ITシステム開発に必須の業務知識入門書 最新の社会情勢と関連法規に対応! 戦略的な情報システム開発に携わるITエンジニアには、ITスキルに加えて対象システムの業務知識も求められます。しかし、システム開発で必要となる業務知識は多岐にわたり、また全体像を把握しづらいため、実務を通して経験しなければ、なかなか身に付くものではありませんでした。 本書は...
発売日: 2018-12-21 ¥2,800
本書は「データ移行」というシステム導入のいちタスクを扱います。データ移行とは、新システム導入に際して、現在稼働中の(新システムによって置き換えられる)システムからデータを抽出し、新システムに取込みを行う作業です。 本書では、システム導入のプロジェクトでデータ移行を担当する方が円滑にタスクを進められるよう、タスクの特徴や注意点を紹介しま...
発売日: 2017-11-17 ¥1,300
小さい、安い、楽しい! 手のひらサイズのコンピュータ 「Raspberry Pi」を遊び倒すための必読書に、充実の大改訂版登場! 本書ではRaspberry Piの導入法から活用法までを、 電子工作が初めての人にも分かりやすく解説。 イラストや写真をまじえて丁寧に説明しているので、 これから電子工作を始めたい中高生から、 Raspberry Piを使い倒したい人まで、 幅広いユーザーに対...
発売日: 2014-01-25 ¥2,400
Are you studying for the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification? Looking for a great book to help you prepare? Look no further! This book is your ultimate guide to acing the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification exam. This book is packed full of 100 questions and answers, with detailed explanations, to ensure you understand key concepts and are well-prepared for the test. With this book, you will gain the knowledge and confidence you need to pass the exam in your first attempt and become an AWS Cer...
発売日: 2023-03-10 ¥1,100
発売日: 2016-09-09 ¥1,800
IT部門の基礎知識をプロの講師陣が解説します! 日常生活や仕事において、情報システムを使用しない日はありません。 プライベートではオンラインショッピングやお店の検索、 業務では顧客情報や売上情報の管理などを行っており、 情報システムがあって当然の時代です。 情報システムは何でできていて、どのように作られ、管理されているのか。 IT関連の仕事をする...
発売日: 2020-01-10 ¥1,700
ZFS, the fast, flexible, self-healing filesystem, revolutionized data storage. Leveraging ZFS changes everything about managing FreeBSD systems. With FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS, you’ll learn to: select hardware for ZFS systems arrange your storage for optimal performance configure datasets that match your enterprise’s needs repair and monitor storage pools expand your storage use compression to enhance performance determine if deduplication is right for your data understand how copy-on-write chang...
発売日: 2015-05-21 ¥1,200
Elastic Stackは、単なる全文検索システムではなく、Webシステム管理者、データサイエンティスト、インフラエンジニアなど、幅広い用途で利用できるデータ分析基盤です。 本書は、Elastic Stack 7.6をベースに、分散型全文検索システムによるデータ分析基盤の構築、Elasticsearchのインデックスの作成やクエリの基本的な使い方、Analyzer/Aggregationによる高度な分析やElastic Stack(Logst...
発売日: 2020-08-07 ¥3,400
Property Lists, Preferences and Profiles for Apple Administrators (New Update, June 2018!) These three topics seem minor, but can be a major headache for Apple Administrators. Mastering them will make you a better Apple Administrator. Property Lists are a common configuration file format on macOS and iOS. Learn about the file structure, file formats and the tools and scripting languages that you can use to read and edit Property Lists. Preferences are special use case of property lists. Learn ab...
発売日: 2017-03-20 ¥950
**New, updated version!** **Oct 14, 2019 with new examples and Catalina notes** **(see version history for details)** The essential introduction for system administrators to using, analyzing and building installation package files (pkg) on macOS. In this book you will learn: - How to work with packages, analyze them without installing and install them from the command line and remotely - How to inspect packages with the tools built into macOS and third party tools - How to build your own p...
発売日: 2016-11-14 ¥1,800
ITシステムとは業務を簡略化すべきものです。しかし、本来の目的を達成できていない現場は非常に多いのです。なぜこのようなことになってしまうのでしょうか。 考えてみれば当たり前のことなんですが、ツール販売会社やシステム開発会社とこれら導入者のスタートもゴールも異なります。 重要なのはITベンダーとスタート・ゴールを合わせた上で、課題の深堀りと...
