Questa guida vuole essere un aiuto per tutti quelli che come te hanno preso la saggia decisione di cominciare a correre e vogliono farlo senza incappare negli errori tipici dei principianti. Ti guiderà dandoti una serie di suggerimenti semplici, sintetici ed efficaci basati sull'esperienza diretta dell'autore. Se li seguirai, potrai agevolmente raggiungere l'obiettivo di correre in modo continuo per 30 minuti, che sono la base di partenza per cominciare ad ottenere benefici da questa meraviglio...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-04 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 2,99 €
Gli scandali del doping si susseguono coinvolgendo campioni di primissimo piano. È ormai consapevolezza diffusa che in diverse discipline sportive il ricorso al doping coinvolge gran parte degli atleti di vertice e altera i risultati delle maggiori competizioni sportive, favorito da dirigenti che guardano solo al numero delle vittorie e da una stampa sportiva che preferisce non vedere e non sentire. Pochi sanno, invece, che tutto questo ha fatto “scuola” e che molti praticanti di livello am...
Data di rilascio : 2013-05-29 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 9,99 €
“Inizio l’ultimo giro. Mancano pochi chilometri all’arrivo, mi rendo conto che è fatta. Alla mia corsa ormai appesantita, si accompagnano singhiozzi di pianto. Lacrime miste a sudore: gocce dolci e salate insieme. Non ho sufficiente aria per fare entrambe le cose: il mio respiro va un po’ in crisi. O corro o piango. Troppe emozioni, tutte insieme…." Ci sono gli eroi dello sport che riempiono stadi e arene, e sportivi che si allenano anni per cercare la gloria nel grande palcoscenico d...
Data di rilascio : 2015-03-11 4,99 €
In ogni sport essere forti è importante nella strada per diventare un campione. Questo ebook è per la gente forte di spirito, per chi vuole andare oltre e migliorarsi sempre in palestra e nella vita. Nei tempi antichi gli uomini riuscivano a costruire fisici possenti senza l'aiuto di attrezzi e bilanciere. Il corpo libero è un tipo di allenamento funzionale che ti garantisce molta forza utile in molti settori lavorativi e nella quotidianetà in generale. Questo tipo di allenamento evita di so...
Data di rilascio : 2017-02-12 2,99 €
“Karate Giocando”: un nuovo ed originale contributo alla già ricca letteratura sportiva per i giovanissimi. Questo testo, intelligentemente completato con “bibliografia” e “glossario”, si rivolge a quanti - genitori, insegnanti, tecnici - sono impegnati nella difficilissima ed esaltante opera di avvicinare i bambini, all’interno della scuola (nell’ambito del recente progetto ministeriale “Sport a Scuola”) o delle Società Sportive, ed avviarli alla pratica del Karate E...
Data di rilascio : 2013-06-05 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 2,99 €
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • Transform your body and mind with the definitive guide to building peak strength, endurance, and speed, from the five-time CrossFit Games champion and Fittest Man on Earth No matter your level of fitness, no matter if you’ve never attempted CrossFit before, this book is your total training manual. Mat Fraser is undisputedly the fittest man in CrossFit history for winning the CrossFit Games an unprecedented five times. A student of engineering, Fraser optimized his body ...
Data di rilascio : 2022-01-05 8,99 €
Per raggiungere il successo nello sport, un regolare allenamento riveste un ruolo fondamentale. Tuttavia, nella pratica spesso non è chiaro quali siano i metodi più efficaci. Lo scopo di questo libro è quello di aiutare gli atleti e le atlete a far luce sui diversi punti di vista, spesso in contrasto tra loro, che incontrano nella loro pratica quotidiana, riportando i più recenti studi scientifici, in un linguaggio chiaro per gli sportivi. A tal scopo si è deciso di strutturare il testo in ...
