発売日: 2013-04-15 ¥1,200
発売日: 2014-06-13 ¥1,300
スクールに通ってもテニスがなかなか上達しないのは、自分に合った指導を受けられていないから。総勢20名の有名コーチによる合計500ものレッスンを集めた本書なら、自分にピッタリの指導を必ず受けられる! まさに上達のための「ワザのカタログ」。
発売日: 2009-03-31 ¥1,300
日本人初の4大大会決勝戦進出! 球際の強さ、強靭な精神力、多彩な攻め……錦織選手をここまで強くした秘密に迫る! 目次 ●はじめに ●錦織圭の履歴 ●IMG ●アカデミーの特徴 ●国際交流の場としても有効 ●アメリカという国も大きなアドバンテージ ●レベルに合わせた指導方法 ●コーチは選手が困ったときのサポート役 ●スポーツにはお金がかかる ●その他のスポ...
発売日: 2014-09-20 ¥550
An accessible, invaluable guide to mastering your “inner game” to ensure success on and off the court—part of the bestselling Inner Game series, with more than one million copies sold! “Groundbreaking . . . [ The Inner Game of Tennis is] the best book on tennis that I have ever read, and its profound advice applies to many other parts of life.”—Bill Gates, GatesNotes (“Five of my All-Time Favorite Books”) Master your game from the inside out! This phenomenally successful g...
発売日: 1997-05-27 ¥1,000
がんばりすぎない、こだわらない、ありのままに! 40代、すべてを楽しみに変える「幸福のおまじない」とは? 2014年9月、40代で全米オープンのダブルスで準決勝まで勝ち進んだ著者。著者は「第一キャリアの引退から、かれこれ十八年。あの時は、心が疲れていた。好きなテニスが好きではなくなっていた。それまでは楽しくて仕方なかったテニスなのに。でも今は、歳を...
発売日: 2014-09-12 ¥720
発売日: 2010-09-14 ¥1,400
発売日: 2016-08-05 ¥1,100
ここ数年で大きく変化した硬式テニスの本当に正しい上達論を、詳細な写真と丁寧な解説で徹底公開!子どもから大人まで役に立つ! Lesson1 フォアハンドストローク/Lesson2 ダブルバックハンドストローク/Lesson3 シングルバックハンドストローク/Lesson4 フォアハンドボレー/Lesson5 バックハンドボレー/Lesson6 スィングボレー(フォアハンド&バックハンド)/Lesson7 サーブなど
発売日: 2018-04-15 ¥1,500
The tennis classic from Olympic gold medalist and ESPN analyst Brad Gilbert, now featuring a new introduction with tips drawn from the strategies of Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Serena Williams, Andy Murray, and more, to help you outthink and outplay your toughest opponents. A former Olympic medalist and now one of ESPN’s most respected analysts, Brad Gilbert shares his timeless tricks and tips, including “some real gems” (Tennis magazine) to help both recreational and professional playe...
発売日: 2013-05-28 ¥1,800
He is one of the most beloved athletes in history and one of the most gifted men ever to step onto a tennis court – but from early childhood Andre Agassi hated the game. Coaxed to swing a racket while still in the crib, forced to hit hundreds of balls a day while still in grade school, Agassi resented the constant pressure even as he drove himself, an inner conflict that would define him. In his beautiful, haunting autobiography, Agassi tells the story of a life framed by conflict. Agassi make...
発売日: 2009-11-09 ¥800
※電子版は【本誌のみ】となります。【DVD映像は付属致しません】ので、映像をご希望の場合は、書籍版のご購入をお願い致します。 テニスのダブルスで勝つためのDVD付きレッスン書。「戦術的なポジショニング」と「ポイントを取るためのショット」を磨けば、ダブルスがもっと楽しくなると、現役草トーナメント王がコツを伝授。ポイントを動画と写真、イラストで...
発売日: 2019-03-26 ¥1,400
発売日: 2015-08-20 ¥1,600
松岡修造さんも推薦! 綿貫三兄弟を育てた画期的指導法を大公開! 本書のセールスポイントは、「テニスの技術」解説よりも「テニスの教え方」に的を絞っていること。テニス経験者はもちろん、これまでテニスをしたことがない親御さん、指導者になるかたでも、子どもたちにテニスを教えるためのエッセンスがギュッと詰まった一冊です。子どもたちがやってしまいが...
