You’ve made it to Date Yourself Instead, a podcast intended to inspire you to become the best version of yourself. In 2021, social media personality Lyss started a self-love series on TikTok which amassed over 100+ million views on her videos and counting. In this podcast, she gets candid about her relationship experiences, and touches on other topics including business, beauty, wellness, and so much more. Welcome to the #dateyourselfinstead movement. Episodes every Monday.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
I’m Glennon Doyle, author of Untamed, the book that was released at the very start of the pandemic and became a lifeline for millions. I watched in awe from my home while this simple phrase from Untamed – WE CAN DO HARD THINGS – the mantra that saved my life twenty years ago, became a worldwide rally cry. Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every day – we love and lose; we forge and end friendships; battle addiction, illness, and loneliness; care for children and parents;...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
1. Never thought I’d say this about a podcast but.. I literally have never missed an episode! - I patiently wait for new episodes every week. It’s my favourite podcast by far. My favourite episode so far was the one about Sister (February )! I love Sister. I love all of you really. Can I request an episode? An episode about animals. Not just dogs, all animals. We need more (good) people to advocate for animals and I feel like a lot of good people listen to this podcast love you Glennon, Sister and Abby!
2. Fragile or not, I shed a lot of tears. - I don’t exactly know if my tears are coming from the wrong place, but I often find myself misty eyed during many of your podcasts. Is it because they are so relatable, because I feel connected to your discussions, or is it false fragility and self-pity? I’m going to examine that , but in the meantime I want to thank you for opening my brain and getting it up and running again, for the longest time it seems I wasn’t even able to think about any of the important stuff that you have brought to light so humanly.
3. Weekly dose of cheetahs - After reading Untamed I thought it couldn’t get better. I didn’t imagine we would have been blessed with a regular weekly dose of Glennon.
This podcast is a life jacket for navigating family issues, personal growth and overall living a life that is truly “ours”.
Thank you G. and Sis for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us. Thank you for bringing us home. And also, from the bottom of my heart thank you Tish for the theme song.
Somos Lety & Ash y juntas creamos Se Regalan Dudas, un proyecto que nació como un podcast entre dos amigas y se convirtió en un ecosistema de herramientas para cuestionar todo lo que está a tu alrededor, tomar decisiones más informadas y acompañarte en este camino sin fin llamado amor propio. Invitamos al podcast personas especialistas en temas diversos y personas que admiramos para poner sobre la mesa distintos puntos de vista que nos ayuden a abrir nuestro espectro. Si te gustaría par...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
This season on How's Work?, iconic couples therapist Esther Perel focuses on the hard conversations we're afraid to have in our jobs: Colleagues navigating the new etiquette of a work from home workforce. Newsrooms whose journalists feel that covering breaking news has broken them. A doctor who wants to walk away from his profession, during a pandemic. And lobbyists whose fight for racial equality ends up dividing them. Esther Perel brings a new perspective to the invisible forces that shape wor...
Data di rilascio : 2021-09-07
Upon the release of her second bestselling book The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times, former First Lady Michelle Obama set out on a very special highly anticipated, six-city U.S. book tour. Inside intimate venues and in front of small audiences, Mrs. Obama held inspiring conversations with esteemed friends like Ellen DeGeneres, Tyler Perry, Conan O’Brien, Oprah Winfrey, and more. Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast goes beyond the book as Michelle Obama and her friends share persona...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Lust auf eine Nachmittagsjause? Wir sind zwei Schwestern, die sich gerne mal bei einem Kaffee und Kuchen unterhalten und über jeden Klatsch und Tratsch reden. Unsere Nachmittagsjause ist ein perfekter Ort um einfach mal abzuschalten. Jeden Montag lassen euch Anna und Kat an ihrer täglichen Nachmittagsjause teilhaben. Seid mit witzigen Stories, spannenden Diskussionen, nützliche Tipps und vielleicht dem ein oder anderen Tratsch dabei! Wenn du mehr über Anna und Kat erfahren möchtest: ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Join relationship coach Stephanie Rigg in On Attachment, where she delves deep into all things attachment theory, love, relationships & intimacy - sharing her wisdom and experience to help you start making real changes in your life & relationships.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
Найти свой путь и своё место, построить отношения с собой и с мужчиной, играть главную роль в своей жизни помогает в этом подкасте Анна Шахова кандидат наук, лайф коуч и жена психолога Александра Шахова
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-15
Nicole Byer is single and has been for decades. She’s smart, funny, has a fat ass and loves giving blow jobs. So the question is why is she perpetually single? This podcast is a quest to find that answer. Every week, Nicole invites a comedian, friend, or ex-fling to interview their dating life and figure out her own.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