Data di rilascio : 2016-01-25 7,49 €
BODYFIT ACADEMY™ e GIACOMO LAZZARIN presentano ALLENAMENTO A CORPO LIBERO : il libro più completo e aggiornato disponibile sull'esercizio fisico a corpo libero. Contiene tutto ciò che occorre sapere sull'allenamento calistenico. Una guida scientifica con un approccio pratico che ti permetterà di progredire atleticamente e migliorare tutti i parametri del tuo fisico quali massa, definizione, forza, elasticità muscolare e agilità. Gli studi dimostrano che l...
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-21 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 6,49 €
1. Impaginazione e grammatica e contenuti - L’impaginazione su iphone spesso rende le tabelle con gli esercizi illeggibili . Inoltre la grammatica lascia veramente a desiderare tanto che a volte sembra una traduzione google e come nei giochi enigmistici ti tocca immaginare che articolo manca o che parola volesse scrivere. I contenuti sono accettabili ma sicuramente possono creare confusione per persone alle prime armi. Insomma ti può dare qualche idea in più se sei già ‘dentro’. Non è certo strutturato come un manuale completo. Direi che non vale il prezzo assolutamente il prezzo visto che l’ho finito in una mezza giornata . Insomma per chi vuole solo qualche info e tabella di esempio .
TRAIN EASIER TO RUN FASTER This revolutionary training method has been embraced by elite runners—with extraordinary results—and now you can do it, too. Respected running and fitness expert Matt Fitzgerald explains how the 80/20 running program—in which you do 80 percent of runs at a lower intensity and just 20 percent at a higher intensity—is the best change runners of all abilities can make to improve their performance. With a thorough examination of the science and research behind this...
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-02 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 10,99 €
Mental training is scarcely covered in the climbing literature, yet it is as important to performance as strength, flexibility, and technique. In his unique approach to mental training, Arno Ilgner draws essential elements from the rich "warrior" literature, as well as from sports psychology, and combines these with his extensive climbing experience to create The Warrior’s Way ®. - Here is a comprehensive program for learning how to focus your mental resources during a challenging climb. It i...
Data di rilascio : 2003-06-17 4,99 €
La palestra è per i duri , per quelli che non si arrendono di fronte al primo ostacolo e raggiungono i propri obiettivi fino alla fine. Un fisico tonico e in forma contribuirà a sollevarti l'umore e a migliorare la qualità della tua vita. Già dai tempi antichi gli uomini riuscivano a costruire fisici possenti senza l'aiuto di attrezzi e bilanciere. Il corpo libero è un tipo di allenamento funzionale che ti garantisce molta forza utile in molti settori lavorativi e nella quotidianetà in gen...
Data di rilascio : 2017-02-12 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 4,49 €
Fast After 50 is for every endurance athlete who wants to stay fast for years to come. For runners, cyclists, triathletes, swimmers, and cross-country skiers, getting older doesn't have to mean getting slower. Drawing from the most current research on aging and sports performance, Joe Friel--America's leading endurance sports coach--shows how athletes can race strong and stay healthy well past age 50. In his groundbreaking book Fast After 50, Friel offers a smart approach for athletes ...
Data di rilascio : 2015-01-10 22,99 €
Il Sistema innovativo di preparazione muscolare presente in questo libro ti permetterà di: 1. Aumentare le tue performance durante la pratica del Kitesurf e del Windsurf e in tutte le condizioni di mare (sarai stupefatto di come, “come per magia”, riuscirai a chiudere più facilmente i tuoi “tricks”, sia agganciato che sganciato). 2. Velocizzare i tempi di recupero muscolare permettendoti di arrivare in spiaggia fresco e riposato come se fosse la tua prima session della giornata o della...
Data di rilascio : 2016-04-26 9,99 €
With so much focus on getting big miles into your legs it’s easy to overlook the importance of developing the strength and coordination necessary to run with good technique. This book helps beginner runners learn the basics of good technique and explains how running better will help prevent injuries as you train towards your goals. Experienced runners can use the book to evaluate their technique and develop new strategies to enhance performance and avoid injury. Finally, coaches can use the bo...
