【失敗しない自転車選び】人気ブランド・有名メーカー対応 買う前はもちろん、買った後にも役立つ本 ◆「基礎知識」パーツの名称や購入方法、選び方など、スポーツバイクを買うときにビギナーが直面する悩みにばっちり答えます。 ◆クロスバイク編/ミニベロ編/ロードバイク編/マウンテンバイク編 ◆「メンテナンスの基本編」正しい空気の入れ方や、パンクの修理...
発売日: 2015-07-23 ¥1,000
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 街中でよく見かけるミニベロ。その種類や選び方、ミニベロのある生活の楽しさをお伝えします。カタログでは、様々なミニベロシーンで活躍しているモデルを一挙...
発売日: 2019-03-15 ¥1,300
発売日: 2017-10-06 ¥1,800
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 初心者、メカオンチ、体力ゼロでも大丈夫! マンガでわかる自転車ライフの入門書。 運動不足にも役立つ! クルマなしでもちょっと遠いところへ。 自転車通勤で、満...
発売日: 2019-08-07 ¥1,200
※この商品はタブレットなど大きいディスプレイを備えた端末で読むことに適しています。また、文字だけを拡大することや、文字列のハイライト、検索、辞書の参照、引用などの機能が使用できません。 欲しい1台がかならず見つかる!ブランド&シリーズ別最新カタログ 39ブランド・167台収録!スペック&カラバリも充実。購入から楽しみ方まで、クロスバイクの情報全部...
発売日: 2018-03-28 ¥850
From 2015 to 2017, Peter Sagan achieved the seemingly impossible: he won three road race World Championships in a row, ensuring his entry into the history books as one of the greatest riders of all time. But to look at Peter’s record in isolation is to tell only a fraction of his story, because Peter doesn’t just win: he entertains. Every moment in the saddle is an opportunity to express his personality, and nobody else has succeeded in making elite cycling look so much fun. From no-hands wh...
発売日: 2018-10-04 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,200
Readers as well as listeners can now embark on a journey through the cycling year with The Cycling Podcast, which has been entertaining and informing fans since 2013. Richard Moore, Lionel Birnie and Daniel Friebe share their diaries from three incident-filled Grand Tours, the Giro d’Italia, Tour de France and Vuelta a España. These take readers behind the scenes and explore the culture and landscape as well as the racing, while the ‘Lionel of Flanders’, complete with beer recommendations...
発売日: 2018-03-01 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,600
SHORTLISTED FOR THE SPORTS BOOK AWARDS 'Cycling Book of the Year' 2022 The strange and thrilling world of Japanese track racing - a cycling and betting culture unlike anything else on earth The Olympic cycling sport of keirin was invented in Japan more than 70 years ago to raise money to rebuild the country after World War II. Now, fans bet billions of dollars a year on races, with the top riders earning huge sums. In each race, a pacemaker leads nine riders around huge concrete velodromes, then...
発売日: 2021-06-24 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥800
Commentateur du Tour de France durant plus de quarante ans, Jean-Paul Ollivier en est devenu l'historien incontesté. Intarissable et passionné, " Paulo la Science " livre ici le meilleur de ses Tours dans une sorte d'almanach cyclo-culturel qui permet de voyager dans l'Hexagone au rythme des coureurs, mais aussi des souvenirs personnels de l'auteur. Le Tour de France constitue une épopée riche de joies, de drames, d'imprévus, d'instants d'éternité ou de suspenses insoutenables. Les récit...
発売日: 2018-06-07 ¥1,900
発売日: 2012-01-22 ¥1,300
●緊急キャンペーン 新型コロナウイルスが猛威を振るう今だからこそ、自転車に乗ろう! 自転車愛、人間愛、地球愛。自転車は人類の危機を救う!(Part1) ・未曾有の国難 新型コロナウイルス禍に想う。 亘理 章/疋田 智/浅田 顕/富和清訓/栗村 修/王 清華/小林成基/菊池津根徳/藤本英子/片岡大造/村上敬博/謝炎民/三浦恭資/高木啓司/田中章夫/遠藤まさ子/内海 潤/水田まみ子/盛...
発売日: 2020-05-15 ¥1,100
This is the complete reference guide to bike servicing and repair, and an essential bible for every cyclist's bookshelf. Incredible CGI illustrations show you every aspect of bike repair and maintenance more clearly than ever before, whether you're a mountain biker, cycling commuter, or road racer. All major types of bicycle from the leading brands are covered - including road, racing, hybrid, mountain, and utility bikes - with detailed, practical advice to take you from symptom to solution. The...
発売日: 2020-05-07 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥300
Who is The Secret Cyclist and why all the secrecy? "Every public aspect of our lives is so tightly controlled that being truly honest is all but impossible in a newspaper interview, never mind a whole book. You try write a warts-and-all blog about your office. Question how the business is run, make sure you remember to call your boss a moron, and then tell me how it goes." He's ridden for World Tour teams for ten years. He's achieved top ten finishes in Grand Tours. He likes coffee. These are ju...
発売日: 2019-05-23 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,400
** WINNER OF THE CYCLING BOOK OF THE YEAR AT THE 2019 TELEGRAPH SPORTS BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARDS** So how do you win a bike race? Riding as fast as you could for as long as you could was the main tactic in the early days of road racing when Grand Tours could be won by hours. Now a minute’s delay thanks to a puncture could ruin a rider’s chances over a three-week race and the sport is described as nothing less than chess on wheels. The intricacies and complexities of cycling are what makes it s...
