Frutto della trentennale esperienza dell’autore nel mondo della corsa, questo testo raccoglie tutto ciò che oggi si conosce su questa meravigliosa pratica sportiva. La corsa viene analizzata sotto i vari aspetti, da quello semplicemente salutistico fino ad arrivare a quello agonistico. È l’opera ideale per accompagnare il principiante nei suoi primi passi, o per far capire al “professionista” tutti i fini meccanismi che devono essere messi in moto per arrivare al vertice della sua pres...
Data di rilascio : 2016-07-05 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 27,99 €
Tra scienza, esperienza personale e ricerca, Sul camminare è una guida alle infinite possibilità del muoversi.Scegliendo 52 esempi, idealmente uno a settimana, Annabel Streets scopre con il lettore cosa succede a corpo, mente e spirito se i piedi si mettono in moto. Incamminarsi nel fango stimola la serotonina, affrontare il vento accelera il metabolismo, passeggiare con un animale domestico accresce l’autostima, e questi sono solo alcuni dei tanti benefici che ogni camminata, sia essa veloc...
Data di rilascio : 2023-03-03 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 9,99 €
Chi non hai sognato di vivere in prima persona quello che solitamente si vede nei film d'azione o nei videogiochi? Difficilmente si può andare oltre il tiro in poligono o dinamico. Esiste, però, un alternativa assolutamente innocua e perfettamente legale rispettando alcune semplici norme. È il Softair, che in Italia vanta migliaia di praticanti e che ci vede secondi solo al Giappone. Un eBook per scoprire tutto, ma proprio tutto di questo gioco che non è uno sport da t...
Data di rilascio : 2014-05-14 14,99 €
BODYFIT ACADEMY™ e GIACOMO LAZZARIN presentano ALLENAMENTO A CORPO LIBERO : il libro più completo e aggiornato disponibile sull'esercizio fisico a corpo libero. Contiene tutto ciò che occorre sapere sull'allenamento calistenico. Una guida scientifica con un approccio pratico che ti permetterà di progredire atleticamente e migliorare tutti i parametri del tuo fisico quali massa, definizione, forza, elasticità muscolare e agilità. Gli studi dimostrano che l...
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-21 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 6,49 €
1. Impaginazione e grammatica e contenuti - L’impaginazione su iphone spesso rende le tabelle con gli esercizi illeggibili . Inoltre la grammatica lascia veramente a desiderare tanto che a volte sembra una traduzione google e come nei giochi enigmistici ti tocca immaginare che articolo manca o che parola volesse scrivere. I contenuti sono accettabili ma sicuramente possono creare confusione per persone alle prime armi. Insomma ti può dare qualche idea in più se sei già ‘dentro’. Non è certo strutturato come un manuale completo. Direi che non vale il prezzo assolutamente il prezzo visto che l’ho finito in una mezza giornata . Insomma per chi vuole solo qualche info e tabella di esempio .
AN INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'As the title suggests, Waypoints is a rewarding mix of markers, both personal as he reflects on his life and geographical as he leads the reader along the West Highland Way' - The Scotsman 'A deeply personal and warmly entertaining memoir that fans of Sam - and Scotland - will have a joyful time devouring' - Heat 'From both his walk and his career, the common lesson is the power of persistence.' - The Times 'A pleasure for fans of the author...
Data di rilascio : 2022-10-25 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 11,99 €
The ultimate guide to surviving anywhere, now updated with more than 100 pages of additional material, including a new chapter on urban survival "A classic. ... Addresses every conceivable disaster scenario. Don’t leave home without it” —Outside Revised to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology, and covering new topics such as urban survival and terrorism, the multimillion-copy worldwide bestseller SAS Survival Handbook by John "Lofty" Wiseman is the definitive resour...