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-29 4,49 €
A New York Times Best Seller! Men's Journal Health Book of the Year In Unbreakable Runner , CrossFit Endurance founder Brian MacKenzie and journalist T.J. Murphy examine long-held beliefs about how to train, tearing down those traditions to reveal new principles for a lifetime of healthy, powerful running. Unbreakable Runner challenges conventional training tenets such as high mileage and high-carb diets to show how reduced mileage and high-intensity training can make runners stronger, more dura...
Data di rilascio : 2014-09-22 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 19,99 €
Ultramarathons don't leave much room for mistakes. Don't learn the hard way; get a jump on training for an ultramarathon with Hal Koerner's Field Guide to Ultrarunning, a comprehensive guide to running 30 to 100 miles and beyond, written by one of the most experienced athletes in the sport. Hal Koerner is among America's top ultrarunners with podium results in more than 90 ultramarathons. In his smart, down-to-earth Field Guide, Koerner shares hard-earned wisdom, field-tested habits and practice...
Data di rilascio : 2014-06-18 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 19,99 €
In The Well-Built Triathlete, elite triathlon coach Matt Dixon reveals the approach he has used to turn age-group triathletes into elite professionals and champions. Dixon's method breaks new ground in triathlon training, introducing a new, comprehensive approach that builds the whole athlete for stronger performance. Dixon details the four pillars of performance that form the foundation of his highly successful purplepatch fitness program, showing triathletes of all abilities how they can becom...
Data di rilascio : 2014-05-05 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 25,99 €
Diventa il fisico più INVIDIATO nella tua compagnia di amici in poche settimane di allenamento grazie al metodo contenuto in questo libro. L'estate si sta avvicinando sempre di più… come ti sentiresti se la prossima volta che metterai piede in spiaggia con in tuoi amici- quando sarà possibile farlo- fossi l'unico ad essere veramente in forma? Dopo tanto tempo in cui tutto si e mosso a rilento (compreso il tuo corpo) è normalissimo che i fianchi si allarghino o spuntino pancetta, maniglie d...
Data di rilascio : 2021-04-08 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 2,49 €
Starting Strength has been called the best and most useful of fitness books. The second edition, Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training, sold over 80,000 copies in a competitive global market for fitness education. , they form a simple, logical, and practical approach to strength training. Now, after six more years of testing and adjustment with thousands of athletes in seminars all over the country, the updated third edition expands and improves on the previous teaching methods and biomechan...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-11 8,99 €
Strength Training for Triathletes offers a comprehensive strength training program for triathlon that will help triathletes build power, speed, and muscular endurance for faster racing over any race distance. Certified USA Triathlon coach and NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year Patrick Hagerman, EdD, reveals a focused, triathlon-specific strength training program that will enable triathletes to push harder during training and on the racecourse when the effort is hardest. Triathletes who master thi...
Data di rilascio : 2014-12-09 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 22,99 €
Internationally recognized triathlon coach and best-selling author Joe Friel teams up with ultra-endurance guru Gordon Byrn in Going Long, the most comprehensive guide to racing long-course and Ironman-distance triathlons. Combining science with personal experience, Friel and Byrn prepare anyone, from the working age-grouper to the podium contender, for success in triathlon's ultimate endurance event. Whether you are preparing for your first long-course triathlon or your fastest, Going Long will...
Data di rilascio : 2013-09-13 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 22,99 €
Learn the secrets about performance training that will make you faster, stronger, more explosive and better conditioned than your competition. The Juggernaut Method 2.0 offers total strength and athletic development for anyone from the Elite level power lifter, strongman, football player, fighter, or anyone looking to become unstoppable. For a limited time, save $20 and receive the Juggernaut Prowler Manual, full of videos and conditioning
Data di rilascio : 2012-11-01 4,99 €
Learn how to run faster, unlock your potential, and reach peak performance with training advice from a former Olympic trials marathoner and coach to Olympians like Dathan Ritzenhein. Hudson is the most innovative running coach to come along in a generation. Until now, only a handful of elite athletes have been able to benefit from his methods. Now Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon shows all runners how to coach themselves as confidently and effectively as Brad coaches his world-...
