! USA TODAY bestseller! Wall Street Journal bestseller! What happens to race car drivers when they eat too much? They get indy-gestion. Laugh-Out-Loud Jokes for Kids provides children ages 7-10 many hours of fun and laughter. Young readers will have a blast sharing this collection of hundreds of one-liners, knock knock jokes, tongue twisters, and more with their friends and family! This mega-bestselling book will have children rolling on the floor with laughter and is sure t...
発売日: 2010-08-01 ¥350