Mystery Pot narra di misteri, fatti inspiegabili e vite incredibili, cercando di rispondere alla domanda: magia o realtà? Esce ogni due settimane, di domenica alle 20.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-02
La fantascienza ha immaginato un nuovo rapporto tra l'uomo e lo spazio. La tecnologia ora ci sta portando in quella direzione. In 8 puntate, attraverso alcuni dei più celebri film di sci-fi, storie e novità sull'esplorazione spaziale e la space economy. In studio Emilio Cozzi, in produzione Giulia Rocco, coordinamento di Luca Zorloni.
Data di rilascio : 2022-03-17
Solutions to Problems is a Dear Prudence style advice podcast set on a space station in some version of the future hovering over some version of Earth. Join us every other Friday for advice on work, relationships, time travel paradoxes, and the occasional brain parasite. Now available on RadioPublic. For more information and episode transcripts, visit us at
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-08
En 2024, un nuevo virus asola la población mundial. Su comportamiento, que parece responder a una voluntad consciente, no tarda en hacer añicos el paradigma de la ciencia. Será el principio de una crisis que pondrá en cuestión todo lo que creemos saber sobre la naturaleza y cambiará por completo a la humanidad. 'La firma de Dios' ha sido galardonado en los II Premios Ondas Globales del Podcast a Mejor guion y Mejor podcast de ficción.
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-19
A strange letter. An impossible sender. Secrets hidden in the ground. From STUDIO5705, a scripted fiction podcast set in present-day Washington State about a man’s journey to unlock a family mystery—and find things long ago buried. Season 3 now underway.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
Aboard the spaceship Eurus, things are optimal. Oxygen supplies are at 80%, crops are thriving, and the twelve-year journey through the Messier 42 nebula is going smoothly. Everything is set for a successful pilgrimage to continue the survival of the human race. Only, when a series of murders occur onboard - mirroring distressing radio signals from Eurus’ sister ship, Notus, Officer Alecto McAlpine finds herself lost in the middle of a conspiracy. With the begrudging help of low-level communi...
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-08
Come walk between the black pines! In this award-winning queer horror podcast, a cosmic narrator follows the increasingly connected residents of the forest at the end of the world. It’s a bittersweet story that explores queer identity, horror genre tropes, and finding hope in humanity’s last moments. New episodes every Wednesday, and weekly bonus stories on Patreon!
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-29
The internet has grown into a fully immersive virtual world known as the Ambit. It's a chaotic conglomeration of parks where people can indulge in all kinds of games and fantasies – for a price.
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-12
București. E mai 2021. De un an și ceva pandemia de Covid-19 ține toată lumea paralizată. Măsurile de relaxare luate de autorități au adus după ele un val de noi infectări care au reușit, începând din septembrie 2020, să aducă Terra în situația de a avea spor negativ de populație. Lumea e un amestec dubios de panică, paranoia și obișnuință. Totul pare că s-a schimbat, însă nimeni nu pricepe în ce fel. Ăsta e contextul în care Șarpe, personajul principal, rămâne f...
Data di rilascio : 2022-03-10
Racconti di fantascienza, del mistero e del terrore. Scritti da Ibbor OB e altri autori, letti e interpretati da Marcello Monti con qualche ospite speciale di tanto in tanto. Buon ascolto! Iscrivetevi al canale e lasciate una recensione. Ibbor OB Marcello Monti
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
Sono un appassionato di paranormale e insieme scopriremo nuove storie e misteri. Puoi trovarmi su instagram @mattiasheldon se hai segnalazioni particolari o se vuoi raccontarmi la tua storia.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-12
Clara Pastor, estudiante de Historia del arte, desaparece mientras realiza su tesis sobre Ursula Blum, una pintora vanguardista del siglo XX. Cinco años después, la periodista Emma Castillo decide viajar a Suiza para continuar la investigación de Clara y narrar en un podcast lo que va descubriendo sobre el misterio que envuelve a ambas mujeres. Para más información visita: Blum es una ficción sonora de El Extraordinario, creada, escrita y dirigida por Carmen...
