”Attenzione!! questo libro potrebbe essere considerato Doping” scrive in un commento Marco.“Ho fatto il tor des geants 3 volte.. 3 volte arrivato a Courmayeur..è duro, è faticoso.. è lungo ma entusiasmante.. non vedo l'ora di rifarlo nel 2015” Francesco Prossenll Tor des Geants: la gara più dura del mondo!Una avventura affrontata faccia a faccia con la natura e la fatica all'interno di uno degli scenari più selvaggi e incontaminati del mondo: il Monte Bianco, il Gran Paradiso, il Mo...
Data di rilascio : 2013-06-26 4,99 €
1. La grande corsa - Un libro da leggere tutto d'un fiato!
Con un ritmo incalzante, come la corsa più dura del mondo che descrive. Ti trovi a correre anche tu in una gara unica, massacrante ed affascinante, tra le montagne della Val d'Aosta.
E quando la fatica va oltre i limiti più estremi, oltre va anche Francesco Prossen, cominciando a riflettere più sui valori della vita che sulla competizione.
Se sei appassionato di montagna, se corri, o se vorresti farlo, non puoi perderlo.
A New York Times bestseller 'A sensation ... a rollicking tale well told' - The Times At the heart of Born to Run lies a mysterious tribe of Mexican Indians, the Tarahumara, who live quietly in canyons and are reputed to be the best distance runners in the world; in 1993, one of them, aged 57, came first in a prestigious 100-mile race wearing a toga and sandals. A small group of the world's top ultra-runners (and the awe-inspiring author) make the treacherous journey into the canyons to try to l...
Data di rilascio : 2010-12-09 6,49 €
You deserve to fly! …literally. Kitesurfing is one of the fastest growing and most exciting sports in the world (Hey, we even almost knocked Windsurfing out of the 2016 Olympics…). As a Kitesurfer you’ll get to enjoy the free natural power of the wind and water in a way that most people will never experience – as often as you like, at no cost. But here's the problem – Kitesurfing is not quite as easy as it looks. Hurting yourself or someone else, damaging your gear or nearly drowning i...
Data di rilascio : 2012-12-21 8,99 €
I soldati delle Forze speciali non sono solo eccezionali guerrieri, ma possiedono anche livelli di fitness e di resistenza fisica paragonabili, o persino superiori, agli atleti di classe mondiale. Sia che debbano condurre marce da 30 km con zaini di 40 kg sulle spalle, o sopravvivere al calvario dell’addestramento anfibio, le truppe scelte delle forze armate hanno molto da insegnarci riguardo il fitness estremo. Questo libro è una guida completa per tutti coloro che vogliono utilizzare le tec...
Data di rilascio : 2017-09-19 9,99 €
Freediving is diving without a breathing apparatus. In many languages, freediving is referred to as apnea(breath-holding) or apnea diving. Freediving was still a relatively unknown sport around the turn of the millennium, but as organized freediving has increased, knowledge of the sport has also grown rapidly. At the same time, certain risks associated with the sport have been recognized. However, when performed correctly, freediving is safe and rewarding. Spreading correct information and promo...
Data di rilascio : 2015-03-25 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 14,99 €
“La verità è che quando scali devi cancellare dalla testa tutto il resto. Non puoi permetterti di pensare né ai tuoi genitori, né alla tua ragazza, né ai tuoi figli, se ne hai. Devi concentrarti e basta. Se non lo fai, se sei distratto, puoi commettere degli errori. Cosa che nelle situazioni estreme non ti puoi permettere, se vuoi restare vivo”: parola dei fratelli Riegler, anzi dei Rieglerbrothers, un marchio di qualità nel mondo della scalata, un’accoppiata inscindibile in parete. ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-02-15 3,99 €
Motorcycles weren't designed by opinions or good advice and riding is the same. Keith Code's A Twist of the Wrist II describes the precision riding techniques that all riders need to conquer their fears and overcome the barriers to cornering such as: Rider input, Steering, Visual Skills, Braking, Body Position, Throttle Control and more. A world wide best-seller since its publication and translated into several languages, this go-to book for all motorcyclists from weekend riders to racers is now...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-15 12,99 €
"F1 Confidential" è un'analisi a tutto tondo del mondo della Formula 1 che, con graffiante ironia e documentata precisione, conduce il lettore alla scoperta degli aspetti tecnici e politici del "Circus" più blasonato del pianeta. Un approfondimento, ricco di testimonianze dirette e interviste, capace di stuzzicare la fantasia dei neofiti e soddisfare le curiosità e il palato degli appassionati.