Parce que s’aimer est l’une des façons de faire la révolution. Une fois par semaine, un épisode pour réinventer nos relations amoureuses, nos liens avec nos ami·e·s, nos parent·e·s et nos amant·e·s. Le Coeur sur la table est le nouveau podcast de Victoire Tuaillon produit par Binge Audio. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-15
This is a show about the moments that change us, fundamentally and forever. Each week, host Stephanie Wittels Wachs (Lemonada’s co-founder and award-winning queen of darkness and light) is sitting down with a new guest to explore happy/sad stories of survival, resilience and transformation. After three seasons of exploring the "last day" of people’s lives in an effort to understand mass epidemics, Steph was ready for a change herself. Some “last days” are hopeful. Some are tragic. But at...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
Мы были вместе пять лет, а теперь обсуждаем отношения через призму личного опыта, психотерапии и черного юмора 🌝 Подпишитесь в Телеграм: По рекламе пишите:
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-14
L’estate è un buon momento per innamorarsi? La risposta è: no. Per questo, in soccorso di chi soffre pene d'amore in un periodo così caldo e drammatico, arriva l'aiuto di Guido Catalano. "Amare Male" è il primo podcast che offre un servizio sentimentale esclusivo e gratuito: nel mese di agosto, chiuso nel suo bunker anti-atomico, lo scrittore nonché poeta vivente risponderà a tutti i vostri dubbi amorosi ed esistenziali con l'ironia che lo contraddistingue. Tutti i giorni, dal 2 agosto. ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-08-21
1. Gentile Dottoressa ;) - Guido caro o Caro Guido, decidi tu per me è lo stesso. Quel che conta è aver dato queste stelle (e non o e mezzo) al podcast che mi fa scompisciare dalle risate mentre gli altri continuano a correre al parco. Ed io, io che dovrei buttar giù la pancetta, continuo a passeggiare ridendo come una matta. Grazie
Dans ce podcast produit par Agathe Lecaron, vous trouverez des témoignages d'anonymes qui ont vécu des histoires d'amour qui ont tout changé dans leurs vies : ils ont vibré, parfois énormément souffert, il ont été déçus, parfois trahis, ont vécu des passions destructrices ou au contraire fondatrices, mais quoiqu'il en soit, même si ce ne sont pas que des histoires d'ex..., elles sont ex...traordinaires. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
Are more women having affairs? Or are they finally just talking about it? Throughout history, women have been stigmatized, ostracized, and so much worse for committing adultery—while men have too often been given a pass. But the truth is that women have the same wants, needs and desires as men despite cultural assumptions. Hosted by journalist Jo Piazza, this groundbreaking podcast seriesfeatures real women of different ages and backgrounds telling the stories of their affairs, many for the ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
De relatie is over, maar de liefde is er nog steeds. En daarom willen we vrienden blijven, maar dat is gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan. Toch gaan we het proberen. Terwijl wij ploeteren, terugvallen en weer opkrabbelen mag jij meeluisteren. We halen herinneringen op, laten dagboekfragmenten horen en vertellen over onze datingavonturen. Zijn we over een jaar nog vrienden? Volg ons op Instagram: @exendepodcast Exen de Podcast is een podcast van Mischa Blok en Jacob de Vries. Vormgeving, geluid en...
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-11
A daily Capricorn horoscope podcast is a show that provides daily astrological forecasts for people born under the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac, and is associated with the element of earth. Those born under this sign are known for their disciplined, ambitious, and practical nature. In a daily Capricorn horoscope podcast, you can expect to hear about the astrological influences affecting Capricorn on a given day, and how they might affect your mood, relationships,...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Named “one of the UKs most successful love coaches” by The Times, Persia Lawson helps female leaders get relationships that revolutionise their impact & happiness. In this show Persia and her guests educate & entertain you to transform your love life from the inside-out. From dating as an “intimidatingly successful woman” to effectively navigating dating apps & ghosting, we explore how romance can be used as a vehicle for profound healing & change. It’s time to stop looking outside of ...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-22
Confessions of a 30 Something Drama Queen is a weekly podcast by Suzie Bonaldi featuring deep dives and honest, unsolicited advice to help you navigate the wild ride of adult life where your options are endless and unfortunately so are your bills. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Data di rilascio : 2022-10-10
Ti chiamo dopo è un podcast sull’amicizia e su tutto ciò che vi sta intorno. L’amicizia è una delle relazioni più importanti eppure meno codificate che esistano, è la lente ideale per parlare di complessità e zone inesplorate. Attraverso interviste con persone provenienti da percorsi di vita diversi, questo podcast intende aprire una conversazione sulle dinamiche delle relazioni amicali, raccontandone i tabù, i conflitti, le difficoltà ma anche la magia di questo rapporto. Ti ch...