発売日: 2020-04-24 ¥1,600
Covers Ansible 2! Ansible is a simple, but powerful, server and configuration management tool (with a few other tricks up its sleeve). This book helps those familiar with the command line and basic shell scripting start using Ansible to provision and manage anywhere from one to thousands of servers. The book begins with fundamentals, like installing Ansible, setting up a basic inventory file, and basic concepts, then guides you through Ansible's many uses, including ad-hoc commands, basic and ad...
発売日: 2020-08-05 ¥1,200
CONFINE YOUR SOFTWARE Jails are FreeBSD’s most legendary feature: known to be powerful, tricky to master, and cloaked in decades of dubious lore. Deploying jails calls upon every sysadmin skill you have, and more—but unleashing lightweight virtualization is so worth it. FreeBSD Mastery: Jails cuts through the clutter to expose the inner mechanisms of jails and unleash their power in your service. You will: •Understand how jails achieve lightweight virtualization •Understand the bas...
発売日: 2019-03-24 ¥1,100
The standard reference on SSH, newly revised and updated! Secure Shell (SSH) lets sysadmins securely manage remote systems. It’s powerful, complicated, and confusing. Lose the confusion. SSH Mastery: OpenSSH, PuTTY, Tunnels and Keys rescues you from sifting through decades of obsolete online tutorials and quickly makes you an SSH journeyman. You’ll learn to: • eliminate passwords • manage access by users, groups, addresses, and more • securely move files around your network • forward...
発売日: 2018-02-07 ¥1,100
Windows has a powerful command prompt. But most of the Windows admins are stangers to the command line. In this book, you start appreciating the power of it. You can do almost everything in the command prompt. And some operations can only be done in the command prompt.
発売日: 2016-11-24 ¥150
Googleが作った新しいパソコン「Chromebook」をビジネスの現場に導入するために役立つ情報をコンパクトにまとめたChromebook導入ガイドです。企業での導入時に求めれられる初期設定の効率化や、 IT 管理者が一切触れずとも初期設定が完了してしまうゼロタッチ導入にもフォーカスし、今までのパソコン端末の導入方法や運用方法では考えられないChromebookのならではの導入・...
発売日: 2015-07-17 ¥880
FreeBSD is one of the oldest and most featureful open-source Unix-like operating systems. FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials takes you on a deep dive into FreeBSD’s disk management systems. You’ll learn about: * identifying your storage hardware * the Common Access Method * GEOM–FreeBSD’s powerful and flexible stackable storage system * GUID Partition Tables, the modern disk partitioning standard * MBR/disklabel partitioning, used by older and embedded systems * avoiding common partitio...
発売日: 2014-11-23 ¥1,200
[+] 適合對象 本書適合已經開始接觸 Ubuntu 指令,但是,找不到該學那些指令或想學習常用指令的操作方式的讀者。 [+] 本書特色 - 本書內含 35 個實用情境、40 多種指令應用及近 70 個實用操作範例,即看、即查、即用。 - 簡單明瞭及結構化的撰寫風格,可快速查詢並應用,不用浪費時間於搜尋及驗證。- 本書經過仔細分類和撰寫,可幫助快速學會使用 Ubuntu 常用指令和技巧。 - ...
発売日: 2015-01-28 ¥2,000
The bestselling guide to Exchange Server, fully updated for the newest version Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 is touted as a solution for lowering the total cost of ownership, whether deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Like the earlier editions, this comprehensive guide covers every aspect of installing, configuring, and managing this multifaceted collaboration system. It offers Windows systems administrators and consultants a complete tutorial and reference, ideal for anyone installing Excha...
発売日: 2013-10-29 ¥4,800
This hands-on guidebook to the inner workings of containers peels back the layers to provide a deep understanding of what a container is, how containerization changes the way programs run, and how Kubernetes provides computing, networking, and storage. Containers ensure that software runs reliably no matter where it’s deployed, and Kubernetes lets you manage all of your containers from a single control plane. In this comprehensive tour of the open-source platform, each chapter includes a set o...
発売日: 2022-09-06 ¥4,800
A shell script is a computer program designed to write a series of commands for the shell to execute. It can combine lengthy and repetitive sequences of commands into a single and simple script that can be stored and executed anytime which, reduces programming efforts. Bash Shell Script is a perfect tool for that, and this book will help you to learn how to write shell scripts like a pro, solve real-world problems, or automate repetitive and complex tasks. You will be able to create shell script...