Data di rilascio : 2016-06-30 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 5,99 €
The Parachute and Its Pilot 5th Edition is the singular resource for canopy flight information. Whether you re a new jumper looking to further your education or an expert canopy pilot seeking tips on advancing your techniques, this book has something for you. The book is jam-packed with information compiled over twenty years of skydiving experience and offers technical, straightforward explanations of ram air parachute flight. Written by one of the industry's leading parachute designers, The Par...
Data di rilascio : 2013-04-25 8,99 €
*Shortlisted for the 2019 William Hill Sports Book of the Year* Marathons are no longer enough. Pain is to be relished, not avoided. Hallucinations are normal. Ultra running defies conventional logic. Yet this most brutal and challenging sport is now one of the fastest-growing in the world. Why is this? Is it an antidote to modern life, or a symptom of a modern illness? Adharanand Finn travelled to the heart of the sport to find out - and to see if he could become an ultra runner himself. His jo...
Data di rilascio : 2019-05-14 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 9,99 €
Gli sport del coraggio si distinguono dalle altre discipline per la loro capacità di generare un'accresciuta percezione della realtà e di se stessi: lo sport è un luogo dell'anima che può essere un ponte verso la propria dimensione più profonda e vera. Per questo motivo gli sport del coraggio sono stati associati simbolicamente agli antichi Nemeton, i luoghi delle foreste dove le antiche popolazioni pensavano di ritrovare energie per accrescere la propria forza interiore e affrontare le sfi...
Data di rilascio : 2015-11-27 9,99 €
Longlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year 2012. On October 14, 1989, driven by one of the most intense and lasting two-man rivalries in any sport, a pair of generational talents at the height of their powers ran a race that redefined human limits. The battle between Dave Scott and Mark Allen at the 13th Hawaii Ironman stands as one of the most dramatic stories in the history of athletics. The two greatest athletes of triathlon's pioneering generation raced side by side, literally, ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-12-22 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 3,99 €
Nessuna attività sportiva ha vissuto negli ultimi decenni un'evoluzione tanto spasmodica e ricca di episodi sbalorditivi quanto l'arrampicata. Divenuta dagli anni Settanta una disciplina a sé, con una propria etica e una propria ragion d'essere, l'arrampicata è passata attraverso una generazione di pionieri che si sono affrancati dall'ossessione alpinistica rivendicando alla loro passione valore, stile e dignità propri. Alla montagna si sono sostituiti altri terreni di gioco: la falesia, le ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-03-19 6,99 €
Great guide through your first steps and beyond in the fabulous world of kiteboarding! Things that may seem impossible to you are now becoming doable with the help of informative and expert Kiteboarding Guide. If you have certain kiteboarding difficulties, professional advice will help you overcome them easily; moreover, taking first steps, selecting proper equipment and kiteboarding spots will be at your fingertips. This book will enable you, together with the practice and the effort you put in...
Data di rilascio : 2011-05-01 9,99 €
From the acclaimed author of A Fighter’s Heart comes an “entertaining and enlightening” look inside the mental game of mixed martial arts fighting (Dave Doyle, Yahoo! Sports ). In his acclaimed national bestseller, A Fighter’s Heart , Sam Sheridan took readers with him into the dangerous world of professional fighting. From a muay Thai bout in Bangkok to Iowa, where he fought the toughest mixed martial arts stars, Sheridan threw himself into a quest to understand how and why...
Data di rilascio : 2010-02-02 13,99 €
Welcome to the Art and Science of Bouldering ! In retrospect I‘ve been working on this book since 1982, when I was in Fontainebleau for the first time, knowing that bouldering would keep me busy for the rest of my life! In 2000, Klem Loskot and I visualized our thoughts about climbing and bouldering in our book Der XI. Grad, Klettern am Rande des Menschenmöglichen, the first book about climbing to show series of movements and photomontages to illustrate the dynamics of climbing. Now the...
Data di rilascio : 2017-10-06 25,99 €
So you want to run an ultra-marathon? And why not? Like the Marathon des Sables (MdS)? What is it like to run marathons, every day, in the Sahara, for a week? There are sandy desert races all around the world to test your body mind and spirit. All in breathtaking scenery far away from the daily hamster wheel we usually live in. This book is about how to go from zero to hero. By an ordinary family doctor who runs ultra marathons for fun, just to see how far and how fast an ordinary runner can go....