発売日: 2018-06-07 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,200
●特報 世界で勝つ! メダルを取る! JKA & JCF、選手強化育成の体制発表 ベトゥ、ニブレットの2コーチを起用 中野氏は決意の強化委員長再登板 ●2016 ジャパンカップサイクルロードレース 勝負の古賀志で強烈アタック、独走でゴール、ヴィッレッラ(キャノンデール・ドラパック)初優勝! 新城9位。堀、井上は山岳賞獲得 ・2016 ジャパンカップクリテリウム 別府連覇! 残り25...
発売日: 2016-11-20 ¥720
Why do road cyclists go to the mountains? Many books tell you where the mountains are, or how long and how high. None of them ask ‘Why?’ After all, cycling up a mountain is hard – so hard that, to many non-cyclists, it can seem absurd. But, for some, climbing a mountain gracefully (and beating your competitors up the slope) represents the pinnacle of cycling achievement. The mountains are where legends are forged and cycling’s greats make their names. Why are Europe’s mountain ranges p...
発売日: 2017-05-25 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,200
SHORTLISTED FOR CYCLING BOOK OF THE YEAR AT THE BRITISH SPORTS BOOK AWARDS 'Paris-Roubaix is the best race in the world and knocks spots off the Tour de France.' Sir Bradley Wiggins. Paris-Roubaix. The Hell of the North. The ultimate monument in cycling's Classics. More than 150 miles across dusty or muddy roads, much of it puncture-inducing and bone-breaking cobblestones. Even professional riders blanche at the very mention of it. Tour de France winners (with the notable exception of Wiggins in...
発売日: 2015-03-12 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,400
Join Ned Boulting as he reports on his dozen-th Tour de France, an event in which blokes do amazing things on bikes, and, we’re oft told, the biggest annual sporting event in the world. 101 Damnations is a chance to relive the 2014 race, stage for stage, fall after fall, tantrum by tantrum; just the good bits mind, without all the aerial shots of castles. Or sunflowers. (Though it does wax lyrical about some stunning Alpine scenery . . . and, with the race starting in Yorkshire, even some stun...
発売日: 2014-11-06 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,600
lanterne rouge ( French | noun) : The competitor who finishes last in the Tour de France Froome, Wiggins, Merckx – we know the winners of the Tour de France, but what about the men who finish last? Lanterne Rouge tells the forgotten, often inspirational and occasionally absurd stories of the last-placed rider . We learn of stage winners and former yellow jerseys who tasted life at the other end of the bunch; the breakaway leader who stopped for a bottle of wine and then took a wrong turn; the ...
発売日: 2014-04-17 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,400
In A Rough Ride , Paul Kimmage gives a devastatingly frank account of what life is really like in the world of professional cycling. In tracing his mixed fortunes, Kimmage describes not only the grueling pressures of the sport but also the seamier side: the widespread use of drugs to enhance performance. A Rough Ride breaks the law of silence to expose a world where the supposed glamour has worn very thin.
発売日: 2012-08-31 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥800
In this updated edition of the highly acclaimed Tour de France , Graeme Fife sets the 2015 race in the context of the event's remarkable history, which stretches back to July 1903. Named one of the top 5 sports books of the year by both the Times and the Independent , this meticulously researched guide has a pacy narrative which paints an irresistible portrait of this extraordinary competition and a colourful picture of the men who have given the Tour its enduring universal appeal. Tour de Franc...
発売日: 2011-09-15 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,600
The Lives Less Ordinary series brings you the most exciting, adventurous and entertaining true-life writing that is out there, for men who are time-poor but want the best. Lives Less Ordinary drops you into extreme first-hand accounts of human experience, whether that's the adrenaline-pumping heights of professional sport, the brutality of the modern battlefield, the casual violence of the criminal world, the mind-blowing frontiers of science, or the excesses of rock 'n' roll, high finance and H...
発売日: 2011-07-07 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥250
Self-confessed loafer Time Moore, seduced by the speed and glamour of the biggest annual sporting even in the world, sets out to cycle the course of the Tour de France. All 3,630km of it. Racing old men on butchers' bikes and chased by cows, Moore soon resorts to standard race tactics - cheating and drugs - in a hilarious and moving tale of true adventure.
発売日: 2011-01-18 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,000
As seen on TV The bicycle is one of mankind's greatest inventions - and the most popular form of transport in history. Robert Penn has ridden one most days of his adult life. In his late 20s, he pedalled 40,000 kilometres around the world. Yet, like cyclists everywhere, the utilitarian bikes he currently owns don't even hint at this devotion. Robert needs a new bike, a bespoke machine that reflects how he feels when he's riding it - like an ordinary man touching the gods. It's All About the Bike...
発売日: 2010-07-29 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥1,200
Fully updated to include Sir Chris Hoy’s incredible, record-breaking golds at London 2012 (making him his country’s greatest ever Olympian), this is the story of a sporting legend in his own words. This 33-year-old cycling fanatic from Murrayfield in the suburbs of Edinburgh defied the doubters who thought he would struggle when his specialist discipline, the 1km time trial, was dropped from the Olympics, and went on to reinvent himself as a track cycling sprinter and triple Olympic gold med...
発売日: 2009-10-15 ジャンル:スポーツ/アウトドア ¥700