ガツンと一発文庫第3巻は「読書」です。あなたの子どもは日頃本を読んでいるでしょうか? もし読書の習慣が身についていなければ、本書を与えてください。本を読むことがいかに生きていく上で大切な“栄養分”になるかを『日本語であそぼう』の監修でおなじみの齋藤孝先生が説きます。本の選び方、読み方、さらには読書感想文を書くコツまで、子どもたちが知り...
発売日: 2009-08-10 ¥600
発売日: 2009-06-17 ¥600
発売日: 2009-06-17 ¥600
あの人はカッコいいなと思う。なぜそう思えるのだろうか? 「カッコいい」ってどういうことなのだろう? シリーズ第4巻は生き方のお話。著者は2つの生き方を紹介する。自分のたのしみだけに生きる人生、自分の力をほかの人のために使い、喜んでもらう人生。もちろん後者をカッコいい生き方とするのだが、そういう人生を送るための3つの土台、勇気、努力、嫉妬心を...
発売日: 2009-10-16 ¥600
A collection of illustrated words and concepts, aimed at children in preschool or early primary years. These books help children learn English in a fun and entertaining way. This book is optimised for mobile phones.
発売日: 2011-01-16 ¥150
This acclaimed bestseller and modern classic has changed America’s relationship with food. It’s essential reading for kids who care about the environment and climate change. “What’s for dinner?” seemed like a simple question—until journalist and supermarket detective Michael Pollan delved behind the scenes. From fast food and big organic to small farms and old-fashioned hunting and gathering, this young readers’ adaptation of Pollan’s famous food-chain exploration encourages...
発売日: 2009-10-15 ¥1,000
「もやしもん」の菌キャラが“えほん”に! 菌のキャラクターたちが「衛生」をテーマに、正しい手洗いの仕方をわかりやすく“お話”します。対象年齢は3歳~6歳。お母さま方にぜひおすすめを!
発売日: 2020-06-23 ¥1,000
Do you know what happens when Virus goes viral? How does Immune System fight infection when it strikes? And why do masks matter? Kids need real science information about the Covid-19 pandemic that has kept them away from school, kept their parents away from work, and may even have harmed people they know and love. And they want information about how to deal with their feelings, too. The Basher mix of science and humor makes these difficult times less frightening by providing approachable and eas...
発売日: 2021-05-04 ¥1,200
The #1 New York Times Best-Selling series tells the story of how COVID-19, a coronavirus, was first identified and how it spread throughout the world in the new Who HQ Now format for trending topics. The coronavirus disease COVID-19 emerged in November 2019. By March 2020, cities all around the world closed schools, offices, restaurants and other public spaces deemed “non-essential” in an attempt to contain the fast-spreading virus. People struggled to follow government orders, stay indoors,...
発売日: 2021-06-22 ¥540
Filled with adorable artwork and simple, step-by-step guides, Yoga Animals is a charming introduction to yoga and mindfulness for children aged three and above. Guided by a narrative and written by a children’s yoga expert, this book is an ideal first yoga book for young children. In the story, a sluggish bear wakes up from a deep sleep and needs a good stretch to get his energy back after a long nap. Readers then follow Bear as he goes about his day and learns some fun yoga poses along...
発売日: 2020-06-01 ¥1,200
An empowering guide for young witches about the kinds of magic they can create for themselves every day. Intended for children between the ages of eight and twelve, who are curious about the possibility of "something more" in their lives, this handbook focuses on three major areas of the witch's life: friendship, personal fulfillment, and family. Each section includes spells, rituals, potions, and other useful information, such as tables about crystals, chakras, and herbs.
発売日: 2020-06-02 ¥1,400
It's time to cheer for the inspiring athletes of the Paralympic Games! As the Opening Ceremony for the 1948 Summer Olympic Games commenced in London, a similar sporting competition was taking place a few miles away. But the men at Stoke Mandeville weren't your typical athletes. They were paralyzed World War II veterans. The games at Stoke Mandeville were so successful that they would eventually lead evolve into the Paralympics. Participants from all around the world vie for the gold medal in a v...
発売日: 2020-03-17 ¥650
With clear explanations, fun illustrations, and expertly-presented information, Consent (for Kids!) is an empowering introduction to consent, bodily autonomy, and how to respect yourself and others. Consent is like being ruler of your own country...population: YOU. This is a smart, playful guide to consent and bodily autonomy, packed with bright and energetic illustrations. Readers will learn about boundaries and how to set them; ways to respect themselves and others; what to do if someone makes...
発売日: 2020-01-07 ¥1,400
In Alphabreaths, children will learn their ABCs and the basics of mindfulness through playful breathing exercises. Breaths like Mountain Breath and Redwood Breath will connect them with nature, while breaths like Heart Breath and Wish Breath will help them remember to fill their heart with gratitude and send good wishes to others. Simple, playful, and with delightful illustrations, Alphabreaths is the perfect introduction to mindfulness and breath awareness.
