Troppo spesso, aver raggiunto un buon risultato non è sufficiente per ottenere un successo. Abbiamo portato a termine brillantemente un lavoro ma non abbiamo ottenuto la promozione; abbiamo lavorato sodo ma il nostro impegno non viene apprezzato come si dovrebbe; abbiamo avuto un'idea geniale ma non ce ne riconoscono il merito. Ci è sempre stato detto che il talento e una forte etica del lavoro sono la chiave per farsi strada nella vita, ma raramente nel mondo di oggi questi sforzi si traducon...
Data di rilascio : 2019-07-02 12,99 €
Die Gesetzlosen – Rocker gegen den Rechtsstaat Hells Angels, Bandidos, Outlaws oder Gremium – die Motorradclubs, die sich hinter diesen Namen verbergen, haben in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Die Rocker morden, erpressen, dealen, gehen mit Messern und Schusswaffen aufeinander und auf die Polizei los. Diese tut sich schwer damit, die Banden in Schach zu halten, auch wenn es in den letzten Monaten zu Verhaftungen, Razzien und Vereinsverboten gekommen ist. Doch ...
Data di rilascio : 2013-03-04 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 10,99 €
Timely and controversial, A Bed for the Night reveals how humanitarian organizations trying to bring relief in an ever more violent and dangerous world are often betrayed and misused, and have increasingly lost sight of their purpose. Drawing on first-hand reporting from hot war zones around the world - Bosnia, Rwanda, Congo, Kosovo, Sudan and, most recently, Afghanistan - David Rieff shows us what humanitarian aid workers do in the field and the growing gap between their noble ambitions and the...
Data di rilascio : 2014-07-31 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 12,99 €
Die Gangster von nebenan Auf den Straßen deutscher Großstädte tobt ein Machtkampf: Kriminelle arabisch-stämmige Clans haben in Berlin, Bremen, Dortmund oder Essen über Jahre Großstadtkieze erobert – und kaum jemand hat sie aufgehalten. Lange waren Polizei und Justiz machtlos gegen die um sich greifende Gewalt. Nun hat der Staat den Kampf mit den Familienbanden aufgenommen. Bereits seit 2003 verfolgen die SPIEGEL-TV-Reporter Thomas Heise und Claas Meyer-Heuer die kriminellen Machenschafte...
Data di rilascio : 2020-10-05 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 9,99 €
A brilliant anthology of modern true-crime writing that illustrates the appeal of this powerful and popular genre, edited and curated by Sarah Weinman, the award-winning author of The Real Lolita The appeal of true-crime stories has never been higher. With podcasts like My Favorite Murder and In the Dark, bestsellers like I’ll Be Gone in the Dark and Furious Hours, and TV hits like American Crime Story and Wild Wild Country, the cultural appetite for stories of real people doing terrible thing...
Data di rilascio : 2020-07-28 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 12,99 €
Retirement and Good Living “This book is packed with wise advice for anyone staring down the barrel of retirement.” ─ Marshall Goldsmith , business educator and New York Times bestselling author. #1 Best Seller in Aging and Volunteer Work Welcome to your new life of retirement and good living. Welcome to a purposeful retirement. Perfect retirement gift. Are you getting ready to simplify life and move from the world of work to a life of retirement and good living─to enter a happy re...
Data di rilascio : 2017-03-14 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 9,99 €
There is the guard who delivers blows with no visible traces. The fraudster stitched up by the police for murder. The man who refuses to lie for a packet of cigarettes. The abandoned teenager, the down-and-out, the grass... He describes a hidden world of brutality and corruption, yet one where moments of humanity still manage to shine through. One in ten Russian men pass through prison at some point in their lives. This book is a denunciation of an entire system of bureaucratic criminality, and ...
Data di rilascio : 2014-04-10 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 4,99 €
Denn wir wissen nicht, was sie tun - Über Ursachen, Formen, Auslöser und Konsequenzen von Gewalt - Ein konstruktiver Leitfaden für eine kontinuierliche Bearbeitung dieses Themas Gewalt an Schulen ist nicht erst seit Erfurt, Winnenden, Emsdetten und Ansbach ein immer wiederkehrendes Thema in den Medien und in der Öffentlichkeit. Der Gewalt unter Kindern und Jugendlichen stehen Erwachsene oft ohnmächtig gegenüber. Jörg Schmitt-Kilians Praxisbuch zur Prävention zeigt, wie Erwachsene mit jun...
Data di rilascio : 2010-08-13 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 11,99 €
For several years, Wally Lamb, the author of two of the most beloved novels of our time, has run a writing workshop at the York Correctional Institution, Connecticut's only maximum-security prison for women. Writing, Lamb discovered, was a way for these women to face their fears and failures and begin to imagine better lives. Couldn't Keep It to Myself, a collection of their essays, was published in 2003 to great critical acclaim. With I'll Fly Away, Lamb offers readers a new volume of intimate ...
Data di rilascio : 2009-03-17 Genere:Saggistica > Scienze sociali 9,99 €