The Mamba Mentality: How I Play is Kobe Bryant’s personal perspective of his life and career on the basketball court and his exceptional, insightful style of playing the game—a fitting legacy from the late Los Angeles Laker superstar. In the wake of his retirement from professional basketball, Kobe “The Black Mamba” Bryant decided to share his vast knowledge and understanding of the game to take readers on an unprecedented journey to the core of the legendary “Mamba mentality.” Citin...
発売日: 2018-10-23 ¥2,000
◇-------------------------------------------◇ データをもとに現代バスケを超分析。 知れば語りたくなる50の新常識 ◇-------------------------------------------◇ プロバスケットボールリーグ「NBA」で展開されているプレーや戦術をもとに、バスケの新常識を50項目収録した解説本。「リバウンドを制する者はゲームを制するのか?」「先に110得点獲得したチームが勝つ?」「3ポイントショッ...
発売日: 2022-09-26 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥2,200
あなたのバッティングが変わる、伸びる! めざすは、打率3割超え! 野球ユーチューバー、トクサンが解説する、打撃が開花するスーパーメソッド 「プレーする野球」をこよなく愛する大人たちに向けた、バッティング上達術をまとめた一冊。 解説するのは、YouTubeのチャンネル登録数37万人を突破した「トクサンTV」でお馴染みのトクサン。 日本一の野球ユーチューバーが...
発売日: 2019-03-04 ¥1,500
For more than two decades, legendary trainer Tim Grover has taken the greats—Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Dwyane Wade, and hundreds of relentless competitors in sports, business, and every walk of life—and made them greater. Now, for the first time ever, he reveals what it takes to achieve total mental and physical dominance, showing you how to be relentless and achieve whatever you desire. Direct, blunt, and brutally honest, Grover breaks down what it takes to be unstoppable: you keep going...
発売日: 2013-04-16 ¥1,800
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 3原則を知ればシュートは必ず決まる!! なぜ、シュートがうまいプレーヤーとそうではないプレーヤーがいるのでしょうか。それは、シューティングに費やす時間の違...
発売日: 2016-08-10 ¥1,200
※この商品は紙の書籍のページを画像にした電子書籍です。文字だけを拡大することはできません。 バスケットボールの最新ルールをわかりやすく解説。3×3、ミニバスのルールのほか、スコアシートのつけ方も収録。選手、審判員、コーチはもちろんのこと、試合観戦にも役立つ1冊です。 第1章 基本知識 バスケットボールの特性、コートとエリア、バックストップ・ユ...
発売日: 2019-08-15 ¥1,300
シュートフォームの作り方! 正確なパス! ミスをしないドリブルの基本! 楽しみながら運動能力をのばす練習法を大公開!小学生のバスケットボール「ミニバス」。9歳から12歳の子どもたちに大人気の競技のプレーの基本から実践に役立つテクニック、練習法、戦術までを紹介する「ミニバス」入門書の決定版。 ※この商品は紙の書籍のページを画像にした電子書籍です。文...
発売日: 2016-07-21 ¥1,400
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 IQを使えば身体操作力がぐんぐん伸びる! バスケットボールに取り組むジュニア期(小中高校生)のプレーヤーが、試合で活躍するための脳力(バスケットボールIQ)を身に...
発売日: 2017-10-23 ¥1,300
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 強くなるための個人&チーム戦術を徹底図解! 「ウイングから攻めろ!」「インサイドにボールを入れろ!」「余計なドリブルをするな!」「パスをさばけ!」「オフェンス...
発売日: 2017-08-10 ¥1,300
Former NBA star and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Kareem Abdul-Jabbar explores his 50-year friendship with Coach John Wooden, one of the most enduring and meaningful relationships in sports history. When future NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was still an 18-year-old high school basketball prospect from New York City named Lew Alcindor, he accepted a scholarship from UCLA largely on the strength of Coach John Wooden's reputation as a winner. It turned out to be the right choice, as Alci...
発売日: 2017-05-16 ¥420
発売日: 2016-01-01 ¥1,500
発売日: 2009-10-09 ¥1,400
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 オフェンス力をぐんとアップするフォーメーションプレーのネタ帳 「相手のディフェンスが強力でなかなか得点できない」 「味方の動きがちぐはぐで、うまく攻め...