Data di rilascio : 2022-06-15
Un film per le orecchie: un’avventura tra cyberpunk e noir in una Genova distopica. - - - V.M. 14 - - - In un mondo sovrappopolato dominato da dirette live e connessioni digitali onnipresenti, il silenzio è il nuovo bisogno. Isolarsi è però impossibile. Diventa così complicato assumere l’Acca, una droga acustica. Basterebbe infilarsi gli auricolari e… Orso, un non più giovane ispettore d'igiene dell’ASL che naviga la propria vita tra un passato...
Data di rilascio : 2022-10-07
Twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Turn on your radio and hide. Never listened before? It's an ongoing radio show. Start with the current episode, and you'll catch on in no time. Or, go right to Episode 1 if you wanna binge-listen.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-15
1. Wonderful - It is absolutely great, wonderful to listen to, takes me away and transports me into a strange creepy wonderland in vivid, clear colors - the red and green and yellow and blue - full with angels and dog parks and... I'm afraid I have to go with this grumpy hooded figure now. I don't know if I'll ever come back. Has been a pleasure.
2. perfect - You are alone home, silently you look around…and grab your iPod. You slip under the covers of your bed because you are afraid of the faceless old woman that probably is staring at you…. and you click "play" on the new "Welcome to Night Vale"'s episode. And like in a dream, you hear Cecil, talking to you and asking you to do not approach something and saying of how perfect are the Carlo's hair… But this podcast…THIS is perfect. I love night vale… scary, sassy, funny, scary-scary-scay, and perfect. SUBSCRIBE! :D thay are amazing!
Il primo podcast bisettimanale in diretta dal Triangolo delle Bermuda Padano: il Grande Nulla Agricolo. Ogni episodio una nuova strana storia dalla profonda provincia romagnola: cani scomparsi, misteriose luci nel cielo, auto fantasma e molti altri eventi inspiegabili. Perché è proprio dove non accade mai nulla che può accadere di tutto. Benvenuti a Villamara e ricordate: noi non siamo mai stati qui. Con Nicolò Valandro ( Scritto da Nicolò Valandro...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-13
1. Una chicca imperdibile - Una serie di racconti ottimamente scritti e raccontati sul GNA ; pieni di oscure suggestioni che sfiorano Pupi Avati, le leggende popolari, l’horror della provincia( ove si annida il male) ; come H.P. Lovecraft, ma con Villamara al posto di Providence, come Stephen King ma tra la via Emilia e la subsidenza della bassa.
Noi non siamo mai stati qui ( ma noi emiliano-romagnoli sappiamo bene che, da Villamara ci siam passati…)
2. Spaziale - Cerco un podcast. Ne ascolto alcuni che non mi convincono, leggo descrizioni, sfoglio, niente… Ad un certo punto scrollando in giù con il dito vedo di sfuggita l’immagine di copertina di questo podcast. Il mio dito con insolita velocità clicca, scorre fino in fondo e preme play. Così, guidato solo da veloci suggestioni. Nessuna delusione, tanto entusiasmo, nuovo podcast preferito.
3. Lovecraft romagnolo - La bassa, quella bassa che se sei cresciuto li non ti abbandona mai nemmeno se scappi lontano. Quella bassa fatta da personaggi che sembrano usciti da un libro di Lovecraft ma in realtà sono i più reali che hai mai sentito. Quella bassa che puzza di nebbia e che non ti fa vedere nulla per le nuvole di fritto delle sagre. Quella bassa che se anche non l’hai mai visto ti basta ascoltare una puntata di questo podcast per poi trovarti, senza sapere il perché, immerso nella nebbia a camminare per cercare l’uscita dalla subsidenza.