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-07 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 5,49 €
‘Great little book’, ‘Well written’, ‘A fantastic read’ “What’s it like to run 150 miles across the Sahara desert carrying all of your kit on your back?” Graeme Harvey award winning trainer, speaker, coach and pretty average endurance athlete. Graeme challenges his clients to set goals and raise the bar. Putting his money where his mouth is, Graeme has embarked on a variety of different challenges from the 26.2 miles of the marathon, the Iron Man triathlon, climbing up Kil...
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-10 3,99 €
Alles Wissenswerte zum Gleitschirmfliegen Fliegen zu können, ist ein uralter Traum der Menschen: Das Lehrbuch für das gesamte Wissen rund um den Flugsport für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Gleitschirmfliegen gewinnt als Sport ständig an Beliebtheit. Dabei wird die Sicherheit beim Fliegen ganz groß geschrieben; eine solide Ausbildung ist unerlässlich. Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt alle Spielarten des Gleitschirmfliegens und vermittelt das Basiswissen von Aerodynamik über Flugwetter und Flugp...
Data di rilascio : 2011-09-14 14,99 €
When running off-road, whether it is fell, trail, cross-country or orienteering you will inevitably come across hills and as the saying goes, what goes up, must come down again. Most runners tend to think that the ability to run well downhill is something that you are born with or is handed to you when you leave the asylum. Fortunately it is neither. Rather it is a skill that, with correct conditioning and practice, can be prepared for and learnt. Written by one of the North East's leading...
Data di rilascio : 2012-07-14 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 4,99 €
This book is both a lesson in true grit and determination, but its goal is one that is attainable. Andy isn't a sporting superstar, he holds down a 9 to 5 job and all the pressures that go with it; he isn't blessed with speed and talent; there are no multi-million pound sponsorship deals; yet this remarkable 'common man' is inspiring in a way that some of today's sporting superstars have forgotten how to be. You wouldn't recognise Andy in the street, yet his story provides valuable lessons to us...
Data di rilascio : 2011-10-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 10,99 €
Carney ci offre un’affascinante guida per esplorare la nostra fisiologia raccontando in modo scientifico la “folgorazione sulla via di Damasco” che ha avuto frequentando i corsi di Wim Hof the iceman, lo sportivo olandese noto per la sua capacità di resistere al freddo, inventore di un particolare metodo basato su respirazione, esposizione al freddo e meditazione. Questo libro tratta in modo approfondito ciò che avviene quando riesaminiamo il nostro rapporto con l’ambiente, sentendoci ...
Data di rilascio : 2022-11-04 9,99 €
Go here. Do that. Work here. Buy that. Spend each day bored, staring at a screen, wondering if this is really all there is. There is another way. My name is Nightscape. Through years of training, I get to see the city in a way nobody else does. With this book, I want to show you what the world looks like through my eyes and inspire everyone to find their passion. Don’t let anyone tell you what your limits are.
Data di rilascio : 2018-08-23 9,99 €
What will you learn in this book about the art of skateboarding? You are going to begin by taking a glance at what it takes to put oneself in the mind of a quality skateboarder. Those who are able to put themselves in this kind of mindset are already ahead of the game and well on their way towards success. A fearless mindset is essential especially with skateboarding where it sometimes comes down to what is running through the mind rather than physical skills using the skateboard. Many skateboar...
Data di rilascio : 2016-04-04 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 2,99 €
One Breath is a gripping and powerful exploration of the strange and fascinating sport of freediving, and of the tragic, untimely death of America's greatest freediver Competitive freediving-a sport built on diving as deep as possible on a single breath-tests the limits of human ability in the most hostile environment on earth. The unique and eclectic breed of individuals who freedive at the highest level regularly dive hundreds of feet below the ocean's surface, reaching such depths that their ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-12 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 3,99 €
The Impossible aims to get skateboarding right. Journalist Cole Louison gets inside the history, culture, and major personalities of skating.
Data di rilascio : 2011-07-19 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 18,99 €
”Mind!! You could consider this book as a doping” Marco writes in a comment. “I did Tor three times.. three times arrived in Courmayeur.. It's very hard, it's killing.. it's long but marvelous... I can't wait to do it again in 2015” francesco prossen The Great Run – the Dream and the Adventure is the book in which Francesco Prossen (italian writer and trailer) talks about his adventure as a “normal” runner during the TOR of 2011 and 2012. What comes from reading the following pages...