発売日: 2015-04-24 ¥1,300
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 最強のマンツーマンディフェンスを構築する考え方と練習法 「得点力のあるプレーヤーを押さえることができない」 「相手に簡単に決められるシュートを何度も許...
発売日: 2016-12-21 ¥1,300
チャンネル登録数26万人を突破!! 「Lazy Lie Crazy【レイクレ】」のともやんがバスケをレクチャー! そのビジュアルとバスケテクで、今やバスケ界のアイドル的存在のともやん。 人気ユーチューバーで、3on3のプロバスケットプレーヤーでもある彼が、 『#バスケを楽しめ』をテーマに独自のバスケ理論を公開! ベーシックなテクニックから、試合では使えないけど映えるテク...
発売日: 2019-09-12 ¥1,600
実業団チームのコーチ、監督はもとより、女子日本代表のコーチとして選手と共に闘い、 世界のスポーツシーンを肌で感じ取ってきた著者が、現在の日本の球技組織における 運営方法に警鐘を鳴らす。日本のボールゲームの改革を提唱する無二の一冊である。
発売日: 2005-04-01 ¥550
◎[スペシャル・インタビュー] 田臥勇太(栃木ブレックス)「プロフェッショナルとして」 ◎[シーズンMVPインタビュー] ニック・ファジーカス(川崎ブレイブサンダース) 「それでも君たちは、僕を止められない」 ■■B1 18TEAMs' ALL-STAR INTERVIEWS■■ [B1 東地区EASTERN DIV.] ◎富樫勇樹(千葉ジェッツ)「自信と余裕を胸に」 ◎田中大貴/馬場雄大(アルバルク東京)「それぞれ...
発売日: 2017-09-21 ¥1,000
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 【女子のバスケは女子に聞け!】女子の視点でトップ選手がコーチング! ボールハンドリングからドリブル、シュートなどバスケットボールの基本から、試合ですぐに...
発売日: 2015-10-26 ¥1,000
■見どころ: SUPERSTAR ISSUE ─COLLECTOR'S EDITION─ ■目次: starting lineup SUPERSTAR ISSUE 3 all star games 前園真聖スペシャルインタビュー game report basketball gear catalog SNEAKER POWER RANKING/SNEAKER WARS special interview Steve Kerr WOWOWスペシャルインタビュー 麒麟 田村裕 RUN THE POINT/Chris Sasaki KALEIDO SCOPE/Chris Sasaki PLAYGROUND/MAMUSHI sky is the limit FRESH SCOPE/Hirock 奥付
発売日: 2016-04-15 ¥1,000
■見どころ: スーパースターの再来か。ニューヒーローの誕生か。 ■目次: starting lineup ステフィン・カリー ステフィン・カリー初来日レポート NBA15-16シーズンリーグ展望 NBAプレーヤーが着用する最新キックス! 11年振りにバスケットボールの神が再来。マイケル・ジョーダン来日! 日本バスケ新時代到来! 掴め五輪の切符! 世界に挑むハヤブサジャパン!! 日本バスケ頂上決...
発売日: 2015-11-20 ¥1,000
■見どころ: 最新バスケギア ON・OFF完全ガイド ■目次: starting lineup cover story pick up the things roster focus on what’s going on? this in how we do close up artist world wide report nba freaks shop list regulars
発売日: 2015-06-29 ¥1,000
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A SELECTION ON BARACK OBAMA’S SUMMER READING LIST The definitive history of the 1990s New York Knicks, illustrating how Pat Riley, Patrick Ewing, John Starks, Charles Oakley, and Anthony Mason resurrected the iconic franchise through oppressive physicality and unmatched grit. For nearly an entire generation, the New York Knicks have been a laughingstock franchise. Since 2001, they’ve spent more money, lost more games, and won fewer playoff series than any ot...
発売日: 2022-01-18 ¥1,900
■見どころ: 最新ポーラースタイル提案 ■目次: starting lineup be like mike cover story baller’s style on street baller’s style on court sneaker rush!!! baller edition what’s going on world wide report local report game report close up artist CAPTURE THE MOMENT/TADAOMI SHIBUYA,YOICHIRO KITADATE PLAYGROUND/MAMUSHI NBA FREAKS/Daisuke Sugiura RUN THE POINT/Chris Sasaki nba めし GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL/Takuya Okada FRESH SCOPE/Hirock shop information #adove_kicks SPECIAL PRESE...