Data di rilascio : 2008-07-29 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 11,99 €
Weight Training for Triathlon is the most comprehensive and up-to-date triathlon-specific training guide in the world today. It contains descriptions and photographs of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by top triathletes worldwide. This book features year-round triathlon-specific weight-training programs guaranteed to improve your performance and get you results. No other triathlon book to date has been so well designed, so easy to use, and so committ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-17 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 9,99 €
You've seen athletes do it in all sports: *Members of the Olympic bobsled team just before their run, eyes closed, their bodies swaying back and forth as they visualize the run. *Professional basketball players mimicking the free throw, picturing it mentally, before actually taking the ball and shooting it. *The pro golf champion on the tee visualizing his drive. Research has shown conclusively that when you practice mentally - at the correct level of mind - you will gain almost as much benefit ...
Data di rilascio : 2009-11-28 3,99 €
From world-renowned adventurer and bestselling author of The Art of Resilience and The World’s Fittest Book, comes the ultimate blueprint to building a bulletproof body. ‘He’s an animal’ CHRIS HEMSWORTH ‘The inner workings of a sports science genius’ EDDIE HALL, former World’s Strongest Man Ross Edgley has spent decades perfecting the principles and practice of extreme fitness to achieve the impossible. Following a career-threatening injury in 2018, Ross was forced to reassess his ...
Data di rilascio : 2021-09-02 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 21,99 €
We all know we should exercise more – but many of us just don’t have time. The current NHS guidelines advise 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, and for people with busy lives that can feel like an impossible challenge. But what if you could get all the health and fitness benefits of that 150 minutes in far less time? Martin Gibala is one of the world's leading researchers into High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), the training protocol which has helped Joe Wicks sell 795k copies of ...
Data di rilascio : 2017-02-02 14,99 €
E' la storia di un mezzofondista veloce, che non ha mai voluto neanche sentir parlare di maratone e corse superiori ai 20 chilometri, ma con il tempo la psicologia del "correre forte" si modifica e camaleontica lo porta a scegliere tra gare indoor o la nuova esperienza di maratona. Sarà un'escalation di nuove sensazioni, sfide e pensieri che lo porteranno ad esordire a Firenze e a realizzare il suo sogno di concludere 42195 metri di corsa e a vivere tutta una serie di sensazioni nel post gara c...
Data di rilascio : 2015-01-18 4,99 €
Joe Friel is the world's most trusted triathlon coach and his friendly guide, Your First Triathlon , will get you ready for your first sprint or Olympic triathlon feeling strong, confident, and ready for the challenge. Friel has helped hundreds of thousands of people to enjoy the challenges of triathlon with his clear and comprehensive TrainingBible method. Your First Triathlon simplifies all the principles of Friel's training approach for newcomers who want a simple, no-nonsense way to train fo...
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 19,99 €
It’s time to re-invent your body, health and athletic performance. We’ve been brainwashed into believing that endurance athletes need carbohydrates in order to perform optimally, but nothing could be further from the truth. In this book you’ll find out why you don’t need as many carbohydrates as you think, and what you can do about it. Contents include: - Why Choose Low Carbohydrate? - Answering Objections to a Low Carb Diet - Diet Explanation & Overview - Easy-To-U...
Data di rilascio : 2012-05-22 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 13,99 €
From the authors of the bestselling ChiRunning comes a revolutionary program that blends the health benefits of walking with the core principles of T’ai Chi to deliver maximum physical, mental, and spiritual fitness. The low-impact health benefits of walking have made it one of the most popular forms of daily exercise. Yet few people experience all the benefits that walking can offer. In ChiWalking, Danny and Katherine Dreyer, well-known walking and running coaches, teach the walking technique...
Data di rilascio : 2009-11-24 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 13,99 €
The term “functional training” has been associated with a fair amount of controversy ever since it became part of the fitness training vernacular more than a decade ago. In Functional Training Anatomy , noted strength and conditioning specialists Kevin Carr and Mary Kate Feit cut through the clutter and misconceptions about functional training and cover all aspects of how to build a purposeful, effective, and efficient program that provides the strength, stability, and mobility you need to s...