発売日: 2022-01-17 ¥450
発売日: 2020-01-31 ¥1,800
発売日: 2019-04-19 ¥1,800
GeneXusは、南米ウルグアイのGeneXus社が開発した高速開発ツールです。 弊社は、生産性向上、保守性向上、レガシー化防止、属人化防止を目的とした次世代の開発手法を研究する中でGeneXusに出会いました。 検討の結果、これら全てに効果があると判断しました。 採用して以来、素晴らしい効果を発揮し続けています。 本書は、弊社で実施している無償ハンズオンセミナの...
発売日: 2018-10-11 ¥2,800
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ■本書の概要 本書は、主に小学校・中学校・高等学校における情報セキュリティポリシーの策定やICT活用のためのガイドブックです。 セキュリティ対策に取り組む...
発売日: 2018-07-19 ¥2,400
*** Updated November 2019 for macOS Catalina *** The guide for “post-imaging” deployment of macOS High Sierra. With the introduction of macOS High Sierra Apple and Secure Boot on the iMac Pro has profoundly changed the workflows for installing and deploying macOS on a large scale. In addition new technologies and services like MDM, DEP and VPP need to be configured and used correctly. This books explains all the different terms, services and technologies and suggests workflows for Administra...
発売日: 2018-05-31 ¥1,300
“I think we’re gonna need a bigger web server.” OpenBSD has a solid reputation for security and stability. It’s well known for the OpenSMTPd mail server, the LibreSSL cryptography library, and the PF packet filter. But nobody ever talks about the load balancer, or the web server. Until now. The httpd web server provides a fast, stable, secure environment for your web applications. The relayd load balancer lets you distribute Internet application load across multiple hosts. Between the tw...
発売日: 2017-05-19 ¥1,100
FreeBSD includes many special-purpose filesystems. FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems takes you through these filesystems, helping you solve problems you didn’t know you have. These filesystems underlie everything from application servers to jails. You’ll learn to manage: removable media MSDOS and Linux filesystems -CD, DVD, and Blu-Ray disks -devfs -process filesystems -the file descriptor filesystem -the POSIX message queue filesystem ...
発売日: 2016-01-28 ¥1,200
Master vSphere automation with this comprehensive reference VMware vSphere PowerCLI Reference, Automating vSphere Administration, 2nd Edition is a one-stop solution for vSphere automation. Fully updated to align with the latest vSphere and PowerCLI release, this detailed guide shows you how to get the most out of PowerCLI's handy cmdlets using real-world examples and a practical, task-based approach. You'll learn how to store, access, update, back up, and secure massive amounts of data quickly t...
発売日: 2015-12-18 ¥4,800
A Remote Desktop alkalmazás az Apple távfelügyeleti programja, amely a rendszergazdák számára egyszerűsíti le több Mac csoportos szoftveres karbantartását, frissítését, telepítését, vagy akár a gépek ellenőrzését, a felhasználók figyelemmel kísérését, élő technikai támogatását. A szoftver képes bármilyen VNC (virtual network computing) hozzáféréssel felruházott számítógép felügyeletére és kezelésére, így akár Windows vagy Linux alapú eszközöke...
発売日: 2015-09-25 ¥350
Its a book on Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, it will be on sizing, designing and configuring with a practical look.
発売日: 2015-07-15 ¥500
発売日: 2015-07-17 ¥760
Online Backup you can Trust and Verify! Tarsnap, the secure online backup service for Unix-like systems, raised the bar for online backups. It’s inexpensive. It’s reliable. And you don’t need to trust the Tarsnap service—they can’t access your backups even if they wanted to. With Tarsnap Mastery you’ll learn to: * install and manage Tarsnap on Linux, Unix, Windows, and OS X * fully exploit features like encryption and deduplication * create and recover archives * customize backups to...
発売日: 2015-03-03 ¥1,200
The 2013 edition of the bestselling vSphere book on the market Virtualization remains the hottest trend in the IT world, and VMware vSphere is the industry's most widely deployed virtualization solution. The demand for IT professionals skilled in virtualization and cloud-related technologies is great and expected to keep growing. This comprehensive Sybex guide covers all the features and capabilities of VMware vSphere, showing administrators step by step how to install, configure, operate, manag...
発売日: 2013-10-16 ¥5,400
The AutoLab is an easy way to build a vSphere test and training lab on your laptop or desktop. Provided you have a modern PC or MAC with 8GB or more RAM and a VMware virtualization program (Workstation, Fusion or Player) you can rapidly build a lab. The AutoLab is a community project, built with the help of the community it is free to download and use, it contains only freely redistributable software. You will need to bring the licensed VMware and Microsoft software as well as your PC. The AutoL...
発売日: 2013-03-24 ¥150