Data di rilascio : 2014-11-11 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 14,99 €
Versione eBook. Chi non hai sognato di vivere in prima persona quello che solitamente si vede nei film d'azione o nei videogiochi? Difficilmente si può andare oltre il tiro in poligono o dinamico. Esiste, però, un alternativa assolutamente innocua e perfettamente legale rispettando alcune semplici norme. È il Softair, che in Italia vanta migliaia di praticanti e che ci vede secondi solo al Giappone. Un eBook per scoprire tutto, ma proprio tutto di questo gioco che non ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-04-18 9,99 €
• DOVE SONO LE ULTIME ZONE SELVAGGE ITALIANE E QUAL È LA LORO STORIA? • COSA SUCCEDE QUANDO SI CAMMINA PER GIORNI SENZA INCONTRARE NESSUNO? • CHE RUOLO HANNO I PARCHI E LE RISERVE NATURALI DELLO STATO? Per la prima volta un volume presenta in modo sistematico le zone Wilderness del nostro paese. Posti spesso tutelati in quanto serbatoi di specie rare di flora e fauna, non facili da raggiungere, a volte addirittura quasi inaccessibili perché distanti dalle principali vie di comunicazione ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-05-20 20,99 €
Un manuale frutto di osservazioni e sperimentazioni sul campo, fatte durante i corsi della Scuola nazionale di sopravvivenza, basato quindi sulle esperienze personali, sportive e di sopravvivenza dell’autore, degli istruttori e degli allievi di Avventura Team. Una guida che non intende dare risposte a quesiti universali, né fornire fredde nozioni su qualsiasi argomento, come in un’enciclopedia della sopravvivenza, ma palpita di vita vera, racconta di situazioni di emergenza estrema realment...
Data di rilascio : 2018-03-02 9,99 €
In 2009, Daniel Galhardo became the first person to introduce tenkara outside of Japan. After years of learning tenkara directly from Japanese masters, Daniel has put this book together to share all he has learned. In tenkara – the book, Daniel shows just how simple fly-fishing can be. An angler picking up a tenkara rod for the first time will find this book’s concepts well laid out and intuitive. The experienced angler will appreciate the simpler approach to fly-fishing and the advanced tec...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-20 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 15,99 €
“With advice on not just getting along, but truly reconnecting with the great outdoors, Dave Canterbury’s treasure trove of world-renowned wisdom and experience comes to life within these pages.” —Bustle A New York Times Bestseller in Sports and Travel! The ultimate resource for experiencing the backcountry! Written by survivalist expert Dave Canterbury, Bushcraft 101 gets you ready for your next backcountry trip with advice on making the most of your time outdoors. Based on the 5Cs of S...
Data di rilascio : 2014-07-04 11,99 €
In October 1972, Nando Parrado and his rugby club teammates were on a flight from Uruguay to Chile when their plane crashed into a mountain. Miraculously, many of the passengers survived but Nando's mother and sister died and he was unconscious for three days. Stranded more than 11,000 feet up in the wilderness of the Andes, the survivors soon heard that the search for them had been called off - and realise the only food for miles around was the bodies of their dead friends ... In a last despera...
Data di rilascio : 2009-03-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 5,49 €
This guidebook describes in full the 735km Via Podiensis (GR65), a historic pilgrimage route through southern France from Le Puy-en-Velay to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, where the trail meets the famous Camino Francés to Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Also detailed are 2 major variants: the Célé Valley (GR651) and Rocamadour (GR6 and GR46). Split into 28 stages, the full route takes 4 to 6 weeks to complete but can be divided into shorter sections - Figeac and Condom are well positioned to break...
Data di rilascio : 2022-07-19 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 18,99 €
Complete and simple directions for making a large variety of useful and ornamental knots. A great book - fully illustrated - which will be of use for many people including travellers, boaters, campers, and also of great value within the home.
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-01 0,99 €
From world-renowned adventurer and bestselling author of The Art of Resilience and The World’s Fittest Book, comes the ultimate blueprint to building a bulletproof body. ‘He’s an animal’ CHRIS HEMSWORTH ‘The inner workings of a sports science genius’ EDDIE HALL, former World’s Strongest Man Ross Edgley has spent decades perfecting the principles and practice of extreme fitness to achieve the impossible. Following a career-threatening injury in 2018, Ross was forced to reassess his ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-09-02 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 21,99 €
“An appealing coffee table book.” —The Wall Street Journal From Dave Canterbury—wilderness expert, New York Times bestselling author, and YouTube sensation—comes a fully illustrated guide to everything you need to know to hone your bushcraft, or wilderness survival skills, from types of shelter, to useful tools, to edible plants—and much more! Before you venture into the wilderness, learn exactly what you need to bring and what you need to know with this ultimate outdoor reference gu...