発売日: 2017-05-09 ¥1,500
From the author of You Are Awesome: Find Your Confidence and Dare to be Brilliant at (Almost) Anything Essential reading for an astounding summer of sport; If you’ve ever wondered what makes a champion, Bounce has the answer. This edition does not include illustrations. What are the real secrets of sporting success, and what lessons do they offer about life? Why doesn’t Tiger Woods “choke”? Why are the best figure skaters those that have fallen over the most and why has one small street ...
発売日: 2010-04-29 ¥680
発売日: 2020-05-26 ¥1,300
In his memoir, written with award-winning journalist John Carlin, tennis star Rafael Nadal reveals the secrets of his game and shares the inspiring personal story behind his success. What makes a champion? What does it take to be the best in the world at your sport? Rafael Nadal has the answers. It begins in Mallorca, where the tight-knit Nadal family has lived for generations. Coached by his uncle Toni from the age of four and taught humility and respect by his parents, Nadal has managed the un...
発売日: 2011-08-23 ¥1,500
Tennis is a very popular game and it is played by many different types of people from all over the world. Tennis is played by young people, older people, and those that are in between. People of different skill levels enjoy the sport and there are people who actually make a lot of money from playing tennis professionally. Tennis is a great way of having fun when you have some extra time on your hands. It can also be a great form of exercise. This probably contributes to why tennis is so popular....
発売日: 2015-05-16 ¥100
発売日: 2020-05-26 ¥1,400
【日本テニス協会公認S級エリートコーチが伝授する新しいテニス観戦本】 「サーブ」「ラリー」「ポジション」の3つのプレーを知ることが観戦を面白くする セオリーを知るとテニスがグッと面白くなる 試合をしている選手たちは、闇雲に打ち合っているわけではありません。 シングルスを戦うときにはシングルスのセオリー、ダブルスを戦うときにはダブルスのセオ...
発売日: 2020-02-17 ¥1,500
Acclaim for ‘A Shot and a Ghost’: "There aren't many sports book that I read and feel the sportsman himself jumps off the pages. James' book shows the stresses of top level sport on and off the court. A great read" Matt Pinsent, BBC Sport and four times Olympic gold medallist "Willstrop is a very different sort of British sporting hero: a militant vegetarian, lover of musicals, obsessive-compulsive with a constant need to wash his hands and a man who had been coached from childhood by his fa...
発売日: 2012-01-28 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥550
From the author of Infinite Jest and Consider the Lobster: a collection of five brilliant essays on tennis, from the author's own experience as a junior player to his celebrated profile of Roger Federer at the peak of his powers. A "long-time rabid fan of tennis," and a regionally ranked tennis player in his youth, David Foster Wallace wrote about the game like no one else. On Tennis presents David Foster Wallace's five essays on the sport, published between 1990 and 2006, and ...
発売日: 2014-06-24 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥700
« A history of Badminton » retrace, en anglais, l’histoire de ce sport, depuis ses origines, dans l’ Asie antique, jusqu’à son statut de sport olympique dans les années 70. Un ouvrage très documenté et riche en illustration écrit par un amoureux de badminton. Déjà publié chez Publibook en français.
発売日: 2012-03-30 ¥1,700
The essential book from online tennis coaching sensation Ian Westermann, founder of EssentialTennis.com What’s the number one thing stopping you from playing your best tennis? Ian Westermann, founder of the world’s #1 online tennis instruction portal, Essentialtennis.com, will confidently say it’s an obstacle you probably never thought of: The ball. You might think this sounds ridiculous. The whole point of tennis is to hit the ball over the net and in, so how can the ball be the thing tha...
発売日: 2022-05-31 ¥1,400
This is a self-help book that focuses on how to overcome and learn from losing at tennis.