Tanis is a bi-weekly podcast from the Public Radio Alliance, and is hosted by Nic Silver. Tanis is a serialized docudrama about a fascinating and surprising mystery: the myth of Tanis. Tanis is an exploration of the nature of truth, conspiracy, and information. Tanis is what happens when the lines of science and fiction start to blur... S
Data di rilascio : 2021-07-13
El 11 de abril de 2018 se produjo la tormenta solar más intensa jamás registrada. Dos días después, el planeta quedó en completa oscuridad. Este evento fue conocido como El gran apagón. Una serie de Podium Podcast.
Data di rilascio : 2018-04-16
An eclectic collection of short science fiction stories. Each day we'll release a new story for your listening pleasure. All Librivox Recordings are in the public domain.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Immergetevi con noi nell'atmosfera magica e incantata di Venezia, insieme a Giada, Serafina e Michele. Tre ragazzi inseparabili, catapultati in una misteriosa corsa contro il tempo alla ricerca di una macchina capace di produrre energia pulita attraverso l'acqua...un'invenzione che potrebbe salvare il nostro pianeta. La voce di Cristiana Capotondi ci accompagna in questa incredibile avventura, con un racconto ispirato al libro per ragazzi scritto da Marco Alverà, amministratore delegato di Sna...
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-16
From chatbots that resurrect the dead to plant communication: Screenlock brings you short stories about the weird future that looms around the corner. Dare to take a peep?
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-09
Historias de terror, misterio, casos reales, hechos inexplicables... Cada martes te traemos una nueva historia que no te dejará dormir. Con Emma Entrena y Silvia Ortiz. Realizado por David Fernández Marcos. Ilustraciones TheGray.Art Hazte con una suscripción de pago:
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Sergio Succu presenta il podcast "Storie di UFO e alieni", antichi astronauti, dischi volanti del passato, abduction, archeo astronomia, bibbia, giganti, strani esseri di luce, incontri ravvicinati del terzo e del quarto tipo, possessioni, rapimenti alieni, misteri irrisolti, segreti nascosti, area 51, grigi, comete, esseri di altri pianeti e astronavi del passato.
Data di rilascio : 2022-06-12
Racconti, analisi e curiosità dei casi più famosi del paranormale e dell’ occulto. A cura di Alek De Caro.
Data di rilascio : 2021-03-25
Magic: the Gathering – Lore La storia di Magic e dei Planeswalker! Elesh Norn e le sue legioni di fanatici biomeccanici combatteranno per il destino del Multiverso e il potere della perfezione. Gli eroi riusciranno a non soccombere in questo capitolo della battaglia con Phyrexia? Affronterai Elesh Norn o ti arrenderai alla perfezione? Phyrexia: Tutto Diverrà Uno Seguici su YouTube:
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-16
Join parapsychologist and radio broadcaster Dr. Malcolm Ryder as he helps those who suffer the supernatural on his call-in radio show.
Data di rilascio : 2022-10-07
Uno show dedicato alla narrazione delle storie dei personaggi che abitano il mondo di Runeterra, il mondo dei videogiochi League of Legends, Legends of Runeterra e tanti altri!
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-20
1. Lapo è meraviglioso tutto ció! - L’ho scoperta da poco e sono innamorato del modo in cui narri la Lore, interessante, con soundtrack sempre azzeccatissime.
Adoravo leggere la sera i vari racconti su Lol Universe ma così è ancora meglio perchè chiudo gli occhi e mi lascio guidare dalla tua voce e volo con la fantasia.
Grazie mille ancora per ció che fai
Set shortly after the events of the award-winning podcast The Leviathan Chronicles, The Rapscallion Agency continues the adventures of its two youngest characters, Lisette Mainsabiles and Paul Lee (aka Cluracan) who moved to Paris and use their unique skills to start a business, navigate young love, and lovingly care for a cybernetic rat. After converting a bakery van into their mobile hi-tech headquarters, Lisette and Cluaracan explore Paris by calling upon old acquaintances to help them fin...