Data di rilascio : 2019-05-07 16,99 €
Camminare è un’attività alla portata di tutti, che non richiede attrezzature speciali, ma una buona preparazione psicofisica. In questo libro scoprirete tutto, ma proprio tutto, sulla camminata, dai vantaggi che questa attività fisica porterà nella vostra vita fino agli stili di camminata e alle tecniche più adatte a voi. In questo libro: scoprite quali sono gli innumerevoli vantaggi psicofisici della camminata; preparate un piano tattico-strategico per trovare il tempo per camminare; met...
Data di rilascio : 2017-06-27 15,99 €
A thrilling chronicle of the tragedy-ridden history of climbing the world's most difficult and unpredictable mountain, by the bestselling authors of The Mountain and No Shortcuts to the Top “Gripping . . . reveals a good deal about the rarefied noble-gonzo world of high-altitude mountaineering.”— The New York Times Ed Viesturs, one of the world's premier high-altitude mountaineers, explores the remarkable history of K2 and of those who have attempted to conquer it. At the same time, h...
Data di rilascio : 2009-10-13 9,99 €
La storia di una passione incontrata da bambino nella palestra sotto casa e rincorsa per vent'anni in giro per il mondo, dalla Siberia a Yosemite, dall'Europa all'oceano Indiano, dalle gare al "trad". Il racconto intimo di un ragazzo che considera il van e il portaledge la sua vera casa, e che ha fatto dell'arrampicata una ragione di vita. Fino a trovare, nel luogo più inatteso, la sua linea perfetta.
Data di rilascio : 2019-10-29 9,99 €
The Survival Handbook takes you through all the things you need to know about surviving disasters and staying alive in the wild, such as where to find water in the desert; how to build shelters from locally-available materials that will keep out the wind and rain but will also be ventilated; what plants are safe to eat and what are deadly poisonous; and what animals will pose a threat in survival situations. Packed with tips from the world's elite special forces and other survival specialists, t...
Data di rilascio : 2012-07-25 2,99 €
“The Fly-Fisherman's Entomology” is a complete handbook on fly fishing, first published in 1836. Dealing with everything from required equipment to the habits and habitats of fish, this volume will be of considerable utility to those looking to get into the wonderful pastime of fly fishing. Also includes chapters on technique, common problems and overcoming them, making the flies, and much more. Contents include: “A Short History of Fishing”, “Observations on the trout and Grayling”,...
Data di rilascio : 2011-10-18 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 8,99 €
Questo libro vive in bilico tra due equilibri: quello dinamico dello sport e della disabilità, che cercano da anni di fondersi per ridurre l’isolamento delle persone, e l’equilibrio forzosamente statico dei disabili in condizione di isolamento, in particolare ma non solo in tempi di pandemia. Le esperienze riportate sono quelle di tre sportivi con patologie di diversa gravità che, grazie allo sport, stanno riuscendo a migliorare la loro vita, fino alla chiusura della quarantena. Torna, in ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-05-19 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 1,99 €
Volete l’avventura vicino a una grande città? Ecco le guide sui luoghi segreti a due passi da Roma Non paragonabili ad altre in commercio. Danno infatti informazioni su luoghi che vengono tralasciati dalle altre guide escursionistiche. Sono anche un complemento per le altre in vendita. 50 itinerari entusiasmanti (25 in ciascun volume) che vi porteranno in luoghi segreti non raggiunti da sentieri, non semplici da individuare, suggestivi e a due passi da Roma. I Laghi 26.Il lago Vermiglio della...
Data di rilascio : 2017-01-13 2,99 €
What do you do if your aircraft ditches at sea? Or your building is on fire? Or you are the victim of a terrorist attack? Would you make the right decision to save yourself and the lives of others? Crisis Survival is a complete handbook to any crisis that may suddenly arise, from food or water shortages, to natural disasters, to plane crashes and hostage situations. A crisis might last a few hours, days, or even years – with this book you can be ready for any eventuality. With easy-to-fo...