Data di rilascio : 2021-02-24 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 28,99 €
Training and Racing with a Power Meter brings the advanced power-based training techniques of elite cyclists and triathletes to everyone. A power meter can unlock more speed and endurance than any other training tool―but only if you understand the data. This new third edition of Training and Racing with a Power Meter updates the comprehensive guide that was last published almost 10 years ago. Using this updated guide, any rider can exploit the incredible usefulness of any power ...
Data di rilascio : 2019-04-22 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 27,99 €
Quale sarebbe il tuo risultato sportivo se avresti sviluppato, oltre alla tua forma fisica, la tecnica e la condizione, anche le tue capacità mentali? Dove ti troveresti oggi se in competizione avessi sempre applicato le tue migliori prestazioni di allenamento? L'allenamento mentale per prestazioni atletiche d'altissimo livello ha l'obiettivo di rendere gli atleti mentalmente forti dall'interno verso l'esterno. Gli atleti che riescono a sfruttare al massimo la loro forza men...
Data di rilascio : 2018-06-22 8,99 €
The Cyclist's Training Bible is the bestselling and most comprehensive guide for aspiring and experienced cyclists. Joe Friel is the most trusted coach in the world and his proven cycling training program has helped hundreds of thousands find success in the sport. Joe has completely rewritten this new 5th Edition of The Cyclist's Training Bible to incorporate new training principles and help athletes train smarter than ever. The Cyclist's Training Bible equips cyclists of all abilities with ever...
Data di rilascio : 2018-05-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 27,99 €
Even among the most elite performers, certain athletes stand out as a cut above the rest, able to outperform in clutch, game-deciding moments. These athletes prove that raw athletic ability doesn't necessarily translate to a superior on-field experience—its the mental game that matters most. Sports participation—from the recreational to the collegiate Division I level—is at an all-time high. While the caliber of their games may differ, athletes at every level have one thing in common: the ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-01-14 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 7,49 €
This enhanced eBook includes 3D animations of over 75 rugby-specific stretches and exercises. With this enhanced eBook you will be able to see exactly how the exercises are performed. The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Rugby is the most comprehensive and up-to-date rugby-specific training guide in the world today. It contains descriptions and photographs of nearly 100 of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by athletes worldwide. This book features...
Data di rilascio : 2012-06-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 11,99 €
The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Swimming is the most comprehensive and up-to-date swimming-specific training guide in the world today. It contains descriptions and photographs of nearly 100 of the most effective weight training, flexibility, and abdominal exercises used by athletes worldwide. This book features year round swimming-specific weight training programs guaranteed to improve your performance and get you results. No other swimming book to date has been so well designed, so ea...
Data di rilascio : 2011-05-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 8,99 €
Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy, Second Edition, is the most comprehensive resource on muscle hypertrophy in the world. Written by Brad Schoenfeld, PhD, an internationally renowned expert on muscle hypertrophy, this book is the definitive resource for strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, sport scientists, researchers, and exercise science instructors who are seeking information regarding muscle hypertrophy, including the mechanism of its development, how the ...
Data di rilascio : 2020-04-20 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 57,99 €
★★★★★ "Lays out all the elements needed to succeed and excel at triathlon without compromising the other important things in your life like family, friends and sleep." In Fast-Track Triathlete, elite triathlon coach Matt Dixon offers his plan of attack for high performance in long-course triathlon—without sacrificing work or life. Developed for busy professionals with demanding schedules, the Fast-Track Triathlete program makes your PR possible in Ironman®, Iron...
Data di rilascio : 2018-01-31 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 25,99 €
'Chris is someone I've always looked up to. A true role model.' - Geraint Thomas, 2018 Tour de France winner An invaluable manual for cyclists of all ages, experience and ability, which will help them achieve peak performance. Full of practical advice, this book includes information on: Strength conditioning to improve your performance Targeted training plans to focus on strengthening weaker areas Bike care & maintenance Riding different terrains & environments Road cycling skills & ...
