発売日: 2021-10-19 ¥1,400
怒鳴り過ぎ、教え過ぎ、練習させ過ぎ――日本はアジアで、世界で、なぜ勝てなくなったのか? 日本の育成レベルは本当に高いのか? 気鋭のノンフィクションライターが少年サッカーの現場をつぶさに歩き、問題点をえぐる。
発売日: 2015-10-20 ¥770
センターバックを見れば、サッカーがわかる。 従来の価値観をひっくり返す、目からウロコの、超画期的戦術論! 風間八宏が「初めて」自身の戦術論を開陳! ・「場所を攻撃するな。人を攻撃しろ」 ・センターバックを攻撃する4つの方法 ・世界最高のCFレバンドフスキの駆け引き ・ビルドアップのポイントは、相手を「囲む」こと ・「狭い箱」で囲むバルセロナと、「...
発売日: 2021-11-25 ¥1,400
発売日: 2008-03-20 ¥850
いま最も注目の“サッカースタイリスト”鬼木祐輔。日本サッカー界をゆるがす、ユニークで効果的な体の動かし方を伝授! 全ページオールカラーで見やすく、写真・図版入りでわかりやすい!! 『鍛える』のではなく、「引き出す」フィジカルトレーニング。「シュッ」とした体で「ニョキッ」と動いてみませんか? 「普通の子たちのレベルを少しだけ上げて、日本のサッ...
発売日: 2015-09-16 ¥1,100
発売日: 2017-04-10 ¥1,400
発売日: 2007-09-14 ¥1,200
【子どもの心を整え、強くする言葉が満載!】「しっかりやりなさい!」「なかなか勝てないね……」「ドンマイ! 気にしないで!」など親の声掛けは、応援のはずが、子どもにプレッシャーをかけ、やる気を失わせています。本書は、子どものスポーツを応援する親、コーチ、部活の顧問、体育の先生に向けて、子どもが伸び伸びとスポーツに熱中できる声かけや応援を紹介...
発売日: 2017-03-10 ¥1,200
イチロー選手は、たとえば松井秀喜選手のようなフォームで現在の活躍ができたでしょうか? 逆に松井選手は、イチロー選手と同じフォームでホームランを打てるでしょうか? 二人は全く違ったプレイスタイルなのにどちらも大成しています。正しいフォームは一つだけではありません。ヒトの体の動かしかたには4つのタイプに分けられるというのが4スタンス理論なので...
発売日: 2006-09-15 ¥1,200
発売日: 2007-11-20 ¥710
◇-------------------------------------------◇ データをもとに現代バスケを超分析。 知れば語りたくなる50の新常識 ◇-------------------------------------------◇ プロバスケットボールリーグ「NBA」で展開されているプレーや戦術をもとに、バスケの新常識を50項目収録した解説本。「リバウンドを制する者はゲームを制するのか?」「先に110得点獲得したチームが勝つ?」「3ポイントショッ...
発売日: 2022-09-26 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥2,200
発売日: 2018-02-20 ¥1,700
ヒトの身体の動かしかたも、実は4つ分かれています。運動神経は優れていると自負するのに、コーチの言うことがなかなか実践できない人はいませんか? 心配することはありません。それはコーチとあなたのタイプが違うだけなのです。数多あるスポーツ理論の中で革命を起こす4スタンス理論! 現代サッカーの解説や指導法にも定評のある中西哲生氏との対談や最年長で...
発売日: 2009-02-12 ¥1,200
発売日: 2018-07-09 ¥1,300
組織の強弱を決めるのは、トップリーダーの運営力! プロ野球の名将は、いかにして選手の心をつかみ、チームを奮い立たせたか!? 熱血派、非情派、ヒラメキ派、知性派──歴代監督の系譜のなかに人心掌握術の秘密を探る。名将と愚将は、何が違う!?