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-07
ساعت صفر روایتی است شنیده نشده از معمای زمان | * توجه : شاید شنیدن این پادکست برای افراد زیر 15 سال مناسب نباشد
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-04
Life's not easy for Doug Eiffel, the communications officer for the U.S.S. Hephaestus Research Station, currently on Day 448 of its orbit around red dwarf star Wolf 359. He's stuck on a scientific survey mission of indeterminate length, 7.8 light years from Earth. His only company on board the station are stern mission chief Minkowski, insane science officer Hilbert, and Hephaestus Station's sentient, often malfunctioning operating system Hera. He doesn't have much to do for his job other than m...
Data di rilascio : 2021-12-25
The first test of light speed flight has gone wrong, hurling an astronaut deep into the future where he begins a desperate interplanetary search for remnants of the human race. 12 Episodes. Created, written and directed by Alexander Adell. Join our Discord for bonus content, discussion and AMAs
Data di rilascio : 2022-11-26
A Podcast about all the strange and unexplained things we deal with on a day-to-day basis.
Data di rilascio : 2020-02-20
Hola! Bienvenido a este tu espacio, donde pasaremos muchas horas hablando de temas extra anormales que mis seguidores me hagan llegar, prepárate y disfruta de mucho terror.!
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
When Carly Parker’s friend Yumiko goes missing under very mysterious circumstances, Carly’s search for her friend leads her headfirst into a ancient mysterious game known only as Rabbits. Soon Carly begins to suspect that Rabbits is much more than just a game, and that the key to understanding Rabbits, might be the key to the survival of our species, and the Universe, as we know it.
Data di rilascio : 2022-03-15
Edited by Christie Yant and Arley Sorg, FANTASY is a digital magazine focusing exclusively on the fantasy genre. In its pages, you will find all types of fantasy—dark fantasy, contemporary urban tales, surrealism, magical realism, science fantasy, high fantasy, folktales…and anything and everything in between. Fantasy is entertainment for the intelligent genre reader—we publish stories of the fantastic that make us think, and tell us what it is to be human. Every month FANTASY will bring y...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-14
[НЕ]фантастика - подкаст о будущем, в котором [ТЕПЕРЬ] возможно всё! Известные визионеры - писатели, бизнесмены, политики - обсуждают, каким стал мир в эпоху коронавируса. А самое главное - что нас ждет дальше: завтра, через год или даже десятилетие.
Data di rilascio : 2021-09-03
In the early 22nd century, the Apollyon virus wiped out 75% of the world’s population, and now most of the world is governed by the International Conglomerate of Research Scientists. Dr. Theo Ramsey is an ICRS research scientist who may have just discovered an effective vaccine for Apollyon, but the stakes to get the vaccine to the public are higher than she ever imagined
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
Magic: the Gathering – Lore La Storia di Magic e dei Planeswalker! Il Multiverso è ormai in via di completamento. L'unica opzione è rischiare il "tutto per tutto" con un ultimo attacco. Preparati a prendere parte ad un epico team-up contro il male supremo... l'intero Multiverso, tutti i tuoi eroi preferiti da ogni piano dovranno allearsi per l'ultima battaglia. L'Avanzata delle Macchine Seguici su YouTube:
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Tessa Thompson stars as an idealistic young journalist trying to make a name for herself by following a group of paranormal explorers, obsessed with a seemingly harmless pastime known as the Left/Right Game. The journey takes her into a supernatural world that she and the other members of the expedition can neither handle nor survive.
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-05
Secure. Contain. Protect. There are things that go bump in the night. Fantastic things. Horrible things. Redacted things. The SCP Foundation was built to keep humanity safe from a world of beings it doesn’t want to know exists. Things of wonder. Things of destruction. And these things have files. A LOT of files. New episodes weekly. * * * Content related to the SCP Foundation, including these podcasts, are licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0. Concepts originate from works on the ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-07
1. Very good podcast - This podcast is extremely raccomended for any long-time scp fan. It is very realistic and always steers very close to the lore on the wiki page. One thing that you should talk more about is the scp wiki legal fight in Russia that is happening right now....