発売日: 2019-05-10 ¥150
Mon père s’est ensuite rendu à l’ambassade à Moscou… Il était prêt à s’en remettre à la chance et au destin. « ... Votre fi lle a six ans. Comment savez-vous vraiment qu’elle est meilleure que la mienne ? Peut-être que ce sont surtout les yeux du père qui parlent. – Je ne connais pas votre fi lle, a répondu mon père, mais je connais la mienne. Ce que je vous ai dit, c’est la vérité. – Vous voulez emmener une enfant de six ans s’entraîner aux États-Unis ? – Oui...
発売日: 2018-05-23 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,800
Absolute Tennis is thorough and comprehensive guide to improving your tennis. In this insightful and visually engaging book, Marty Smith, an NCAA Division I Southern Conference Champion and long-time Director of Tennis at the New York Athletic Club, shares his extensive knowledge of tennis technique, strategy, psychology and fitness in easy to understand language. His meticulous explanations of the strokes, coupled with narrated individual and sequenced photos of the world's best players, will h...
発売日: 2017-07-15 ¥1,100
Szczytową dyspozycję w tenisie, podobnie jak w każdej innej dyscyplinie sportowej, można osiągnąć tylko wtedy, gdy umysł jest całkowicie skupiony i pozostaje w harmonii z ciałem. Gra tak naprawdę toczy się nie tylko na korcie, ale również w głowie zawodnika. Jej celem jest pokonanie takich przeciwników, jak nerwowość, dekoncentracja czy brak wiary w siebie. Timothy Gallwey twierdzi, że to przede wszystkim ta „wewnętrzna gra” jest kluczem do sukcesu. Dzięki umiejętności...
発売日: 2016-09-24 ¥950
This book is dedicated to tennis coaches, tennis instructors and everyone who is looking for efficient, fun and creative ways to spend time on a tennis court. It consists of 24 one-hour-long fun and creative tennis lessons that include 111 exercises.
発売日: 2016-02-22 ¥450
You will discover in the book great tips about tennis: technique/stroke production, tennis drills – stroke production, the mental side of the game, court strategies, singles play, doubles play, exercise/fitness drills and footwork drills. “101 Tennis Tips From A World Class Coach - A Common Sense Approach to Tennis” will give you tennis tips on: 1. Play On All Kind Of Surfaces 2. Quick Server - Learn What To Do With This Cheater 3. Every Shot… Every Way… Every Time 4. Close Close...
発売日: 2014-05-01 ¥1,100
Rafael Nadal is one of the greatest players in the history of tennis. Most fans are aware of his double digit Grand Slam titles and his Career Golden Slam, but in order to truly understand Rafael Nadal, you must first understand where he came from. Rafael Nadal: An Unauthorized Biography explores Nadal's upbringing and details his breakthrough into professional tennis, all the way through his 2012 victories at the Monte-Carlo Rolex Masters and the Barcelona Open. Nadal's exceptional talents have...
発売日: 2012-06-19 ¥300
zen tennis develops a philosophy behind the sport, a philosophy that takes into account the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the game. in doing so, it draws on japanese zen, chinese martial arts, indian meditation and western psychology. the exercises in the book are a mixture of on-court and off-court processes designed to increase self-awareness and improve your tennis. in keeping with the zen tradition of story-telling, zen tennis includes fables which highlight and reinforce certain...
発売日: 2012-04-27 ¥550
This enhanced eBook includes 3D animations of over 75 tennis-specific stretches and exercises. With this enhanced eBook you will be able to see exactly how the exercises are performed. The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Tennis is the most comprehensive and up-to-date tennis-specific training guide in the world today. It contains descriptions and photographs of nearly 100 of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by athletes worldwide. This book featu...
発売日: 2012-04-17 ¥1,200
Levels of the Game is John McPhee's astonishing account of a tennis match played by Arthur Ashe against Clark Graebner at Forest Hills in 1968. It begins with the ball rising into the air for the initial serve and ends with the final point. McPhee provides a brilliant, stroke-by-stroke description while examining the backgrounds and attitudes which have molded the players' games. "This may be the high point of American sports journalism"- Robert Lipsyte, The New York Times
発売日: 2011-04-01 ¥1,200