発売日: 2015-04-08 ¥1,000
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Acclaimed sports journalist Jack McCallum delivers the untold story of the greatest team ever assembled: the 1992 U.S. Olympic Men’s Basketball Team. As a writer for Sports Illustrated, McCallum enjoyed a courtside seat for the most exciting basketball spectacle on earth, covering the Dream Team from its inception to the gold medal ceremony in Barcelona. Drawing on fresh interviews with the players, McCallum provides the definitive account of the Dream Team phe...
発売日: 2012-07-10 ¥650
Foreword by Malcolm Gladwell Newly updated with fresh takes on LeBron, Kobe, the Celtics & more* *Including even more footnotes! Bill Simmons, the wildly opinionated and thoroughly entertaining hoops addict known to millions as’s Sports Guy, has written the definitive book on the past, present, and future of the NBA. From the age-old question of who actually won the rivalry between Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain to the one about which team was truly the best of all time,...
発売日: 2009-10-27 ¥1,700
■見どころ: KICKS ISSUE ── ENJOY YOUR SNAKER LIFE ■目次: history of air jordan 2015-2016 best kicks 01_herutage 02_collaboration 03_basketball 04_running 05_skateboarding 06_shop staff snap nike sneaker cleaner back to hard core converse weapon 30th anniversary sneaker care reinvent the story 20th anniversary new balance mt580 2016 spring catalog street baller snap in somecity special interview sbyg starting lineup SNEAKER POWER RANKINGS/SNEAKER WARS CAPTURE THE MOMENT aktr sports s...
発売日: 2016-01-20 ¥1,000
■見どころ: 本物のスーパースターは、勝っても負けても恰好よい。 ■目次: staring lineup cover story nba freaks be like mike damian liiard -take on tokyo- the final summer madness sneaker trend wars SNEAKER POWER RANKINGS/SNEAKER WARS 3x3.exe legend 2015 baller edition event report WORLD WIDE REPORT/SpaceBall Mag kaleidoscope PLAYGROUND/MAMUSHI CAPTURE THE MOMENT/Tadaomi Shibuya,Yoichiro Kitadate RUN THE POINT/Chris Sasaki FRESH SCOPE/Hirock kickass column shop info...
発売日: 2015-08-17 ¥1,000
■見どころ: BALLER'S STYLE ON WINTER ■目次: starting lineup be like mike cover story new trend style on winter fresh kicks casio g-shock g'mix tokyo style what's going on baller edition nba 2k15 above cup this is how we do close up artist event report casio exilim fr10 world wide report local report ballin' everyday collector's choice apture the moment PLAYGROUND/MAMUSHI NBA FREAKS/Daisuke Sugiura RUN THE POINT/Chris Sasaki GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL/Takuya Okada FRESH SCOPE/Hirock APP HOOPS/...
発売日: 2015-03-28 ¥1,000
江川という男はファン、アンチを問わず、常に目の離せないピッチャーだった。個性派といってしまえばそれまでだが、とにかくこれまでの球界にはいない新しいタイプのスターだった。巨人担当ベテランの柏記者が熱筆をふるった本書は、そんな江川の正体を見事に描く。 プロ野球番記者柏英樹が見続けた往年の名選手達の生き様について描いた名著が電子で復刻!!
発売日: 2012-12-02 ¥630
Strength & Honor. A code that Kobe Bryant seems to live by. This inspiring & practical guide takes a unique spin on the traditional unauthorized biography by providing insight into how Kobe approaches his life, on & off the court. Also, by highlighting Eight Principles For Success pulled from various stages in his life, this book allows you to potentially apply these practices to your own life.
発売日: 2010-10-30 ¥550
In 2012, Derrick Rose was on top of the world. After growing up in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood, Rose achieved an improbable childhood dream: being selected first overall in the NBA draft by his hometown Chicago Bulls. The point guard known to his family as “Pooh” was a phenom, winning the Rookie of the Year award and electrifying fans around the world. In 2011, he became the youngest MVP in league history. He and the Bulls believed the city's first berth in the NBA Finals since the Jord...
発売日: 2019-09-10 ¥1,800
The definitive portrait of Kobe Bryant, from the author of Michael Jordan . "Lazenby's detailed research and fantastic writing paint a complex, engaging picture of one of the NBA's greats" (Kurt Helin, NBC Sports). Eighteen-time All-Star, scorer of 81 points in a single game, MVP, and one of the best shooting guards in NBA league history: Kobe Bryant is among basketball's absolute greatest players, and his importance to the sport is undeniable. Third on the NBA career scoring list and owner of f...