Data di rilascio : 2014-08-09 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 4,99 €
Wrzesień, 1914. Ernest Shackleton i 22 śmiałków rusza na podbój Antarktydy z zamiarem połączenia mórz Rossa i Wedella śladem ludzkich stóp. Po 6 tygodniach zmagań z oceanem trójmasztowiec Endurance zostaje uwięziony w paku lodowym na kolejnych 10 miesięcy. Dryfująca, niezdolna do samodzielnej żeglugi brygantyna zostaje zmiażdżona przez krę zostawiając rozbitków na pastwę antarktycznej zimy. Shackleton podejmuje szaleńczą próbę przebicia się do Południowej Georgii wpie...
Data di rilascio : 2008-04-04 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 5,99 €
Obstacle racing is a grueling physical challenge based on elements found in some of the world’s elite special forces training, where competitors test their mettle against obstacles, terrain, and conditioning similar to military boot camps, and this book provides an in-depth look at the training, gear, preparation, tactics, and logistics for making it through. After a brief overview of obstacle racing’s roots and development, the guide provides detailed information on the conditioning techniq...
Data di rilascio : 2013-08-01 8,99 €
One of the most feared and useful weapons in mixed martial arts (MMA) competition is dissected and discussed in this fully-illustrated guide to both perfecting and defending against the low kick. Many competitors view this technique as a single tool in their arsenal, limiting themselves when they could be taking this low-line method of attack and modifying it to fit far more kicking situations than those commonly used. This volume demonstrates how to expand the low-kicking arsenal, showing how a...
Data di rilascio : 2008-10-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 8,99 €
Seine erste Winterbegehung der Shisha Pangma im Jahr 2005 war ein Meilenstein der Alpingeschichte. 2006 gelang ihm die erste Süd-Nord-Traverse des Mount Everest im Alleingang, und in der Wintersaison 2011/2012 folgten seine beiden bisher größten Erfolge: die erste Winterbegehung des Makalu und des Gasherbrum II im Alpinstil. Doch im Gegensatz zu anderen Profibergsteigern sammelt Simone Moro keine Achttausender: »Ich träume davon, etwas Neues zu machen. Abenteuer sind der Motor meines Alpini...
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-24 15,99 €
Born to Win is the classic story of the underdog winning, describing in detail the thrills and battles of Australia II’s historic 1983 America’s Cup win. But if you think this book is just about sailing, think again. It’s a book about life, love and the triumph of the human spirit. First published in 1985, this updated edition includes John Bertrand’s life after the America’s Cup. It hasn’t always been smooth sailing, but it’s an inspiring tale of courage, fortitude and commitment ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-10-01 7,99 €
Ueli Steck hat die Grenzen des Kletterns verschoben. Kaum ein Alpinist ist an den großen Eis- und Felswänden der Welt so dynamisch und risikobereit unterwegs wie der sympathische junge Ausnahmebergsteiger aus dem Schweizer Emmental. Seine spektakulärste Leistung bisher: die Besteigung der drei großen Nordwände der Alpen in Rekordzeit. In knapp zwei Stunden durchstieg er die Matterhornnordwand, an den Grandes Jorasses stand er nach nur 2 Stunden und 21 Minuten auf dem Gipfel, für die E...
Data di rilascio : 2010-09-01 12,99 €
Ever since the very first event was held over the wild moors of Swaledale in 1968 the mountain marathon has grabbed the interest of the outdoor enthusiast. The challenge of two days navigating your way across a mountain environment while carrying everything needed to be self-sufficient is nowadays proving to be more popular than ever and the original Karrimor International Mountain Marathon has been the genesis of a host of similar events both in Britain and around the world. In this, the first ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-02-16 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 8,49 €
Whether you trail or fell run, one of the crucial aspects that affects your performance is the ability to run well uphill. All runners know the benefit of hill reps but there is far more to conquering the hills than that. With the correct conditioning and techniques, running uphill can be changed from your Achilles heel to your most useful tool. This guide will show you how to prepare physically, the techniques to practice and how to construct a training programme that will improve your up...
Data di rilascio : 2012-07-14 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 4,99 €
In the tradition of Into the Wild , John Balzar's Yukon Alone is a story of daring and determination in one of nature's harshest, loneliest, and most beautiful places. The Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race is among the most challenging and dangerous of all the organized sporting events in the world. Every February, a handful of hardy souls sps over two weeks racing sleds pulled by fourteen dogs over 1,023 miles of frozen rivers, icy mountain passes, and spruce forests as big as entire stat...
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 10,99 €