Data di rilascio : 2021-12-14
1. Peccato! - L’argomento è interessantissimo e proprio per quello avrei desiderato qualcosa di più approfondito e sviluppato. Ho ascoltato l’episodio numero , “Come si lascia un amico”, e sembra quasi non arrivare mai il momento in cui si parla veramente del tema proposto se non sul finale, quasi velocemente. Peccato! Sembra una chiacchierata quasi casuale. Mi dispiace.
Nell’estate del 2021 Giovanni Savarese ha fatto un viaggio con Sergio Ramazzotti, un vecchio amico fotoreporter, per ripercorrere le tappe di un altro di viaggio, di dieci anni prima. Nel 2011 Ramazzotti ha accompagnato Pietro attraverso l’Italia, fino a Basilea, in Svizzera, dove ad attenderlo c’era un suicidio assistito. “Ti scorderai di me” è il podcast che racconta questo viaggio nel viaggio: 1400 km nell’arco di 48 ore, verso la Svizzera e verso un suicidio cercato con tenacia,...
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-12
Fin da piccole ci viene detto come dobbiamo essere. Le brave bambine sono dolci, educate, non creano problemi, sono silenziose e si comportano da principesse. Sono quelle che mettono tutti d'accordo. Poi ci viene detto come dobbiamo apparire. Ci vogliono le gambe lunghe e magre ma non troppo, le tette grosse ma non eccessive, il sedere sodo ma morbido, la pancia piatta ma non troppo addominale perché sennò sembri un uomo, le braccia sottili ma non troppo muscolose perchè "chi sei, Schwarzeneg...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
1. Mi ha cambiato la testa….e la vita - Le sarò infinitamente grata….conosciuta su you tube x caso convalescente da intervento chirurgico delicato obbliga a stare sdraiata e ferma x almeno un mese…ho guardato, ascoltato è preso appunti su tutti i suoi consigli….ho iniziato a praticare Keto e digiuno Intermittente e ho perso kg in quel mese nonostante tutto…continuò il mio percorso è la seguo sempre….è una forza della natura x noi donne e mamme…..
U Up? is the definitive modern dating podcast presented by Betches co-founder Jordana Abraham and comedian Jared Freid, where they discuss their take on the ebbs and flows of the crazy dating world we live in. From interpreting dating app interactions and weird sexual encounters, to defining the relationship and everything in between - they’re here to make sure you don’t die alone. For more fun dating commentary, polls, and bonus content, follow @u.up.podcast on Instagram.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-05
Lesbian Life and Love is a podcast surrounding the life and love story of two women members of the LGBTQIA+ community on their journey of chasing dreams, traveling the world, and just becoming living legends.
Data di rilascio : 2023-01-31
(Lavori in corso per la seconda stagione) Ci sono emozioni a cui non sai dare un nome. Ci sono emozioni che nemmeno sapevi di provare. Emozionology è un progetto di programma podcast dedicato alla sfera emotiva e al potere transculturale del linguaggio. Ogni puntata presenta una parola specifica (talvolta più d’una) di una data cultura che descrive uno stato emotivo complesso, di cui la lingua Italiana non presenta un corrispettivo. Uscita puntate: settimanale Link facebook: https://www...
Data di rilascio : 2021-03-26
1. Sensazionale - Lascio stelle perché non se ne possono mettere di più. Un oratore incredibile con una bella voce (in grado di farti provar le stesse emozioni che spiega) e l’idea meravigliosa di provar a spiegare emozioni che spesso ci attanagliano senza che ce ne rendiamo conto diventano la perfetta combinazione per un podcast unico come questo.
Spero che la seconda stagione arrivi presto.