Data di rilascio : 2012-05-25 4,99 €
The original and best survival guide for any situation in every climate. Now with added techniques for handling Urban dangers, the ‘SAS Survival Handbook’ is the complete companion for adventurers everywhere. The original and best survival guide for any situation in every climate is back. Now with added techniques for handling Urban dangers, the SAS Survival Handbook is the complete companion for adventurers everywhere. From making camp and finding food in the wild to security and self-defen...
Data di rilascio : 2011-08-04 11,99 €
The Find Your Feet Trail Running Guidebook provides athletes of any ability a safe pathway of preparation to their chosen adventures. Hanny Allston's personal coaching methodologies focus on sustainable, long-term health, training and performance successes. The Trail Running Guidebook contains a snapshot of key lessons that Hanny has learnt on her journey to becoming a world champion and elite trail running record holder. To help you find your feet in the sport of trail running she shares h...
Data di rilascio : 2018-10-18 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 8,99 €
From wilderness expert Dave Canterbury and outdoor survival instructor Jason Hunt comes the next installment in the New York Times bestselling Bushcraft series—a go-to first aid resource for anyone headed into the woods. Out in the woods or on top of a mountain, there’s no calling 9-1-1. Bushcraft First Aid teaches you how to be your own first responder. The authors’ years of experience and training will help hikers and backpackers deal with a variety of emergency situations, from cuts and...
Data di rilascio : 2017-06-13 14,99 €
Featuring over 25 videos, a host of imagery, interactive checklists and more, this immersive edition perfectly captures the exciting world of microadventures. So what’s a microadventure? It’s close to home, cheap, simple, short and 100% guaranteed to refresh your life. A microadventure takes the spirit of a big adventure and squeezes it into a day or even a few hours. The point of a microadventure is that you don’t need lots of time and money to meet a new challenge. This practical guide i...
Data di rilascio : 2014-06-05 11,99 €
GEAR UP How to pick the best lures, baits, flies, and tackle for every situation and every style of water you plan to fish. Customize your rod and reel to suit your every need. Learn how to customize your gear, get the most out of your boat, and more. HIT THE WATER From small streams to major rivers, ponds to big lakes, and bays to the open ocean, hundreds of field-tested strategies will help you catch more fish with or without a boat. FIND THE FISH Professional fishing guides from across the co...
Data di rilascio : 2013-07-02 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 11,99 €
What are you going to do if the water supply stops? Or if there’s no food on sale any more? If there’s no electricity? Or if law and order breaks down? Will you manage? Would you make the right decisions? Are you ready for this? SAS And Elite Forces Guide: Preparing To Survive teaches you all the skills and offers you all the tips and information you may need if things really go wrong. Preppers are people who have decided to take their safety into their own hands in learning to live off the ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-10-25 9,99 €
Your Indispensable Go-To Guide for Surviving Anything Get Ready, Get Set, Survive! You’re lost in the woods without food or water. Confronted by an armed assailant in the dead of night. Forced to outrun a deadly tornado. Don’t worry—The Ultimate Survival Manual has you covered. OUT IN THE WILD From navigating with a compass to fending off a mountain lion, learn to prevail in the forests, deserts, and open oceans like an expert outdoorsman. DURING A DISASTER Whether it’s a towering tsunam...
Data di rilascio : 2012-05-22 11,99 €
Survival Techniques takes you through all the things you need to know about surviving natural disasters and staying alive in the wild, such as where to find water in the desert; how to build shelters from locally available materials that will keep out the wind and rain but will also be ventilated; and what plants are safe to eat and which are deadly poisonous. In addition to the informative text, Survival Techniques is packed with 200 illustrations that provide a brilliant guide to mastering sur...
Data di rilascio : 2012-05-25 4,99 €
Anew book by Dave Whitlock, author of some of the best books on fly fishing ever written, is a reason for fly fishermen to celebrate—and the aim of this book is simple. Whitlock wants to take the guesswork out of fly fishing and pass on the wisdom he’s ac
Data di rilascio : 2010-04-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 13,99 €
I know how to cast, I know my knots, and I can tell a dry from a wet fly. What next? This pocket guide shows the fly fisher where to cast, why, and what kind of fly to use. It can be studied prior to a fishing trip or used in the water. Streamers, nymphs, wets, and dry flies are detailed with diagrams and color photographs. The book is organized by water types, and once you identify what kind of water you are facing—riffles, runs, pocket water, or deep slow water—you can then decide what kin...