Data di rilascio : 2018-09-20 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 3,99 €
Begin losing 5, 10, or 20+ pounds in 4, 6, or 8 weeks! Matt Fitzgerald's Racing Weight Quick Start Guide applies all the principles of his best-selling book Racing Weight in a detailed set of weight-loss training plans. You will devote 4 to 8 weeks to starting a weight loss of 5, 10, or 20+ pounds. Lose weight quickly by following a schedule of high-intensity workouts and strength training as well as a menu of calorie-restricted, high-protein meals and snacks. Low-volume and ...
Data di rilascio : 2011-11-01 19,99 €
Written by a Lecturer in Sport and Fitness with over ten years' experience in teaching and devising degree modules, Sports Science: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key areas that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the basics in clear, jargon-free English and providing added-value features like summaries of key experiments and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam. Each ch...
Data di rilascio : 2015-12-03 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 3,99 €
The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery is the first comprehensive, practical exploration of the art and science of athletic rest. If you've hit a wall in your training, maybe it's because your body isn't recovering enough from each workout to become stronger. Hard workouts tear down the body, but rest allows the body to repair and come back stronger than before. Athletes who neglect their recovery will gain little from workouts, risking injury, overtraining, and burn out. The Athlete's Guide to Recov...
Data di rilascio : 2011-04-01 19,99 €
Tom Danielson's Core Advantage offers a simple, highly effective core strength program for cyclists. This comprehensive approach shows the 50 essential core workout exercises that will buil strength and endurance in the key core muscles for cycling—no gym membership required. Professional cyclist Tom Danielson used to have a bad back. He shifted in the saddle, never comfortable, often riding in pain. Hearing that core strength could help his back, he started doing crunches, which made matters ...
Data di rilascio : 2012-12-17 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 19,99 €
Natural Running is the middle ground runners have been looking for. By learning to run the barefoot way, while wearing shoes, runners will become more efficient, stronger, and healthier runners. Backed by studies at MIT and Harvard, running form and injury expert Danny Abshire presents the natural running technique, form drills, and an 8-week transition plan that will put runners on the path to faster, more efficient, and healthier running. In Natural Running, Abshire explains how modern running...
Data di rilascio : 2010-12-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 19,99 €
Fit, schlank und schön mit dem Metabolic-Power-Programm Wer fit sein will, muss nicht schwitzen: Nur sieben kurze Übungen täglich aktivieren die Muskeln, optimieren die Fettverbrennung, produzieren Glückshormone, stärken die Immunkraft und steigern geistige Leistungsfähigkeit und Konzentration. – Die ideale Ergänzung zum Bestseller »Die neue Diät«! Fit in zwei Minuten! Ob im Bett, im Bus oder im Büro – wer siebenmal am Tag an seine Muskeln denkt, gewinnt viel mehr als Kraft und Au...
Data di rilascio : 2010-10-19 13,99 €
This is a teaching book by Master Takeshi Shibata, former president of the All Nippon Kyudo Federation. He has written notes and explanations from which he teaches daily or at seminars. With the aid of many videos or photos, commentary is more precise and understandable. Master Shibata explains the following: 1. His wonderful Tenouchi 2. Precisely how to make and use the Tenouchi . 3. The import...
Data di rilascio : 2022-12-20 23,99 €
Widely regarded as one of America’s leading strength and fitness professionals, Brad Schoenfeld has won numerous natural bodybuilding titles and has been published or featured in virtually every major fitness magazine. Now the best-selling author brings his expertise to a resource that has everything needed for completing a total-body transformation in just six months. The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0, Second Edition, is packed with step-by-step directions for 106 of the most effective exercises and...
Data di rilascio : 2021-11-01 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 29,99 €
Train for your next race with the man who has been called “the world’s best running coach.” With more than 55 years of experience, Jack Daniels is a legendary figure in the running community. Named the National Coach of the Year by the NCAA and honored as the Division III Women’s Cross Country Coach of the Century, Daniels has mentored some of the greatest names in running, including Jim Ryun, Ken Martin, Jerry Lawson, Alicia Shay, Peter Gilmore, Magdalena Lewy-Boulet, and Janet Cherobon...
Data di rilascio : 2021-03-19 Genere:Sport e vita all'aperto 26,99 €