発売日: 2013-09-30 ¥800
緊張や不安の伴う大舞台で勝負強さを発揮するには? 多くのアスリートやコーチ、研究者への取材をもとに、本当に役立つメンタル強化法を紹介。日常への応用も可能。
発売日: 2007-07-20 ¥710
体幹トレーニングの第一人者、木場克己先生が、初めてゴルファーのために体幹トレ―ニングを開発! 「体幹」という言葉をよく耳にするようになりましたが、ゴルファーの中にはいまいちピンとこない方も多いようです。それは、体幹が目に見えないからです。しかし体幹を強化することは、軸が大事なゴルフにとって、とても重要なこと。 本書に収録した30種類のトレ...
発売日: 2013-09-25 ¥1,100
発売日: 2009-05-12 ¥1,200
発売日: 2013-06-20 ¥750
【電子版のご注意事項】 ※一部の記事、画像、広告、付録が含まれていない、または画像が修正されている場合があります。 ※応募券、ハガキなどはご利用いただけません。 ※掲載時の商品やサービスは、時間の経過にともない提供が終了している場合があります。 ※この商品は固定レイアウトで作成されており、タブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で...
発売日: 2018-07-19 ¥1,700
フリーキック、ドリブル、トラップ……一流と超一流プレーヤーを隔てる大きな壁とは? あらゆる科学的視点で解析するサッカー観戦術。W杯の見方が変わる本。
発売日: 2002-02-20 ¥680
発売日: 2002-12-20 ¥700
発売日: 2018-12-11 ¥1,400
発売日: 2010-03-20 ¥850
発売日: 2014-03-30 ¥1,600
発売日: 2018-12-23 ¥950
In the life of a top coach like José Mourinho there is only one possible target in their profession: win. To achieve this, the Portuguese coach knows that it is absolutely essential to form a real group. How does he do to build teams, to lead them to transcendence, to motivate them after big wins, to manage egos so big towards the same objectives? The answer to these and other questions are in this book. The book features the exclusive participation of José Mourinho, some major players led by ...
発売日: 2014-04-24 ¥1,000
With a new introduction, Phil Jackson's modern classic of motivation, teamwork, and Zen insight is updated for a whole new readership "Not only is there more to life than basketball, there's a lot more to basketball than basketball." --Phil Jackson Eleven years ago, when Phil Jackson first wrote these words in Sacred Hoops , he was the triumphant head coach of the Chicago Bulls, known for his Zen approach to the game. He hadnt yet moved to the Los Angeles Lakers, with whom he would bring his tot...
発売日: 2012-10-09 ¥1,500
' 'If you are struggling with exams, vivers, job interviews, work presentations, with performing in a team or individual sport - or find it difficult to interact in social situations - then this is for you' - Amazon review The book on how to handle pressure from the performance coach to Francesco Molinari and Jonny Wilkinson Whether it's the stress of hitting a deadline at work, passing an exam or an upcoming job interview, pressure is everywhere. So how can we turn this into our advantage? Dr D...
発売日: 2016-04-28 ¥1,200
Lessons in baseball enlightenment from three-time MLB Manager of the Year Joe Maddon. No one sees baseball like Joe Maddon. He sees it through his trademark glasses and irrepressible wit. Raised in the “shot and beer” town of Hazleton, PA, and forged by 15 years in the minors, Maddon over 19 seasons in Tampa Bay, Chicago, and Anaheim has become one of the most successful, most colorful, and most quoted managers in Major League Baseball. He is a workplace culture expert, having engineered two...
発売日: 2022-10-11 ¥2,200
★マンガ・写真・動画でわかる! ・楽しく読めるようにマンガやキャラが会話で解説! ・お手本と練習がQRコードから動画で見られる! ★誰でも楽しくうまくなる「新しい指導法」 ・みんな大好き! まずはボールを打つことからスタート! フォームは後でOK! 野球の楽しさを体験しよう! それがうまくなる最大のポイント! ・キャッチボールは実は難しい!? 「投げる」「捕る」...