発売日: 2016-10-25 ¥1,800
■見どころ: 拡がりゆくスニーカームーブメント ■目次: starting lineup cover story nothing but the kicks ballers style sample what’s going on focus on road to world tour this is how we do pick up the brand baller edition close up artist ballin’ everyday event report local report world wide report NBA FREAKS RUN THE POINT PLAYGROUND COLLECTOR’S CHOICE FREASH SCOPE GO TO THE NEXT LEVEL APP HOOPS shop information special interview SPECIAL PRESENT
発売日: 2015-03-28 ¥1,000
LeBron James, The Chosen One, is one of the greatest and most controversial basketball players in the history of the NBA. He is an eight-time NBA All-Star, a three-time league MVP, and now - a champion. Most fans are aware of his amazing accomplishments on the court and of his controversial "Decision" to leave Cleveland for South Beach, but in order to truly understand LeBron James, you must first understand where he came from. LeBron James: An Unauthorized Biography explores James' upbringing, ...
発売日: 2015-05-06 ¥300
INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER This unflinching “master class” ( The New York Times ) of a memoir from two-time Olympic gold medalist and NBA Hall of Famer reveals how Scottie Pippen, the youngest of twelve, overcame two family tragedies and universal disregard by college scouts to become an essential component of the greatest basketball dynasty of the last fifty years. Scottie Pippen has been called one of the greatest NBA players for good reason. Simply put, without Pippen, there are no...
発売日: 2021-11-09 ¥1,800
Chicago Bulls fans thought they had it so good. From 1991 through 1993 the Bulls won three consecutive NBA titles behind the talents of Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen. When Jordan retired in the fall of 1993, those fans thought the good times were over. In the fall of 1995, however, Jordan was ready to make a full return to NBA action, Pippen was still the best number-two man in basketball, and then bad-boy Dennis Rodman was signed to join the franchise that had grown to hate him. Suddenly, t...
発売日: 2014-03-04 ¥1,700
After 20 unforgettable years in the NBA, Kobe Bryant is calling it a career. All he’s done in those two decades is establish himself as one of the best to ever play the game, arguably the greatest Laker ever and the most popular athlete in the history of Los Angeles sports. The Black Mamba’s path to iconic status started quietly as the 13th pick of the 1996 NBA Draft by the Charlotte Hornets but with a draft day trade to the legendary Lakers, the rest is resounding history. Kobe’s credenti...
発売日: 2016-05-01 ¥1,100
“I want to start conversations, and even better, arguments.” – From the Introduction One of the most outspoken and original voices in sports sounds off while revealing his incredible life story. Jalen Rose has never been quiet. Not as a kid growing up in Detroit in the 70’s and 80’s. Not as the brash, trash-talking leader of the legendary “Fab Five” at the University of Michigan. Not as the player under the stewardship of Hall of Famers Larry Bird, I...
発売日: 2015-10-06 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,500
Fans will be inspired, surprised, and even amused, by inside stories from well-known coaches and players, fascinating looks behind the scenes, and anecdotes from the people who make it all possible – the fans. Pat Williams has drawn on his basketball industry connections to compile great stories from on and off the court. Fans will be inspired, surprised, and even amused, by inside stories from well-known coaches and players, fascinating looks behind the scenes, and anecdotes from ...
発売日: 2011-02-15 ¥1,300
NATIONAL BESTSELLER "Doug Smith always gets the first question in any Raptors press conference--as the dean of our press corps, he's been in the front row for every development over the past 25 years. There's no one better placed to write a history of our team's first quarter century." --Nick Nurse, head coach, Toronto Raptors Bringing Jurassic Park to your home, a celebration of Canada's most exciting team. When the Toronto Raptors first took the court back in 1995, the world was a very differe...
発売日: 2020-10-20 ¥1,600
Since the team’s inception in 1946, the Boston Celtics have been at the heart of the culture and history of the city they call home. And as Boston has transformed over the years, the Celtics too have evolved to reflect and embrace the changing times. In a book like no other, veteran writer and lifelong Celtics fan Michael McClellan brings Celtics history to life through exclusive interviews with legendary Celtics players and celebrity supporters, while using pop culture and music as a soundtra...