Anyways I really suggest this podcast to anyone, new or old to the scp lore, to listen to this podcast
New to DUST? Start with Season Three: CHRYSALIS, starring Corey Hawkins, Toni Collette, and more! DUST is the premier destination for immersive science fiction audio stories. Previous Seasons: Season Three, CHRYSALIS: When an AI awakens after the genocide of the human race by an unknown alien species, it sets off on a path of vengeance across the known universe...and beyond. Season Two, FLIGHT 008: Eleven of the biggest writers in science fiction, through eleven unique stories, follow one single...
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-24
NOCTURNAL TRANSMISSIONS is a fortnightly short story podcast featuring masterful performances of dark tales, both old and new, by voice artist Kristin Holland. If you enjoy playful, chilling, compelling narrations of horror stories, this is the podcast for you. You can support us (and access lots of exclusive content) by becoming a patron at scary stories, dark tales, haunting poetry, c...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
Sono un appassionato di paranormale e insieme scopriremo nuove storie e misteri. Puoi trovarmi su instagram @mattiasheldon se hai segnalazioni particolari o se vuoi raccontarmi la tua storia.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-12
In this horror/fantasy serial drama, Carpenter and Faulkner, two worshippers of an outlawed god, travel up the length of their deity’s great black river, searching for holy revelations. As their pilgrimage lengthens and the river’s mysteries deepen, the two acolytes find themselves under threat from a police manhunt, but also come into conflict with the weirder gods that have flourished in these forgotten rural territories. Two seasons released, one more on the way. Hosted on Acast. See...
Data di rilascio : 2022-10-17
1. Imaginative, creepy, unlike anything else out there. A treat from start to finish - After a slow start, this show captured me like only Magnus Archive did before. Its setting is one of the most gleefully, horridly imaginative that I’ve ever encountered, so simple in concept yet so dense and rich in execution. I fell in love with the characters and their struggles, while rejoicing at the creative horrors they faced along the way. Can’t recommend it more.
Первая и крупнейшая группа МДС, работает с 2007 года. Литературно-музыкальный симбиоз лучших произведений зарубежной и российской литературы и музыки таких модных направлений, как электроника, психоделика, эмбиент, даб, трип-хоп. «Модель для сборки» - уникальный, культовый п...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
Doctors in space, a deposed alien prince, a super gay space pirate and a fiery nurse who’ll help you win your bar fight.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-22
In a distant future, long after the apocalypse was forgotten and the history of civilization lost, three adventurers, a smooth-talking leader, a big-hearted brute, and an analytical savant, embark on a quest that could save the world. They face a primordial evil that has the power to possess the mind and rules over a mental realm called The Intra. A production of iHeartRadio and Astrum Media. Created by Michael Freiberg.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
The Program audio series is a fiction podcast set in a future in which Money, State, and God became fused into a single entity called the Program. Each episode is a self-contained story focusing on ordinary people inhabiting this extraordinary world. And for them, it is not this future that is terrifying - it is our present. Visit to learn more and get bonus episodes. Get bonus content on Patreon Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-22
Sam archives space. Yep. It's pretty boring... until she finds an alien-bat-thing hiding inside her robot companion. How will she keep the cute, and definitely not terrifying, creature safe from the very corporation that employs her? After all, she's just an archivist. Don't worry, everything will be fine... This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable - Podcorn -
Data di rilascio : 2023-02-09
Archive 81 is a fiction podcast about horror, cities, and the subconscious. New episodes will be released every other Wednesday. Start from "01 - A Body In A New Place"
Data di rilascio : 2019-06-05
The 7th Rule began when Aron Eisenberg & Cirroc Lofton (Nog & Jake Sisko from Star Trek Deep Space Nine) reunited and teamed up with host Ryan T. Husk in January of 2019 to rewatch and discuss the show we all know and love. Years later, and after the tragic passing of our brother, Aron Eisenberg, we have continued on, in his name, with in-depth discussions, joined by creators, directors, writers, actors, and Aron's widow, Malissa Longo. ***Pardon our space dust as we are in the process of REL...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27