発売日: 2019-03-12 ¥1,100
Jリーグや海外リーグのスター選手に憧れる子どもたち。日本のジュニアサッカーは、ますますレベルアップしています。イングランドなどサッカー先進国のスキルを身につけたい! という気持ちも高まっています。そこで、日本のサッカーがさらに飛躍する入門書を作りました。 ★マンガ、写真、動画でわかる! ・楽しく読めるようにマンガやキャラの会話で解説! ・お手...
発売日: 2019-03-12 ¥1,100
This manual offers in depth explanation of the game of darts and darts technique. The manual also includes darts specific coaching information on: skill acquisition, physiology, psychology, planning training, coaching children, coaching players with a disability, training games and drills and tournament strategies.
発売日: 2015-05-07 ¥1,000
This book includes play diagrams, player assignments, game video (press box and end zone views), Keynote presentations, coaching points and explanations for the Pro Style Pistol Offense.
発売日: 2014-07-24 ¥4,000
During his storied career as head coach of the Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers, Phil Jackson won more championships than any coach in the history of professional sports. Even more important, he succeeded in never wavering from coaching his way, from a place of deep values. Jackson was tagged as the “Zen master” half in jest by sportswriters, but the nickname speaks to an important truth: this is a coach who inspired, not goaded; who led by awakening and challenging the better angels of ...
発売日: 2013-05-21 ¥1,600
„Step-mistakes“, “Playing the ball”, "Offensive fouls", "7-meter throw" and "Punishment" - these are the categories in which handball-referees must perform heavy work in every match. Experience, instinct, a clear line and a trained look for the relevant criterias are the preconditions for decisions which are accepted by all involved persons. This ebook contains 40 well-chosen match-scenes from different categories of age and different levels of performance with which every referee can pr...
発売日: 2012-07-15 ¥250
An easily downloadable version of what has been described as the World's most innovative fly tying instruction manual". This eBook version provides instant access to an exceptional array of fly tying techniques. Supported by text, detailed full colour diagrams and links to video clips illustrating both the techiques and the complete flies discussed. By providing only links instead of embedded video content as in the CD verson this book is available for instant download to anyone anywhere in the ...
発売日: 2012-03-17 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,500
- Named the #1 book for Soccer Players and Coaches by Football.com - Named a Top 5 Book of the Year by the NSCAA Soccer Journal - A #1 best-seller in the U.S., Canada and Australia - Translated into nine languages - Includes links to free Soccer iQ companion videos that bring the lessons to life! Soccer iQ is the first book for soccer PLAYERS! In a world saturated with books about how to coach soccer, Dan Blank finally gives players a book on how to think it. Standing on two decades of collegiat...
発売日: 2017-02-23 ¥1,200
Have you tried and failed to will your short body to dunk a basketball? Learn how even the most vertically challenged players can slam the ball home with ease. Have you been told you're far too short to touch the rim, let alone throw the ball down? Having trouble increasing your vertical leap no matter how much weightlifting you do? Author James Wilson is a 30-year veteran of basketball coaching in 20 different countries. He's cracked the scientific code to allow players of any height to dunk li...
発売日: 2014-01-17 ¥350
5 Out Offense of the Basketball CoachBook Series. In this series of eBooks we will look at a wide variety of basketball offensive plays and with the use of the exceptionally flexible Apple iBook platform we use text, diagram, audio and video mediums to help explain the offense in its simplest form, so you can put it on the floor with your players quickly.
発売日: 2015-08-12 ¥150
Coaching the Under Front Defense enhanced iBooks edition, is a great tool for any coach looking to fully understand the fundamental concepts of implementing this flexible defense . The points covered include position techniques, front adjustments, coverage adjustments, goal line, zone blitzes, and man blitzes. Packed with game film, teaching videos, touch pad diagrams, and interactive drawing pads, giving the user the ultimate guide to installing the complete Under Front Defense.