Data di rilascio : 2013-04-20 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 10,99 €
“The story of Smith & Wesson handguns and their evolution is one of the hallowed tales of American firearms’ history,” according to the firearms writer Jim Casada. Anyone who collects Smith & Wessons or is simply interested in their backstory will cherish this book. Though originally published in 1945, more than half a century ago, Smith & Wesson Hand Guns remains the source for Smith & Wesson enthusiasts. It is an authoritative reference and has remained, for over five dec...
Data di rilascio : 2013-06-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 10,99 €
Learn the science and art of creating a one-of-a-kind bamboo fly rod. Fly fishing has a long and storied history. While many flyfishermen will find and purchase their favorite fly rod, there are those who desire to go a step further. For those discerning flyfishermen and women, simply buying a rod is not enough—they must build one. And just as fly fishing is an art, so is the creation of the bamboo fly rod. Many people believe that the best-feeling rods, particularly for trout fishing, are mad...
Data di rilascio : 2016-05-31 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 38,99 €
Every fly fisher would agree that knowing your mayflies from your stoneflies is strongly correlated with a successful day on the water. This knowledge is vital because, as author Tom Rosenbauer notes, trout are shy and careful and can be fussy about what they eat. In addition, they won’t hesitate to swim away and leave a meal if they feel threatened. In The Orvis Streamside Guide to Trout Foods and Their Imitations, Rosenbauer explains how and when to use many types of trout foods, including a...
Data di rilascio : 2014-03-11 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 10,99 €
Il primo fu Nino Bibbia, italiano di Svizzera, buttandosi a testa in giù sulla pista di skeleton di St. Moritz nel 1948; le ultime tre, a PyeongChang, nel 2018, sono state Arianna Fontana, Michela Moioli e Sofia Goggia. Sono quaranta le storie d’oro azzurre delle Olimpiadi del ghiaccio e della neve. Zeno Colò, Franco Nones, Eugenio Monti, Gustav Thöni, Piero Gros, Paola Magoni, Deborah Compagnoni, Alberto Tomba, Armin Zöggeler, Giuliano Razzoli fino ai grandi del fondo, Stefania Belmondo, ...
Data di rilascio : 2018-04-27 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 4,99 €
Trek deeper into the wilderness with New York Times bestselling author Dave Canterbury! In this valuable guide, survivalist Dave Canterbury goes beyond bushcraft basics to teach you how to survive in the backcountry with little or no equipment. Using the foundation you learned in Bushcraft 101 , Canterbury shows you how to completely immerse yourself in the wilderness with advanced bushcraft and woodcraft techniques. He covers crucial survival skills like tracking to help you get even closer to ...
Data di rilascio : 2015-07-03 12,99 €
Longtime wilderness educator Mors Kochanski has dedicated his life to learning and teaching about the lore of the forest. With clear instructions, extensive use of diagrams and a color photo supplement, this comprehensive reference includes all the practical skills and knowledge essential for you to survive and enjoy the wilderness.
Data di rilascio : 1987-04-01 12,99 €
Il Trofeo Paolo Ravasio, una gara di Trailrunning sull'Alta via 1 dell'Adamello, cinquantacinque chilometri con dislivello positivo e negativo di cinquemila metri. Il racconto personale di un atleta trapiantato d'organi, primo e unico ad aver partecipato e completato questa competizione, nella formula in due giorni.Un viaggio tra le rocce granitiche del sentiero 1 e le emozioni legate alla fatica.
