On a May afternoon in 1943, a US bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean. After an agonising delay, a young lieutenant finally bobbed to the surface and struggled aboard a life raft. So begins one of the most extraordinary odysseys of the Second World War. The lieutenant’s name was Louis Zamperini. As a boy, he turned to petty crime until he discovered a remarkable talent for running, which took him to the Berlin Olympics. But as war loomed, he joined up and was soon embroiled in the ferocious b...
発売日: 2011-01-20 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥680
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 米軍特殊部隊デルタフォース、フォースリーコン、オーストリア特殊部隊COBRA…銃器から装備まで精鋭部隊を徹底解剖!!今号の巻頭特集は、特殊部隊や法執行機関から...
発売日: 2017-01-31 ¥2,000
発売日: 2003-08-01 ¥1,900
◆戦後70年、語り継ぎたい痛烈な記憶! 当事者たちによる渾身の記録! ◆「もう2度と戦争は嫌だ」――これは、悲惨な戦争を体験した世代の心からの思いだ。 ところが、戦後70年という長大な時間は、避けがたく戦争体験を語れる証言者がいなくなるという現実を齎している。 悲惨な戦争体験を語り継ぐことの出来る人がいなくなった時、戦争は、戦後世代の人間にとって...
発売日: 2015-07-15 ¥880
発売日: 2014-11-14 ¥1,000
発売日: 2014-10-03 ¥100
The 15:17 to Paris is the amazing true story of friendship and bravery, and of near tragedy averted by three heroic young men who found the unity and strength inside themselves when they – and 500 other innocent travellers – needed it most. On 21st August 2015, Ayoub El-Khazzani boarded train #9364 in Brussels, bound for Paris. There could be no doubt about his mission: he had an AK-47, a pistol, a box cutter and enough ammunition to obliterate every passenger on board. Slipping into the bat...
発売日: 2017-12-28 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥680
From the author of The Perfect Storm, a gripping book about Sebastian Junger's almost-fatal year with the 2nd battalion of the American Army. They were known as "The Rock." For one year, in 2007-2008, Sebastian Junger accompanied a single platoon of thirty men from the storied 2nd battalion of the U.S. Army, as they fought their way through a remote valley in Eastern Afghanistan. Over the course of five trips, Junger was in more firefights than he can count, men he knew were killed or wounded, a...
発売日: 2010-05-27 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥680
The explosive, shocking and honest account from an MI5 officer, revealing never-before-seen detail into MI5's operation 'I do it because it is all I know. I'm a hunter of people and I'm damn good at it.' Recruited after the 7/7 attacks on London, Tom quickly found himself immersed in the tense world of watching, following and infiltrating networks of terrorists, spies and foreign agents. It was a job that took over his life and cost him dear, taking him to the limit of physical and mental endura...
発売日: 2016-10-06 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥850
One of ‘The 30 Best Travel and Adventure Books of All Time’, as selected by Gear Patrol, Winner 2015 US Travel and Adventure website. Fighter Pilot was written from the immediate and unfettered personal journal that 23-year-old Flying Officer Paul Richey began on the day he and No. 1 Squadron landed their Hawker Hurricanes on a grass airfield in France. Originally published in September 1941, it was the first such account of air combat against the Luftwaffe in France in the Second World War,...
発売日: 2016-05-02 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥530
**THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER** With all the SEALs' recent successes, we have been getting a level of attention we are not used to. It's been flattering but something important has been missing from the discussion. People keep describing what we do, but no one has even scratched the surface of how and why. The unique psychology behind it. Operating in the world’s most hostile environments, the Navy SEALs are highly skilled warriors, finely tuned and ready for action. Now, for the first time,...
発売日: 2013-04-11 ジャンル:伝記/自叙伝 ¥1,200