発売日: 2015-01-06 ¥1,100
El libro abarca varios aspectos de lo que significa la construcción táctica defensiva de un equipo, sin perder la perspectiva de la conexión con el juego de ataque y enfatizando mucho el sentido de las transiciones en fútbol. Así mismo, consta de un prólogo escrito por Chema Sanz y un capítulo escrito por Tito Ramallo, precursor de la Intensidad Táctica, aplicada a la defensa y que supone un aspecto innovador en la cuantificación del entrenamiento.
発売日: 2014-12-15 ¥1,700
Give Your Basketball Practices a Shot in the Arm! Use one of the 50 drills in Coaching Basketball to: - Increase practice intensity! - Build great basketball habits in your players! - Emphasize the little details of the game! - Never have a stale, boring practice! - Teach your players to have focused, controlled intensity when they play! Eight time Coach of the Year Kevin Sivils shares 50 drills designed to inject intensity to any practice. Illustrated with 108 diagrams to help clarify how the d...
発売日: 2014-12-08 ¥600
The game of basketball has evolved over the last generation, but basketball practices have changed very little during my 30 years in the game as a player, coach, clinician, and consultant. Today’s game more closely resembles the game that we played on the playground than the one that we were taught in practices. The 21st Century Basketball Practice is an attempt to modernize the youth and high-school basketball and catch up to the evolution of the game. I have coached at every level over...
発売日: 2014-11-12 ¥1,100
Rob Zeitman has directed the efforts of Ferris State to make this one of the most productive offenses in that nation. This manual gives the position-by-position details of the skills and techniques necessary to run the inside veer from the short pistol. 22 Interactive presentations detail the coaching points and techniques including how to run the inside veer against every defensive front. 8 short instructional videos with voice over and telestrations deepen the understanding of the ...
発売日: 2014-08-15 ¥1,800
日本代表は南アフリカでいかにベスト16進出を勝ち取ったのか? 新生日本代表は、どういう思想でブラジルW杯を目指すのか? “冒険”の終わりと始まりを克明に再現。
発売日: 2011-02-20 ¥950
„Step-mistakes“, “Playing the ball”, "Offensive fouls", "7-meter throw" and "Punishment" - these are the categories in which handball-referees must perform heavy work in every match. Experience, instinct, a clear line and a trained look for the relevant criterias are the preconditions for decisions which are accepted by all involved persons. This ebook contains 40 well-chosen match-scenes from different categories of age and different levels of performance with which every referee can pr...
発売日: 2012-07-05 ¥250
„Step-mistakes“, “Playing the ball”, "Offensive fouls", "7-meter throw" and "Punishment" - these are the categories in which handball-referees must perform heavy work in every match. Experience, instinct, a clear line and a trained look for the relevant criterias are the preconditions for decisions which are accepted by all involved persons. This ebook contains 39 well-chosen match-scenes from different categories of age and different levels of performance with which every referee can pr...
発売日: 2012-07-05 ¥250
„Step-mistakes“, “Playing the ball”, "Offensive fouls", "7-meter throw" and "Punishment" - these are the categories in which handball-referees must perform heavy work in every match. Experience, instinct, a clear line and a trained look for the relevant criterias are the preconditions for decisions which are accepted by all involved persons. This ebook contains 40 well-chosen match-scenes from different categories of age and different levels of performance with which every referee can pr...
発売日: 2012-07-05 ¥250
„Step-mistakes“, “Playing the ball”, "Offensive fouls", "7-meter throw" and "Punishment" - these are the categories in which handball-referees must perform heavy work in every match. Experience, instinct, a clear line and a trained look for the relevant criterias are the preconditions for decisions which are accepted by all involved persons. This ebook contains 40 well-chosen match-scenes from different categories of age and different levels of performance with which every referee can pr...
発売日: 2012-07-05 ¥250