発売日: 2018-11-06 ¥1,700
Véritable star des Golden State Warriors depuis 2009, détenteur de deux titres de MVP et de trois titres de champion, Stephen Curry est l’un des meilleurs shooteurs de l’histoire de la NBA. Considéré comme trop frêle à ses débuts par de nombreux coaches, Steph a prouvé qu’avec de la détermination on pouvait réaliser ses rêves. Dans les pas de son père Dell Curry, ancien basketteur NBA, il a révolutionné le tir à 3 points et autour de lui s’est construite une équipe ...
発売日: 2018-10-31 ¥2,000
The New York Times Bestseller Out of the greatest dynasty in American professional sports history, an intimate story of race, mortality, and regret About to turn ninety, Bob Cousy, the Hall of Fame Boston Celtics captain who led the team to its first six championships on an unparalleled run, has much to look back on in contentment. But he has one last piece of unfinished business. The last pass he hopes to throw is to close the circle with his great partner on those Celtic teams, fellow Hall of ...
発売日: 2018-10-23 ¥1,400
Are you embarrassed by your basketball skills? Tired of missing those crucial shots? Wish you could steal the ball more often? Whether you want to (1) shoot more accurately, (2) play better defense, or (3) discover how to be a more powerful player, this book will get you there. Are you afraid you’re too short to ever succeed at basketball? You can play a great game, even if you’re not a giant. Superior speed and agility can overcome a lack of height. I’ve included plenty of drills and stra...
発売日: 2017-03-10 ¥500
In the 40 years the San Antonio Spurs have been in the NBA, Tim Duncan played 19 of them. A star from the moment he put on the Silver and Black, and productive through his final season, Duncan's career is among the best the league has ever seen. The Big Fundamental won Rookie of the Year in 1998 and his first NBA championship in 1999, on his way to five NBA titles, three NBA Finals MVPs, two NBA regular season MVPs, 15 All-Star game appearances, and countless other accolades. Perhaps most im...
発売日: 2016-12-01 ¥1,200
Could you think, act, train, play, and WIN like Kobe Bryant? As the youngest NBA and All-Star Game player, winner of the most All-Star Game MVP awards, and ranked fourth in the NBA's all-time scoring and postseason list, few can deny that Kobe Bryant was one of the greats of basketball and will always be remembered as such. His untimely death has left a vast void that will take a long time to heal. Kobe Bryant's impact moved beyond the basketball world as an influential figure and spokesman, off...
発売日: 2016-03-15 ¥600
The definitive, never-before-told story of the prep-to-pro generation, those basketball prodigies who from 1995 to 2005 made the jump directly from high school to the NBA . When Kevin Garnett shocked the world by announcing that he would not be attending college—as young basketball prodigies were expected to do—but instead enter the 1995 NBA draft directly from high school, he blazed a trail for a generation of teenage basketball players to head straight for the pros. That trend would...
発売日: 2016-03-15 ¥1,500
Sarunas Jasikevicius is one of the most recognizable players in the modern era of European basketball. He turned pro in 1998 and won 23 titles with his clubs (Barcelona, Maccabi Tel Aviv, Panathinaikos, Fenerbahce) plus 3 medals (a European gold, a European bronze and an Olympic bronze) with Lithuanian National team. He’s been the point guard everybody wanted to watch, every team wanted to sign, every fan dreamt to cheer for. He built his success with his amazing will to win: he was able to wi...
発売日: 2015-10-30 ¥1,200
In Basketball FundaMENTALs: A Complete Mental Training Guide, author, Jay Mikes, introduces you to the mental fundamentals of basketball by focusing on the Three Cs of Peak Performance—Concentration, Confidence and Composure. By combining the expertise and wisdom of top coaches, star athletes, psychologists, and educators, Basketball FundaMENTALs is designed to meet the following objectives: 1. To develop your power of concentration on the court. Learn the proper focus of attention for each ph...
発売日: 1987-01-01 ¥150
By embarking on a quest to dunk a basketball at the age of 34, journalist Asher Price investigates the limits of human potential—starting with his own. We all like to think that (with a little practice) we could run faster, learn another language, or whip up a perfect soufflé. But few of us ever put those hopes to the test. In Year of the Dunk, Asher Price does, and he seizes on basketball’s slam dunk--a feat richly freighted with distinctly American themes of culture, race...
発売日: 2015-05-12 ¥1,600