発売日: 2019-05-28 ¥1,100
Breathe Like a Bear is a beautifully illustrated collection of mindfulness exercises designed to teach kids techniques for managing their bodies, breath, and emotions. Best of all, these 30 simple, short breathing practices and movements can be performed anytime, anywhere: in the car to the grocery store, during heavy homework nights at home, or even at a child’s desk at school. Based on Kira Willey’s Parents’ Choice GOLD Award-winning CD, Mindful Moments for Kids , this one-of-a-kind book...
発売日: 2017-12-05 ¥1,200
A funny, moving, and true story of an ordinary boy with an extraordinary face that's perfect for fans of Wonder— now available in the U.S. When Robert Hoge was born, he had a tumor the size of a tennis ball in the middle of his face and short, twisted legs. Surgeons removed the tumor and made him a new nose from one of his toes. Amazingly, he survived—with a face that would never be the same. Strangers stared at him. Kids called him names, and adults could be ...
発売日: 2016-09-06 ¥950
発売日: 2010-02-12 ¥600
Le livret de lecture Bon appétit! est un texte courant sur plusieurs types d'aliments. Pour aller plus loin, il contient également une partie documentaire sur quelques records. Tous les textes sont lus pas une voix non synthétique.
発売日: 2015-08-06 ¥550
Every kid has heard their parents say it over and over again. "Make sure you drink plenty of water." But do you know why? Because if you don't you body will actually dry out! It's called dehydration. Every day you sweat some water out of you. You also loose some every time you go to the bathroom. So you have to drink lots of water every day to replace what you lose. Find out more about what dehydration can do to you in this short 15-minute book. Ages 8 and up. All measurements in American and me...
発売日: 2014-02-04 ¥200
Every kid has heard their parents say it over and over again. "Make sure you drink plenty of water." But do you know why? Because if you don't you body will actually dry out! It's called dehydration. Every day you sweat some water out of you. You also loose some every time you go to the bathroom. So you have to drink lots of water every day to replace what you lose. Find out more about what dehydration can do to you in this short 15-minute book. Ages 8 and up. All measurements in American and me...
発売日: 2013-12-15 ¥150
Chew On This should be on every teenager's essential reading list. Based on Eric Schlosser's bestselling Fast Food Nation, this is the shocking truth about the fast food industry - how it all began, its success, what fast food actually is, what goes on in the slaughterhouses, meatpacking factories and flavour labs, global advertising, merchandising in UK schools, mass production and the exploitation of young workers in the thousands of fast-food outlets throughout the world. It also takes a look...
発売日: 2013-09-05 ¥800
Because Growing Up Shouldn’t Be a Mystery Girls’ bodies do the craziest things! They can kick soccer balls and spin perfect pirouettes, or they can trip up the stairs and break out in zits. As you grow and your body goes through some pretty wild changes, you might be wondering things like: Why don’t I look like her? I have to use that? Is this normal? And, Why is this happening to me? The Ultimate Body Book for Girls answers all those awkward questions you’d rather not ask your mom—at ...
発売日: 2013-12-24 ¥250
Um livro de pôsters com dicas de boa nutrição. Inclui 24 páginas em cores. Visite nossa página na Internet www.iCharacter.org Indicado para crianças até 7 anos de idade.
発売日: 2011-01-15 ¥100
Tessa tousse beaucoup depuis quelques jours et Maman l’emmène chez le docteur. Mais à peine arrivée dans la salle d’attente, la petite fille se met à pleurer et à hurler. Pour le petit, aller chez le docteur la première fois donne souvent lieu à des cris et à des larmes. Mais quand on emmène le doudou et que le médecin le soigne, ... alors tout s’arrange. Une collection d'histoires vécues à raconter qui amuseront les tout-petits et les feront peut-être dire OUI beaucoup plus v...
発売日: 2012-10-07 ¥500
A children's poster book with tips on good nutrition. With text in English and Spanish. Visit us online at www.iCharacter.org for more children's books, music and videos.
発売日: 2011-01-11 ¥50
There are seven stages aimed to help you help your child to learn to read using phonics working with your support in a fun way. The books use worksheets, games and interaction with you to help your child read with confidence. STAGE 1 – A series of picture books to discuss, spot the difference and enjoy. Age 2-3 STAGE 2 – Your alphabet, First Words, Opposites. Age 3-4 STAGE 3 – Early phonics, What do I say? My new words, Shapes and colors and games. Age 4-5 STAGE 4 – Easy phonics, picture...
発売日: 2011-11-06 ¥800
This is a book of my childhood years. I lived across the road from Blaise Castle Estate,Lawrence Weston, Bristol,uk. I spent many hours there with my friends pretending to be either Knights fighting dragons, or unseen enemies or Robin Hood and his merry men. I grew up to learn to ride a horse, shoot a bow and arrow and I also now do Medieval public battle displays.
発売日: 2010-08-21 ¥330