Bienvenue dans Night Confessions ! Je suis Manon, aka Dairing Tia sur mes autres réseaux si l'envie vous prend de me découvrir ailleurs. Night Confessions c'est votre rendez-vous toutes les deux semaines pour prendre les meilleurs conseils de vie, en toute détente, et sans pincettes (quel que soit le sujet...). Parce que vous le savez : c'est la nuit que l'on se dit TOUT et surtout SANS FILTRES. Avec ce podcast, moi, comme mes futurs invité.es, voulons avant tout partager, rigoler, mais auss...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-30
Considerăm că flexibilitatea este cheia conviețuirii sănătoase în relații. Mai credem și că ”Secolul acesta va fi relațional sau nu va mai fi deloc”. Reconectat își dorește să faciliteze o experiență nouă în cadrul căreia fiecare să poată descoperi idei, repere și oameni care să ne ajute să navigăm tărâmuri noi în relația cu noi înșine, cu corpurile noastre, cu cei din jur, cu natura și chiar universul. Ne dorim să creăm un mediu propice conectării, un medi...
Data di rilascio : 2022-10-26
Tu peux laisser ta question après le bip sonore et Shera y répondra à chaque épisode. Amour, amitié, blessures, émotions, bref peu importe ta question, qu'elle soit utile ou futile: il n'y a pas de question bête. Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-23
Non-Monogamy Help is a relationship advice podcast for people in non-monogamous or polyamorous relationships. With the help of a therapist with over a decade of experience, your host Lola Phoenix, answers the questions your questions about rules, hierarchies, unicorns and more.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-17
What I Know Now, born out of Amelia’s heartbreak from her engagement ending is her podcast exploring everything surrounding Amelia’s daily life from relationships, friendships and work life. On season three Amelia sits down with her closest family and friends to chat about their lives together and what they know now. Follow Amelia on IG @amelialiana
Data di rilascio : 2022-11-17
辛辣观点(300mg)、新奇体验(300mg)、飞跃想象力(200mg)、贴心小棉袄(100mg) 药效:毒舌 狂野 奇幻 温暖 效果:一小时镇痛
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-12
The Michelle Obama Podcast features the former First Lady diving deep into conversations with loved ones—family, friends, and colleagues—on the relationships in our lives that make us who we are.
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-27
Александра Яковлева, автор и ведущая подкаста, психолог, журналист, создала уникальную экспертную платформу, куда она приглашает авторитетных психологов и педагогов, разговаривает с ними на самые разные и важные темы — от стресса и зависимостей до поиска пары и причин се...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-25
Grida per combattere un'assenza. Pensieri che escono dal silenzio di una stanza. Storie di giorni di sole e notti di tempesta. E viceversa. I respiri di chi crede in un "nonostante tutto" Queste sono le parole che non hai mai letto.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Let’s build healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to completely transform their love life, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself. Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones this show is for you. Jillian Turecki is a ce...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
Mother and former model turned thought-leader, Valeria Lipovetsky brings her fun and informative content to her newest endeavor, the podcast Not Alone! Join Valeria to find inspiration, connectedness, and belonging through a community of listeners seeking answers together. On each episode you’ll hear engaging and relatable conversations from experts and celebrities on topics ranging from relationships to creativity, paired with Valeria’s intimate snapshots of her own self discovery journey...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-15
Подкаст терапія - це діалоги двох друзів. Спартак - український лікар, кандидат психологічних наук. Янович - український актор та комік. Наука досі не може пояснити, як вони зійшлися і чому досі спілкуються. Власне, це єдине, що й хлопці не можуть пояснити. На все інше в подкас...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-28
Podcast sin filtros para cuestionarnos todo, filosofar, divertirnos y recordar que… ¡Te vas a morir!
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-27
Relationships are for heroes. Join bestselling author—and host of the #1 YouTube channel for women’s relationship advice—Matthew Hussey and his brother Stephen Hussey, as they offer tips and insights on how to make sense of the beautiful mess that is finding and maintaining love, while nurturing the relationship you have with yourself. In weekly episodes, they share practical advice, hard-won wisdom, and the occasional musing on relationships and the increasingly confusing world of mode...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-03
1. Funny, conversational, and open-minded - I think this is a great podcast if you are looking for insights about relationships of any kind. They do a very good job at making conversations about many different important topics. I particularly like that they are a group of three informed individuals who discuss openly and exchange ideas according to their own lives, experiences, and general beliefs. I think it’s so essential to hear their comments to realize other points of view about many areas of real life! Keep being genuine and intentional. It’s definitely coming through
Una chiacchierata, fra amici, sull’amicizia: quella vera, quella tradita, quella sui social. Quella protagonista di “Si vive una volta sola”, il nuovo film di Carlo Verdone, prossimamente al cinema.
