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発売日: 2022-01-24 ¥1,900
Paul Shapiro gives you a front-row seat for the wild story of the race to create and commercialize cleaner, safer, sustainable meat—real meat—without the animals. From the entrepreneurial visionaries to the scientists’ workshops to the big business boardrooms—Shapiro details that quest for clean meat and other animal products and examines the debate raging around it. Since the dawn of Homo sapiens some quarter million years ago, animals have satiated our species’ desire for meat. But...
発売日: 2018-01-02 ¥1,800
The secret history of the invention that changed everything and became the most profitable product in the world. Odds are that as you read this, an iPhone is within reach. But before Steve Jobs introduced us to 'the one device', as he called it, a mobile phone was merely what you used to make calls on the go. How did the iPhone transform our world and turn Apple into the most valuable company ever? Veteran technology journalist Brian Merchant reveals the inside story you won't hear from Cupertin...
発売日: 2017-06-22 ジャンル:職業/技術 > 工学 ¥1,200
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗ エネルギーの基本から世界情勢まで イラスト&図解でやさしくわかる! ‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗...
発売日: 2022-09-13 ¥1,000
Understanding Wine Technology has become the most favoured book of many students and wine lovers. This book is aimed at the person with no formal scientific training, yet who is interested in the science behind wine and wants to know the mechanism behind the complex transformations that take place. Scientific terminology has been kept to a minimum and an attempt has been made to use everyday words and phrases. Indeed, there are places where the scientist might raise the eyebrows, places where pe...
発売日: 2021-09-30 ¥4,000
“Taking kitchen science to a whole new (molecular) level, Hervé This is changing the way France---and the world—cooks.”— Gourmet Bringing the instruments and experimental techniques of the laboratory into the kitchen, Hervé This—international celebrity and founder of molecular gastronomy—uses recent research in the chemistry, physics, and biology of food to challenge traditional ideas about cooking and eating. What he discovers will entertain, instruct, and intrigue cooks, g...
発売日: 2006-01-04 ¥1,400
発売日: 2010-02-01 ¥2,600
This review encompasses one segment of food packaging – foods. That include flexible materials in their package. It is intended as a systems view point: designing product requirements and markets, and describing the present material and machine methods for filling those requirements.
発売日: 2017-07-28 ¥7,400
The science behind a good meal: all the sounds, sights, and tastes that make us like what we're eating—and want to eat more. Why do we consume 35 percent more food when eating with one other person, and 75 percent more when dining with three? How do we explain the fact that people who like strong coffee drink more of it under bright lighting? And why does green ketchup just not work? The answer is gastrophysics, the new area of sensory science pioneered by Oxford professor Charles Spence. Now ...
発売日: 2017-06-20 ¥1,500
Americans eat more processed foods than anyone else in the world. We also spend more on military research. These two seemingly unrelated facts are inextricably linked. If you ever wondered how ready-to-eat foods infiltrated your kitchen, you’ll love this entertaining romp through the secret military history of practically everything you buy at the supermarket. In a nondescript Boston suburb, in a handful of low buildings buffered by trees and a lake, a group ...
発売日: 2015-08-04 ¥1,600
Make your own wine, beer, cider, juice and cordial using everything imaginable from your garden – including flowers, fruits, vegetables and even weeds! Comprehensive guide on everything you need to start brewing at home, and what to use from your garden and when A delightful revised digital edition of a classic book, Drink Your Own Garden will appeal to anyone seeking a more self-sufficient lifestyle. This is a wonderfully imaginative guide to making the most of your delicious garden produce, ...
発売日: 2013-05-02 ¥880