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-09 1,99 €
This multimedia and multi-touch introduction to Nordic Walking gives you all you need to know to get into this enjoyable and healthy activity. Nordic Walking uses 90% of your skeletal muscles and is a great way to get a work out. The book uses videos (over 40) to show technique and is written and filmed by a qualified British Nordic Walking Instructor with experience using the technique for walking and running in areas as diverse as his native Snowdonia, South Africa to the Himalayas. The ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-08-03 3,99 €
Der Markt mit Muskelpillen und Anabolika-Präparaten boomt. Immer mehr junge Männer und Frauen versuchen mit Hilfe von vermeintlichen Wundermitteln, den Anforderungen des Körperkults standzuhalten oder mit der chemischen Keule ihre Trainingszeit zu verkürzen, bzw. ihren Erfolg zu verbessern. Dabei haben die Mittel oft extrem schädliche Nebenwirkungen und können bei höherer Dosierung sogar zum Tod führen. Berend Breitenstein stellt hier seine Erfahrungen mit einem ausgeklügelten Trainings...
Data di rilascio : 2017-06-29 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 9,99 €
From Field & Stream magazine’s bow-hunting experts and the authors of the Total Deer Hunter Manual, comes the book that demystifies everything about bowhunting. From crossbows to high-tech compound bows to an old-fashioned recurve find it all, accompanied by tactics for every animal that can be bow-hunted, in The Total Bowhunting Manual. With high-quality design, intricate detail, and a durable flexicover—this manual is the perfect gift! America’s best hunting guides bring you 26...
Data di rilascio : 2015-09-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 14,99 €
Recommended for viewing on a colour tablet. Adventure – something that’s new and exhilarating, outside your comfort zone. Adventures change you and how you see the world, and all you need is an open mind, bags of enthusiasm and boundless curiosity. So what’s a GRAND ADVENTURE – it is the most life-changing, career-enhancing, personality-forging, fun adventure of your life. Following on from his popular Microadventures, in Grand Adventures Alastair Humphreys shines a spotlight on the real...
Data di rilascio : 2016-03-24 11,99 €
WINNER OF THE 2016 EDWARD STANFORD ADVENTURE TRAVEL BOOK OF THE YEAR AWARD 'Levison Wood has breathed new life into adventure travel.' Michael Palin 'Levison Wood is a great adventurer and a wonderful storyteller.' Sir Ranulph Fiennes 'Britain's best-loved adventurer... he looks like a man who will stare danger in the face and soak up a lot of pain without complaint.' The Times Following in in the footsteps of the great explorers, WALKING THE HIMALAYAS is Levison Wood's enthralling account of cr...
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-04 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 0,99 €
Going fishing can be a relaxing way to spend a warm and sunny afternoon. Sitting on a boat with your hook floating in the water can be therapeutic and just what you need. However, don’t let the calmness stop you from getting in the excitement! With Jeffrey Butler’s Kiss My Bass!: The Guide to Bass Fishing, you will learn all you need to know about catching the biggest and best bass in the water: *The Basics of Bass Fishing * Mistakes and Secrets Related to Bass Fishing * Styles and Spe...
Data di rilascio : 2015-03-10 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 0,99 €
This guidebook includes 46 walks throughout Sicily and the adjoining Aeolian and Egadi Islands. Particular highlights include walks on Mount Etna, and through the Madonie and Nebrodi mountains. Walks range from 2 to 23km long, and are graded according to difficulty and terrain, so the right walk can be easily found, whether for a short family stroll around Medieval Erice, or the challenging trail that traverses the lava and ash-covered Mount Etna. This guidebook combines detailed route descripti...
Data di rilascio : 2022-04-20 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 16,99 €
With more and more people heading into the winter backcountry on skis, snowshoes, and snowmobiles, avalanche safety is of paramount importance. Allen & Mike's Really Cool Avalanche Safety Book distills the sometimes overly technical information of snow science into a user-friendly format with helpful illustrations and easy-to-understand text. With years of experience as NOLS instructors to draw on, Allen O'Bannon and Mike Clelland team up to give winter recreat...
Data di rilascio : 2012-12-04 16,99 €
Want to catch more and bigger carp? From understanding carp behaviour and location through to trying the latest rigs, The Fox Complete Guide to Carp Fishing is packed with step-by-step sequences and illustrations to help you catch more carp than ever before. Drawing on decades of experience from Fox's team of carp consultants, this book is an invaluable guide to every aspect of modern carp fishing - offering clear, detailed advice on everything from knot tying and rig principles to terminal tack...
Data di rilascio : 2014-04-24 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 12,99 €