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-09
1. Accogliente - La sensazione è proprio quella di stare a cena con un vecchio amico, con uno zio dai tanti racconti e aneddoti di vita, una sensazione di relax e e soprattuto di simpatia ed empatia nei confronti della voce realmente accogliente di Carlo Verdone. Una piccola chicca quella di ascoltare i brani che suggerisce alla fine delle puntate, per rifinire il colore dei piccoli racconti e annesse riflessioni. Da ascoltare con un bicchiere di vino e Roma in sottofondo!
Imagine listening in on these raw, unfiltered conversations with real couples… One partner is in $300,000 in debt, but shrugs it off. The other cries at night, anxious about the future. A couple that’s so worried about money, they never feel they’ll have enough. When they eat out, they order chicken instead of steak to save $10. Their household income: $600,000. Two parents who feel overwhelmed by work, kids, and debt. When I ask them how they’d describe their lives, they instantly say t...
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-04
Nothing is off limits when Sean Whalen and Saxony discuss relationships. As parents who have been married, divorced and in the dating game when you’re “older” your hosts are finally engaged in a healthy, dynamic relationship ready to help you. Everything from sex, divorce, dating, parenting and co-parenting, personal relationships, the struggle and blessings of it all while building careers together. That’s the Sean and Sax Show. Listen. Share. Subscribe.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-07
Calliope nasce con l'obiettivo di sensibilizzare sull'importanza della salute psicologica. Siamo quattro donne, psicologhe e psicoterapeute, unite nella mission di voler diffondere la voce della psicologia come specchio di parti di sé inascoltate, presenti in ognuno di noi. Parlare di benessere psicologico non significa esclusivamente trattare la disfunzionalità, ma acquisire il senso di sé.
Data di rilascio : 2023-04-02
Le podcast pour oser, se changer, ne plus se conformer, se cultiver, apprendre, s'interroger. Toi qui m'écoutes : tu m'inspires. Toi qui aimes, souffres, danses, ris : tu m'inspires. Toi qui vibres, cries, manifestes : tu m'inspires, et tu me fais grandir. Sois Sage et Parle Fort est l'espace où je peux librement donner voix à des sujets qui nous touchent tous. Donner la parole à ceux et celles qui ont des messages à partager. Questionner notre société, débattre psychologie, alimentation...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-21
Welcome to our Royal Podcast all about the British Royal Family. Every episode will be crammed to the rafters with news, commentary and opinions about the family of Windsors. Join your hosts Rachael Andrews and Michelle Thole as we take a look at the comings and goings of the Royals and try keeping up with the Windsors. Remember to follow, subscribe, heart, leave a 5* review and a comment on the Pod. And why not be part of our royal community over on Instagram - @keepingupwiththewindsorspod
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-25
Подкаст, в котором люди обсуждают с психотерапевтами свои жизненные ситуации, ментальные нарушения и сложные чувства. Как жить с сильной тревогой? Что делать, если каждый день состоит из ритуалов? Как перестать переедать? Можно ли жить как раньше, если врачи сообщили страш...
Data di rilascio : 2022-11-29
「ケアンズFMわくわく日本語ラジオ」は、2015年4月よりスタートしたオーストラリア・ケアンズの日本語FMコミュニティー・ラジオ(Cairn FM89.1)のボランティア番組です。レギュラー・コーナーに加え、インタビュー・コーナーやお知らせなどを日本の音楽をはさみながら運用しています。 Waku Waku Japanese radio on Cairns FM 89.1 will have regular corners and Cairns local community news, intervi...
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-31
Love doesn’t have to suck. We know this from overcoming our own dating and relationship horror stories, which led us to being experts in healing from codependency, dating and toxic relationships. Our 30 year age difference brings you an array of perspectives at any stage in life. If you’re dating, in a relationship or divorced, we’ve got your back. With leading experts, you'll learn the latest tools on how to navigate dating and how to thrive in a successful relationship.
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-24
「不把天聊si」是由青年媒体品牌「WhatYouNeed」出品的聊天类播客节目,每周更新一集。我们想尽量最真实地分享,二十几岁的我们正在经历着的生活是什么样子的。 在这里,可以听到编辑部的秘事杂谈、年轻人说出来太小不说又憋得慌的生活烦恼、90 后的感情职场经历、以及不同人的不同生活方式。我们的目的是,不把天聊死。以及,让你和朋友也有聊不完的天。 同时也...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-31
Sibling Revelry explores the sibling bond, family dynamics, the human mind, and so much more. Kate and Oliver dive deep into the things that interest them and talk to other siblings in a free-formed, wide open, relaxed conversation to not only have some laughs, but to maybe inspire some people along the way with universal tales of what it’s like to grow up with brothers and sisters.
Data di rilascio : 2022-05-20